Galactic Bride

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Authors: Kelly S. Bishop

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Galactic Bride

About the Author


Jase is a crystal miner carving out a living on a hunk of rock in the middle of nowhere. To keep him company, he asks the UFXP to send him a female. Any female will do. Or so he thinks. Until he meets Danae.

This is a steamy, science fiction romance. A short story of approximately 8,800 words.

Please visit the author's website at for information about other stories to come.

Galactic Bride

He was going to be late meeting the UFXP ship. But it couldn't be helped. He had to replace the power couplings now or lose half a day's work. The female would be there when he arrived. Or not.

Jase wrestled the new couplings into place, locking them down with his own brute strength. The sweat poured down his back as they clicked into place. He punched the power grid and all the buttons lit up green. Good. His mine was back online.

Sensors beeped an all clear. No one else in the mine. Just him and the droids. Call him paranoid but he always kept the alarm system on and his “pest control” items set. Just in case any thieves thought a lone miner would make an easy target.

The shaft walls were cool and slightly damp - the complete opposite of conditions “upstairs”. He didn’t bother to raise the lights, just moved along the shaft by touch and passed into the main corridor, remembering to duck his head through the archway. A man his size would always be a little cramped in a space like this. He dealt with it. Part of the job. And he liked the dark.

Jase tossed his tool belt and vest into the back of his go-cart, hopped in and headed back up to the surface. There were six miles worth of shafts in all, zig-zagging around the rock the UFXP called PS9439. His own personal kingdom.

Nothing much grew here, he had barely enough water to run the mine. It was just a big, dusty hunk of rock. But all his. And it had a few solid veins of hyper drive crystals. If the veins held, in less than five years he'd pay off his UFXP loans for the mining rights and equipment. In seven years, he'd be rich enough to buy damn near anything, anywhere he wanted. Be anything he wanted. If the veins held and he didn't go nuts first. If, if, if.

Once he reached the surface, he took a short jog to the house. Most would call it a shack. Nothing fancy about it. Sturdy enough to withstand the heat and the sandstorms. But the furnishings... Your basic well dressed cargo hold. Jase did have all the latest technical/computer equipment he needed. He knew his priorities.

As he entered the bathroom, he stripped and ran himself through the sonic cleanser. No time for a shave. Fresh clothes and out the front door just as he heard the rumble of the landing craft. Perfect timing.

The UFXP ship automated everything. Ship sensors confirmed a living body was there to receive the order. Then said order dropped planet side via the landing craft. He always unloaded and sent it back up as fast as possible. Pilots got bitchy if you screwed with their schedule too much.

This month's delivery should contain his usual food and water supplies, some spare mining parts and one “mail order bride”, as requested. Assuming they hadn't messed up the order. Or she’d balked at the last minute. UXFP gave it a pretty cover story for the press by calling it a matchmaking service but most of the time it just amounted to a handy mail order fuck. Most of the “brides” didn’t stick around long once they got a good look at a space miner’s life.

He reached for the cargo door and his hand trembled a bit. Stop that shit now, fucker. Here goes. He took a deep breath and yanked the door open. And there she was.

Jase noticed her eyes first. A deep blue like some distant ocean he'd seen in dreams.

Neither said anything. As she stepped to the ground, he continued his inventory. A lot younger and prettier than he'd expected. A thick mop of curly, gold hair, a generous rack and a nice rounded ass. But short. Really short. Sure, most women looked small next to him anyway but this one was short even for a female. Short, tiny and delicate.

He didn't really need any help in the mine. Still, he'd have liked a work horse. An extra pair of hands. And they'd sent him a princess. There was no way she'd stay past the next supply drop.

He grabbed the nearest box in the landing craft and tossed it out the door. A little to his surprise, the princess pitched in too. She was stronger than she looked. Not that that was saying much.

As soon as the hold was empty, he waved her back out of the way. Door locked, systems clear buttons punched and there she goes. The landing craft launched and was out of sight fast as you could blink.

He turned and took another hard look at her. No, she'd never stay. When the next supply drop arrived, she'd hop right back on the landing craft for anywhere but here. But she was his 'til then. Good enough.

She cleared her throat. "My name is Danae. They said your name is Jase." She had a deep, husky voice. Sexy without even trying.

“You’re not what I expected.” He circled around her slowly. Had the desk jockeys in UFXP lost their fucking minds? This little cupcake should be flirting with the billionaires on some fancy space resort. What made them think she’d cut it on a dusty planetoid - with him?

She pointed her chin up. “What did you expect?”

Jase had to grin at the attitude. A kitten trying to sass a guard dog.

“Something a little more experienced.” He leaned closer till his mouth almost touched her ear. “At everything.” He laughed as she sidled a step away.

“This ain’t the Lunar Hilton, Princess. Do you know anything about roughing it?”

“I’m not a kid. I can manage.”

“Sure. Well, you’re not going anywhere near the mine - you’d be useless there. No place for amateurs. That only leaves one thing I can use you for.”

He stepped forward again, deliberately too close.

“You do have the right equipment for that.” He reached out and cupped her breast.

She flinched but didn’t move away this time. Just stood there. What the fuck was with her?

He growled a little in frustration. “You do know that’s the main reason I asked for a woman, don’t you?”

"You want to make love two seconds after we've met?"

"No, Princess. I want to have sex. That is why you're here. That’s why ALL the miners ask for a companion - they want someone to fuck. With droids, most sites can run as a one man op. But a robot can’t do anything for a hard-on.”

