Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty

BOOK: Freedom Saga 3: The Dawn of Liberty
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Dawn of Liberty

Marcus Johnson










Copyright © 2013 Marcus Johnson

Rights Reserved










one is for the fans. Thanks for all your support!




Chapter 1 - Zarite Raiders

Chapter 2 - Suicide Drive

Chapter 3 - Scouting Mission

Chapter 4 - A Day Off on Dega Jul

Chapter 5 - Knives in the Night

Chapter 6 - Seeing Lights

Chapter 7 - Mira’s Voice

Chapter 8 - Isolation

Chapter 9 - Countermeasures

Chapter 10 - Meeting of the Minds

Chapter 11 - Tctie’s Eyes

Chapter 12 - Quiet Moments

Chapter 13 - Investigation

Chapter 14 - Answering the Call

Chapter 15 - Civil War

Chapter 16 - Annoying Bugs

Chapter 17 - Sorting Things Out

Chapter 18 - Medical Questions

Chapter 19 - Noble Intentions

Chapter 20 - On the Approach

Chapter 21 - Swirling Clouds

Chapter 22 - The Battle of Viken

Chapter 23 - Gemini’s Blades

Chapter 24 - Savage Victory

Chapter 25 - A Day to Rebuild

Chapter 26 - The Emissary

Chapter 27 - A Stop on Dega Jul

Chapter 28 - Signs of Disaster

Chapter 29 - A Confounding Battle

Chapter 31 - Protecting the Queen

Chapter 32 - Preparing for the Run

Chapter 33 - Into the Black

Chapter 34 - A Battle of Vetres

Chapter 35 - Learning Trust

Chapter 36 - The Freedom’s True Power

Chapter 37 - The First Duchess

Chapter 38 - A Strange Welcome

Chapter 39 - Bases and Palaces

Chapter 40 - Battle in the Giant’s

Chapter 41 - The Second Duchess

Chapter 42 - Gathering Allies

Chapter 43 - The Battle of Ick-Tckt

Chapter 44 - Trading Blows

Chapter 45 - Echoes of the Mind

Chapter 46 - The Third Duchess

Chapter 47 - Communion

Chapter 48 - Departure





sat back from her computer after a long bout of typing. Her exoskeleton stood
empty near the door while she wore a red shirt that hung down to her knees.
After running her hand through her short black hair she turned off the monitor
and stood up to stretch.

enough for today,” she said.

quarters on the Raulno were large and sparse. In the main room was a bed and
table with a pair of
blades hanging on the wall. She went to her
side room and knelt before an open box. Inside the wooden doors was the
statuette of a Kalaidian man clad in the armor of a
centuries ago. Kivi closed her eyes and began meditating. After a while she
sensed the presence of someone and turned around. Standing in the shadows with
his hood down was Myden.

had a feeling it was you,” Kivi said.

stared at the figure in the box. “I didn’t know any of those survived.”

looked at the box before closing the doors. “My grandmother hid it her whole

and his teachings mean a lot to you, don’t they?” the Grey asked.

tale inspires me,” she answered. “Tell me, did you meet him when he was alive?”

smiled. “Raulno was a man much like Brian. Cast from the world he knew he was
forced to change his ways.”

you actually know him?” she asked.

was shortly after the machine god was activated,” Myden said. “Kalaidia looked
to be a peaceful and beautiful world. My heart was broken and I was searching
for a reason to live. As I looked into the desert I saw a lone man from the north
clad in all his glory. For ten days and nights we spoke about everything. It
was then he had his epiphany. After that history took its course.”

looked away. “I fear history will tell a much shorter tale for Brian.”

fate is his own,” Myden said. “The plan has specific goals, but nothing says it
can’t be changed. That’s the free spirit Raulno discovered. We have the ability
to change the outcome if we can see it in time.” He noticed concern in her
eyes. “Raulno’s destiny was to die alone in that desert. But instead he chose
to live. He unified the north and south of Kalaidia. In doing so he became the
first king of your people.”

lived to the age of eighty three,” Kivi said before smiling. “You have a way of
saying the right thing at the right time, you know that?”

laughed. “That’s one of the reasons I’m still alive.” He started fading away.
“Stay strong Kivi, the time will come when he’ll need you.”

will,” Kivi said.


