Fried Pickles and the Fuzz (8 page)

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Authors: Calico Daniels

BOOK: Fried Pickles and the Fuzz
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Bronson watched the two women as they walked arm in arm to a nearby bench and s
Heather laughed at something the other woman said
and her face lit with joy. It amazed him how breathtaking she was when she laughed. Not that he didn't find her attractive all the time, but there was something about her when she was happy. It made him want to do almost anything to keep a smile on her face.

Not that he had done anything in the past few days to make her smile. Quite the opposite
in fact. It seemed that in the process of doing his job
he had done nothing but cause her pain.
He mentally groaned and climbed the stairs of the gazebo.
With any luck
he would be able to keep Heather from telling him to go suck eggs for just a couple more days. Her deadline with Gus was coming up fast
and he had a sinking suspicion that she wasn't going to be able to pull a rabbit from her hat this time. Then if everything went right after that…
well, everything might just work out the way he wanted.

Beth Ann was right. He had it bad. Heather was never far from his thoughts. When he wasn't with her
he was thinking about her. What was she doing? Was she busy or was the café hitting a lull for the day? He wanted to know everything. Their evening talks were always the highlight of his days
but lately, since he had been taking his meals at the station, he'd come to realize how much he really enjoyed talking with her. Watching her. Just being near her.

After giving the go
ahead to Mrs. Bonam, Bronson stood quietly at the base of the gazebo steps and tried to focus on the auction. His attention, however, continued to wander to Heather, who had been approached by well over half the townsfolk since the auction started. Most
it appeared
were just being neighborly and saying hello
but he had seen a few linger
and one in particular had carried on a particularly lengthy conversation with more than one hand gesture in his direction.

“The next boxed lunch up for auction
was made by Miss Heather.” Mildred Bonam held up the wicker picnic basket for the crowd to see then placed it on the small table by the podium where she was acting as auctioneer. She glanced at the paperwork before her and smiled. “The highest silent auction bid for Heather
s basket was eighty
seven dollars. Are there any other bidders?”

Bronson held his breath and said a little prayer that no one would go above his silent auction bid. The last thing he wanted was to get into a bidding war right here in the middle of
town square with one of the local boys over who was going to get to have lunch with Heather. Under normal circumstances
he wouldn't have worried about it
since usually he ate supper with her most nights. But since she banned him from
he Pickle and pert
near everyone in town seemed to think he had it coming to him, he needed to
show her how sorry he was and that him locking Gus up wasn't personal, but it was his job.

Now, if only he could get her to believe it.

“Sold, to Sheriff Andrews for eighty
seven dollars.”

In reality he'd known that when they sold the lunches they also announce
to the entire town in attendance who the winning bidder was
but for some strange reason
it had simply slipped his mind when he
penned the bid an hour ago. He tried to smile as one of the
atrons handed him his basket
but the butterflies in his stomach were suddenly a lot bigger and seemed to be trying to climb up his throat.

Heather stepped up beside him, a bright quilt over one arm, and smiled at the clapping crowd. “We need to talk.”

With a sigh of relief, Bronson nodded and followed her as she led the way to a shaded patch of grass on the far side of the square lawn behind the gazebo and away from the majority of the crowd.
She spread the blanket near a
that was bursting with colorful blooms and sat. He placed the basket in the center and joined her.

Neither spoke as she unpacked the lunch and
it out between them. She withdrew a large bread knife and deftly sliced the loaf
, the light yeasty aroma
his mouth water. After placing a slice of tomato on the bread
she layered on six crisp strips of bacon, topped it with bright green lettuce
and added the second slice of bread that she had liberally covered with mayonnaise.
After adding a healthy portion of chips, she handed him the plate and set about making her own. Once her portion was made
she poured them each a glass of tea
they ate in silence.

Well, as much silence as could be expected in a public park with about two hundred residents milling around.

“Heather, I'm

“I wanted to

They both smiled. “Ladies first.” Bronson took a long swallow of the fragrant peach tea, reclined back on one elbow
and waited for Heather to continue.

“I just wanted to let you know that I understand that you're doing your job. That you locking Gus up and giving me the deadline to find a permanent place for him was about the safety of the town and not about me personally.” She
set her plate down on the blanket and gave him a little smile. “I'm also sorry about banning you from
he Pickle.”

Gathering his nerve, Bronson reached out and took her right hand in his. “I'm glad you understand. And you're right, it wasn't personal. Fact is, I should've said something about Gus a long time before now
but I didn't want to push the issue. I knew you were tryin' your hardest
but that whole thing with the parade and then Mrs. Pearson just pushed it to a point that I couldn't ignore any

She winced. “You knew it was him at the parade?”

