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Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson

From This Moment (15 page)

BOOK: From This Moment
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“Thank you.”
 She looks up at me, I kiss her before pulling away.


“Why don’t you go and get a coffee, its freshly brewed, while I take these upstairs?”


“Great thanks.”


~~ Rona ~~


Heading over to pour a cup of coffee, I look out the kitchen window to see how beautiful everything looks covered in snow.  I’m really looking forward to taking some pictures and building a snowman.  Maybe tomorrow.


Cade comes back downstairs, walking over to me, he caresses my hair which is free falling down my back, “As we are better off staying indoors, is there anything you want to do?”


With a grin, I reply, “For now, I would love to curl up on that sofa with you and watch the snow fall.”


After thirty minutes of lying peacefully watching the snow, I’m ready once more to seduce him.


Climbing off Cade, “I’m just going upstairs for a few minutes.”  Kissing him quickly on the lips, “Back in five.”


Entering my room, I realize how much I’ve bought.
  Rifling through the bags, I finally come across the backless red dress, with the aim of seducing Cade.  Running into the bathroom, I pin my hair up and have a quick shower.


Heading back into the bedroom, I step into the dress which is completely backless right to the top of my butt cheeks.
  The smallest movement has the dress moving slightly, which will give Cade a view of the crack between.  The dress is halter style.  It’s short in length, finishing a few inches below the top of my thighs.  Paired with killer red heels, I’m going to leave Cade speechless.  Not to mention what it will do to him when he realizes I have no panties on.


Taking a deep breath, I head down the stairs, holding onto the banister for support.


Reaching the lounge – Cade’s asleep on the sofa.  Not for long though!


Remembering Cade’s fantasy about the table, I walk over to the dining table and strike a pose in front of it.


Seductively, “Cade, it’s time to wake up.”


~~ Cade ~~


Hearing Rona’s voice I come quickly to my senses, opening my eyes to a vision in red.


Struck dumb, I admire her very long legs, sporting ‘dangerous shoes’ and the shortest dress I’ve ever
seen.  She’s obviously not wearing a bra, because I can see her nipples outlined in silk.


Standing up I move towards her.
  She’s smiling.  “Do you like?”


“Oh, yes! Can’t you tell?”
Smoothing my hand over my erection.


Licking her lips, she watches my hand.
  I just hope I don’t lose it before I get my sweats off.  She looks sexy as hell and her mind is obviously set on seduction.


Moving slightly away from the table, she turns slowly, showing me her very naked back and her very shapely butt through the clingy silk.
  Holy hell; she keeps moving, flashing the top of her butt.  God, I didn’t think it was possible to get any harder!


Facing me again, with a sexy smile on her face, “I think you should know if you don’t already, that I only have this dress and shoes on!”


It took a minute for my befuddled brain to register the fact – she’s not wearing any underwear.


At this point I just lose it.
  Taking the couple of remaining steps to Rona, I put my hands on each side of her neck and fuse our lips together.  “You look amazing.”  Laughing, “Hell, you nearly have me coming in my pants, without even touching you.”


She grins at me, “Someone put a fantasy into my head that involved a table.”
  I groan.  My hands move slowly down from her neck, heading south to her quivering breasts.  Filling both my hands with them, I seal my mouth to hers.


Moving my mouth to replace my hands on her breasts, I suck them through the dress.
  She pants trying to get closer to me, “Cade, god that feels wonderful.”


Coming back to her lips, I lift her up on to the


Opening her legs, I kneel between getting one hell of a view – straight up her dress to the bare jewel beneath.
  Forcing myself to look away, I take each shoe off slowly, kissing her foot and ankle in turn.  “Don’t want to cause an accident.”  Going back down to her ankle, I slowly kiss up her leg, reaching the hem of her dress, I go back to her other ankle and start the process again.


Standing up, I give her a quick kiss, pulling her to the edge of the table.
  My cock rubs between her legs, against her sex.  Leaning over her, I untie her dress, letting it slide down her torso.  Gently pushing her to lie back on the table, I kiss my way down her body.  Licking and sucking on each of her breasts in turn, I move down to her navel.  Wrapping her legs around my waist she rubs herself against me.   Heck, what is it about this woman that has me on the edge of orgasm every time I touch her?


Moving out of her hold, I quickly take my sweats and t-shirt off.
  I toss them somewhere on the floor and kneel back between her legs, placing each of her legs over my shoulders.  I move in close to her sex and slowly breathe her in.  Smoothing my hands over the tops of her thighs, I slide her dress further up to her hips to place a kiss on her mound.


Kissing my way towards her other lips, I put one finger between her legs; she’s really wet and weeping for me.
  I can’t resist.  Removing my finger I put my mouth on her, holding on to her hips to keep her still.  I use my tongue to kiss and lick her along her inner lips to her outer labia and then draw them into my mouth, massaging them with my tongue.  Rona moans.  I look up at her while flicking, licking and sucking her clit with my mouth; she’s rubbing and squeezing her breasts.  “God, don’t stop.”  She cries out.


