Fresh Cut Romance (13 page)

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Authors: Dee Dawning

BOOK: Fresh Cut Romance
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Stop and S
ock driving range My body heat soared as if someone had turned my personal thermostat up to a hundred. I reveled in the feelings he'd engender.
Julian suddenly began to hum and the tickly feeling added another dimension to the plethora of sensations he'd perpetrated on my swollen, ultra-sensitive clitoris. Humming, sucking, licking, blowing, breathing, lapping, wriggling erotic sensations coursed through me while, his fingers flicked, pinched, plucked, circled, and tweaked the responsive nubs on my breasts.

My groans became whimpers, my breathing a series of hard gasps. A giant orgasm closed in and I wanted it bad. I wanted to claim my
big prize
. "Oh Yes, yes, baby. I love the way you eat me. I'm so fucking close, sweetheart. Just a little more, baby." I ground my sexual depression deeper into his mouth. Breathing through his mouth, Julian sucked air past my aroused sensitive areas, adding a new consciousness to my carnal bombardment when this sucking drew cooling air past my over-heated, over-stimulated bundle of nerves.

Then like a meteor shower falling from the heavens, a sexual storm crashed upon me, burying me in a whirlpool of heavenly stimulations. They must have heard me clear in the next block as I screamed louder than a banshee from the tingling, twittering currents pulsing through me like shock waves. "Oh, my fucking God!" One of my hands fell from the headboard to his scalp, forming a tight fist around locks of his dark brown hair. My wild, gyrations, from preternatural sensations that surged through me, would likely have appeared to anyone who might have been watching like Lady Godiva riding a bucking bronco. I maintained my left hand on the headboard while my right grasped and ripped tufts of poor Julian's wavy locks as if it had been a saddle horn.

Convulsing, my wobbly legs collapsed upon him, my sexual saddle now resting on his chest between an impressive pair of pecs. I gasped for breath, however, he wasn't finished. His hands now free of my breasts moved in for a sexual reprise. Reaching behind me Julian squeezed my buttocks tightly as I twisted and fidgeted in ecstasy

Panting, I slid down and settled, lying atop him. I kissed him aggressively, tasting myself upon his lips and tongue. I cradled his beautiful cheeks and kissed him on the nose. "God, that felt good." I rolled off Julian and lay beside him.

Julian waggled his eyebrows and ran his hand tenderly across my mound. "Eating your fabulous, sm-o-o-th pussy is a treat."

I giggled. "You should've seen the forest I had before Teresa talked me into getting a Brazilian Wax."

Julian slipped out the bed and stretched, his sexy cock jutted out, seemingly right at my mouth.

I puffed up a couple pillows and I laid them against the headboard. "What are you doing?"

"I seem to have developed a kink in my back." He turned around and rubbed his lower back to show me.

"Come over here. Let me rub it."

He stepped around the bed and edged up until his backside was close enough to rub him. I touched him in the spot where he'd touched. "There."

"Yes. Ooh, that feels good."

"How's that?"

"Great. Nothing like being massaged by an extraordinarily beautiful nurse."

I smiled. I couldn't help, but admire his taut ass and rippled back muscles. "
. I love the dimples in your buns."

No sooner had I said that, than he started flexing his buttock muscles. "How do you like that?"

Seeing him like that was getting me aroused again. "I think you need a special carnal exercise."

He snickered. "Yah. Like what?"

"Where you get up here on the bed and straddle me. You know, the way I did when you just ate my pussy." Grinning, I reached around him and stroked his raging hard on.

He tensed, then relaxed. "Sounds good, you naughty girl. Then what?"

I giggled. "I am becoming a naughty girl. I open my mouth and you stick
in." I squeezed his cock.

He laughed. "Is that what you want to do? You want me to get on my knees in front of you and fuck your mouth?"

"Ah-huh. I wouldn't put it quit so indelicately, but yes that's the exercise I have in mind. So get your man thing over here before I change my mind."

"Don't do that." He mounted the bed and lifted one leg over my thighs. Facing me, his rigid male flesh was mere inches from my mouth. "Like this?"

Immediately, the musky aroma of his sex wafted into my nostrils. "Yep. I'm surprised an experienced fellow like you hasn't tried this." Wrapping my fingers around him again, he stiffened and rested his large hands on the top the headboard, like I had.

Continuing to stroke him, I ran my tongue the length of his shaft. "Mmm you taste good." Showing off, I ran my tongue across my upper lip. Then, I lowered my head and wrapped my mouth around one of his testicles. "Mmm, Love them Rocky Mountain Oysters."

"Very funny."

Running my tongue up and down his shaft, it didn't take long to get Julian wriggling and squirming. I took extra care kissing and laving the soft, sweet spot, just below the crown of his manhood. With him groaning, I enfolded my lips around his cockhead and slowly impaled my mouth around his silky shaft. I sensed the tension in him. His good sized member filled my mouth. There was room for nothing else, but I managed to stretch my mouth around him, making sure my abrasive teeth were out of the pathway. As I moved my mouth up and down on his manhood, I stroked him with my right hand.

I liked sucking Julian's cock. It was sexy, felt good in my mouth and I liked the control it gave me over him. It seemed as if my warm mouth performed therapeutic mouth to cock resuscitation. "God girl, you're driving me bonkers."

I pulled away. "How's the pain?"

He looked confused and I smiled when he asked, "What pain?" Gradually, he took over the action by pushing in on my down strokes. After awhile he took over all the work. Holding my head still, with his fist wrapped around my long hair, he'd withdraw his shaft to the plum colored ridges and let my tongue swirl over his tender underside. Moaning from my actions, he would plunge the length of him clear to the back of my throat, causing discomfort as I fought off a gag reflex. Then he pulled outward, repeating the procedure repeatedly—literally fucking my mouth.

