Friends With Benefits (3 page)

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Authors: Anne Lange

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Friends With Benefits
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A naughty gleam shone in Tyler’s eyes, as he reached up and undid his tie. Eyes locked on hers, he pulled it, sliding the silk with sensual slowness through the stiff collar until it fell free. He leaned over and grasped her hands. Placing her wrists crisscross over one another, Tyler bound them together with the smooth tie. Then he raised her arms over her head.

“Leave them there.” He dropped to his knees.

He reached out, snagged the waistband of her shorts, and tugged, pulling them and her panties down in one fluid motion. She lifted her legs to accommodate him. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed her clothing over his shoulder, but his entire focus remained on her.

Angela’s skin tingled under his lust-filled gaze. She pulled on the tie. Although it loosened with ease, a little thrill zinged through her at the concept of being immobilized. What would it feel like to be restrained? She shivered.

Tyler sat back on his heels and placed his hands on her knees. “Open for me, baby.”

Under his gentle pressure, Angela allowed them to fall apart.

Tyler’s tongue darted out to run along first his upper, and then his lower lip. “A sight I never tire of.”

With his index finger, he traced a line up one side of her pussy lips and down the other. He dipped between her folds.

“You’re wet. The book must be good.” He pushed one finger inside, swirled it around and pulled it out. “I’m glad I didn’t stop for supper on the way home.”

Leaning in, he ran his tongue from the bottom of her moist slit to the top, stopping to flick it back and forth across her clit a few times. Angela moaned her appreciation. Oral sex, the one constant in their sex life, always resulted in an orgasm.

Tyler scooted closer and lifted her legs over his shoulders. She giggled and gasped when the surface of his tongue tickled a path up the inside of her thigh. He moved back to her pussy, sucking on her outer labia before delving in to gather up her juices on his tongue. She needed his hands on her breasts.

As though reading her mind, he shifted and ran his palms up her torso to cup her. His smooth hands compressed the globes, squeezing and releasing in gentle pulses, before reaching higher to tweak her nipples. She jumped. She felt his smile against her flesh. As her husband tugged and pinched her hard nubs, she wiggled beneath him, pushing her hips against his face.

“I love eating you, sweetheart. You’re delicious. So hot and tangy.”

“Stop talking and make me come.” Her legs started to quiver, and her breath came in short pants. “I’m already close.”

“But I haven’t had enough time to eat my meal.”

“Consider it the appetizer. I need to…please…”

His devious chuckle vibrated against her clit. “Then let me help with that.” He pushed two fingers deep inside her, thrusting hard and fast. “Come for me, Angie.”

“Oh, God.” She pumped against his hand, rising to meet his every move. She loved the feeling of him pounding into her. It didn’t matter whether he used his fingers or his cock.

“Come on, Angie, I can feel you trembling. You’re almost there, babe.”

He plunged deep, rubbing against the delicate tissue around her opening on each thrust.

She needed…just a little…just maybe…oh, yes…score.

Her back bowed as her orgasm rolled through her like a freight train. She screamed. Her husband continued to sink his fingers into her, but his strokes gentled. His tongue passed over her clit, once, twice. She shuddered and slumped against the sofa.

He removed his hand and sat back on his heels, a smug expression on his face, her moisture coating his lips. “Now that’s what I like to see.” His eyes widened, glittering with hunger as he raised his hand and stuck the first two digits into his mouth, all the way past the second knuckle. “Yum,” he growled.

“I need you inside me, Tyler. Right now.”

“Don’t have to ask me twice.” He stood and yanked the tail of his shirt out of his pants. She waited while he undid the cuffs on his sleeves and then each button on his white dress shirt. The damn thing had far too many buttons.

He shucked his pants, and kicked them aside to join her discarded pile of clothes. Then he stood over her and placed his hands on the back of the cushion on either side of her head. He leaned down low to kiss her.

Arched over her, angling his hips, their lips made contact at the same time his cock filled her. The smell and taste of her own arousal on his tongue stoked the fire deep in her womb. Finding the correct pace right from the start, he fucked her hard. Exactly how she liked it.

“This is gonna be super-fast, hon. Sorry, but I can’t hold it back tonight,” he said between clenched teeth. He grunted on each downward plunge.