* * *


sat in the Freedom’s medical lab as Mira scanned him. She shook her head as she
put down the instrument.

not looking good,” she said.

shrugged. “I’m not surprised. So how long do I have?”

we don’t activate them at all I’d say a few years,” Mira said.

sighed. “Sometimes I feel like I’m a lab experiment for some annoying higher

took his hand and placed something in it. “It’s not as compact as something my
father could make, but this will ensure you won’t leave us.”

opened his hand and saw silver locket. When he opened it he saw a picture of
himself with Seles and Mira. After a moment the picture changed to another of
him and Mira standing on a stage.


it near you at all times,” she said. “I won’t let you die, even if I have to
cheat to do so.”

smiled before putting it around his neck. “I understand. When the time comes
I’ll try pulling through without cheating.”

you want me to tell the others?” Mira asked.

meet with them soon,” he said. “For now, let’s not worry about it.”

she said before hugging him tightly with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want you
to leave me.”

won’t,” Brian said.

Mira said.


Chapter 1 - Zarite Raiders


Freedom and Raulno stealthily shadowed a contingent of Minan transport ships as
they collected minerals from a Kalaidian mining colony. The complex was in the
asteroid belt between Dega Five and Six. In the distance there were a number of
other mining colonies of Shandi, Odairan, and Minan ownership. Brian stood on
the bridge with Myden, Grigon, Jesela, and the four droids while watching the
monitors closely. Kivi appeared on the screen from the bridge of the Raulno.

doesn’t look like anything’s going to happen this time,” she said.

wouldn’t count on it,” Brian said.

think we’ve got something,” Jesela said.

put the image on the monitor for Brian and Kivi to review. It showed the
presence of ten medium class Malcovin ships and two hundred Talons with their
phase cloaks on.

Brian said.

pretty organized for pirates,” Kivi said. “Do you think?”

Brian said before hitting the com. “All mobile suits need to prepare for
battle. The details will be coming in a moment.”

I launch?” Kivi asked.

think Seles and Mira can take care of it,” Brian said. “Are you itching to get
out there?”

course,” Kivi said. “But I’ll refrain. Dreka and Kaela think I run off the
bridge too quickly.”

laughed. “I wish I had that problem,” he looked at Droid A, “send a warning to
the nearby colonies.”

course sir,” Droid A said.


* * *


Artemis and Siren launched from their bay as the other mobile suits of the
Freedom did the same. All had their phase cloaks up as they moved into
position. Seles noticed something in Mira’s eyes before turning her com to a
private channel.

something wrong?” Seles asked.

nodded before shaking the feeling off.

has something to do with Brian, doesn’t it?”

can’t hide it from you,” Mira said.

can give me the details after the battle,” Seles said. “Thanks for being honest
with me.”

said he’d speak with everyone about it soon,” Mira said.

sounds like Brian,” Seles said. “I’ll ring it out of him tonight.”

smiled. “That’s the spirit.”

battle plan appeared on their monitors.

is tiresome,” Seles said after looking it over.

can we do?” Mira asked. “Those who cling to the name of a dead king will fight

thoughts exactly,” Seles said. She pressed her com again. “Kyli, Tctie, your
squadrons will cut off their escape routes. Mira and I will attack them

commander,” Kyli said.

Tctie responded.

Artemis and Siren headed for the nearby colony as the Malcovin forces started
their attack. The enemy mobile suits swarmed the Minan ships and fired. The
Artemis and Siren went to intercept the enemy while Kyli and Tctie led the
Freedom’s mobile suits against the enemy fleet. As soon as the enemy detected
the mobile suits from the Freedom they turned about and began attacking with a
savagery unknown. Seles and Mira piloted masterfully out of the way while
evading a number of near misses.

no doubt now,” Seles said.

aren’t regular pirates,” Mira added.


* * *


cursed under his breath when the Malcovin attacked his forces. The Raulno
deployed its mobile suits to protect the two ships. The sensors showed a number
of the mobile suits preparing to invert their gravity drives. The Artemis and
Siren quickly destroyed the enemy before they could do so. The mobile suits
from the Freedom did the same to the ten Medium class ships before they could
turn about. When the Artemis and Siren headed back the other mobile suits

glad our plan worked,” Kivi said.

is our fault,” Brian said.

can’t anticipate everything Brian, you know that,” Kivi said. “All we can do is
put an end to their violent ways.”

cawed. “These fools were the puppets of Zaris, so it’s no surprise. Birds
without a master fly every which way.”

many ships do they have left?” Kivi asked.

to our last estimate the Zarite faction still has over four hundred ships and
five times that in mobile suits,” Brian said.

have a problem,” Jesela said.

monitor showed a hundred Malcovin ships coming out of gravity jump around the
two ships.