“I’m a crude guy. The next supply ship won’t get here for a month. I’m not going to pretend I’m going be able to keep my hands off you till then. If you didn’t want this why did you come here?”

Danae shook her head. “I’ve got no where else to go.”

He was NOT going to feel sorry for her. Everybody had their own sob story. He was not interested. It didn’t mean anything to him. Really.

Then she slapped her tiny little hand on his chest and gave him a push. “I’m here because you supposedly wanted something more than just sex. Otherwise why not just watch a sex video?”

Oh, so the kitten could growl. I’m scared now.

"I know that - "

“That would supposedly include conversation, wouldn’t it?”

He stuck his lip out a little. “How much conversation?”

She huffed which pushed out her rack even more and then glared at him when she noticed him noticing. Oh no, Princess, I am not apologizing for looking. I’m a guy. You wave your tits at my face, I will notice. He tried to unclench his jaw before he cracked it.

“Look, you want to know if we’re ‘compatible’ or something? The fastest way I know is sex. And yeah, it’s not the only thing I wanted but it’s pretty damn high on the list. You shouldn’t be that surprised. I’m a crystal miner not a space video star. I’m not the flowers and poetry type.”

He ran his hand up her side and gave her dress a little tug. “But I am damn good in bed. That I do very well.”

Danae shook her head and laughed. Might as well work with the material she had. If lots of sex made him less trouble, well it was only a month. And her other options would have been a whole lot worse. “All right, tough guy. We’ll play it your way. For now.”

She gasped as he reached around and grabbed her ass, pulling her into him, rubbing his body against hers.

He eased her back a step so he could look her in the eye. Then he took his hand and rested it on her thigh. Just under her short little skirt.

“So you chose to come here.”


He moved his hand higher.

“You chose this.”


Damn. He hadn’t blown it. Now move it before she changes her mind.

When he reached her panties, he ripped them loose and thrust his fingers into her curls.

“You came here knowing you’d get fucked as soon as you landed.”

“Yes, damn you, I know. I came here of my own free will.”

“Just so we’re clear. When the supplier comes around again, you can hop back on and go onto the next stop if you want. But till then you’re mine. And this is how you’re earning your keep.”

He growled again. “Now stand there with those legs spread wide.”

She hesitated a moment then opened her legs.


As she moved, he thrust his fingers inside her. She didn’t say anything just braced herself, head thrown back, fists clenched at here side.

He kept plunging his fingers in and out of her pussy. Her whole body trembled but she stood still the way he’d ordered.

Maybe she was fighting not to come too. She was probably used to polite boys who’d beg her please baby please before they’d even touch her hand. She’d learn. The nasty, crude man could make her come too. Whether she liked him or not.

She finally broke screaming. Her pussy dripped her honey on his fingers. He pulled them out and licked his fingers slowly. She was sweet.

Jase grinned at her. “I do love a screamer. Now let’s go have sex.”

She gasped a little. “I thought we just did.”

“That was an appetizer.” He picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder and headed for the house. The rest of the supplies could wait. He wanted to play some more with his new toy.

He already knew she wouldn’t stay. Better take her while he could. He could do a lot of pumping in a month.

It only took a few steps to reach Casa de Shack. Jase didn’t pause to let her fully appreciate the scenery. She could linger over the non-decor later.

He didn't slow down, just headed right to the bedroom and dropped her on the mattress. She glared up at him. Hell, the sheets were clean and the mattress almost new. What more did she want?

One hard pull and her dress ripped right off. Her underthings were nice but he wasn't in the mood to linger over them. She kept twisting and squirming 'til he pinned her to the bed.

"Lie still." He meant to growl the command but it came out more of a purr. He felt like a great big cat and she was the best catnip he’d ever found.

He latched onto her breast with his mouth. She gasped and bucked a little. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held on tight. Oh yeah, this was more like it.

He sucked and licked and sucked some more. He even nipped her a little around the edge of her nipple. She squealed a little and he chuckled. She must have been with some polite boys. Not like him.

He worked his way down her body, licking and nipping. She didn't start struggling again 'til his mouth reached her pussy.

"No, wait. Please."

He laughed. She was afraid he'd give her a bite or two there. She might be right. He pried her legs apart and spread her nice and wide. Damn, she was a nice pretty pink.

"Princess, I'm going to do everything a man can do with a woman."

He paused.

"And you’re gonna like it."

He dove in, nuzzling and licking her folds while she screamed and cursed him. And then he tasted the first few drops of her sweet honey. Fuck, it'd been too long. He had to have more. More.

He stabbed in and out of her with his tongue. Then pulled out and thrust his fingers in hard. She needed stretching if she was going to take him. By this time, her hands were clawing the muscles of his back. If he'd had any hair on his head, she'd have yanked it all out too.

Still pumping her with his fingers, he took her clit in this mouth, sucked on it for a moment, then carefully closed on it with his teeth. Not a real bite, just enough pressure for her to feel the threat of it.

That did it. She orgasmed, screaming and flailing her arms. Noisy little firecracker. When she finished, she fell back limp on the bed. A trickle of sweat rolled down between her breasts. Her tits were still as hard as rocks and jabbed towards the ceiling with every breath she took. He'd never seen a finer sight.

He pulled his fingers out of her and licked off the cream. She turned her head, didn't want to look him in the eyes. Oh no, Princess, you're not hiding so easy. "What's the matter? Now you’re gonna be shy?"

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