Fulfilled (20 page)

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Authors: Allyson Young

BOOK: Fulfilled
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Trevor lay awake with his woman held close to his chest. Jon was right about how strong, how tough she was. She’d accompanied him on this trip, wanting to spend time alone with him and get to know him better. She trusted him and Jon to get their shit together and work it out because she knew what she wanted. No matter how early in the game it was for her, fresh into the Lifestyle, thrust into a ménage, she

He’d told Joel about her in frank detail and talked about Jonathon, too. Joel in turn advised him he could see the difference in Trevor, that he was obviously a committed Dom, come into his own. They’d done the building walk-through in record time with Trevor taking notes, snapping pictures, and then talked. He valued Joel’s opinion and was glad he’d kept in touch. It seemed a long time since they had visited one another’s clubs. He hadn’t been back to Club Vice since Joel moved here. Joel wasn’t in the club scene anymore because he could give Tara what she needed without it. Trevor believed he and Jonathon could offer Lois the same, but Jon needed the club because he worked there. Another compromise. And Lois did like to watch.

He heard Lois’s comment about the baby epidemic, and hadn’t missed her abrupt termination of the conversation when Jonathon had replied. It piqued his curiosity, and he mused about it, remembering how Lois talked about children and her chosen profession. He’d meant it when he told her he hadn’t thought about children. He had no real need to carry on the family name. But the idea of seeing Lois swell and become round with a baby, his or Jon’s, well, he couldn’t deny the appeal. One of them needed to marry her to better provide for any progeny, particularly given their ménage relationship. Joel and Tara were proof that the kink could stay part of things. He decided to have a long discussion with Jon when they got back. He wasn’t getting any younger, and kids took energy.


* * * *


He observed Lois and Tara over breakfast the following morning. He’d woken Lois earlier with a delicate suckling of her clit. She was so easy to hold immobile and deliciously torture. He’d made her come twice, working that sensitized nub over her protests before pushing up inside of her. She fit him despite her slightness, and he kissed her closed eyelids as he rocked above her. She opened her eyes before she came, as he and Jon had trained her to do, and he fell into their chocolate depths.

“Love you, honey.”

“Love you back.”

Maybe it was said in the aftermath of passion but Trevor didn’t care. She’d said it, and it was real, just as she’d said he was her Dom. One of her Doms. Nothing in her subsequent behavior challenged it. If anything, she was more pliant and affectionate when they showered together and got ready for breakfast.

The two women worked well together while he and Joel carried dishes and utensils out to the patio. The weather was perfect for eating outside.

“Something change for Lois?” Joel eyed him.

“She told me she loved me. First time. I’ve been waiting and hoping. Whipped.”

“It’s a great feeling. Particularly when you get to do your share of the whipping.”

Trevor laughed, and Lois looked up at the sound, alert and in tune. Whipped. Awesome.

The time passed too quickly, but he needed to get Lois back to see Jonathon, spend some time with him, and get up in time to drive to the Alexanders. He also wanted to talk with his partner, sooner than later, although that might have to wait. Lois went off to pack while he and Joel cleaned up. Tara trailed after Lois, and he could hear the murmur of their voices. It was unlikely the couple would be travelling to Austin in the near future, so he resolved to make the trip back. Too much time had passed since their last contact.

Tara and Lois hugged good-bye and he saw her covertly press a hand on Tara’s baby bump, whispering something to the other woman who dropped a kiss on Lois’s cheek. He and Joel did the man-hug equivalent. He bussed Tara’s cheeks and hid his amusement when Lois awkwardly offered her hand to Joel who reeled her in for another squeeze.

“Would you like to visit them again?” He checked his mirrors before pulling back onto the interstate.

“Yes. I’d like Jonathon to meet them, too.”

He ignored the little pang. This had been a special time and damned if he wasn’t resistant to sharing it. Her next comment assuaged him.

“Maybe once the baby’s born they’ll come up to Austin.”

Trevor decided to keep to his decision not to say anything about babies until he’d talked to Jonathon.

“Did Tara tell you why she was punished?” He caught Lois’s start from the corner of his eye.

“She said she gave herself an orgasm instead of at Joel’s hand or direction.”