Angela clamped onto his arms, her nails digging into his biceps, as his hips slammed into hers. Skin slapped against skin. Holding on for the ride, surprise engulfed her when a second orgasm started to coil within her. That never happened, at least not over the last few years. But sure enough, as her husband drove into her like a jackhammer—his powerful arms bulging under her tense fingers, sweat dripping from his brow—her vagina contracted, gripping him tight. Her heart raced, and her breathing changed. She was going to come again.

His eyes locked onto hers. “I’m so close. You’re squeezing my cock, baby. I can feel you hugging it. Please tell me you’re ready to tip over that sweet edge with me.”

She could only nod.

“Hold on to me, Angie.”

She did. Tight. Tyler’s thrusts became erratic with the awkward way he stood over her, but it didn’t slow him down. He pounded into her, grinding his pelvis against hers, groaning with the effort. She could feel his legs shaking. With a harsh moan spilling over his lips, hot jets of cum splashed inside her, setting off her mini-explosion. She closed her eyes. She felt her mouth fall open, but she couldn’t utter a sound.

Tyler’s knees collapsed, and he dropped on top of her for a brief moment before he transferred his weight and flipped around to sit on the cushion next to her, hauling her with him as he turned, so she lay across his lap.

He wrapped his arms around her, cuddling her close. “God, I love you, Angela.”

“I love you too, Tyler.”


* * *



Angela stood on tiptoe, putting the last dried dish in the cupboard. Her pink blouse hung loose around her waist over the top of her white walking shorts. Tyler preferred her earlier outfit—nothing but bright blue eyes, soft kissable flesh blushed with arousal, rose-tipped nipples, and her blonde hair draping over her shoulders, mussed after reaching that second orgasm. Two orgasms in a row weren’t common for her. In fact, he couldn’t remember the last time it had happened.

Tyler walked up behind her, circling his arms around her middle. He pressed a kiss to her neck, behind her right ear and then rested his chin on her shoulder. He absorbed the smell of green apple shampoo and vanilla body wash. The faint fragrance of sex lingered, punching a shot of lust through his veins, stiffening his cock.

Dark had long overtaken the evening. After a late dinner of leftover chicken casserole and a bottle of white wine, they’d at last gotten around to cleaning up the mess in the kitchen. He knew his wife hated going to bed with dirty dishes cluttering the counter. The air conditioner hummed in the background, competing with the sound of the late edition of the local news on the television.

“So,” Tyler said, “are you sure you don’t want to come with me at the end of the month? My mom would love to see you.”

Angela closed the cupboard door and turned in his arms. “No, I’m fine. Besides, I think you should spend some quality time her. I know your dad and Michael are away on their annual golf trip, so she’s probably a little lonely in that big house. There’s a lot to do around here. Plus, I’ve got that proposal I should finish for work.”

“I’m certain you’ll win the bid for your company.” Angie had been working hard on it and deserved the deal. Winning this particular project would be a feather in her cap, giving her an opportunity to get out from behind the desk and onto a full-blown project for a while. Although he figured she’d end up wasting most of the weekend reading by the pool. On top of that, she’d be fixated on the many chores around the house and property.

Tyler had been stressing over work and their new home the last few months, and work had limited his time with his wife. Although he now owned his own IT security company, he still made a point of getting out and fostering the relationships he’d built with his top clients. Managing the office, building the business, and keeping on top of the field work had him running in all directions. But with Connor in town, he imagined he’d have to restructure his schedule. He wanted to commit the time required to make his plan work. His friend needed stability. Angela needed to embrace her wild side, and he needed to see if any chance at all existed for him to experience the life his parents enjoyed.

“Fair enough,” he said, at last. “I wanted to give you an opportunity to change your mind before I booked my flight.”

“No, you go ahead.”

“The meeting’s a couple of days. So if I leave Tuesday from work, and then head to Mom’s on Friday. I’ll be back home Sunday at the end of the day. So you’ll have the weekend to do…whatever.” He added an intentional pause.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing. Just saying I think you should be a little adventurous while I’m away.” He watched first confusion, then curiosity, and lastly nervous excitement travel across her face. He stifled a chuckle. If she only knew how expressive her eyes were. She thought he didn’t know about her frequent trips to buy batteries, or how often she came to bed aroused after absorbing one of her naughty stories.

