Friends Without Benefits (Knitting in the City) (40 page)

BOOK: Friends Without Benefits (Knitting in the City)
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If you know me then you know I like to acknowledge people.  I mourn the lost decades of hats that can be tipped.

First and foremost, I want to thank my husband. He had to live through my disbelief and rampant weirded-outness when
Neanderthal Seeks Human
was well received by strangers. Because of this, I feel sorry for him and will purchase him ice cream where ever we go from now on (contingent on the availability of ice cream). And, for whatever reason, he believes in me. I still don’t know why but I’m very thankful.

I want to thank all the people who had a hand in editing this book (content edits, development edits, typos, line edits, copy edits, edit edits). This list is long, so bear with me.

To my primary BETAs, Karen and Penny, who read the book as it is written and offer feedback and encouragement. Thank God for you both!

To my secondary BETAs (aka beta BETAs) Jexa, Angie, Silvia, Laura, Cat; your brutal honesty and detailed notes took this book from mediocre to magnificent (yes, I just called my own book magnificent). Thank you so, so, much for disliking the first draft. It was crap.

To Heather (my BFF) for reading the final content draft and giving me the thumbs up.

To my professional editors, Kristin and Janet, thank you for your thoughtful
reviews and edits.

And to
Michelle, Kimberly, and Carey, friends and authors who provided the essential last read-through/proofread. Michelle, I love your face. Kimberly, you are a ninja. Carey, you are a gorgeous goofball. I love you all.

Lastly, I want to thank the amazing community of independent authors
and review bloggers on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and elsewhere on the interwebs; especially the bloggers/reviewers who read and review indie books. I am proud to be part of this community of creative and supportive badasses.

I tip my hat to you all.

Translation: I know my chickens

ranslation: Mind your own business

ranslation: Between saying and doing is the sea

ranslation: Who has love in the chest, has the spur in the hips

ranslation: God makes them, then mates them

Translation: Why hide such a beautiful thing?

Translation: Or do you like? 

Translation: You make me crazy.

Translation: I tried to forget you, but it’s impossible.

Translation: Your eyes are the color of the sky in summer.

Translation: I love you always.

Translation: The feel of your skin, I can’t get enough.

Translation: Mmm. Your fragrance. . .

Translation: Although, sometimes you’re more stubborn than a mule.

Translation: I love the passion that is in you. Your sharp tongue excites me.

Translation: I’ll never let you go.

Translation: I love you.

Translation: From now on
there is no way to go back. You are mine, forever.

Translation: Why hide such a beautiful thing?

Translation: Or do you like?

Translation: You make me crazy

Translation: I tried to forget you, but it’s impossible. 

Translation: Your eyes are the color of the sky in summer. 

Translation: I love you always.

Translation: The feel of your skin, I can’t get enough.

Mmm. Your fragrance. . .

Translation: Although, sometimes you’re more stubborn than a mule. 

Translation: I love the passion that is in you.

Translation: Your sharp tongue excites me to death

Translation: I’ll never let you go.

Translation: I love you.

Translation: From now on
there is no way to go back. You're mine, forever.

Translation: Stop being so bossy.

Translation: Love is not good if there is no fight.

We’ll talk later.

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