Fuck Me Santa (4 page)

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Authors: Amber Drake

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I heard Loretta’s words in my head,
You know Hunter will definitely come…
And my world exploded in molten white pleasure.


Coming down I heard and felt Charlie moan and rock through his own climax.


An hour later I was showered, dressed and strutting through the doors of Frank Harding’s Bail Bonds office.


I’m Selena Cherry, I’m thirty-two, blonde and dangerously hot… Oh and I’m the second most kickass bounty hunter this side of Hotslide City.




I sat in the office flicking through the paper work Loretta had handed me. The skip’s name was Mike Hicks, he seemed to be a low ranking member or accessory to enough shit to be in the record books. He was damned lucky he’d gotten bail at all and Loretta was right, they were all up shit creek if this one slipped through.


“He’s up for armed robbery,” Loretta sat on the other side of the desk and lit up a cigarette. “He and a couple of other guys knocked off a line of convenience and liquor stores.”


“I remember this one,” I said still reading. “His two so-called mates scarpered and left him to take the wrap.”


She nodded. “Looks like they’re hoping that he’ll make a deal for a reduced sentence to turn in the location of the other two.”


“Shit,” I snapped the file shut and stood up. “Are we sure he’s still alive?”


“Yeah, his mother said he called this morning to talk to his brother,” She replied perching on the edge of the desk.




“His brother wasn’t there.”


I rolled my eyes and was about to say something else when Frank strode in with a leather-clad Hunter close on his heels.


Two more different yet equally virile men could not exist in the same room. Both were tall with broad shoulders and both were devilishly sexy but that was where the similarities ended.


Frank was a poster-boy for metro men. His suits were always high fashion, expensive cuts and fit him as though each were made personally for him. Today he was dressed in black slacks and a crisp white shirt that looked like he’d rolled the sleeves to his elbows when in fact they were actually cut and stitched that way. His hair was stylishly trimmed close to his head and he even managed to pull of the sexy, unshaven shadow.


Hunter on the other hand. He was about a foot taller than Frank with long black hair that fell in waves to his wide shoulders. He wore a black leather vest and matching pants that buttoned at the front and did nothing to hide the size the impressive package he kept in them.


“Look, mate,” Frank was saying, throwing me a wink as he picked up his messages off Loretta’s desk. “I told you, we have skips for you but their small ones. Take ‘em or leave ‘em.”


“And I told you that I don’t deal with the small shit,” Hunter growled, barely sparing me a look before taking a seat in Loretta’s chair. “Look, I’ll level with you my last client stiffed me a grand. I need cash now. I need the big one.” He spun in the chair then leaned his elbows on the desk. “I know for a fact that Mike Hicks
Failed to Appear.
I want it.”


Me and Loretta exchanged a wide-eyed look and when she pointed to the door I didn’t argue. While the two men continued to debate I carefully picked up my bag and the file and backed out towards the door.


But Hunter spotted me and met my wide grin with a glare. He looked back at Loretta. “Oh no you didn’t.”


“Don’t you take that tone in my office!” She returned, all the while waving me out the door with a hand behind her.


“Technically, Loretta,” Frank interrupted still sifting through the messages and mail. “It’s my office.”


“At last! Some sanity.” Hunter threw his hand in the air. “Tell her to sign the job to me so I can catch the guy already.”


“Yeah, I’m the one who told her to give it to Selena,” Frank said. “But I’m sure if you ask Loretta nicely she’ll hand you a bunch of other FTA’s for you to hunt down and cash in.”


“What the fuck, Frank?” Hunter slammed his hand down on the desk. “You gave the biggest skip you’ve had in years to Buffy.”


“My name isn’t Buffy!” I slid the file into my bag mainly so I wouldn’t be tempted to hurl it at him. “I’ve tracked down and brought in just as many skips as you have, more in fact because this is my job while you just do it part time when you’re little private dick hobby runs dry.”


“Oh please,” he sighed and his head fell back, making his long black hair cascade and shimmer around his tattooed shoulders. “You chase drunk drivers and small time moron’s caught with dope. This is the big time, Barbie. Mike Hicks has been involved in gun running and armed robbery. It’s safe to say this man is packing heat.” As he was speaking his long, leather-clad legs brought him right up into my face. One hand settled on the wall behind me, just over my shoulder and he leaned down to murmur, “He’ll blow that bobble head off your shoulders before you can get past the words, “Bail enforcement.””


As his lips formed those last words I could feel my chest flushing. My whole body thrummed with the anticipation of feeling those lips. Down girl!


I pressed my hands against his chest. It was bare beneath the vest and just as hard as it looked. My fingers actually tingled but I forced myself back on track and shoved him hard, forcing him to back away and inhaling sharply. I didn’t even know I’d been holding my breath.


“You listen here, you strategically shaved gorilla,” I returned, forcing my hormones over into my temper where they belonged right now. “We’ll just see about that, won’t we? Because not only am I going to capture this guy. I’m going to spend the entire finder’s fee ON – MY – HAIR!”


“You think you’re that good?” He leaned in again so his words gusted out against my cheek.


“I am so good. You would not believe how fucking good I am.” I whispered back.


His hands had wrapped around my upper arms and we were both breathing hard. We were so close I could feel the sheer burning heat radiating from his large body. My pussy had gone from tingling to a full blown ache. I could feel the muscles tightening and contracting, screaming for me to just end this, push Hunter back to that chair and ride him hard till we were both damned satisfied.


I pulled out of his hold and headed for the door. But before I left I turned and added. “You know if you’d asked me nicely to partner up and split the fee I would have said yes.”


“Why would I do that?” he growled back, his voice deeper and huskier then it was before. “I’d be the one doing all the work.”


Asshole! Throwing him a look I winked at Loretta and strutted out the door.


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Erotic Adventures of Selena Cherry, Bounty Hunter


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