She uttered a nervous twitter. “Adventurous? Here? Are you serious? Nothing happens here, and I’ve got nothing special planned besides work, and lazing by the pool with a book or two. Maybe I’ll tackle the garden.”

He felt his lips twitch as he watched her cheeks flame. He remembered how wet she’d been before he walked through the door earlier. What would she do when a total stranger showed up looking to help her out for the weekend? Before he spoiled the surprise, he turned and strolled into the other room, humming.

“What was that?” she called after him.


“I could have sworn you said something.”

Tyler didn’t respond. After putting the leftovers in the refrigerator, Angela joined him on the couch, cuddled next to his side, and opened her novel.

He kept his gaze glued to the television. “Angie?”


“Remember the other night, when we talked about our fantasies?”

He heard her swallow. “What about it?”

“I think we should try a few of them.” Keeping his body still, his attention tuned to the TV, he sneaked a glance in her direction.

“You do? Why?” Her focus remained attached to the pages in front of her, but a red flush began to creep up her neck, and she turned back a page.

“Why not? I think it would bring an element of excitement into our relationship.”

Angela bit her lower lip, tugging it between her teeth, but she didn’t look up. “Are you trying to tell me you’re not…happy?”

Tyler almost gave himself whiplash swiveling his head to the side so he could look at her. “What? God, no. Of course not, honey. I’m not saying that at all. I’m simply suggesting that kicking things up a notch might be fun. I’d love to see you embrace your wild side.”

She raised her head, relief bright in her eyes. “My wild side. Ha. I don’t have a wild side, Tyler.”

“Of course you do. I see how those stories get you all hot and bothered.”

She squirmed and dropped her gaze again. “That’s just pretend.”

“But what if at least some of it could happen for real?”

“Now you’re talking silly.” She moved to rise from the couch, but Tyler grabbed her hand and held her in place. When their eyes met, hers sparkled with disguised excitement.

“No, I’m being serious. Would you like to try something new? You must know, babe, there isn’t a fantasy you have I wouldn’t move heaven and earth to try to make happen for you.”


“Hear me out. What if you were tied up? Or spanked? Does the idea of either of those turn you on?” She blushed, and a tiny whimper escaped. “What if you could have sex with a stranger?”

The dishwasher kicked into the wash cycle, startling her. “Umm, sure. I guess. It would turn me on. I think. But…but Tyler, it’s all hypothetical. We’re married. I’m not about to have sex with somebody else. That would feel like I’m cheating on you.”

“It’s not cheating if I support it.”

She gasped. “You mean you’d let me pick just any person off the street and use them for sex.”

Tyler snorted. “Of course not. I’m talking about devising safe scenarios where both of us are aware of what’s happening. Would that interest you? I would never put you in a situation where you’d come to harm. You do know that don’t you?”

Tyler knew he couldn’t promise comfort—the excitement of the moment would be sure to make her uncomfortable—but he’d kill anybody who hurt her.

“Yes, I do. I know that. And I trust you.”

“Have you ever wondered about a threesome?” He paid close attention to her body language, needing to capture every nuance of her state of being. With every possibility he mentioned, her eyes widened, and her face flushed. But she didn’t seem repelled by his suggestions. In fact, the opposite seemed to be true if the way she shifted her legs, and rubbed her thighs together were any indication.

Tyler decided to take a small chance. “I’ve been in a threesome before, Angela.”

Her jaw dropped. “You? When?”

“Back in school.”

“And you liked it?” She fidgeted. Her pupils dilated, and her gaze darted all over the room, avoiding him.

“I’d love to watch another man touch you, make you come.” He caught a whiff of her scent and suppressed his smile. She liked the idea. “So, what do you think?”

“Well…umm…I don’t know.”

“Think about it. That’s all I’m asking. Will you do that for me?”

“Ah…OK…sure. But—”

“Don’t worry, honey. I’ll take care of everything. Just promise to let me know how you feel before I leave for my trip.” He squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek, then turned his focus back to the news.

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