Full On (10 page)

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Authors: Caitlyn Willows

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He shoved the pillows back under her hips and removed the
plug. Her heart raced when she heard him rip open a condom packet. Kneeling
between her legs, he braced her ass on his thighs and added more lube before he
probed her opening. He entered her at a snail’s pace, giving her time to
adjust, to protest, to stop it all while he slowly took possession. His breath
was as ragged as hers. Finally, he was balls-deep. Neither moved, though his
fingers flexed against her hips.

“Very clever breaching my meager defenses when I’m too sated
to protest.”

“Is that what I did?” He shifted forward to remove her mask.

“That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. So, how much longer
do I have to wait for you to start moving?”

“Oh, I’m not going to. You are.” He slipped a small, fat
dildo into her pussy. “I’ll even let you set the pace.” He rubbed his thumb
over her clit.

She’d already come twice, but the flogging and his dick up
her ass put her close to the edge. The dildo didn’t hurt either. She lay there,
his to pleasure, while he thumbed her clit and kneaded her breasts. Valerie
writhed more with every passing second. How could she have forgotten how
quickly a dick in her ass made her come? It rushed in from out of nowhere.

Russell groaned with her, then pulled free. Impossible to
think she could love him even more for doing so. He’d remembered how much the
position hurt her when she came before him. He’d given this moment of power to
her, for her. She watched through hooded eyes as he lost the condom, removed the
dildo, tossed the pillows to the head of the bed and then finally settled
between her legs, thrust himself deep in her body.

“Now…about that fucking.” He dug his fingers into her hips
and pounded away.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, twined her legs
over his calves and drank in the tension that mounted in his body. Loved how
his jaw clenched and he closed his eyes when they rolled back in his head.
Wondered at the heat that pooled in his lower back when he was so close to
coming he might burst into flames and take her with him.

Valerie spiked her nails into his ass. His back bowed, hips
snapped forward, body locked with a strangled groan as climax overtook him. He
ground into her, pulled back and plunged in again. Then again, before he
collapsed, gasping on top of her.

“I love you.” She brushed her hands over his back. “I love
you so much.” She craved a lifetime with him.

“I love you too.” He dropped a kiss to her lips, then eased
his weight from her. Somehow he managed to find the strength to arrange the
bedcovers, make a bathroom run and turn out the lights before he crawled in
with her.

Valerie wiggled into his arms. “You really did know exactly
what I needed.”

He spooned against her. “Was there any doubt?”

“Never.” Not anymore. They could do this. They could make
this work. Her only regret was not realizing it sooner.

Chapter Ten


“I hope to hell that’s your phone and not mine,” Russell
mumbled into his pillow. Actually, he hoped it was a wrong number. He sure as
hell didn’t feel like dealing with work issues at the crack of dawn.

He squinted at the digital clock on the nightstand. Eight.
Okay, so not exactly the crack of dawn, but still.

“I’m trying to ignore it.” Valerie scooted closer, draping
her leg over his. “I have other plans.”

Now that made him smile. He rolled to his back. His erection
tented the sheet. “You do realize I have morning breath.”

She tickled her fingers down to the bush surrounding his
erection. “Not where I’m going.” She looped a loose grip around his cock.

He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth with her hard
stroke, pushed her head downward when she headed in that direction. And the
damn phone had the nerve to start up again.

“Fuck it,” they said together.

Valerie snapped the sheet back, swung her legs to the floor
and stomped toward the living room. “That better not be yours,” she called over
her shoulder.

“It better not be yours either. The Off button works well on
both of them.”

“Got it.”

He took advantage of her absence to make a bathroom run,
only to return to find her stepping into the capris she wore yesterday.

“Estavarez is missing,” she said without prompting.

Fucking Estavarez again. “And we know this how?”

Valerie glanced up from under her eyebrows. “His mother woke
up and he wasn’t there.”

“Goddamn it.” All those pit stops were a ruse to phone home
and give her their location. No wonder Estavarez was so anxious to get rid of
him once they arrived at the safe house. “Fuck.”

“Yep, he played us.”

“You mean he played
.” He thumped his chest.

