Game On (Entwined Hearts) (22 page)

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Authors: Sheryl Nantus

BOOK: Game On (Entwined Hearts)
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She gave him a grateful tilt of her head.

“But you have this. You have us.” Jake waved at the packed car. “And a good job waiting for you. What’s wrong?”

Angela found her voice again, letting her heart lead the way. “What’s wrong is I’d be doing it alone. Without either of you.” She shook her head. “I broke up with each of you because I wanted to move forward, chart my own path. After coming home and opening my own business, discovering a new life with both of you—”

She stopped, fighting back tears. “I can’t be alone anymore. I don’t want to be. And I don’t have to be. Not for a single day or a week or a month. Or years.” She opened her arms. “You both want the best for me. I thought I knew what it was. Now I know it’s to be with the two of you here. At home.”

Jake took a step forward, paused. “You’re giving up the job?”

“Yes.” Angela couldn’t hold back the tears any longer, letting them run freely down her cheeks. “Baltimore doesn’t need another lawyer. Glen Barrow does. It needs its police chief, and the college needs its basketball coach. And I love you and I need you. Both of you. So much, I can’t breathe; I can’t live without having you with me.”

Hunter let out a sharp laugh before striding forward and grabbing her in a hug. He lifted her off her feet and swung her around. Jake was right there as well, catching the pair once they’d stopped moving.

“Let’s get you inside,” Jake said. “You need some warming up.”

Hunter landed a rough, hungry kiss on her mouth that left her breathless. “Jake’s not working tonight, and we’ve got pizza waiting.”

Jake’s hands slipped around her ass and lifted her up as he kissed her as well, a heated prelude to what was to come once they got inside.

Out of the corner of her eye, Angela spotted one of the neighbors coming out, carrying a broom to sweep her porch. She saw them and waved, grinning as she took in the trio standing there, all over each other.

Jake threw her a salute before picking Angela up to carry her inside.

Hunter held the door open and waved as well before following them in.

She wasn’t sure what to think or do, her mind shutting down from the emotional overload.

Fortunately, she didn’t have to do anything.

Angela found herself stripped of her jacket and boots within minutes, bundled up in a thick blanket, and seated on the couch between the two men.

“Now”—Jake snuggled close to her—“we were about to eat pizza and play a video game.” He picked up one controller and handed it to Hunter. “Maybe we should put a bet on this.”

Hunter laughed and leaned in to snatch a fast kiss from Angela. “Winner takes her to bed, the loser unpacks the car?”

Angela snatched up the second controller and waved it at the screen. “Maybe I’ll take you both on. What happens if I beat you both?”

Jake hugged her close. “Then you win the game.”

Angela let out a loud laugh. “I’m pretty sure I already did.”

She passed Hunter the controller and put her arms around both men, her heart bursting from so much love. “It’s so good to be home.”

Excerpt: Betting on Both

Read on for an excerpt from

BETTING ON BOTH by Sheryl Nantus

Available now from SMP Swerve

Chapter One

“New Orleans. What the hell am I going to do in New Orleans?” Kat McMaster put her hands on her hips and looked out the office window. The New York City skyline sprawled in front of her, various buildings stabbing into the air.

She turned to face the antique wooden desk and the man sitting behind it. “Seriously. What?”

Jacob McMaster leaned back in his chair and eyed her, his fingertips pressed together in front of him. “Learn how to run a business.” The nearly bald man wore his usual daily attire, a black three-piece suit from his private tailor. Casual Day was an extinct creature in the McMaster offices; the staff were expected to dress professionally every day without exception.

She’d worn a black skirt and white blouse, a black suit jacket completing her outfit. When she’d been summoned to her grandfather’s office she knew showing up in anything less wouldn’t cut it. The neutral yet fashionable set had carried her through many a meeting and never failed to keep her mind in the game. Her long dark brown hair was in a tight bun, pulling at her scalp.

