From This Moment (34 page)

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Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson

BOOK: From This Moment
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We pull apart laughing and smiling,
then we sign the marriage license and thank everyone there for making this day perfect.


Lalaina comes over, leading us to the golf buggy.
  During the ceremony this has been decorated with flowers.


We’re heading back to our villa where we are going to eat a meal we have already ordered, along with the cream, strawberry and chocolate meringue concoction I have ordered instead of a wedding cake.


~~ Cade ~~


“Mrs Matthews.”  Looking over to Rona, “Mrs Matthews, Mrs Rona Matthews.”


Laughing now, “Do you like your new name love?”


“Oh yes.”


“And I love, Mrs Cade Matthews.”
 I laugh at the look on Rona’s face as she hadn’t thought of that one.


“My wife.”


“Wow, this is amazing.  Can we have a party when Jake and Elise get back from their honeymoon, along with, Anna, Beth and their families, to celebrate our wedding?”


“I think that can be arranged.”


“Before we eat let’s see if we can get Jake on Skype.  I want the girls to see me in my wedding finery.”


“Alright, how are you feeling?”
  I ask smoothing my hand over her stomach.


“I feel like the luckiest woman
alive right now.  I have a husband whom I love with all my heart and I’m pregnant with his child.  What more could I want?”


Arriving back at our villa, I tell Lalaina to give us fifteen minutes, before they start to serve us our wedding dinner.


After ringing Jake to tell him to log on to Skype, we finally connect to not just Jake, but Elise, Anna, Beth, their husbands and kids as well.  This brings tears to Rona’s eyes and I feel myself getting all choked up.


“Looking at your faces does this mean congratulation’s are in order?” Jake asks
, grinning with his arms wrapped around Elise.


“I’m now officially Mrs Cade Matthews,” Rona announces, flashing her hand for all to see.
  Pulling her back into me, I place a kiss on her lips to much cheering from home.


“Is everyone alright back there?”
  I ask.


“Everything is fine dad.
  Don’t worry about anything, we have it covered.  Just enjoy your time with Rona.”


“Hiya Rona, I’ve been telling Honey Bee about you getting married, she misses you,” says Gabby.


“I’ll be home in a week.  Perhaps when I get back you’d like to go riding with me and your grandpa?”


  Yes please.”  Gabby dances around.


“Oh by the way ladie
s, I went shopping in Dubai.... Lingerie!  Do I need to say more?” Rona teases my daughters and Elise.


“Shit, it’s not like the,” coughing, “dress is it?”
  Jake asks.


“Jake whatever do you mean?”
  We are both laughing now.  “Jake there is even less material to what I’m bringing back for the three ladies there.  In fact I refused to let your father in the shop with me.  Thought it might be too much for him with me buying things for his daughters and daughter-in-law.”


“Oh my god guys, better stock up on condoms,” Jake whispers, so that the kids don’t overhear him.


“Alright, we’re going to go and eat now, we’ll see you all in a week.”  I try to bring the conversation to an end.


“Hang on dad.
  We have something to tell you,” Anna says.


“Go ahead.”


Is Jake Blushing?


Taking a deep breath, “We realize that Rona is,
Mmm, younger than you and that she might want.... children.”  At this my heart starts beating wildly wondering what the hell is coming next and hoping it isn’t anything to upset Rona who’s already pregnant.


Taking hold of Rona’s hand and linking our fingers together. “Go ahead Anna,
its okay.”  I try to keep my voice calm.


“Okay, well what we want to say is.... well it’s like this.”


“Shit, Anna just spit it out will you?”  Jake gets aggravated.


“What she’s trying to say Dad is that if Rona
wants children then that’s fine with us,” Jake tells us.


“We know you don’t need our permission, but remembering the ‘birds and the bees’ talk you gave us, we figured we’d get this out of the way and tell you first before you have something to tell us, sort of like a verbal wedding present,” Beth finishes.


