Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2)
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“Pull my
hair again, Gabriel Stone and you’ll be sleeping on the couch,” she said
scowling at him.

Gabe sat
back against the door with a sigh. “You mean I’m not already? I was su
re I’d already pissed you off somehow today.”

looked at him and almost groaned. Why did the man have to be so gorgeous and
sexy? Those sexy dark eyes and that mustache still made her insides melt. She
turned away from him and stared straight ahead. Sh
felt him scoot across the seat, so she scooted closer to her door. He moved
closer but now she had nowhere to go. His thigh was touching hers. He leaned
forward and ran his tongue around the shell of her ear, and she shivered. She
felt him grin. Damn him
! She jerked her head away,
but he did it again. She frowned at him.

Gabe raised his eyebrows innocently.

huffed and looked away from him. She felt him running his finger along her jaw,
and then he moved his lips there. She moaned, stifled it,
and folded her arms across her chest. He chuckled. She
turned to tell him to stop, but Gabe captured her lips with his. As if they had
a mind of their own, her fingers plowed through his hair as he deepened the
kiss. He ran his lips along her cheek to her
“Let’s go inside, baby,” he whispered and leaned in to kiss her again.

opened the door and got out. Gabe
face first onto the seat. Not
waiting for him, she headed into the house. Inside the kitchen, he came up
behind her, and tried putting h
is arms around her,
but she pulled away from him. “I’m angry with you, Gabe. Don’t you get it?” She
had no idea why she was angry with him, but she was.

“I get
that I want you. As for being angry, you’ll get over it.”

swung around to stare at him in di
sbelief. “You think

well, you will eventually, won’t you?”

snorted and started up the stairs. Gabe took the stairs two at a time and
caught up to her at the top. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.
After entering, he kicked the
door shut, but didn’t
put her down. She looked at the bed. “I’m not making love with you, Gabriel

laid her on the bed and started undressing. “Then I’ll just have to entertain
myself with you.”

mouth dropped open as she tried to scoot off
the bed,
but Gabe threw himself across the bed and caught her. He pulled her back onto
the bed. She struggled. “Stop it Gabe,” she yelled trying to keep up her façade
of being angry.

“I can’t
stop now, darlin’. I’ll do this with or without you.” She could
hear laughter in his voice. “I prefer you cooperate, it’s
so much more fun that way.”

tried not to laugh, but it bubbled out before she could stop it. “How can I
stay mad at you when you make me laugh?”

laughed then and kissed her. “Why were you
mad at me?
All I did was
you for a ride when you asked

“I don’t
know. I seem to go from hot
cold in a heartbeat lately.” She
laid her hand on his cheek. “It’s the hormones. I don’t have to have a reason
to be angry. I was thinking about how lo
ng it’s been
since we’d made love and suddenly, I started wondering if you were seeing
someone else. It’s so crazy since I know you don’t have time for that.”

jerked back from her. “Time has nothing to do with it, Emma. I will never cheat
on you. You’
re my wife, and I plan on this being the
only time I get married and I plan to stay that way.”

blinked back tears. “Make love to me, Gabe.”

kissed her. “With the basketball in the way, I think you’ll have to make love
to me.” She gasped with indigna
tion and tried to get
up again. Gabe grabbed her and pulled her back. “I’m kidding. I love that
basketball, but you’ll have to be on top so I don’t hurt you.”

Emma lay
back down and relaxed. “Okay. I don’t have a problem with that.”

kissed him and move
d her tongue along his jaw to his
ear. She pushed him down against the covers as her lips trailed down his chest
and across his muscle carved belly. She took his hard shaft into her hand and
slowly stroked her palm up and down the aroused length. Gabe plac
ed his hand over hers to show her how he wanted her to
caress him. She leaned down and kissed the swollen head as her hand moved the
way he liked. She heard him groan. Her tongue moved from the tip to the base
and slid back up, and now Gabe’s hands were in
hair and he was groaning. “That’s enough Emma. Please…stop.” Gabe’s voice was

kissed her way up his body to his lips, and straddled him. Reaching between
them, she grasped his erection, and slowly lowered herself down over him,
taking him i
n, inch by incredible inch. She noticed
Gabe clenching his jaw and smiled with the knowledge, even in her huge state,
she was driving him mad with desire.

hands moved to her hips to set the rhythm. She moved on him, first rocking her
hips back and fort
h before lifting up and sliding
back down over him. She moved her hips up until the tip of him was barely
inside her, and then she slid back down on him, making him groan each time.
“Faster, darlin’.
I need faster,” Gabe growled
straining against her.

complied. She threw her head back as the feeling she
sought started deep inside her. Gabe’s hands tightened on her hips, helping her
rise up and down. She glanced down at him and her eyes met his. When he licked
his lips, she lost it. Her hands squeezed h
is biceps
as her orgasm shook her body. “Gabe,” she screamed.

I’m with you baby…” Moving his hips against hers, Gabe groaned, and shuddered
as he went over the edge.


