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Authors: Breigh Forstner

From My Heart (4 page)

BOOK: From My Heart
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Surprisingly enough, the guys were all in their bedrooms with the doors shut, minus Raptor, when Cale and I walked into the apartment hand in hand.

“Hey, Rap.” I waved as Cale drug me along to his room.

“Hey, B. Pelton, I’ll kick your ass if you’re too loud in there. I’m watching a good movie!” Raptor yelled to Cale. He turned around and smirked, giving Raptor the middle finger.

“Don’t worry, buddy,” he said, slamming the door behind us. Throwing me against the door, Cale’s hands went directly for the buttons on my jeans.

“Been way too long,” he murmured against my neck as he unzipped my jeans and let me step out of them. I kicked them aside as his fingers started fumbling with the bottom of my sweater.

“Shhh, remember?” I put a finger to his lips. “Rap said he’s watching a

“I don’t care,” Cale scoffed. “All I care about is this girl right in front of me. And I feel like you’re trying to delay the inevitable.” Oh man I loved this guy. He stood in front of me, his amber eyes turning a few shades darker as he started leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. I tilted my head to the side, giving him easier access as he continued down to my collarbone and looked up at me.

“Shouldn’t we go to the bed?” I reminded him.

His hands gripped onto my hips and lifted me up so my legs could wrap around his waist. I dug my nails into his shirt as he maneuvered us to his king sized bed without a word. Laying me down so my head hit the pillow softly, he hovered above me, just watching me await his next move.

I tugged him down by the collar of his shirt, crushing my lips to his. He pulled away only to slip his shirt over his head. I let my fingers carefully touch his newest tattoo, one that he got after the incident. It was on his side and it read in fancy Victorian letters: “Tomorrow’s never promised.” He wanted a reminder that he needed to take life more seriously and cherish everyone around him. Including me.

His lips came back to mine as we kissed with every last little bit of passion that we had. His fingers dipped into my panties and two of them found their way inside of me.

“Shit,” Cale cursed under his breath. “I won’t be able to stop this, B. You feel like heaven right now…”

My head fell backwards as I tried to keep my moans of appreciation to a dull. Since there were five other guys in this place, I didn’t want anyone to hear me scream, especially since they were my band mates. Awkward.


“What, Bryn? What do you need?” Cale asked, out of breath. His fingers continued to move in and out of my core, sending me into my first orgasm in what felt like forever. My body shuddered as he removed his fingers from me and licked the juices off.

“I need you,” I whispered.

I saw a different look in Cale’s eyes. He seemed ready to devour me without any warning. I had never seen him as sexy as when he stood beside the bed and looked at me like I was his own private desert. He reached into the nightstand and pulled out an unopened box of condoms.

“This is just proof that I’ve been with no one else in a very long time.” Cale held the box out to me.

“What about that girl on the bus?” I reminded him. He had slept with this girl in my bed one night on tour and I remember sleeping on the couch, completely pissed off at him.

“Ahhh, touché. That was
night.” He unzipped his pants and let them fall to his feet. Kicking them off, he jumped onto the bed and lay beside me.

“Why are we even talking about that anyway?” I wondered.

Cale ran his hand through my hair, gazing into my eyes. “You brought it up, pretty lady. I was in the middle of my own dirty thoughts.”

“Dirty thoughts, huh?”

He smirked, guiding one of my hands down to in between his legs, where his bulging erection was sticking out of his boxers for the whole world to see. Well me. The gears in my head were turning like lighting, just imagining the feeling of him inside of me, making me scream so everyone in the complex would know what was going on.

“Do you feel that?”  He whispered. He let go of my hand and I started rubbing him hard just to tease him. It teased me even more. My panties were soaked again just feeling how ready he was for me. “Are you sure you want to?”

Both my hands went around to his shoulders, pulling him hard so his body collapsed onto mine.

“That was a pretty stupid question,” I told him. Digging my nails into his back, I told him “Just shut up and fuck me before I change my mind.”


Best feeling in the world?

Waking up wrapped in Cale’s arms. Completely naked and under the warm covers.

After the long night we had, I was relieved to be able to sleep, knowing he was still right here beside me. I could get used to doing this every day for the rest of my life.

Was it too soon to be thinking that way?

“Mhmm…” Cale groaned, stretching his body out and nuzzling his face into the back of my neck. “You’re awake I take it?”

I turned so I faced him. Still in his arms, I kissed him passionately on the lips. “Is that a good enough answer?”

“I suppose. I know what would be even better…” he taunted, bringing one of his hands to my backside, squeezing it roughly. When he saw the look on my face he clarified, “I didn’t mean that…jeeez. I meant you should get out and cook me some breakfast.”

I glared at him and slapped him on the shoulder. “What am I, your maid?”

He simply smiled. “I never said that.”

“You would totally like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I think I might have one of those French maid costumes somewhere…”

I removed myself from his embrace, getting out of bed. I threw my sweater at him that was lying on the floor, landing square on his face. “You’re such a man,” I joked, reaching for a t-shirt of his that was sitting on top of his dresser and slipping it over my head.

Cale followed suit, striding towards me—stark naked at that—and rested his head underneath my chin.

“That’s because I am a guy, B,” he replied, whispering against my bare skin. I could feel his morning wood hard and ready for round two brushing against my leg. “That just proves it.”

Right then, we heard a loud knock at Cale’s door.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT, FUCKER?” Cale shouted, letting go of me so he could find some clothes in the closet.

“That’s harsh.” I heard the voice on the other side. It sounded a lot like Raptor. “Tyler made some breakfast. Come out and get it before the bimbos get to it.”

