Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2 (6 page)

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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“Hmm. Things. What kind of things?”

“Something small.” I don’t want to get up but I want to give her the gift. Kissing her, I hop up and rummage through my bag until my hand lands on it.

“Here.” I smile and hand her the box.

She grins. Upon opening the box, she gasps and then sits motionless looking at the box’s contents. Finally, she says in a small voice, “It’s so beautiful.” Her finger traces the delicate design as she holds it in her hand.

It’s a gold filigree locket that I had designed especially for her. On it is an intricate heart entwined with an abstract rod of Asclepius, the symbol associated with medicine and health care.

“This is … did you design this?”

“I had a little help,” I confess. “I’ve wanted to give you something special for the longest time and I know how you are with this type of thing. So I sort of came up with this idea. The rod of Asclepius is obvious, but the heart is, well, for my last name. If you look closely, our initials are in there too. But it opens up. Look inside.”

She does. Inside is a picture of us lasered into the metal.

With tears in her eyes, she says, “This is by far the best gift I’ve ever received.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

She pounces on me. “Love it, not like. I’m never taking it off,” she says as she puts it on.

My finger touches it on her chest. “It looks lovely against your ivory skin.”

“You always say the nicest things to me.”

Lifting the bedcovers, I say, “I wish I could give you the world. But I don’t say the nicest things. I could say more, but sometimes I’m afraid.”

“Afraid? Of what?”

My tongue pokes the inside of my cheek. “Scaring you off.”


“Because I want you forever, Gabriella, but something’s about to happen and I’m worried that it will interfere with my plans. I’m worried how you’ll feel about me.”

“What do you mean? You talk in riddles. I don’t understand.”

“I know. Promise me something. Remember this night. This locket. And that I love you more than anything. Even my own life.”

“Kolson, you’re frightening me.”

“I don’t mean to, but just promise me.” I need to hear her say the words.

“I promise.”

We fall asleep in each other’s arms, her head on my chest, right after I make sure all the curtains are wide open and the bedside light is on. Sometime in the middle of the night, I wake up when I hear a thump.


“What’s wrong?” I’m out of bed in a flash, trying to find Gabriella. She’s in the bathroom.

“Nothing. I stubbed my pinkie toe.”

I fall back in bed on my stomach and she gets in too.

“What a fine sight you are,” she says.


“You’re tempting me.”

Lifting my head, I ask, “What do you mean?”

“That ass of yours.”

Before I know what she’s up to, I feel her tongue leave a hot, wet streak across my left cheek.

“Christ, kea. If you keep that up, there won’t be much sleep for you tonight.”

She disregards me. The next lick is accompanied by the addition of her teeth. I hiss. I try not to, but damn. Then she sinks her teeth into my ass. A full-on bite. Not hard, but not soft, either. And she sucks.

“Oh, fuck.” The muscles in my abdomen jolt in response and my cock reacts. It’s now stiff and at an awkward angle, so I slip my hand underneath me to adjust.

“Don’t you dare touch yourself,” she says, voice husky with passion.

“Sorry, but I had to. It was uncomfortable.”

She bites me again.

“Ahh.” I wriggle around. She runs her fingers down my crack and wiggles them so she can reach my sac. Next she squeezes me as she sucks where she just bit me. I feel her tongue licking me and I wonder why the hell I never thought of doing this to her.

“Spread your legs for me.”

Oh hell, if she keeps this up, I’m going to come on the sheets.

Her delicate hands massage my balls and she sucks, bites, and licks the cheeks of my ass. My cock is so hard; I’m not sure how much more I can stand.

“Jesus, Gabriella, are you trying to kill me?”

“Don’t you dare come. Do you hear me? I want to lick and suck you dry, babe. You’re not allowed to come yet.”

Ohmygod. Where did this all come from? She’s never done this before. It’s like she’s giving me a reverse blow job. And then she bites me again. My ass is going to be bruised.

“You really have the greatest ass.” Her mouth works me over like that peach she was talking about.

“Kea, if you don’t want me to come, you’re either going to have to stop or let me flip and fuck you. Because I can’t hold back much longer.”

“Flip, then, but you’re not going to fuck me. I’m sucking you off.”

Rolling over, she’s on my dick like she’s been waiting for it all day. She slides it in her mouth and her tongue works up and down my shaft, making it harder than it already is. Just when I think I can’t possibly take anymore, my balls tighten as she bites and sucks the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. Holy hell! Where did she come up with this? I’m going to be covered with bruises from ass to knees, but do I care? Hell no!

Her hot mouth covers my head and her tongue plays with my piercing. Back and forth, she flicks her tongue, whipping me into an even bigger frenzy. My heart is hammering so hard, I briefly wonder how it can stay inside my chest. She takes as much of me as she can into her mouth, then pulls back and keeps her hand tight at the base, pumping and squeezing. I groan as I feel her teeth gently drag up my shaft while her hand pumps and squeezes me. Her mouth and tongue continue to work their magic.

“Fuck. I’m going to come.”

Her mouth drops down until I’m as far as she can manage and she looks up at me. Our eyes connect and lock, and she pulls back and then draws me back in. Hard. Groaning, my fingers sink into her hair and I hold her with both hands as I climax into her mouth. She hums and the vibrations make me come even harder. She sucks and licks every last drop, paying particular attention to my piercing. Jesus, what the hell

When my spasms cease, my hands are still in her hair, caressing her head and face. It takes a few minutes until my breathing normalizes. Totally mind-blowing.

“What the fuck was that all about?” I ask.

“Did you like it?”