* * * *


woke up with Emma sleeping on his shoulder. He felt the baby kicking
against his belly through her stretched skin. It still
amazed him there was a little life in there. He couldn’t wait to hold his baby
in his arms. He loved the little bundle of joy he and Emma had created, even if
unplanned. It didn’t matter what sex it w
as, boy or
girl, he was going to love it as much as he loved Emma.

grimaced at his not having told her how he felt yet. They’d been married quite
a while, but he was too scared shitless to tell her. Fearing the idea of
throwing his heart out there in th
e open and having
her not feel the same way was terrifying. Maybe one day she would love him
back, but until then he knew he’d never let her go. She was his heart and soul.
Not having her in his life now was unthinkable. He had stood before God and
d to love, honor and cherish her. No other
woman compared to his Emma. He’d been with quite a few but he couldn’t remember
feeling anything other than sexual pleasure, and even that didn’t measure up to
sex with Emma. He tightened his arm around her and sm
when he felt her snuggle against him. She moved her head back and gazed up at
him. “Hey,” Emma whispered.

He smiled down at her. It was their special greeting.

stretched. “I’m hungry.”

“Me too.”
Gabe teased as he leaned down to kiss her.

I meant for food,” she said with a grin holding him back
with a hand to his chest.

raised his eyebrows. “So did
.” He winked, letting her know he
was lying.

on his part, he followed her out of the bed and together they went downstairs
eat the dinner she’d prepared earlier. As they sat
at the table together, he kept glancing at her.

I…” Gabe started to say when the phone rang. With an annoyed groan, he answered
it. After hanging up, he glanced to Emma. “I have to go to the barn. O
ne of the horses is acting up.” He stopped alongside her,
kissed her, and hurried out the door. He’d almost done it. He’d almost said it,
but then the phone rang. Was that a sign it wasn’t time?
You need to man up, Stone! Tell the woman you love her.
t, grow some balls.
Shaking his head, he headed into
the barn.


Chapter Eleven


Emma was
miserable. The baby was very active and making it difficult for her to sleep.
She glanced down at her belly and smoothed her hand over it in a caress. “I
know you
want out, and I want you out but kicking me
constantly is not speeding up the process.” As she carefully made her way down
the stairs, she heard voices coming from the living room. Stopping in the
doorway, she glanced around and then glared at Gabe, who im
mediately stopped talking with Jake and Wyatt to look in
her direction.

he asked cautiously.

She put
her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me we were
going to have company?”

relaxed his shoulders and laughed. “Jake
and Wyatt
aren’t company, they’re family.”

found no humor in the situation. “You know I want to know when anyone is coming
here. The house is a mess.” She noted how Wyatt and Jake glanced around with
confused looks on their faces. “I could have done a
cleaning. This was very thoughtless of you.” She turned on her heel and waddled


* * * *


Gabe ran
his hand over his face and shook his head in frustration while his brothers
stared at him. He glanced over at them. “I swear, one of these days,
I expect her head to spin around.”

Jake and
Wyatt burst out laughing. He stood and suggested they go out to the barn as he
motioned for them to follow him. Together they walked through the kitchen where
Emma stood at the sink with her back to them. After
brothers left through the back door, Gabe walked over to her and put his arms
around her from behind. “I’m sorry, darlin’.” He felt her sigh.

“No. I’m
sorry. That was really stupid of me and probably a little over the top,” Emma
said, leaning back agai
nst him. He grinned, kissed
her neck, then turned her around and pressed his lips against hers before
smiling down at her. He stepped back, put on his hat, tapped the brim, and
headed outside. His brothers stood in the yard waiting for him. They chuckled w
hen they saw him exit the kitchen grinning.

like you made up,” Jake said slapping him on the shoulder.

nodded. “She goes from mad
happy in a heartbeat. Of course,
she’ll probably be pissed about something else when I go back in.”

a mock shudder. “Better you than me, bro.”

punched him. “One day it’ll be you, little brother.”

looked at him as if he was crazy. “There’s no way. I came too close to having a
noose around my neck once. I’m more than glad I escaped it.” He looke
d over at Jake. “No offense.”

narrowed his eyes at him. “I don’t consider marrying
a noose around my neck and if you find the right woman,
you won’t either. That bitch Stephanie was not the right woman for you.”

“I know
she wasn’t, but I’m not
interested in looking for
another one.” Wyatt sauntered away leaving Gabe and Jake staring after him.


* * * *


woke from a restless nap and as she worked her way down the stairs, she once
more heard voices. She’d be calm this time, she told herself b
ut her heart hit her stomach when she saw Sam standing in
the living room with his back to her. She gasped at the thought something else
might have happened. At her gasp, Sam turned around and smiled at her. She
relaxed because he wouldn’t smile if somethi
ng had
happened to someone. She hoped. Smiling back at him, she walked, or rather
waddled toward him.
“Hi, Sam.”

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