A sigh pulled her upright, hands on hips. Not a good sign.
He felt vulnerable facing her naked, but refused to scramble for clothes. “No,”
she calmly replied. “I mean
. He lied. His mother lied. God only knows
how many relatives were headed for Twentynine Palms. None of them ever had any
intention of letting him be without family. I can appreciate the loving support
but they could have—”

“Signed his death warrant.” His irritation faded.

“Exactly. I need to call the local police and advise them of
the situation. They won’t act on her call alone since he hasn’t been missing
all that long.” She snagged her yellow blouse and tossed it on, all in one
smooth motion. “You want breakfast?”

“Only if you’re hungry.” He’d make the effort for her, but
he’d have to force the food down his throat.

Her head tilted slightly. Was that a smirk? “Well, I was
hungry, and not for food.” Her fingers made quick work of the buttons.

Damn Estavarez. “When I find this sucker I’m gonna shake him
until his teeth rattle.”

“Not if I find him first,” she said. “He’s just lost an
attorney. Maybe even two once Casey hears about this.”

“I’ll let you deliver that news. In the meantime,” he
grabbed his jeans from the clothes he’d piled on the floor the night before,
“I’m heading to my house for a few things. I won’t be long.”

“Hopefully I’ll have this all wrapped up before you get
back.” She stepped into his space, pressing her palm against his abs. “Because
the thought of you all commando?” She clamped her hand over his ass and yanked
herself to him. “Oooo baby.”

“You expect me to zip up after that?” He shoved his erection
into place. “Think about this while I’m away.”

Putting distance between them, she eyeballed the ridge with
devilment. “I will indeed.”

He got a very lovely view of her ass as she walked away.
Suggesting a quickie popped into his head. Russell ignored it. There was
nothing quick about all the things he loved to do with her, and trying to
distract her from work wasn’t going to do anything good to their relationship.
He respected her professionalism. It was time to prove that.

She was deep into a firm conversation with a deputy from the
San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office when he left. Still, she tossed back a
kiss in response to the one he sent her, then gave him a wink. The interplay
helped bolster his morale. They were on the right track. Now to stay there.

He stopped at a Starbucks halfway between his place and
hers. Nerves settled, he decided a cranberry orange scone would be a nice
complement to his Venti coffee of the day. Instinct nudged him a little harder.

“Actually, make that two of both,” he told the guy. Valerie
deserved a treat. It’d take no time at all to run it back to her. Thinking of
the smile in her eyes just for him while she dealt with bureaucratic bullshit
in a take-no-prisoners fashion put him on top of the world. In next to no time
he stood at her door, juggling a cardboard tray and keys.

“Back with a little surprise,” he called out. No response.

Russell pocketed the keys and headed for the kitchen. He was
almost there when he heard the shower running. Oh the visions that danced
through his head. He set the tray on the counter and headed for the bathroom,
stripping as he went. The door opened silently. He saw her silhouette behind
the opaque white curtain. Edging closer, he reached for the curtain, then slid
it aside.

Valerie’s scream cut through the small room. She whirled
around, bottle of shampoo pointed in his direction.

“Whoa, just me.” He raised his hands, warding her off.

“What the hell, Russell? You scared me half to death. Ever
heard of knocking?”

“I brought you coffee and a scone.”

“Aww. Really?” Valerie craned her neck. “I don’t see any. In
fact, I don’t see much of anything.”

“I heard the shower and,” he shrugged, “I’m only human.”
Considering her scowl, it wasn’t one of his better moves. There was only one
way to fix this. He stepped inside the tub. “Sure there’s nothing you see that
might appeal to you? Something I can do to make up for scaring you into using
shampoo to defend yourself?”

“You’d scream like a little girl when that gets in your
eyes. It stings.” She set the bottle on the corner.

“I consider myself forewarned. Tell you what…” He looped his
arm around her waist and pulled her against him. “I’ll let you have your way
with me.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “

“Be gentle.” He slapped the bar of soap into her hand,
dropped his hands and closed his eyes, offering himself up in sacrifice.

“How noble.” She scuffed the bar. “We’ll see how long you
can hold that stance.”

Not long, it turned out. With the first touch of her
lathered palms, he had to return the favor. He followed her lead, touching
where she touched until her slick fingers found his balls.