“Like it? Fuck! It was … WOW!”

“Yeah. Told ya your ass was sweet. I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.”

“Why haven’t you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t worry. I’m going to return the favor one day. But right now I want to do something.”

“What’s that?”

“I want you to ride my face.”

She hops aboard and I do my thing. She is so damn sweet, from her taste to the sounds she makes when she comes. There’s nothing better than Gabriella. And I know this is all going to come to an end. I can see it crumbling before my eyes. The dragon … the way he eyed her tonight. He knows she’s my weakness and he’s going to make my debt somehow involve her. I’m not sure how, but he will. And I’ll have to leave her in order to save her.

She tenses and clasps my arms. Then the sighs and whimpers that squeeze my heart and turn it inside out hit me and she comes all over my mouth and tongue. And tonight it’s the saddest sound for me because I know I won’t be hearing it much anymore.

“Kolson, you’re hurting my legs. You’re holding me too tight.”

I let her loose. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was lost in the moment.”

She sighs again. “So was I. That was …” She slides down and kisses me full on.

“Kolson, why do I get the feeling that something’s wrong?”

“Because we’re in this shithole right now.”

“And that’s all? Promise me you’re not holding anything back?”

“You know how I hate it here.” I hate not telling her the truth, but I can’t. Not ever. Not about what I did and my role in Danny’s death.


“Let’s get some sleep. We’ll leave right after breakfast. I love you. You are, by far, the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

She wraps herself around me. I wish I could stay awake and cherish each moment I have left with her, and not waste a second on sleep.






As the sun creeps over the horizon, I nudge Gabriella awake.

“I’m going to take a quick shower. Didn’t know if you wanted to join me.”

She stretches and says, “A shower only?”

“Why don’t you come and find out?” Taking her hand, I gently pull her out of bed. She protests a little, but it won’t last. I’ll make it up to her. And I do. She loves our shower time. Especially when I get her all soapy—and slippery—everywhere.

When we’re clean, I wrap her in a towel first, and then myself. Her skin is pink from the combination of our lovemaking and the heat of the water and I find that I haven’t had my fill of her. “Did I wash you clean? I think I missed a spot.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know. I think I forgot to wash your pussy.”

Her mouth drops open. I yank off the towel, pick her up, and toss her on the bed. “It’s okay, though. I can bathe you with my tongue.”

“Kolson, you are insatiable.”

“Yes. I am. For you. Only you.” My head moves between her thighs and my tongue begins to bathe her softness. I
insatiable when it comes to her. Her taste is better than anything. And maybe it’s because I know I will miss this more than anything … our closeness, our bond … but I can’t seem to get enough right now.

Her moans, every sound she emits, urges me on. I suck, I draw on her; I lick and drive as deep into her as I can until I feel her quiver around me. When she comes on my tongue, I’m not sure which of us derives the most pleasure. I give her a few more licks and then I kiss her. It’s like the final act for me. I have to kiss her mouth afterward.

“Now, kea, I believe you have a pristine pussy.”

“You are a very bad man, Kolson Hart.”

“Hmm. And all this time, I thought I was very good.”

“Tell me. Please. I know there’s something. You can trust me.”

God, I want to. But I can’t. My pained expression must tell her all sorts of things. “I trust you with my life, kea. And I love you that much more. Shall we get dressed?”

Now it’s her expression that’s pained. I’ve hurt her and I don’t want to. But this is something I cannot possibly share with her.

“Can we wear jeans?” she asks.

“Yes. That’s what I’m wearing.”

We dress, pack, and head down for breakfast. My hopes are to beat everyone so we only have to say a quick goodbye before we leave. Unfortunately, the dragon is already down here. We pass by the dining room as we head to the car.

“Not staying for breakfast?” he asks.

“Yeah, we need to put this stuff in the car first.”

He nods. I don’t see my mother. I hope we don’t have to wait long for her to show up.

After we load the car, we join my dad for breakfast. Pancakes for Gabby, an omelet for me, coffee all around. Mother joins us a few minutes later. Conversation is inane, as usual, with her: the weather, summer ending in a couple of weeks, how she’ll have to start pulling out her winter clothes soon. Our food arrives and we eat. It’s all very uncomfortable for us. Mom fidgets and Gabby picks at her food as I inhale mine.

When we’re finally finished, my father delivers his blow.

“Kolson, I’d like to have a word. In private.”

Gabriella glances at me. Mom is her usual bobble head. I rise and follow him into his office down the hall.

“So, I’ve been thinking about your debt.”

“I imagine you have. I was wondering when you would tell me.”

“I want you back in the family business,” he says.

“That’s not possible.” I’m fuming inside. I walked away from him and his unscrupulous methods years ago to start HTS.

“Oh, it is. You agreed to pay back the debt, Kolson. And that’s part of the payback.”


“Uh-huh. The other part is I want HTS.”

“That’s not possible. And not only is it not possible, it’s nonnegotiable.”

“Kolson, you’re not listening. You agreed to pay a debt. That’s the payment I require. When you agreed, it was my choice as to what the payment would be. You have no say in this matter. And son, everything is negotiable. You should know that. I taught you as much.”

My jaw clenches so tightly, I fear for the integrity of my teeth. The fucking bastard wants to take me apart, piece by piece. I expected this, but hearing it is worse than imagining it.

“I’ll give you a month to get your affairs in order, including turning HTS over to me. And then you can report back here as an employee of Hart and Sons Entertainment Incorporated. We’ll be glad to have you back. I want you in Vegas running that arm of the business. You’ll love it out there.”

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