“I know how to run a business,” Kat snapped. “I graduated at the top of my class, didn’t I? I’ve worked two years in New York and Los Angeles at our properties, slogging away under your assistants’ killer stares. Every move I made, everything I did was scrutinized and watched. Now I’m ready to go out on my own, make my mark on the world as a McMaster.” She clamped her mouth shut, forcing herself to edit her thoughts before speaking. She knew the business, had damned well grown up at the old man’s knee, picking it up by osmosis.

But Kat knew she also had her mother’s temper, a fiery beast hard to keep at bay sometimes. It’d gotten loose a few times, and she’d paid for it.

She caught her breath and counted silently, biding her time.

Her grandfather nodded, the ancient pipe bobbing between his lips. “And you were competent. I got the reports; you did very well running the hotels and the casinos. But taking charge of a full property on your own, without any supervision—that’s another thing.”

Kat dug her fingernails into her palms, forcing herself to calm down. No one had ever won an argument with the old man and she doubted she’d be the first.

She might be his granddaughter but blood only went so far, even for the McMaster family.

“You want to take over the Belle Dame in Vegas.” He rose slowly from the desk and orbited the room, pipe in hand. It wasn’t lit, the latest in an attempt for him to cut back on his chain smoking. “Harry Willow’s retiring and you want his place.”

She nodded.

The well-chewed black mouthpiece stabbed the air over and over. “One of our top-of-the-line hotels and casinos. You think I’m going to hand it over to you without seeing if you can fly solo at a smaller, more manageable site first?”

Kat winced at his words, feeling them hit home. It had sounded a lot better on paper when she’d sent him the request a week ago, demanding she be allowed to take charge of one of the McMaster crown jewels.

“Katherine. When your parents passed, God rest their souls, I vowed to take care of you. Your mother . . .” Jacob paused and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before continuing. “She meant the world to me. And I’ve done the best I could for you. I’ve seen you through your teenage rebellion years and through college. You’ve done us proud and I’ve never thought for a second you weren’t capable, that you weren’t able to take your place in the McMaster business empire.” He eyed her as he passed by. “I know I won’t be here forever. Your uncles will take over when I’m gone as well as you and your cousins. I’ve prepared for that. You’ll have your place. But not before you show me you deserve it and you can handle it.”

Kat stayed silent.

“Daniel and Stephanie have a few years to go before they graduate. You’re the first of the new generation moving into the business. I expect you to set an example for them. It’s not going to be walking into one of our most successful complexes and taking over. I want to see you add on to the McMaster legacy, expand our properties. We’ve got to keep moving, keep growing. Without growth you become stagnant, stale. It’s been the death of many a company and I won’t have it happen here.”

Jacob returned to his desk and sat. He studied the pages in front of him before shuffling them together. “I’m giving you the Majestic in New Orleans. It’s a small hotel and riverboat casino. We acquired it a month ago and it’s bleeding red. Go down, fix it up, turn a profit, and I’ll consider your request to go to Vegas. You leave in three days on the private jet. Get the files from Helen on your way out and I’ll send the rest via e-mail.”

The tone left no room for discussion.

Kat turned to leave but a grunt from the old man held her in place.

“I’m also assigning you a personal bodyguard. Your usual security team won’t be good enough this time.”

“What?” She couldn’t bite back her annoyance this time. “Why?”

He looked inside the bowl of his pipe and scowled. “Last thing I need is for you to get into trouble.” Jacob raised one eyebrow. “Of any type.”

Kat pressed her lips together into a tight line, choking back the words. Sure, she’d been a bit of a hellion during high school and college, but she hadn’t gotten into that much trouble . . .

The tabloid cover flashed into her mind’s eye, the past rushing up to remind her of exactly how much trouble she’d gotten into.

Her, a bedsheet, and a room full of frat boys dressed in makeshift togas.

had been the headline.

It wasn’t technically true, not that it mattered to the gossip sheets.