Looking at Rona she mouths, ‘yes’ to me.


“Well that’s good, because that’s what’s going to be happening in about eight months time,”
  I announce, with a big grin on my face.


“How did that happen?”
  Beth asks.


“The usual way, perhaps we need more practice to refresh your memory,” Mack tells his wife, to everyone’s amusement.


~~ Rona ~~


After the Skype call with the Matthews’ clan back in Jackson Hole we have a lovely meal prepared for us in our villa, followed by coffee and the dessert I’d ordered instead of a wedding cake.
  The dessert was made up of chocolate dipped meringues, layered with strawberries and cream.  It was delicious and melted in my mouth.


I’ve just showered and I’m now waiting for Cade to join me for our wedding night.
  I can’t stop looking at my rings, they’re just perfect.


Walking up behind me, Cade puts his arms around me and I snuggle into his embrace.


“Come to bed, love.”


Leading me by the hand over to the bed, Cade then pulls the cover down ready to climb in.


Undoing the belt of my robe, he removes it and his own, placing them on the chair at the side of the bed.

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Sitting on the bed he pulls me between his legs kissing my stomach.
  His hands caress my butt and the back of my legs.  “You’re exquisite.”

He pulls me in even closer and wraps his arms around my waist.
  My hands go into his hair.  I massage his scalp, feeling him shiver.


After a minute or two, I move slightly and straddle his legs.
  I push slightly.  He falls backwards onto the bed.  I move up and straddle his hips.


He has me so wet with wanting.
  This happens every time we’re together.


Leaning over, I lick his nipples, moving up to his collarbone.
  I lick up to his neck and then his ear.  I  start nibbling.  He shudders and arches off the bed.


His penis is snug between the folds of my sex.
  Sitting up I slide up and down along his shaft.  I tingle all over.  He grabs my hips and grinds against me.


Looking down, Cade is watching me through heavy lidded eyes.
  I reach between us and smooth my thumb over the tip of him.  He groans.  Moving down his length, I take a firmer hold and position him at the opening of my sex.  Holding there I take a deep breath to try and slow down.  I realize Cade is as worked up as I am.


“Brace yourself, husband.”


“You’re going to kill me, wife.”


Then I drop down on him.
  He touches base inside me; the pleasure drags moans from us.


~~ Cade ~~


Shit, I thought I was going to blow when she slammed down onto me.   As it is, I’m probably two strokes away.


Looking up at the goddess on top of me, I start moving my hips slowly.


Holding onto Rona’s hips, I help her to move up and down.  Feeling close, I push up and wrap her up in my arms.  I kiss her with everything I have while still moving inside her.


Feeling her start to come, my cock enlarges.
  My balls drawing up.  I ejaculate inside her while Rona still quivers around me.


With our breathing evening out, she’s still impaled on me.
  I turn slightly, lying down.  I withdraw from her slowly and pull her into my arms.


“You have realized that twins run in my family, right?”


Sensing her looking at me, “I know Anna and Jake are twins, but I never gave it a thought.”


“Well, I guess twins are more of a bet for us as both my parents had a twin.”


“Oh shit.”  Laughing, “I did want maybe two children.  I just wasn’t expecting to have them at the same time.”


“I love you, Mrs Matthews.”


“I love you too, Mr Matthews.”


~~ Rona ~~


It’s good to finally be back home with my family.


I really don’t like hospitals and I really, really missed my husband and lying in his arms at night.


It’s also great not being like a beached whale anymore.
  Cade kept telling me I was gorgeous and he would kiss my stomach all the time.


Our twin sons arrived during the early hours of the morning four days ago and although they were three weeks early, they were healthy birth weights at 5lb 10oz and 6lb 2oz.


Gosh twins sons, Cody and Travis.  They already have their dad and half brother Jake wrapped around their little fingers.