Russell groaned and braced himself against the wall. She
cupped, tugged, kneaded and separated his balls until his legs shook from the
effort to stay upright. Then she pressed him against the wall and stroked his
cock while the hand between his legs continued to work magic. As promised, he
let her have him, let her yank the cum right out of him. Once it spurted onto
her belly, he dropped to his knees, spread her pussy lips and did the same for

She dropped her fingers to his head, gently petting him.
“Now my coffee’s all cold.”

He nipped her inner thigh, smiling when she yelped. “That’s
what a microwave’s for.” Standing, he twisted off the shower while she
retrieved the towels.

In fifteen minutes, he was headed for his place once more,
this time with high spirits and a big smile. His cooled coffee and scone tasted
like a feast. Hell, he even whistled when he strode up his walkway to the door
soon after that. All that faded when he walked inside. Devastation lay before

Russell backed away as he dialed 9-1-1. “This is Assistant
District Attorney Russell Cambridge.” He wasn’t afraid to play that card. “I’ve
had a break in.” An understatement at best. It looked as if a tornado had
blasted through his house. “I don’t know if the intruder is inside. I’ve just
returned home and am heading back for my vehicle.”

“Stay there, sir. A unit’s on the way.”

He disconnected, then hovered his thumb over the keyboard,
trying to decide if he should call Valerie. There was no sense worrying her,
though he could use the comfort and security of hearing her voice. Yeah, he was
freaked out, pissed and feeling violated.

After what felt like an eternity, a patrol car pulled to a
stop in front of his house. His neighbors would be poking their noses out soon.
Russell exited to meet the officers. Introductions were made.

“Did you see anyone in there? Notice anything stolen?” Bertram

“I backed out the second I saw the damage.”

“Good move. Wait here while we clear the place.” He motioned
his younger partner to follow.

Theft too? Why hadn’t Russell thought of that? Only memories
were irreplaceable. The rest insurance would cover. His thoughts drifted to the
one thing inside that wouldn’t be so easy to replace. He’d searched long and
hard for it and knew perfection when he’d finally scored. It’d crush him if
that were gone.

He laughed at himself. A worse scenario would be finding his
stash of special toys scattered across the house. It’d take some maneuvering to
explain that, but nothing worked like the truth. He could put up with the
gossip it would generate.

Russell glanced at his watch. It seemed the officers were
overly long inside. As the thought left his head, Bertram and his man walked
out. Neither looked happy.

The hairs on the back of his neck lifted. “Find something?”

“You might say that. I’ve been instructed to invite you down
to the station to answer a few questions.” Bertram stopped before him while his
partner hung back. Their hands were on their weapons.

Dread joined the hair prickles. “Regarding?”

Bertram seemed to weigh his response before saying, “There
are some interesting articles inside.”

Okay, so they had found his stash. Not surprising
considering how the place had been ransacked. Someone had been looking for
something—money, drugs, valuables. Russell felt sick inside. That meant the
ring he’d worked so hard to find was gone.

“I can explain that.”

Bertram’s eyebrow lifted. “Can you, sir? You can explain a
trail of blood leading to your bedroom and the blood-drenched whip at the end
of it?”

His jaw dropped open of its own volition.

Their radios burst out. “Take suspect into custody.”

Him. They were talking about him. A suspect in what? The
attack on Bev? Had she relented and reported the incident to the police?
Someone was setting him up for something. Russell took a step back as Bertram
advanced, handcuffs at the ready.

“Is that necessary? I’ll come along without fuss. A little
consideration here for my office, please.”

“Like the consideration you gave Ricardo Estavarez? Not that
the bastard didn’t deserve it.” Still, Bertram pocketed the cuffs.

“I don’t understand. I knew he was missing.” Bloodied whip
must mean he’d been attacked, but Russell wouldn’t put words in their mouths.

“I’ll bet you did.” Bertram smirked. “Bet you also knew he
was dead.”

And someone had placed the murder weapon in his
home. “I’d like to call my attorney.”

“Sure thing. At the station.” The cuffs came out again.
“Front or back. Doesn’t matter to me.”

Russell glowered at the man and offered his wrists.

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