Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #christmas, #action adventure, #alien, #sci fi, #dna

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Frozen Holidays 1 & 2

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Frozen Holidays Book 1


By Crystal Dawn

Cover by Crystal Dawn using Istock

Dedicated to those that give even though they
may not have much themselves. Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year
to all my readers.

Frozen Origin 1-Zeus

Origin is the best in the field of DNA
research and they have finely tuned their craft. They started out
with a line of supermen pulling all the best traits from the
millions of human DNA samples they had available to them. These
supermen were the smartest, fastest, strongest, and most adaptable
the human race had to offer, but Origin wasn’t satisfied. When they
expanded their facility in Antarctica, they discovered something
that made the next level reachable. These were the gods, so far
beyond the abilities of man that even with some of their gifts
still undiscovered, they put the supermen to shame.

Origin managed to get by with enslaving the
products of their research for years until they rented the talents
of those products to terrorists that used them against the US and
her allies. A team was sent to free them and they were allowed to
be an independent entity, free to rule themselves. They had much to
overcome and Origin wasn’t ready to give them up yet. Origin fought
hard to recover their losses, but the gods fought harder to remain
free especially once they realized that they could have a mate and
children when they find the right woman.

Sierra, one of the team sent in to free them,
and Zeus, the leader of the gods, are the first to mate and have

Frozen Origin 2-Hermes

Hermes is captured by rogue Origin agents and
meets his future mate under the worst possible conditions. He had
hoped to mate a fierce warrior like Zeus did, but is drawn to the
timid mousy girl despite his wishes to the contrary. When she helps
him escape, he begins to discover she isn’t anything like he
thought her to be.

Origin continues to try to bring the gods
back under their control and rogue agents with their own plans are
added to the mix. The gods deal with the US military, spies in
their midst, and are offered another captured Origin lab to use for
their own needs. Zeus offers this to the demons but Lu wants to
think about it.

Several of the other gods suspect they’ve
found their mates but they aren’t sure yet. Some of them wonder if
they’ll ever be truly free of Origin and if they’ll ever have the
things that other people take for granted.

Frozen Origin 3-Hades

In Hades, more gods are freed and brought
home. A new trend is developing with Origin. They are farming gods
out singly to small groups and individuals making it harder to
track them. Hades and Doc search for a god that was verified in the
possession of an unidentified party. Their mission was largely
unsuccessful and they returned to Olympus without the god they had
searched for. Was he still alive? They believed he was but the
search would have to start all over from scratch. They refused to
give up until he was free or confirmed dead.

Frozen Origin Quickies-Morpheus

Farmed out to a particularly loathsome female
researcher, Morpheus only wants to die so he can be free from the
pain and the desire of the vindictive female who tortures him when
he refuses to service him. Eventually his fellow gods find him but
there are so many more out there in situations similar or even
worse than his.


It was funny, no it was fucking hilarious
that he had been chosen for this mission because his name, a form
of Eudora, that meant good gift in ancient Greek. Yeah, his name,
which he hated, had gotten him screwed one more time. Here it was
the day after the American Thanksgiving holiday and he was dressed
up like the fat man himself, father Christmas. He liked kids, one
would never doubt that, but he’d been puked on, pissed on, had gum
stuck in his hair and right now as he looked down, a dog was
growling at him and chewing on the toes of his shiny black boots.
The desire to kick him, not hard but hard enough, was nearly
overpowering. He didn’t because Santa Claus would never do

His patience, something gods weren’t known
for, was most certainly long gone. The only thing helping him hold
on was that one of his brothers was nearby and in need of help. He
looked toward the building he was spying on and fervently hoped the
outcome would be good. A young boy, maybe three or four, almost
fell as he rounded the corner of the building headed straight
toward him. Where the hell were the little guy’s parents? He saw a
stomach rounding the building followed by a small pretty woman with
long brown hair and red cheeks. She yelled at the boy to stop, but
he just ran faster.

He figured she was five or six months along
with the boy’s sibling and far too frail and underfed. Her stomach
was the biggest part of her, her cheeks were hollow, and every
protective instinct in him screamed to take this female and the
child and run like hell. He wouldn’t, couldn’t even if she wasn’t
clearly taken already. He was here for a reason and that had to
come first.


Chapter 1

The Mission

“It just doesn’t seem fair,” Ros said as he

“It’s as good a way to decide as any,” Hades
determined as he always did with no doubts and no changing his

“That’s because your name is death and you’ve
always liked your name.”

“Eudoros is a good name too. Embrace who you
are and remember, you were given the honor of helping to save our
brothers.” Their brothers being an unknown number of gods and
demons scattered all over the world living under agonizing
conditions. Their captors tested, tortured, and attempted to breed
them to get more demons and gods to continue the cycle with.

There was nothing to say when Hades put
things that way. He tried to remember that as he stood on the
corner. He could stand or sit in the comfortable chair behind him.
It was the one that the kids climbed into his lap on so the parents
or caretakers could get a nice picture of their child asking Santa
for the yearly Christmas haul. It amazed him what some of these
kids asked for and told him they got. He looked around to see if
Danny was coming. That little kid had stole his heart and his mama,
well if she wasn’t already claimed and it was obvious that she was
with the bun in the oven and the little guy to boot, he’d take her
and run away with her.

