Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2 (8 page)

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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Then the fun begins. With my hands on his shoulders, we move to our rhythm. And it’s beautiful. He not only moves in and out but also has this way of rotating his hips so his piercing hits all the right places inside me. Everything he does makes me come all over the place. And it’s high intensity. My back is against a wall as he pushes into me over and over and when my orgasm hits, his name rolls off my tongue like a litany. Fingers press into the soft flesh of my ass and squeeze as he gets his own and growls, not so much as groans, and it’s so damn sexy I want to start all over again.

“It’s always better than the last.”

“Yes, it is.”

“I used to think I’d get tired of this, but now, I’m sure I won’t ever.”

He laughs at me. “Why would you ever think that?”

“It’s what everyone always says.”

He harrumphs. “That’s because they don’t know how to fuck to begin with. They’re afraid to play. They don’t use toys when necessary. They don’t experiment.”

“Is that what you think?”

“Sure. If things get stale with us, I’ll pull out my bag of tricks. I’m not opposed to trying anything, as long as it meets with your approval.”

“Okay. I love sex with you and I hope we can always be like this.”

He walks us to the shower and we bathe together.

Not long after, we head to the restaurant, famished from exertion. Traffic isn’t bad so it doesn’t take Sam very long to get us there.

Giuseppe greets and escorts us to our table. He annoys Kolson as he fawns over me, but I think it’s funny. Soon, plate after plate of food sits on the red-and-white-checkered tablecloth, and we eat until our stomachs can’t take any more.

“I’m going to have to unbutton my jeans. I can’t breathe,” I say.

“You have to have the dessert.”

“I don’t think I can,” I groan. “I’m in pain. I think I’m going to pop.”

“Poor Giuseppe. He’ll have quite the mess here. Not to mention all that food you just wasted.”

I giggle. “I have to let it settle.”

“Gabriella, you’d better have a hollow leg, then.”

“Oh God, don’t make me laugh. I hurt.”

He chuckles. His hand pats my belly. “Yeah, it does feel a bit rounded out there. I rather like it.”

“Ugh. How can you like it? I’m like a lard ball.”

“No, uh-uh. You just look pregnant.”

“What? Pregnant! I …” I sputter.

He laughs. The man has the nerve to laugh.

“How can you say that?” I’m insulted.

“You look adorable. Like you swallowed a tiny melon. Or maybe a grapefruit. That kind of pregnant.”

“Okay. For starters, never ever, under any circumstance, even when she is pregnant, tell a woman she looks pregnant. That’s the last thing she wants to hear.”

“But …”

I shut him up with the palm of my hand.

“Second, it’s never adorable to tell a woman she looks like she swallowed a tiny melon. Ever. Got that, Skippy?”

He has a dumbfounded expression on his face. It’s quite comical, but I refuse to let him know that. He has to learn his lesson.

“But …”

“Abso-fucking-lutely no buts. Not ever. Am I clear?”

“Yes. Extremely.”

“Good.” I smile sweetly at him. He still looks like he’s been blindsided by a cross between Lord Voldemort and Miss Piggy.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“I am now. Still full, though. Ate too much, you know.”

He scrapes his lower lip with his teeth. I now have the urge to bite that lip.

I lean on the table and whisper, “Come here a sec.”

He leans closer to me and I trap his lip in a bite. Then I suck it and kiss him.

“Jesus, Gabriella. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Mmm. Fine.” But I’m not sure if I’m fine or not. I’m erratic. My emotions are all over the place. It’s him, but since he won’t talk, I’ll deal with it the only way I know.

“So how are Ryder and Skylina?”

I smile. “Funny you should ask. I’m meeting Sky for lunch tomorrow. I’ve been swamped at work and haven’t had a chance to see her. Ryder is busy with school. He’s deep into the semester already and she’s complaining she’s not seeing him enough.”

“I can imagine. He’s trying to get out of school early so he can get into law school. His class load is heavy. No wonder they never see each other.”

“Yeah, he’s at the library a lot. Sky says he lives there.”

We both laugh, then I add, “I remember living in the library during med school. Not fun at all.”

Giuseppe brings dessert and I want to die when I look at it. One bite is all I’m good for, but damn if it doesn’t curl my toes.

“You were right,” I say.

“About what?”

“The last time we were in here. I said this dessert was better than sex. You said it wasn’t better than sex with you. You were right. It’s not. And there’s something else. There’s not a damn thing on this earth that’s better than sex with you, Kolson Hart.”

He beams.






It’s been three weeks since my dad’s request. Demand is more like it. I haven’t heard a word. I don’t expect to. It’ll come after the thirty-day mark. All my plans are in place. Everything is set. But it’s killing me because once I drop off the face of the earth, Gabriella is the one who will suffer the most.

Today we meet with her parents and I’m glad we’re doing this while I’m still around. I’m sure they want to put this behind them. But I want them to suffer … to pay for what they did to her.

Sam and I pick her up and head to Stan’s office where the meeting is to be held.

“You okay?” I ask.

“Yeah. I’m good. Just want it all to be over.”

She clutches my hand with her icy one. I hope I can soothe her. We walk into Stan’s conference room and a few minutes later, her parents enter. She grasps my hand and I know she is freaking.

Stan makes the unnecessary introductions and I only grace them with a brief flick of my head. I don’t want to acknowledge the fucking pieces of shit. What kills me is how they look like fine members of society. Probably go to church every Sunday. Belong to the right clubs. Hell, they probably donate to women’s shelters to help abuse victims. Fuckers. Hypocrites.

Her dad starts right away. “Gabby, your mother and I want to put this foolish stuff behind …”

I stop this conversation.