I’m sitting propped up on the sofa while Jake and Elise cuddle our bundles of Joy.
  Elise is here and is five months pregnant, also with twins.


Jake bless him, had been so stressed the night I was in labor.
  Heaven help him when it’s Elise’s turn.


“Rona, how are you?” Grace asks on entering the house with a guy I haven’t seen before, but I presume it must be Jason, who she’s been away with this weekend.
  Grace has been through a lot these past few months, because of the trouble Tom, her brother, caused and my ex fiancé, Nick.


Since getting back from our wedding and honeymoon I’d become good friends with Grace and she certainly wasn’t as shy as she had been when we first met.


“I’m fine thanks Grace.  Did you have a nice weekend away?”


“I did thanks.
  I want you to meet Jason.”


“Nice to meet you Jason, please forgive me for not getting up.
  If I move, my very strict husband will appear.”


“Don’t worry.
  Congratulations.  It’s nice to meet you and your family,” Jason says.


“Thank you.”


~~ Cade ~~


“Hi Grace, and you must be Jason, nice to meet you, I’m Cade, Rona’s husband.”


“Nice to meet you too,” Jason replies.


Hearing the door yet again, I go and answer it, only to come face to face with Josh Mitchell!


“Hi Cade, hope you don’t mind me calling by.
  I’ve just bought a cabin close to here and wanted to offer you this as a peace offering.”  Josh hands me a bottle of very old whiskey.


Taking the whiskey, “Do you want to come in?
  Rona won’t be happy if she knows you’ve called and not said hello.”  I try to be polite.


“Rona, you have a visitor.”


Turning towards the door she spots Josh, “Oh my god, Josh come on over here.”


Walking over to Rona he bends down and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
  Pulling away, grinning at me, knowing I’m keeping a close eye on him.


“Josh, you remember Grace don’t you?
  And this is her boyfriend Jason.” Rona makes the introductions.


 Josh looks a bit stunned, and, what, I’m not sure.  Remembering his audience he holds his hand out, “Of course.  Grace, how are you doing?”


“I’m fine thanks,” she replies, shaking his hand trying to hide a blush and something else.
  What the hell is going on between those two?  Josh doesn’t seem to want to release her hand.


By the look on Jason’s face, he doesn’t like the way Josh is looking at Grace.
  He moves closer to her, laying his claim.


Grace looks to be embarrassed and maybe upset.
  “Rona, I’m sorry but we can’t stop, I just wanted to call in as we were passing to see how you are.”  Collecting her purse and coat after looking at my sons, she starts to leave.


“See you around Grace,” Josh says.
  Grace just looks in his direction – blinks – then ignores him.


Guess Josh really is over my Rona!


“Don’t worry Grace, we’ll see you soon,” I reply, as they’re on their way out.


“How you doing, Elise?”
Josh asks, turning his attention to her.


“I’m fine thanks.
  Would you like a cuddle?”  Elise asks, offering up one of my sons.


Laughing at the panic on Josh’s face as he replies, “No
…. I don’t mind looking, but I don’t touch.”


“Actually Dad, we had an ultra sound the other day,” Jake says.


“And?” I ask.


With a big smile on his face, “We’re having twin girls.”


“Oh my god, Jake, Elise, that’s wonderful.”  Rona tries to stand up.


“Love, you stay right there.”


“I think on that note I’m going to go, before I catch the twin syndrome!  I’ll see you around.”


“Goodbye Josh, take care,” Rona says, as he leaves.


Walking over, I sit down next to my wife with my arm around her.  Jake and Elise bring our sons over to us placing Cody with his mother and Travis with me.


“We’ll see you both later.”
 Jake takes Elise home.


Sitting quietly on the sofa with my wife makes me feel the luckiest man alive.
  I have an amazing wife who’s given me twin sons out of love.  What more could a guy ask for?


“Thank you for making my life complete love.”


“You complete me Cade, you and our boys.”





Turn the page to read the Novella.

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