From This Moment (17 page)

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Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson

BOOK: From This Moment
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As if reading my thoughts, Cade moves one hand down to my
clit, he starts to rub it between his fingers while he continues to lavish my nipples with the other.  I cry out in orgasm.  Cade shouts my name as he ejaculates deep inside me.


Coming back down to earth, Cade kisses my neck and pulls out of me.


“Hell love, you always make me go off like a rocket.”  He zips up his jeans then bends down to pull mine back up.


As I finish putting myself back together, I turn to look at Cade, “I’d never had an orgasm until I met you, now I’m addicted.
  I think it has more to do with the fact that it’s you, the guy I love with all my heart.”


“You’re my heart, and it broke my heart knowing how much I hurt you this morning.
  I love you.”  He pulls me in for a kiss.  “Come on, let’s head back to the house, it’s a bit late for riding.  Besides, I think we should make some hot chocolate and get cozy in the chair in front of the fire.  I just want to hold you.”


“I’d love that too.”
 I’m close to tears.


Entering the house we can hear Jake’s voice rising and I just hope it isn’t Elise he’s starting to shout at.
  I look at Cade, just as we round the corner, we find Jake on the phone and Elise crying softly on the sofa.


“Elise, are you okay?” I ask, running over to her.
  Sitting on the sofa, I pull her into my arms to try and offer some comfort.


Cade sitting on the coffee table in front of us asks, “Is Jake talking to Daniel?”


Nodding her head she pulls away, I notice her left cheek is slightly swollen and there looks to be a bruise forming.


“Oh, shit Elise.
  The bastard,” I say, seeing her face.


I place
my hand into Cade’s and squeeze, “Can you put some ice in a bag and wrap it in a towel for Elise?”


“I can do that, give me a minute.”
  Cade walks towards the kitchen.


“Is everything okay between you and Jake?”


“Yes, he told me he’d turned the job down, but only went because I broke up with him.... I love him and miss being with him like crazy.  He told me he loves me,” she says, watching Jake in the kitchen on the phone.


“He does l
ove you.... I just hope you aren’t too mad that I’ve seen your house, although I haven’t been inside.  My guess is he’s saving that for you to see first.”  I smile.


Looking back to me, “I don’t mind you seeing the house first.
  In fact, if you hadn’t told me, I might not have had the courage to leave Tom k toize="+0".  You pointed out to me how serious about me Jake is.  It was the shove in the right direction that I needed.”


“Here you go Elise.
  Jake’s nearly finished on the phone.”  Cade passes Elise the ice pack.  Then sitting down next to me, he takes my hand and laces our fingers together.


We both seem to need the physical connection to each other after the stress and upset of this morning.


“Daniel has put out a warrant for Tom’s arrest, but so far nobody knows where he is.  They found his sister Grace, unconscious in her house, they think she’ll be okay, but for now she isn’t going to be able to talk to anyone,” Jake says, heading over to us.


“Oh no, I should visit her.
  She doesn’t have anyone else.”


, you can’t.  Daniel thinks Tom might keep watch at the hospital for you turning up.”


“Oh god, what a mess.”
 Elise puts her face into her hands.


“Here Jake, sit with Elise.”
 I get up from the sofa so Jake can sit down and comfort her.


“We’ll give you some privacy.”
  I drag Cade with me, towards the kitchen.  “We’re going to make some hot chocolate.  Would you both like some?”


hat would be great, thanks Rona.” Jake starts to comfort a distressed Elise.


“You’re welcome.”


In the kitchen, I pull Cade out of sight of the front room, pulling him real close.  I put my arms around his shoulders as he puts his arms around my waist.  After a couple of minutes of just staring at each other, Cade leans down and places a soft kiss to my lips.  “Move into my bedroom with me, make it our room, I love you.”


“I love you too.
 I would love to move into your bedroom, but do you have enough closet space for me?”


Laughing, “We could always knock
through to the next room and use that as a walk in closet!”


Pushing him away from me, “Ha ha, very funny.”


“Yes there will be enough room.
  If there isn’t, then leave some in the room you’re using now.”


, let’s get that hot chocolate made.”  I place a quick kiss on his lips.

Chapter 12

~~ Cade ~~


This morning I’m sure as hell not going to leave until Rona is awake.


Last night after having hot chocolate and then, later, dinner with Jake and Elise, I helped Rona to move her things into my room, which is now ‘our room’.  I must have gone into the bathroom a lot last night, just to look at Rona’s things set out in there.


As for her clothes sharing my closet, well, she actually climbed out of bed and opened the closet, climbing back into bed asking me if I would be able to sleep now.


We didn’t make love last night.  I told Rona I just wanted to hold her all night, without sex.  I only wish my body wanted the same thing.


