Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: Gabe (Men of Clifton Montana Book 2)
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Stan put
his arm out for
to loop her hand through, and
following behind them, Emma and Olivia headed out to see their best friend wed.
Stan’s car awaited them.
sat in the front with Stan while
Olivia and Emma took seats i
n the back. She glanced
over to Olivia and smiled. Her friend looked beautiful in her purple dress. Her
bouquet rested in her lap just as Olivia’s did in hers. The bouquets consisted
of white Calla lilies, purple and blue roses with ivy, and baby’s breath.
bouquet matched theirs only
larger. Madilyn had done an amazing job on the flowers.

The ride
to the church was over quickly. There was a crowd of people standing outside
the church waiting for them. Emma laughed at the sight.

“What is
asked in a nervous voice as she
gazed out at the crowd.

reached over the seat and touched
shoulder. “These are the people
who couldn’t fit in the church. Since you and Jake didn’t send out invitations,
everyone came.” Since neither
nor J
had much in the way of family, they just let people know when they were getting
married and anyone who wanted to attend was more than welcome. She knew the
turnout shocked
, but Emma also knew the little
town of Clifton, Montana would want to see
one of
their own get married. Stan got out of the car and strolled around to open
door. When she climbed out, the
crowd roared. When she and Olivia got out more cheers went up. Olivia burst out
laughing. Emma had to admit it made her feel a little
royalty. They walked into the church, and went to the room where they would
wait for the wedding to begin.
sat on the edge of a sofa gazing
toward the window.

you nervous on your wedding day, Emma?” Olivia asked.

“No. I
was too pissed off
to be nervous,” she muttered,
making Olivia and
laugh, breaking some of the
nervous tension filling the room.

they heard the music begin, they all knew it was time. The women left the room
and moved to stand at the entrance leading into chapel.
Emma and Olivia both hugged
before they took their positions
in front of her. Emma took a deep breath and started walking down the aisle.
Her eyes searched the space at the end and immediately found Gabe. He looked
scrumptious. His gaze locked with h
ers then he
winked. She smiled and continued down the aisle. Her gaze shifted to Jake. He
had the biggest smile on his face, and then she looked to Wyatt. She mentally
shook her head. The man was drop-dead gorgeous. Wyatt glanced at her and
smiled, but the
momentary grin left his lips when he
looked to where she knew Olivia was following behind her. She saw his jaw
clench, and she nearly laughed. No matter how he acted around Olivia, he was
most certainly interested. It was like Gabe had remarked about his
little brother, Wyatt didn’t want to be but he definitely

took her place at the altar and turned back to look to where
stood. Olivia took her place
beside her and turned toward
. The wedding march began, and
moved slowly down the
aisle with Stan escorting her. Emma kept glancing over to
Gabe. He was watching her. Even as everyone else watched
come down the aisle, Gabe
watched her. She wanted to believe his gaze was on her because he was in love
with her and no other woman ma
ttered, but she knew
the truth. She blinked back tears remembering their own wedding. She loved him
so much. It didn’t matter what kind of wedding they’d had, because for however
long it lasted, he was her husband, and they had a beautiful baby girl. Sophi
e was with Stacy today and she missed her already.

stepped forward, took
hand, and led her to the altar.
Stan stepped back and then took a seat. Emma’s eyes filled with tears as she
listened to them exchange their vows. The entire time Jake ne
ver took his eyes off
. His thumb rubbed the back of
her hand. After Jake slipped the band of gold onto
finger, he kissed the back of her hand. It
sounded like every woman in the church sighed all at once. When the preacher
pronounced the two
officially husband and wife, Jake
veil, scooped her into his arms,
and kissed his bride. Emma’s tears slid uncontrolled down her face. She was so
happy for them. Someone cleared his throat when the kiss went on for what may
have been more th
an proper for church. Everyone
laughed when Jake looked up, and grinned. The couple turned to face the people
of Clifton, and everyone cheered. Emma laughed along with Olivia. Jake and
walked down the aisle followed
by Olivia and Wyatt, and then her
on Gabe’s arm.


* * * *


Gabe sat
beside Emma at a table at the reception in the Town Hall listening to the music
filling the large room. The band was in full swing. Everyone was awaiting the
arrival of the bride and groom, who were still at the church hav
ing more pictures taken. The rest of the wedding party had
arrived a while ago, but folks were getting impatient to begin celebrating.
When the bride and groom finally arrived, everyone stood and cheered. Jake took
a bow and
curtsied, and then he swe
pt her into his arms for their first dance as man and wife.

watched as Emma’s eyes filled with tears when the band started playing one of
her favorite songs,
for You
by Jake Owen. He suddenly wished he could have made sure
she had a wedding like this.