I think you should deploy,” Brian said.

have to agree,” she said before running off the bridge.

were trying to sniff us out,” Myden said.

we’re going to have to put an effort into it,” Brian said.


* * *


Gemini emerged from the Raulno and joined the Artemis and Siren. The mobile
suits from the Freedom gathered the others to guard the two ships.

the plan?” Seles asked.

a pair of arrows into their center,” Kivi said.

you wish,” Seles said.

Artemis lit up and landed on the Gemini before firing a massive beam into the
enemy fleet. Twenty three ships exploded as well as two hundred Talons. Seles
aimed and fired a second shot and destroyed another twenty ships and another
two hundred Talons. As she returned to normal the Artemis flew off the Gemini.
The enemy fleet spread out as fast as possible to strike them from a distance.
Kivi carefully noted how the enemy was moving.

I get the song system ready?” Mira asked.

Kivi said. “Our enemy is crafty.”

their formation they could evade most of your system’s effects,” Seles said.

should we do then?” Mira asked.

force them to come to us,” Kivi said. “Seles, deploy the Artemis’s reflector
plates in sniping mode.”

course,” Seles said.

three returned to the Freedom and Raulno. The Artemis’s reflector plates popped
off the frame and flew until they created a series of lines. Seles began the
bombardment with a shot from the cannon. The Gemini and Siren followed suit.
While the Malcovin forces took damage they continued spreading out before
approaching with deadly speed.

obvious they hate us,” Mira said.

rational thought they had died with their king,” Kivi said.

if they had any in the first place,” Seles said.


* * *


worked on a battle plan while the others defended the two ships. On the Raulno
Dreka had taken Kivi’s position as the commanding officer.

aren’t using conventional formations,” Dreka commented.

and that’s making it difficult to anticipate their next move,” Brian said.

shaking grew worse as the enemy ships and Talons closed in on all sides. The
three Maidens and the nearly two hundred defending mobile suits did their best
to eliminate anything getting too close.

avoiding the Siren,” Brian observed.

fear its power,” Dreka said. “Should we go on the offense?”

yet,” Brian said.

glanced at the nearby colony and noticed a number of Phase Raknas and Lance
Phalanxes surrounding it. The ships collecting materials moved within the
defensive perimeter.

least we don’t have to worry about them anymore,” Myden said.

Brian said.


* * *


three continued firing into the reflector plates but found the enemy was
dodging their attacks easier with each shot.

isn’t working,” Kivi said.

could try something else,” Mira said.

agree,” Seles said.

smiled as she hit the com. “Brian, Dreka, we’re going to try something.”

me it’s not stupid,” Brian said.

laughed. “If we live it won’t be.”

the answer I expected,” Brian said. “We’re counting on you to take care of this

on it,” Kivi said. “Alright, let’s try formation S-4.”

don’t remember training for that one,” Mira said.

because she’s making it up,” Seles explained. “S-4 means improvise.”

like it,” Mira said.

and I will stick to the front as we make our charge,” Kivi said. “Mira, be
ready to use your song system if they swarm us.”

ready anytime,” Mira said.

go,” Seles said.

three mobile suits flew in a triangle formation with the Siren in the back. At
the same time the reflector plates returned to the Artemis. As they moved closer
the enemy moved to surround them.


* * *


the battle a patrol group of six Confederation special task force ships moved
next to the colony. On the bridge of the lead ship Siata and commander Baeron
observed the fight between the Malcovin forces and the two ships.

might be in trouble,” Baeron said. “Should we lend a hand?”

yet,” Siata said. “Our mission is to protect the colonies.”

attacked the transport ships,” Baeron pointed out.

true,” Siata said. “If they need help we’ll move in.”

attacks have been too numerous of late,” Baeron said.

more frustrating when you consider the success the new government of their homeworld
is having,” Siata said. “Eight months ago they were in chaos after Zaris’s
regime fell and now they’re on track.”

because of the Malcovin work ethic,” Baeron said. “Idleness is not prized
amongst their race.”

think leadership is a factor as well,” Siata said.

change the subject back to the present,” Baeron said. “Should we deploy our

them out,” Siata said.


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