“Don’t you dare speak another word.” I’m furious. Then I say, “Stan.”

Stan continues, “Mr. Martinelli, my client has made her wishes known. A public acknowledgement of what took place, how you knew it was occurring, and how you chose not to do anything to help her is what she wants. That is what our offer is. Take it or leave it.”

Gabriella squeezes my hand. “Dad, he’s right. I want nothing more or less. I care not for your precious money. I just want you to acknowledge the fact that I came to you and told you Danny was raping me. Repeatedly. Yet you chose to ignore me. I even tried to kill myself. And you, Mom, your damn vodka was more important to you than your own daughter.”

What her mother says surprises us all. “I’m not drinking anymore. And if your father won’t speak the truth, I will.”

Her father turns to her mother. “Shut your damn mouth.” John Martinelli’s face is crimson with rage.

She bows her head, cowed into silence by him. This just got interesting.


She doesn’t say a word.

“So we’re back to this, then. I stand firm. I’ll take this to court and drag your name through the mud. I’ll bring in the psychiatrist who treated me and do everything I can to make you look like the shit parents you were. And then I’ll have Kolson here testify to the texts and letters he read from Danny that I received while he stalked me. Oh, and I’ll bring Case Russell in too. And the police, when Danny tried to abduct me from the restaurant. It all will crumble down around you, Dad, and make you look like an idiot. Acknowledge it publicly, apologize, and be done with it. Or you’ll be ruined. Well, you’ll be ruined either way. Who the fuck will want someone like you, someone with zero integrity, representing them in a court of law? Oh, I know, maybe rapists and child molesters.”

“That’s enough, Gabriella.”

“No, it will never be enough. And don’t ever call me that. I’m Gabby to you. Only one man has earned the right to call me that and it certainly isn’t you.”

Fuck! She just slam-dunked him. And he’s withering like a damn flower in the Sahara.

She turns to Stan. “I think we’re done here.” And we walk out, hand in hand.

When we get to the car, I feel her trembling. “You okay?” I ask.

“Shit. I don’t know.”

I usher her into the car and get in behind her.

“For someone who isn’t sure, you just handed him his ass.”

“I put on a good show.”



“You need to have more confidence in yourself. You’re intelligent. You think fast on your feet. You went head-to-head with someone who scared the shit out of you your whole life and still does it to your mother. And you didn’t bat an eye. You’re more than capable of taking on anyone, Gabriella. You put him in his place like a champ. I would put you up against anyone. In fact, you’d make one hell of a business partner.”


“Hell yes. Think about it. You went through med school and dealt with asshole doctors all the time. Didn’t that teach you something about confidence?”

“You’re right. It did. But I always think it only applies to my field.”

“Wrong. Your passion overrules everything when you believe in something. You were amazing in there.”

She looks at me and I see the doubt leaving her. A tentative smile breaks the tension on her face and she asks, “You’re being honest?”

“Completely. And I’ll take it a step further. I’ve spent a lot of time in contract negotiations and business dealings. You’re good, kea. Really good.”

Now she honors me with a huge grin that lights up her face. It makes me want to melt and cry at the same time. Because that’s a look I’m going to miss. God, I’m going to miss it.

She hugs me and I’m glad for it because now she can’t see the sadness that clouds my eyes.

“Thank you for always being here for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

I hug her back. Hard. Because I don’t know how the fuck I’m going to survive a day without her. I can barely suck oxygen in just thinking about it. I feel my body fragmenting already. Fuck. What am I going to do?

“God, I love you, Gabriella.” I can’t bring myself to let go of her, even though Sam has stopped us in front of her office, the car idling.

“I love you too, babe.” She nuzzles my neck and I just can’t release her. “You okay?”

“Hmm. Just wanting to hold you for a while.” What a flimsy excuse.

“Well, I better get back.”

“‘Kay.” I let her loose and get out. When she walks away, I know a part of me leaves too.




Gabriella is on her knees, back to my chest, and I’m deep within her. “Damn, you’re so sexy. Look at your breasts. Your nipples are dark and rosy with desire. You have such a beautiful pussy. All slick and soft but tight around my cock. You’re so fucking beautiful, my kea.” The view in the mirror is unmatched.

Her breathing is heavy with lust as she watches me play with her stiff peaks. My hips thrust hard into her and she lets out a deep sigh when I touch her clit with my pinky. My hand is splayed across her abs and I love to reach down as I push into her. One of her arms circles my neck and her hand weaves into my hair. The more I rub her clit and sway against her, the harder she yanks on my hair. And the louder she moans.

“Ah, yes. Just like that. I love that right there.”

I do it again and again. Until she is one lusty, shaking mess from her orgasm and then I follow suit. My cock fires into her, bathing her until her inner muscles squeeze every last bit of cum out of me.

But I’m not finished with her. It’s my turn to nibble on her ass, the way she did mine. After I settle her face down on the bed, I move over her, but I hate to pull out. So I kiss her shoulder. Moving her hair to the side, I lick her neck.

“Hmm, you taste so good. As always.”

Eventually, I slip out of her and make my way to her delectable ass. Rosy and shaped the way it should be, I sink my teeth in and hear her squeal first and then giggle. She won’t giggle for long. Soon she moans her soft little sounds. But when I wedge her legs apart and get lower, biting the crease where her ass meets her thighs, she starts to go nuts.


My tongue licks. My mouth sucks. My teeth bite. And my thumbs separate her cheeks so I can get close to her most sensitive areas. She writhes against me and begs for more.

“What do you want, kea?”

“I … I don’t know. More!”

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