When the
bridal couple’s dance ended, the dance floor filled up with couples. He glanced
at Emma who was dabbing at her eyes with a napkin. “Would you like to dance,
a?” he asked, hoping she’d agree.

nodded and stood. She placed her bouquet on the table and walked to the dance
floor with him. The band was playing an old Hollies song,
All I Need Is the Air That I Breathe
, and it was a definite slow
dance. As he lis
tened to the words, he realized it
was true for all he needed in life was to love Emma. Tonight would be the
perfect time to tell her. He’d waited long enough. Emma and Sophie Ann were his
entire life and he’d die if he lost them. He pulled her tighter aga
inst him and rested his cheek on the top of her head.
Hearing her chuckle, he pulled away from her to gaze down into her eyes and
raised an eyebrow at her. “What are you laughing at?”

dancing with Ryder and Wyatt’s glaring at them something fierc
e,” Emma told him in a low voice.

glanced around and saw his younger brother standing at the bar with a beer in
his hand. He was definitely watching Olivia and Ryder with more than a casual
interest. Gabe shook his head. “I don’t understand him. Olivia’
s a gorgeous woman and she’s let him know she’s interested
yet he won’t take her up on it.”

think Olivia’s a gorgeous woman, huh?” Emma gazed up at him.

“Uh, well…not as gorgeous as
you, Emma,” he said with a quick smile.

burst out
laughing. “I’m teasing you, silly. Liv is
gorgeous and I would have been more suspicious if you hadn’t said so.”

growled. “You’ll pay for that, Missus Stone. Maybe not tonight, but you will
pay for it.”

giggled. “I can’t wait Mister Stone.” She gaz
around him and laughed again. “If looks could kill, Ryder would have hit the
floor long time ago.”

chuckled. “If those two ever get together, it’s definitely going to be too hot
to handle.” Emma laughed and leaned her cheek against his chest. Lord, h
e loved her so much. How did he ever survive without her?
He couldn’t imagine his life without her and their beautiful daughter. Sophie
meant so much to him. He’d never let either of them go. He felt Emma flinch in
his arms when people outside the Town Hal
l began
screaming. Gabe pushed her behind him.

going on?” Emma asked in a shaky voice.

“I don’t
know. Stay here,” he told her as Wyatt ran past them. Gabe felt her clutch at
his arm.

Gabe, please don’t go out there,” Emma pleaded, a fearful ex
pression having replaced the smiles and joy he’d seen there
only moments ago.

At that
moment, the sound of a gunshot drowned out the band and a shot hit a wall
inside the hall. The people inside hit the floor, scrambling under tables and
behind pillars, ev
en as more people from outside ran
into the Town Hall for cover. Gabe saw
grabbing onto Jake to stop him
from running outside. Whatever she said to him made him stop and put his arms
around her. When sirens sounded loud outside, everyone seemed to si
gh in relief. It wasn’t much longer before he saw Sam run
inside and head straight toward him with Wyatt right behind him.

What are you doing?” Gabe had a bad feeling but he already knew the answer.

going to help Sam get this son of a bitch,”
announced, his jaw tense and his hands fisted ready to take on the world.

no way Wyatt’s going out there,” Gabe said to Sam through clenched teeth.

“I need
him, Gabe. I’m going to deputize him and he’s going to do what he can to take
this ba
stard down.” Sam looked him straight in the
eye and dared him to argue. “This guy’s up in the church tower across the
street. He has a chance to take out anyone he wants. I need to get out there
and find out what it is he wants, but I need Wyatt on the roo
f of the Town Hall. I’m positive it’s Harris. I’ll get out
to my cruiser and try to talk him down.”

shook his head. “I don’t like it.”

“I’m a
sniper, Gabe. I’m more than willing to take this bastard out for shooting Emma,
and killing Tim,” Wyatt told
him. Gabe swore, and
shook his head. He knew if anyone could do this, Wyatt could, but it didn’t
mean he liked it. He walked away from them and back to where he’d left Emma.
She was crouched under a table so he squatted down beside her and took her hand

going on?” Emma asked, her voice trembling.

a man on the roof of the church, and he’s shooting at people. Sam believes
Harris and he’s sending Wyatt up
on the roof of this building with his rifle.” He shook his head and sighed.
“I don’t like it. For once, I wish Wyatt didn’t carry that
damn rifle in his truck. If Harris sees him, he could shoot him. Sam’s going
out to his cruiser to try and talk the man down.” He noticed a shiver flash
over Emma so he pulled her against him and w
his arms around her.

he heard Sam on the bullhorn outside. “Is that you, Harris?” Emma gasped
against him and he heard someone shouting, but couldn’t understand what he was
saying. Sam spoke through the bullhorn again. “Give yourself up. I
’m not letting you kill any more people.”

released Emma and motioned for her to stay put as he stood up. “I’ll be right
back. I want to get a little closer. Stay here,” he told her and pushed himself
against the wall before she had a chance to stop him.
He moved along the wall toward the door and listened as Harris answered Sam.

wanted to kill the woman responsible for my brother’s death but she stays glued
to that damn cowboy of hers, so I shot her friend instead. Bitch didn’t die
though.” Harris lau
ghed, his voice echoing through
the street. “I did kill her husband though for payback, just like his brother
killed my brother!”

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