Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Don't (41 page)

BOOK: Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Don't
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Philadelphia, Pa.
Pickens, T. Boone
Pierce, Paul
Pinochet, Augusto
Pittsburgh, University of
political action committees (PACs)
politicians: free market, distrust of by; reputation and; special interests and
poor: judicial anti-corporate hostility and; oil prices and; price discrimination and
Popular Radio
Populist Party, Populists
Powell, Naomi
predation: Airbus and; American Airlines and; Brown & Williamson cigarette makers and; education and; government intervention and; large chains and; monopolies and; NASA and; post offices and; shorting and; weather forecasting and; Western Union and
price controls: black markets and; effects of; gasoline shortages (1970s) and; government and; oil and; oil prices and; pharmaceutical industry and; shortages and; as short-term remedy
price discrimination: airline tickets and; availability of products and services and; benefits of; business travelers and; colas, sale of and; full- vs. self-service gas and; innovation and; monopolies and; poor and; publishing industry and; quality and; in restaurants; society’s wealth and; textbook sales and
price gouging: hotels and; oil prices and; supply and demand and
“The Probability that a Real-Estate Agent is Cheating You” (Dubner)
Proctor & Gamble
professional licensing.
licensing, professional
profit: government-owned companies and; market share vs.
property taxation, elimination of
Public Campaign
Public Opinion Strategies
public schools.
publishing industry: copyrights and; monopolies and
radio broadcasting
Rasmussen Research
Reagan, Ronald
real estate agents: incentives for honesty and; Ku Klux Klan and; licensing, professional and
Rendell, Ed
rent control
Republican Party, Republicans: African Americans and; voter turnout, suppression of and
reputation: businesses and; campaign finance and; corporate fraud and; corporate honesty and; crime and; democracy and; free market and; importance of; as incentive for honesty; incumbents, protection of and; misunderstanding; playing by the rules and; politicians and; societal role of; transfer of; in universities
restaurants: inventory costs of; liquor, price of at; price discrimination in; smoking bans in; time cost of tables in
Reyes, Anita
Rice University
right-to-carry laws.
concealed-carry laws
Roberts, Russell
Rockefeller, John D.
Rockefeller Commission on Population and the American Future
Roe v. Wade
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Ruderman, S. G. “Rudy,”
Sanders, Bob
San Francisco Chronicle
Saturday, Jeff
Saudi Arabia
savings and loan crises (1980s)
Scalia, Antonin
Schumer, Charles
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
search-and-rescue teams
secondary markets, monopolies and
self-interest, economic
shortages: 1970s gasoline; Communism and; price controls and
Sierra Club
Skogan, Wesley
Smith, Adam; economic self-interest and; licensing, professional and; prices and incentives and
Smith, Jeffery
Smith, Robert
smoking bans
Social Security
Soros, George
Souter, David H.
South Africa
South Carolina
Southwest Airlines
Soviet Union
special interests: campaign finance and; politicians and
Standard Oil
Stanford University
State University of New York
St. Clair County, Ill.
Stein, Ben
Stern, Howard
Stevens, John Paul
Stewart, Martha
St. Louis County, Mo.
stock diversification
Stratmann, Thomas
Streiff, Christian
Stupid White Men
subsidies, government: concealed-carry laws and; education and; free-riding problems and; government intervention and; LoJack antitheft device and; taxation vs.
voting; women’s suffrage
Sunoco Gas Station
supply and demand: oil prices and; price gouging and
Supreme Court, U. S.: abortion and; campaign finance and; death penalty and; eminent domain and;
Miranda v. Arizona
and; monopolies and; reputation and
Swarthmore College
Swartz, Mark H.
Switzer, Barry
Synon, Mary Ellen
Syverson, Chad
Taborsky, Edward
Taneja, Krishan
taxation: black markets and; as coercive; oil and; poll; property; subsidies vs.
Taylor, Jason
Texas, University of
textbook sales
Thayer, George
Thomas, Clarence
Thuwe, Inga
tobacco industry; predation and; smoking bans and
totalitarianism, education and
travel: airline; price discrimination and
Treasury Department, U. S.
Trump, Donald
Tuck Business School
“TV Nation,”
Tyco International Ltd.
United Kingdom
United States: crime rates ina; education, public in; oil industry in; out-of-wedlock births in; pharmaceutical industry in
U. S. Civil Rights Commission
U. S. Forest Service
U. S. Postal Service
U. S. Sentencing Commission
universities: funding for; hiring practices of; incentives and; private interests and public policy in; reputation and; tenure system in
UPS Overnight
USA Today
Victoria Jackson Gray Adams, et. al. v the Federal Election Commission, et. al.
Vietnam War
vote buying
voter fraud: absentee ballots and; African Americans and; in Florida; hot spots for; identification requirements and; pre-election day voting and; registration by mail and.
See also
voting: education, public and; Election 2000 and; felon; gender gap and; incentives and; literacy tests and; media and; poll taxes and; punch-card; secret ballots and; voter fatigue; voter turnout, suppression of and; voting machines and; Voting Rights Act (1965) and.
See also
voter fraud; women’s suffrage
Voting Rights Act (1965)
wages: licensing, professional and; minimum wage regulations and
Waksal, Samuel
Wall Street Journal
Washington, D. C.
Washington, University of
Washington Post
Washington State
The Wealth of Nations
weather forecasting
Weil, Douglas
Western Union
Wharton Business School
Whitley, John,
Will, George
Wilson, Albert J.
Wilson, James Q.
women’s suffrage: effect of; government and; marital status and; voting turnout and.
See also
worker compensation insurance
worker’s rights
Wyeth Laboratories
Copyright © 2007 by John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lott, John R.
Freedomnomics / John Lott.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-596-98133-1
1. Free enterprise. I. Title.
HB95.L68 2007
Published in the United States by
Regnery Publishing, Inc.
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