I glanced up at Cale and mouthed

“Guys must’ve had some
over,” Cale replied. “It’s been going on a lot more lately and pisses me off.”

I giggled. “But here you are with your girlfriend in your bedroom. Is it any different?”

He shook his head “Pft. Of course it is. None of these guys have girlfriends, and if they do, they’re damn good at keeping it a secret.”

“How many?” Cale asked Raptor. The way he said it made it seem like this was a routine occurrence.

“Three. That’s why I said you better get out here before it’s gone,” Raptor said.

“Alright, we’ll be right out bud,” Cale called to him. “You heard him.” He smiled, roughing up my hair. “You’re off the hook this time.”

I found my panties on the floor next to the bed and slipped them on before Cale opened the door. The smell of maple syrup filled my nose as I saw shirtless Tyler busy in the kitchen, scrubbing a dirty pan, not paying attention to a girl that was wearing his night shirt and nothing else behind him.

He caught a glimpse of Cale and I walking out to say good morning. I watched him give me a once over. He eyes were glued to my chest; I used my free hand to cover myself the best I could, since I wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Looks like you had a fun night,” Cale taunted Tyler, patting him hard on the back.

Tyler shoved him away nonchalantly as he threw the dirty washrag at him. “Hey at least I was quiet about my business.” He grinned.

My cheeks flushed a deep tomato red. I turned around to run back towards Cale’s room to hide, when Tyler clarified, “Don’t worry, Bryn. I’m just giving your boyfriend a hard time. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Tyler’s “girl” started giving me the death stare from the sectional in the living room, where she was pouting since she wasn’t getting any attention. I had never seen Tyler with a girl so I could never figure out his type. Even though that wasn’t any of my business. This girl had shoulder length sandy blond hair, and a face with enough make up on it to cover a whole crew of clowns at the circus. No joke. I really wanted to ask her if she always had that much make up on because her face was a few shades darker than the rest of her visible skin.

I decided I’d try to be nice by sitting over beside her and attempt to make conversation.

“I’m Bryn.” I put on a fake smile, outstretching my hand. Her eyes looked down at my hand and she turned up her nose at me.

“I already know who you are. I don’t need an introduction,” she snapped.

Who did this girl think she was? I tried to peer over the kitchen counter and see if Tyler and Cale saw what just happened, and sure enough they both sauntered over to where we were.

Before either one could say anything, two other girls appeared from the bedrooms. At least these two were fully clothed, size too tight jeans, their boobs spilling out of their V-neck shirts, I wish I could knock some sense into these guys.

“Come on, Ginger, let’s go since we’re chopped liver now that the
is awake.” The taller one spoke to the girl on the couch next to me.

She lips pouted, crossed her arms, and made an “Hmpf” sound.

“But he promised…”

“I didn’t promise you anything, sugar.” Tyler stepped in, grabbing her by the elbow and dragging her off of the couch. “Now you can go with your friends and whenever I need
which will be never again—I’ll get a hold of you.”

Ginger landed by her friends, who immediately hovered over to her and started shooting daggers our way.

“And if you so much call my sister anything other than her name— not princess, not bitch, not anything else—you’ll be sorry. Now please forget you came here ladies and goodbye.” The two guys pushed the group of girls out the door, much to the one’s dismay, and slammed it shut.

My eyes widened in surprise.

“You kicked them out?” Luke asked in shock as he came out of his bedroom, running a hand through his messy red hair. “I thought they were staying for food…”

“Hell no,” Tyler replied. “My girl wanted to get snippy with Bryn and I decided that was enough of seeing their faces. Plus those other two were leaving anyways.”

Vince popped up out of nowhere, sticking a hat onto his head as he plopped down beside me and gave me a brotherly hug.

“They were hot though, you got to admit it,” Vince said.

“You want my honest opinion?” I asked, hand on his bare leg. “They looked like hookers. I’ve never seen one in person, but I’ve seen them on TV and it’s like those three walked straight off the television screen.”

“Dammmmnn. Could be a little nicer,” Luke told me, but I shook my head laughing.

“If you want girlfriends so badly, call up my friends,” I suggested. “If my memory serves me correctly, Luke and Raptor were getting pretty cozy with them before and after the show.”  It had been my favorite night on the tour. I didn’t know if I was going to see them on this tour since Gina and Bethany had been getting a lot more modeling gigs and barely had the time to even call, let alone text anymore.

“I almost forgot.” Raptor chuckled, grabbing plates from the cupboard for all of us. “You never did give me Gina’s number by the way,” he reminded me.

“And you never gave me Bethany’s either, Bryn,” Luke said. “You’re slacking as our wing woman.” 

I busted out laughing. “You two are funny. I’m not anyone’s wing woman. You could’ve asked them yourselves when we were in Cali. How about next time I talk to them I’ll pass you the phone. Does that make you feel better?”

The two of them looked at each other, then me, shrugging.

“Better than nothing,” Raptor replied.

“Okay seriously, you guys need to eat this shit before I throw it in the trash because it’s cold!” Tyler interrupted. I caught his eye and he smiled.

I never ate Tyler’s cooking until now, and I was quite impressed. He had made French toast, a bowl of scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage patties. When I tried to comment on how good his cooking tasted, Cale tried to one up Tyler, saying he’d cook an even better dinner. I wasn’t surprised. One thing I learned about those two was that Cale always tried to beat Tyler in almost anything…at least when I was around.

I thought he was just afraid I’d cheat on him with Tyler like Lucy did. As much as I had love for Tyler and how much we had in common—more so than the other guys—I loved Cale. I didn’t want to say I always would, because then I would jinx our relationship, but I could picture us spending forever together.

BOOK: From My Heart
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