Hell, watching her, I’m about to come myself.
  My cock is hard as steel and really wants to play.


Moving towards her sex, I insert my tongue.
  Her breathing becomes ragged.  Moving my tongue to her clit, I put two fingers inside her.  Sucking her clit into my mouth, I flick my tongue over and around it, which seems to drive her wild.  Moving my fingers in and out of her, faster and faster – within seconds she’s shouting my name as her orgasm hits.   Moving my mouth back to her sex to taste her orgasm, I ease her back down to earth gently with my tongue.


Standing on shaky legs with my balls throbbing and my penis leaking, I help her up off the table.
  Turning her around she lies face down on the table.  Stretching her arms out she grabs hold of the other side, opening her legs.


Christ, standing behind her stroking her buttocks has me gripping her hips; I’m so aroused.
  She turns her head to look back at me, “Fuck me Cade.”  I slam inside her, to the hilt.  Practically lying on top of her, I start placing kisses on her neck and shoulders.  Rona’s groaning and trying to move her hips, but I have her pinned down; she can’t move.  Trying to slow my pending orgasm, I still inside her, which gets difficult when she starts squeezing my shaft with her inner muscles.  “Stop moving.”  I manage to choke out. 


Taking deep breaths, I stand back up, moving my hands from her hips slowly to her breasts, caressing her nipples, I start moving inside her again.
  She feels so hot and tight I’m not sure I can stop.  God, she’s starting to squeeze me again.  Feeling my balls start to tingle, I move one hand from her breast and start playing with her clit.  Shouting my name over and over, she comes around me at the same time, I explode inside her.  “Cade…. it isn’t stopping.”  Her sex continues to squeeze my cock.  The pleasure is so intense; I can’t stop grinding against her.


Collapsing over her back, I can feel her trying to breathe deeply, just like I am.
  Somehow, I find the strength to lift up and pull out of her.  Helping her up, I sit her back on the table and take her into my arms.


Once my breathing has evened out, “I don’t think I will ever be able to eat at the table again, without imagining you spread out on top of it, waiting for me to taste you.
  Heck, every meal I’ll probably be sat here with one hell of a hard-on.”


Moving her hands down to my rear, she squeezes bringing us skin to skin again, kissing my chest.
  “I think you just gave me two orgasms, one after the other.... wow!”


Smiling, “I feel like beating my chest.”
  She laughs.


Placing another hot kiss on her lips, “Come on, we better get cleaned up before Jake decides to show up earlier than he said.”


Helping her off the table, she pulls her dress up while I find my sweats.
c/fo wi


“I think you may have to help me up the stairs, my legs are like jelly.” Picking her shoes up from the floor she gives me one hell of a view.


Holding in a groan, “Under no circumstances are you to wear that dress anywhere in public or in front of anyone else.”


She laughs at me now, “I take it you really like it?”


“Honey, I loved it, but my reaction was all to do with the woman wearing it.”  I place a kiss on her lips.

Chapter 11

~~ Rona ~~


The following morning, I wake alone.
  After yesterday on the table, we showered and then ate pizza in front of the fire with Jake, who seemed a bit preoccupied.


Cade slept in my room, holding me all night, so waking up alone wasn’t something that I expected.
  I guess I’m feeling a bit upset.


I climb out of bed and look out of the window to the most beautiful winter’s day – everywhere covered in deep snow.
  After a quick shower, I put on my new red skinny jeans with a black turtle neck jumper and my usual thick socks.


Heading downstairs everywhere is so silent.
  I go to the kitchen and feel the coffee pot which is lukewarm.  After a cup of coffee, warmed in the microwave, I decide not to be upset with Cade until I know why he left without a word.


Going to the front door, I pull on my new thermal boots, coat and gloves and head outside.
  Wow, what a sight.  I can’t wait to make a snowman!


Two minutes later, Cade and Jake pull up outside with an older couple in the back.


“Morning Rona,” Jake says, climbing out of the truck.


“Hi Jake, Cade,” I say, wondering why Cade won’t make eye contact with me.


“Morning,” Cade replies, still not looking at me.


“This is Susan and Bill Grady from a few doors down.
  Their power line has come down, so we brought them over here for breakfast, then I’m going to take them back and fix the generator for them.... they’re my grandparents on my mother’s side.” Jake tells me.


“Hi, you must be Jake’s friend.”
 Susan walks over to shake my hand.


“Yes, she is.”
 Cade agrees, still not looking at me.


I’m not sure whether I want to scream, cry or kick him right now.


“Hi Susan, Bill, it’s nice to meet you both.  Why don’t we go inside it’s warmer in there.”


Back inside we hang our coats up and before I can get Cade on his own, he’s in the kitchen pouring everyone coffee.
  Except me!

BOOK: From This Moment
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