The party hadn’t been that wild and she’d been with her sorority sisters, just not when the photographer had come around.

But the damage had been done. It’d earned her a nasty phone call from Jacob and a threat to cut her off if she didn’t stay out of the papers. Her security team had been reassigned and she’d gotten new babysitters.

The message had been heard, loud and clear.

“Why now?” She waved her hand at the wall. “That was two years ago. I’ve behaved myself.”

“True. You’ve kept your nose clean and there have been no incidents.” He locked eyes with her, his cool steel blue matching hers for fire and intensity. “But you’re flying solo in a city where we have no presence, no one on the ground to help you out or provide protection. New Orleans is a world unto itself. I don’t want any surprises. You’re still a McMaster and the name carries a risk all by itself.” He paused. “I want to keep you safe, Kat. Is that too much for me to ask?”

Kat shook her head, pulling back the angry rant she’d been preparing. Her grandfather had been the major player in her life for over a decade and she owed him for stepping up and raising her.

she told herself,
I can easily sidestep a babysitter if I need to.

“He’ll meet you at the airport. Good man, been working for us a long time. Might make a good security director one day.” He nodded. “Call me when you get settled, give me your impressions and preliminary report on the renovations. Stay safe and remember, I love you.”

His attention went to the images on his laptop, dismissing her with a wave.

Kat smiled and walked around the desk to hug him and kiss his cheek, enjoying the gruff laugh and tight hug from the bear-like figure.

Family was always family.

“New Orleans? Are you serious?” Cole Harrison shook his head. “Who did I tick off to get this assignment?” He glared at David Keller, his boss. “What did I do wrong?”

“Nothing. Look at it as a final test.” They were in his office, perched atop one of the McMaster buildings in New York City. It had a lovely view of the skyline, and Cole couldn’t help wondering what he’d see when he got to New Orleans.

“I’ve already arranged for a security team to meet you there, help you organize the Majestic, and revamp the personnel. You take point, take care of Kat McMaster, and she’ll take care of you. Do your job and in six months I’ll get you out of there. Prove yourself and you’ll be able to write your own ticket anywhere within the organization. Las Vegas, Atlantic City, overseas, you name it and you’ll be on the next plane out.”

“But she’s—”

“She’s a McMaster,” David snapped. “Her last name is on your paycheck every week. So don’t underestimate the importance of getting this right. Stay the course, keep her safe.” He eyed Cole, his forehead furrowed with curiosity. “What’s your problem with her?”

Cole shook his head. “I’m tired of babysitting the high rollers and the misbehaving big names who want to have fun but not get caught by the tabloids.” He rubbed the back of his neck, fingers scratching over the skin. “I’ve smuggled my share of ‘escorts’ down the stairwells and given them a wad of cash before putting them in limos. I’ve made sure photographers didn’t get the money shot because someone forgot to wear their underwear; jostled their arms and bumped cameras to the ground. This is more of the same and I’m worn out.”

“I understand. But her rebellious days seem to be behind her and you shouldn’t have to deal with any of that. Look, you’re damned good at your job and I need the best on this. And that would be you.” David looked at the file. “She’s always had a team around her but it’s been on McMaster territory. This is a new hotel in a new city and we can’t risk anyone taking a run at her.” He pointed at Cole. “Which is why I need you there. Stay close, be her shadow. Do your time and I promise you a transfer to the Belle Dame or any other McMaster location you want once the job’s done.”

Cole stayed quiet, keeping the biggest reason he didn’t want to be Kat McMaster’s bodyguard a secret.

He’d seen the pictures in her file. The tabloid images from a few years ago, the bedsheet barely covering her creamy white skin as she laughed with her peers and waved at the camera. The long brown hair falling over her breasts, the makeshift toga loose on her slender form. The playful blue eyes calling to him to be very, very naughty.