He didn’t think much of her husband anyway.
She was so delicate, he could tell she wasn’t being looked after
and the father never seemed to be around. Three days had past and
no father to be seen. The man hid better than Santa Claus. If Ros
had a female like that, he’d cherish her and the boy, well that was
a helluva kid there. He asked for his mama to get a new dress and
for the soldiers not to have to fight and die anymore. It brought
tears to the harshest male’s eyes. He might just get involved with
what was going on there and straighten some guy out about how you
treated your wife. The average man didn’t seem to have a clue.

Ros saw the little guy tearing around the
corner again. He gave him a look of disapproval since he had asked
him not to run ahead of his mama that way. The boy instantly skid
to a stop allowing her to catch up. She sent him a thankful look.
He stayed at his mama’s side until they got near Ros then he put
his arms up so Ros could pick him up. He lifted him thinking he and
his mama both should be eating better. The kid hardly weighed more
than a feather and his mama looked way too thin and slight to be
carrying a baby.

Danny looked at him with those bright blue
eyes, the same eyes his mama had and he smiled. It was the sweet
open smile of the innocent. Danny’s mama, as he called her, was
leaning against the building probably faint from hunger. She was
lost in thought or too tired to care what they were doing.

“Danny, what’s your last name?” Ros asked
looking at the little boy who was now sitting on his lap happily
playing with Santa’s black belt buckle.

“Jones. I thought Santa knew everything?” he
looked up at me with a hint of suspicion.

“Oh, I do,” Ros said as he reached into his
bag pulling out a paper sack. He pulled out a package and handed it
to the boy. “Eat this really fast.” The boy smiled as he took a
bite out of his burger. He turned to make sure his mama wasn’t
watching. She might not want him to take food from a stranger, but
Santa wasn’t really a stranger, was he?

Danny was nearly four and everyone said he
was very mature and smart for his age. He went to preschool half a
day four days a week and would start Kindergarten next year if his
mama had any say in it. Since his daddy had gone to war and not
come back home, he felt like a big boy. He helped his mama whenever
she needed it and he tried to behave the best that he could. She
was tired most of the time because of the baby, but Danny couldn’t
wait until he was born. He’d be able to take care of him and mama
could get some rest.

They didn’t have any family, not really.
Mama’s mother was white trash, or at least that’s what Sally, one
of his friends at preschool told him her mother said. His dad’s
parent’s hadn’t wanted their son to marry her so they didn’t have
anything to do with them. He thought they were just mean so he
didn’t care. His mama cried sometimes at night. He knew cause they
slept in the same bed. They lived in a small place with one bed and
no couch. It was okay cause he liked to sleep with his mama. She
kept him warm at night when the place got a little cold.

“What’s your mama’s name?” Ros asked.

“Mama, silly.”

“That’s what you call her, but she has
another name,” Ros explained.

Danny looked at him with his face all
scrunched up in concentration. “I’m only allowed to call her mama,
but Phil calls her Missus Jones.”

Ros could see this was getting him no where.
He wasn’t sure what a four year old should know, but this one
seemed surprised that his mama had her own name. Maybe if Ros was
around more kids he’d know what to expect but he’d not been around
any for very long. He would have to find out another way, maybe
from the lady herself. How could he asked without seeming too

He looked over to where she was and he lifted
Danny off him quickly and hurried to support her. She looked ready
to fall so he helped her to his chair. “Are you alright?”

She turned a lovely shade of red. “Just a
little dizzy. The baby’s growing so fast it caught me off guard
today.” Alarms went off in his head. That meant something but he
couldn’t remember what.

“Why don’t you let me take you for a bite to
eat? I’m getting off work right now and I’d like some company.”

“We couldn’t impose. I need to get Danny home
to do his homework.”

“I don’t have any homework today, Mama.” She
blushed prettily again.

“I don’t know anyone in town and I’m bored
and lonely. I’d really like a little company.”


“Let’s go, Mama. He’s nice,” Danny

Ros knew it was unfair to take advantage when
she didn’t feel good and to enlist the child’s aid, but he didn’t
care. He wanted what he wanted and right now that was to spend some
time with them. “I am nice and it’s just a bite to eat and a little
conversation for a lonely man,” he said as he smiled his most
charming smile. Ladies never denied him when he gave them
smile. It seemed Danny’s mama couldn’t deny him

“Alright, just for a little while,” she

“I’ll be on my best behavior and Danny will
be too. Won’t you, Buddy?” Danny solemnly nodded.

Ros turned to quickly divest himself of the
suit. He wore casual clothing underneath. Once he was completely
himself again, he turned to face them. Danny’s mama was shocked and
Danny was surprised.

He pointed at him. “You’re not really Santa,
are you?”

“I’m not. Santa needs a lot of help around
the holidays and he’s busy at the North Pole, so he has his friends
help out.”

“Can I help Santa?” It was just like this kid
to want to help and not ask for anything for himself.

“I’m sure he can find something for you to do
if your mama doesn’t mind. Maybe once school is out for Christmas.”
Ros didn’t make a commitment because he didn’t want to lie and he
wasn’t sure what Danny’s mama would say.

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