“Morning,” she
snuggles more into my arms and slides her leg between mine. “Mmm, you feel good, especially down here.” She whispers as her hand moves south to the erection I’ve had most of the night.


“I don’t think so love.
  Last night was all about you, just holding you.”  I place a kiss on her lips.


Straddling my hips, she pushes herself partly up to look at me. “It’s not last night anymore.”
 She starts kissing my chest and rubbing herself against my erection.


I take hold of Rona under her arms, pulling her further up my body, so we are face to face.
  I roll her over, on to her back.  Hovering over her, “We are not making love until tonight!”


Smiling, “Are you sure you can manage that?” she asks, while wrapping her legs around my waist, trying to entice me to make love to her.
   This is hell; I’m hard as a spike.


“I’m going taking a shower.
  You behave.  I’m not touching your delectable body until tonight.”


~~ Rona ~~


Watching Cade walk buck naked into the bathroom with his penis hard as hell has me grinning, imagining my mouth wrapped around him.  Mmm!


After Cade’s been in the shower for about a minute, I climb out of bed and saunter towards the bathroom, stopping at the bathroom door.


I can see him clearly through the door with his head against the wall and his erection still hard as a rod.


Smiling, I walk over to the shower door, grabbing a towel on my way.
  Placing the towel on the floor in front of the door, I open it and drop to n toiz">


“What are you doing?” He just about manages to choke out.


“You said you weren’t going to touch me until tonight, but nothing was said about me touching you.”  I tell him with a cheeky grin.  I hold my hand up and crook my finger to get him to come closer to me.


Standing in front of me, I’m eye level with his penis.
  Leaning closer, I lick his thighs and then sweep my tongue up to his balls.  Kissing them before putting them in my mouth, each in turn, massaging them with my tongue.  Groaning, “Shit, you have me so fucking worked up, and I’m seconds away.”


“That’s fine honey.” I take his shaft into my mouth, massaging the tip with my tongue.
  Taking him deeper, I hear him groaning just as he starts moving his hips, “Rona, now!” I take him straight to the back of my throat and manage to swallow around him once; he shoots his load straight down my throat, shouting my name.


Trying to get his breath back, he takes my hand and helps me up.
  He then drags me into the shower with him, stumbling slightly to the seat built into the shower and sits down.


Deciding to give him a show, I take hold of the shower gel and squirt some into my hands.
  Rubbing them together, I turn to look at Cade and start washing my body, while he watches me, watching him.  I smooth my hands over my breasts massaging them, moving slowly down south I move my hands over my ribs.  Reaching the curls at the juncture of my thighs, I put my hand between and begin to wash around my clit.  Cade sits stunned with his penis ready for action, again.


Washing the gel from my body, still watching Cade, I notice he’s grinding his teeth and making fists with his hands.


Moving slowly over to him, I put one hand on his shoulder and straddle him.  Still standing, I take hold of his other hand and put it between my legs.  His fingers start stroking me, “Are you sure about the no touching rule?”  I ask with a moan.


Removing his fingers he takes hold of my hips.
  Taking hold of his erection he pulls me down slowly on top of him.  Fully inside me now he just holds me, “I’ve said this before, but you really do bring me to my knees.”  He kisses me, while smoothing his hands over my breasts.


“You feel amazing inside me; you fill me up – so full.” I put my arms around his neck and start moving up and down on him.
  We start kissing, opening our mouths to each other.  I put my tongue into his mouth, tasting him, not able to get enough of him.


My orgasm is just out of reach. “Help me.”
  Taking hold of my hips he starts slamming in and out of me.  My muscles clamp around him in a powerful orgasm.  Seconds later Cade groans my name, emptyin snamipsg himself deep inside my sex.


As our breathing reverts back to normal, I’m sure Cade must be able to feel the aftershocks going on inside me.


Shuddering, he puts his hands up to my face and places a tender kiss to my lips.  Smiling, “God, I love you.”


miling back, “I love you too.... how did you like the show?”


Laughing now, “Heck, woman.
  How do you think I liked it?  I can’t move.”


“That good, huh?”
  I start to stand up.  “I think my legs have gone to sleep.  I may need a massage later!”


“That can be arranged.”
  Cade winks at me.


“I wouldn’t mind reciprocating either,” I reply.


“I think we better get down stairs to have breakfast with Jake and Elise.”  Cade stands up and puts us both under the spray of the shower to clean up.


“As much as I love looking at your naked body, I think they might not be impressed, so I suggest we put some clothes on first,” I say to Cade.


“Funny.”  Wrapping us both in towels, and taking my hand he leads me into the bedroom.  Kissing my hand he releases me as we start to get ready.

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