The most recent personnel files showed she hadn’t lost any of her appeal, the official photograph of her wearing a business suit and holding a clipboard failing to detract from his initial flush of desire upon seeing her earlier pictures.

The woman was, in a word, gorgeous.

It’d be easier if she were a wobbly old senior, using her walker to get around. Instead Kat McMaster had to be a hot, available woman who not only possessed a fabulous body but a sharp mind to match.

Yeah, it’d be a whole lot easier.

Instead he’d have to be around a woman he couldn’t touch, a stray thought away from dropping his guard and putting her in danger.

“Don’t worry.” David smiled. “She’ll be locked up in her office trying to resurrect a dead hotel and casino. How much trouble can she get into?”

Cole winced inside. It wasn’t good to tempt fate.

Three days later Cole held back a growl as he studied the planes lined up on the tarmac. The only plane he wanted to be on was one going straight to Vegas, to the job he should have running the Belle Dame security department. Instead he was waiting for his new charge to arrive, fashionably late and setting them behind schedule. All he wanted was to get to New Orleans and this assignment. The faster it started, the faster it’d be over.

And Katherine McMaster would be out of his life forever.

“So you’re my new babysitter.”

The soft voice cut through the residual noise around him, snapping him to attention.

He turned around.

The brunette walking toward him was exactly what he’d expected. The short white dress tight in all the right places, and with a swooping crescent in front, highlighting cleavage a man could joyfully die in. The loud, glittering jewelry adorning every inch of skin along with a set of expensive sunglasses. Her long hair was pulled into a ponytail, the edges brushing the small of her back.

A man followed close behind, juggling three suitcases.

“I’m Cole Harrison.” He tilted his head. “Head of your security detail.”

His pulse shot skyward as she lowered her sunglasses and scanned him, a touch of a smile on her lips. She dragged her eyes over his body, hovering at his waist just long enough to send a delicious flash of heat through his groin.

He couldn’t help but do the same.

It was hard not to devour her with his eyes, his libido already drawing up suggestions for some naughty fantasies in the future.

After a long minute she nodded. “You’ll do.” Kat glided up the steps and into the plane. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

The luggage carrier chuckled as he handed off the suitcases to the nearby handler. “Got a winner there, buddy. Good luck.”

Cole scowled and boarded the jet.

They’d been in the air a good half hour before he approached the back of the plane where Kat sat sipping on what he assumed to be champagne. The window shade was up and she seemed to be studying the clouds.

He cleared his throat, drawing her attention.

“If you’re not busy I thought we’d lay out the rules of engagement.” He sat opposite her, noting her unwavering stare. “That way everything’ll be clear when we get to the hotel.”

“Let’s.” She raised her glass and waved the steward over, jingling the ice cubes. “A drink for my big, tough man here. And more club soda for me.”

Cole held back his surprise at her drink choice.

The man hovered over them waiting for instructions.

“Coffee. Black. Thank you.” Cole turned his attention back to Kat. “You understand I’m here to protect you. Keep you safe from harm.” He glanced at the small airplane window. “There’s going to be an entire team there monitoring your movements and standing guard, but I’m in charge. You have any issues, any problems, any requests regarding security, you talk to me. I’ll be with you every place you go; every shopping trip, every nightclub, every time you step off the hotel grounds. Your suite will have a connecting door to my own room.” He paused. “If you wish to entertain I’ll need to vet the person or persons before you’ll be allowed to have them in your room.”

Her eyes locked with his with laser intensity. “I see. Well, I suspect you’ll be bored stiff.” She nodded at the steward as he returned with the drinks. “I had my wild time and that’s in the past. I plan to spend most of my time in the office trying to figure out how to get the Majestic back on top. If it means working late, or overtime, I’m prepared to do that. And I don’t plan to have any visitors in my suite or in my bed.” Kat smiled. “Sorry if I’m not meeting your expectations. I’m not the party girl you saw in the tabloids a few years ago.”

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