“I figured. Not that I could really get a straight answer from anyone. Most of the folks in town are loyal to you.” Bronson caressed the back of her hand with his thumb.
At that moment
it hit him that this was the first time they had ever shared anything more than a casual touch.

“Are you?”

He tilted his head
to get a better look at her face. Dappled sunshine filtered through the canopy above
giving her a soft glow. His heart thundered in his chest. “Do you really need to ask?”

A light breeze tugged a loose strand of her blonde hair across her cheek. Bronson's fingers itched to tuck the wayward lock behind her ear and caress her silken skin. He watched intently as she nibbled at her lower lip and nodded slightly.

Releasing her hand, he sat up and angled closer to her. The first touch of his hand to her cheek sent a spark down his arm
straight to his heart. She placed her hand over his, closed her eyes
and nestled into his caress.

Leaning in, he stopped a breath away from her parted lips.
“I'll be as loyal as you want me to be to you, Heather.”

“Good,” she whispered. “Bronson?”


re you gonna kiss me?”

“Is that a request?”


He chuckled and closed the short distance between them.

The first brush of her lips against his sent an explosion of electricity dancing through his body. Her hand left his and trailed up his arm until her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck. Closing his eyes, he relished the multitude of sensations bombarding his senses. Her smell.
Like the air after a spring rain. Crisp and pure.
Her taste.
Sultry and sweet like a homemade pie. H
er skin beneath his fingertips.
Soft as the muzzle of a newborn foal.

A small moan escaped her as he gently sucked her bottom lip and kissed her again. Her grip in his hair tightened
as she pulled him closer.

“Hey, y'all, this is a family event.”
Beth Ann's voice carried across the lawn. The chorus of chuckles and whistles that followed assured them both that the entire town had seen their little display.

Oh well. More fodder for the gossip mill.


Saturday Night


The committee in charge of the decorations for the street dance had really outdone themselves. Thousands of tiny white lights adorned the gazebo and surrounding trees. Festive multi-colored paper lanterns were suspended on lines that were tethered to the corners of the gazebo and radiated out toward the edges of the square lawn.

A wooden dance floor had been assembled near the center structure
but many of the attendees took to dancing
they could find the room. With the streets blocked, the entire downtown area was teaming with people
as well as a number of vendor booths
selling everything from cold drinks and snacks to art and purses.

Heather smiled and dropped the curtain back over her apartment window. She really had missed this during her years at college. Growing up, Granny Joy
made sure Heather never missed anything during Big Creek Days. She went above and beyond in her duties as a grandmother to ensure Heather had everything she needed…
and then some.

With everything Granny Joy had done for her over the years, the least Heather could do was make sure Gus was safe and happy for what
sure to be his last few years.

“Come on, gal. He'll be here soon
and you'll still be standin' around half
dressed.” Beth Ann rooted around in the large b
ack bag she'd brought with her. Full of necessities
she'd said when she dropped it on the couch
and immediately began pulling out her arsenal and arranging them all on the coffee table.

Heather eyed the top of the table and cringed. Not a square inch of free space could be found that wasn't occupied by make-up, hair clips,
rollers, or jewelry. “What's the purpose of all this again?”

Beth Ann sighed and pushed Heather into a kitchen chair she'd placed near the coffee table. “You two are finally getting together on a date
and I just wanna make sure you knock his socks off.” She moved to stand in front of Heather and gave her an assessing once

“He knows what I look like.” Having never been very big on getting gussied up, Heather wasn't sure she was ready to put herself completely in her best friend's hands. Not that she didn't trust Beth Ann
but their tastes didn't exactly cross over.
Dressing up to Heather was putting a good shine on her boots. Beth Ann? Now, she pulled out all the stops. Make-up, jewelry, hair. The whole nine yards and then threw in a few more just to make certain.

“We all know what you look like. Nothing wrong with that, but for a first date you wanna take his breath away and show him what you don't show anybody else.” The redhead grabbed a large brush and set to removing any tangles from Heather
s long tresses.

“Isn't that sorta like false advertising? It's not like I'm gonna do this on my own.”

Beth Ann poked her shoulder. “Don't you wanna blow him away? Leave him speechless?”

Heather shrugged. “I guess.”

“What's the matter? I thought you'd been dreamin' about him finally askin' you out?”

I have been. I'm thrilled he asked
I just can't help but wonder if he's gonna get me out there and realize that the only thing I'm good at is cookin'.” Heather lowered her gaze and stared at her hands. She'd always envied Beth Ann's long slender fingers
tipped with perfectly filed nails. Her own had never looked like that. Heather kept her nails short and unpainted. Her hands carried numerous scars in a variety of shapes
and colors
depending on age. Nope, there wasn't anything about her hands that even remotely hedged on feminine.

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