“Uh-huh. And?”

“I guess me telling her about you and Jonathon got her excited.”

“Not a bad thing, honey, but Joel controls her pleasure.”

After several minutes he had to ask, “Do you have a problem with it?”

“It’s their life, Trevor.”

“And what about you?”

She laughed quietly. “I doubt I’ll ever have the need. You and Jonathon see to me.”

Well, there was that.

They made the trip home in the usual time. Lois was clearly anxious to get back, and they didn’t make any additional stops on the way. Even the quiet felt comfortable.

Jonathon scooped her up at the entrance to the club, alerted by Trevor’s text. He toted her off, leaving Trevor to deal with the bags. He hustled to catch up because he wanted in on the action. In fact, he left the luggage in the hallway. Pushing the door to Jon’s quarters all the way open, he stepped inside.

Jon had Lois stripped and on the bed, perched on her knees. As Trevor watched, the other man released his cock and offered it to Lois who obligingly closed her lips around it. Trevor took a chair and then his own cock in hand. Observing his woman suck his partner off was something he doubted he’d ever tire of. He’d prefer her sucking him, but this was a close second. Jon loomed over her, the head of his massive shaft sweetly enclosed within her hot mouth. The size differential alone was fucking hot, and Lois had no inhibitions. She toiled diligently, and Jon lost his studied Dom demeanor, not hiding his pleasure while being careful with Lois, too. Trevor thought he could push her a bit harder, but then Jon hadn’t seen her last night. Between them they’d surely meet every one of her needs. She met theirs, hands down.

Jon grunted, and Trevor let his own release take him, cupping his hand over the head, his cum covering it. He enjoyed the sated feeling while he watched Lois sit back on her heels, her mouth swollen and reddened, saliva on her cheeks and chin, the picture of a woman who knew she’d satisfied her man. One of her men.

Jon visibly pulled himself together and settled Lois on her back, pressing her thighs apart. Trevor wiped off with some tissues, tucked his cock back into his pants and went to assist. He suckled those tiny pink nipples while Jon ate Lois’s pussy. Her hand tentatively touched his head, and when he didn’t object, the fingers worked their way through his hair, a gentle, gossamer touch. When Jon worked his magic at her apex, Lois tightened her grip, a brief tug to announce her crest, and he bit down on the nipple in his mouth, pinching the other between his thumb and middle finger. Her gasp and muffled scream thrilled him.

Chapter Twenty


“So, what’s up?”

They were waiting for Lois. Trevor preferred to pick her up from the Alexanders, but she had a couple of errands to run on the way. It gave him the opportunity to talk openly with Jonathon about the thought rolling around in his mind all week. Finally. In fact, he’d left work early to ensure they could have this discussion. Lois called to advise she’d be there by six, so he and Jon needed to get it done.

“I think Lois would like to have a baby. She’ll be forty in April, so it’s probably best not to wait too long.”

Jon hulked in his seat like a brooding Buddha. Trevor wondered what he’d said.

“Jon? Don’t you see this going anywhere? What the fuck, man? This is our future.” Trevor pushed up from his chair and began to pace. Had he misread something? He looked at Jon from time to time and finally the other man spoke.

“She didn’t tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

“That I’m sterile.”

Trevor blinked and blinked again. Nope, still in the atrium, same Jon.

“Mumps. No viable spermatozoa. Never been a problem until now. She really wants a kid, and I thought that would spell the end of what we started. I wanted to mention it to you a couple of times. In fact I have a plan, just haven’t shared it.”

A cold fist wrapped itself around Trevor’s gut. He tried to process the mind-boggling information, but all he could think was…“Am I a fucking means to an end? Does Lois want this?”

“What? A means to—you mean like a stud or something?”


“Fuck, no. I won’t say the idea hasn’t crossed my mind since you partnered with me, but the first night was about a threesome. I wasn’t looking for somebody to knock Lois up back then. I’m still some fucked up about it.”

Jon’s patent honesty, coupled with his crudity reassured Trevor more than any swearing on a Bible or heartfelt pleas would have done. The other man obviously had taken a blow to his ego, and the fact he’d trust Trevor to make a baby in Lois spoke to his acceptance.