I looped my hands around his thighs, kneaded his taut, muscular buns as I pulled him in on his inward stroke. Plunging his brimming cock in and out of my mouth, his breathing grew heavy. As I sucked, he tensed, his well toned muscles rippling. After a minute or so of his stroking my mouth, I pulled away. "Do you like what I'm doing?"

"Ye-s-s. Your mouth feels like a slice of heav…Valhalla."

I snickered. "You were going to say heaven weren't you?"

He chuckled.

"I'm glad you like it, I do too." I slipped my lips back around his tasty staff and once again he plunged in."

It didn't take long before his moans became deep guttural groans and his breathing became a series of short gasps. I grasped his scrotum and tightened my fingers around his balls, the way he liked, which seemed to propel him over the edge. His movements became jerky, almost awkward and then he blurted out, "Oh, Christ, look out baby, I'm cum-i-i-ing."

Convulsing, he pulled out of my mouth and wild spurts of cum exploded forth from his bold upright cock. After an initial eruption of five or six potent spurts with some even reaching my hair, each succeeding squirt diminished in intensity. After a short time, the force of the thick, creamy white fluid reduced to a stream running down his shaft, some of which ran over my hand.

I looked for a place to wipe my hand off then decided to lick it. After I'd licked it, I licked his shaft and he groaned. "Careful, you'll make me cum again."

I flashed a wicked stare. "Oh, you're going to cum again alright, but not from blow jobs. I want to feel
Valhalla, too."


After round two, counting the round before breakfast, we took a break. I couldn't wait to tell my sister and father, so I called them and I think Julian did the same.


"Teresa. It's me."

"Hi baby. How did it go with your order?"

"It went fine. She's very understanding. I guess a couple sisters renounce their vows each year. She herself renounced her vows once. The only thing she asked and I haven't had the nerve to discuss this with Julian, is she would like us to marry in their chapel and our children to be raised with Catholic values."

"You're talking like marriage is a sure thing."

"That's what I called about. As of two hours ago, it is a sure thing. Julian asked me to marry him and I accepted."

I heard a shriek on the other end, the "Oh, shit!" and what sounded like the handset falling to the floor, then silence.

I hung up, then ten seconds later the phone rang. I answered, "Hello?"

"It's me. Sorry, I got so excited, I started to jump up and down and the phone slipped out of my hand. Anyway, you're getting engaged is terrific. I never thought I'd see the day when you walked down the aisle. God! I wish I were there so I could hug and squeeze you."

I held my left hand out in front of my gaze and wiggled my fingers. "I wish you were here too, so I could show off my enormous engagement ring."

"Well, come on over and I'll break out the bubbly."

"I would love too, but I want to spend the whole day in bed with Julian making mad passionate love. Tess, I think I've become sex addict."

She laughed "All I can say is we all are when we first fall in love. After a year or two it slows down so enjoy it while you can."

I didn't like to think about it slowing down. I knew Tess always bragged about the great sex life that she and Seth had, so I asked her, "You've been married a while and have four kids. I hate to get personal, but this is important to me. How often do you and Seth ah…do it?"

She laughed. "Don't worry. It doesn't drop off that much. The babies put a crimp in our sex life, but now that we're through with babies we have sex three or more times a week when I'm not indisposed."


She giggled. "The curse."

"Thanks sis. I can live with that. I better call Daddy now. Oh, one more thing before I hang up. I want you to be my maid of honor."

"I'd love to. I accept."

"Good, I'm going to go now. I'll get back with you about celebrating."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." 

I ended the call and quickly punched in Dad's number.


"Daddy, it's Laurel. I have big news."

"Hi Pumkin. Let me guess. You're engaged."

I felt a little deflated. "How did you
…never mind. Yes, Julian asked me about two hours ago. Daddy, I'm so happy I could scream."

"I'm very pleased. Julian seems like a fine young man." He laughed. "One that's capable of fathering three darling grandchildren."


"Just teasing. I love you very much and I want nothing, but happiness for you."

Julian walked in the room a lustful twinkle in his eye and a naughty smile on his lips. "And I love you very much. Daddy, I have to go, but you, Teresa and I will all get together to celebrate. I'll call you. Bye."

"Who were you talking to?"

Feeling just a little mischievous, I smiled coyly. "That was your future father-in-law."

Pursing his lips, he shook his head. "Well, I have some bad news for my future father-in-law's youngest daughter."

It took me a second to figure out what he was talking about, I made a face. "You want the ring back?"

He chuckled. "No way. You're not getting out of marrying me that easy. I got called into the museum."

My brows furrowed in disappointment. "Why, I thought you were on vacation."

"I am, but in my position, I'm on call. Apparently there's some emergency regarding a shipment. I'll tell you what though. When I'm done, I'll take you to dinner and we'll celebrate."

"Doesn't the museum close early today?"

"Yes, on Sundays they close at five."

"Well, how about we celebrate before you get done."

Now, his brows dipped. "Celebrate? Where? How?"

"You'll see."




Chapter Eleven –Natural History and

Love doesn
't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
~ by Elizabeth Browning ~


dialed the number Sarah had given me and waited.




"It's Laurel. I hope this doesn't upset you, but Julian asked me to marry him."

Sarah's reaction was not what I expected. "Honey, that's wonderful. You accepted didn't you?"

"I did and he and I are going to celebrate tonight."

"That's fabulous. Love must be in the air, because I have some amorous news of my own to tell you about. Come on down and let me do your hair."

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