“I tried to cut her loose, send her on her way and maybe have a chance to connect with someone else. But not before I fucked her. Selfish, Trevor. Against everything I am, because I couldn’t deny myself.

“And she handed me my ass. She’s smarter than me and tougher. I told you. But I wasn’t going to raise the baby thing for a while. I thought about it but figured you’d come to it and we’d talk. I wasn’t prepared for how it just made me feel. I guess I hoped I wouldn’t have to tell you about shooting blanks.”

“She accepted you even knowing she wouldn’t have a baby with you.”

“Nailed it. And I sealed the deal, let her have the choice.”

“And what do you think she’s gonna choose this time around?”

“It’s the right thing for her, Trev. You gotta see that.”

“But what about the rest of the world? A ménage is one thing in the club. Babies mean all sorts of outside influence. We need to think this through a little more. I thought we’d talk and do some planning.” Trevor reminded himself of what Joel and Tara had. It was just that Jon’s revelation threw him. He thought they’d be in it together, that the onus wouldn’t just be on him. It was a big responsibility.

“What’s to plan? How much more time do we waste?”

Holy shit.
Didn’t life sometimes bite a person on the ass and then somehow balance things?
“Well, then, that night in the bar was your lucky day, buddy.” Trevor heard the relief and exhilaration in his own voice as he willingly let himself be persuaded. “Because I want to continue to make Lois’s fondest wish come true. She’s got you, I dare to believe she wants me, and as far as I know I can knock her up, to use your quaint phrase. I’ll give it my best shot anyhow.

“But you’ll be in this right up to your ass, buddy,” he warned Jon. “She needs us both, and you’ll carry your part.”

“Done!” Jon heaved to his feet and pumped his fist. “So you marry her and put a baby in her as soon as possible. You can start that process right away. She wants a kid badly. You should see her with Nathan. It’s killing her to see him connect to his parents no matter how right it is and how hard she tries to hide it.

“I’ll be your worst-kept secret. And I’ll help out with the kid. Maybe kids if you get right on it. I’ll make a good backup.”

Trevor high-fived him, and the delight on Jon’s face was nearly comical. They stood there in a goofy kind of silence, lost in their thoughts. He could only imagine what Jon was thinking. Their sub might soon have everything she dreamed of, and the pleasure he attained from that realization was mind blowing.


* * * *


Lois reeled back against the wall. Jonathon was a Dom through and through, and so was Trevor for that matter, if different in expectations, but to make that kind of decision for her! Were they even going to discuss it with her? Jonathon expected her submission, and she’d given it gladly, without hesitation, because it pleased her to please him. Both believed they had her best interest at heart and often made choices and decisions without consulting her. But this? Were they planning to spring it on her like they’d done the ménage? Not that the ménage hadn’t been a wonderful plan. And she did so want a baby.

So you marry her and put a baby in her as soon as possible. You can start that process right away. She wants a kid badly. You should see her with Nathan. It’s killing her to see him connect to his parents no matter how right it is and how hard she tries to hide it.

I’ll be your worst-kept secret. And I’ll help out with the kid. Maybe kids if you get right on it. I’ll make a good backup.
Jonathon seemed to have it all figured out. But Trevor hadn’t said anything.

A thought struck her, adding to the others churning in her head. It was like a physical blow. She tried to think clearly, move past what she’d overheard. Trevor wanted a D/s relationship for a long time. It was common knowledge in the club. He was tired of being a third. Jonathon invited him to meet her need, and their relationship blossomed from there into a ménage. It seemed so natural, despite how difficult it was for Jon to share. But what if Jon wanted Trevor for another purpose? What if he’d arranged this threesome just because he couldn’t make a baby with her and Trevor could? Because he loved her and knew what she needed. And what if Trevor, desperate for a long-term relationship had settled? For her. For plain, older Lois Wright who’d come to the Lifestyle late and believed she’d found the loves of her life? Her heart shrank at the thought of Jon’s need to fulfill her in every way being translated into sacrificing himself, struggling against his innate antipathy for sharing, being less a man.
Being their worst-kept secret. A backup.
And the implications for Trevor, who probably didn’t even want kids, but he’d
. What a mess.

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