Game On (Entwined Hearts) (8 page)

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Authors: Sheryl Nantus

BOOK: Game On (Entwined Hearts)
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You have no idea,
Angela thought, flashing back to the conversation in the parking lot.

Not something she wanted to discuss with her mother.

Angela realized with a start that her mother was now staring at her. “I’m sorry. Did you say something?” she asked.

“No, no.” Mary-Ann shook her head. “Guess you did enjoy yourself if you’re fading out like that.”

She yawned, surprising herself. “I’m pretty tired. Going to call it a night, if you don’t mind.” Angela froze, focused on Mary-Ann’s hand held up like a stop sign.

“Are you okay?” Her mother frowned. “You look—unsettled. You sure you’re fine?”

“Just tired.” Angela began her slow retreat toward the stairs. “Been awhile since I had a night out. I’m going to grab a shower and call it quits. See you in the morning.”

Her mother’s words followed her up the stairs: “Better fix that bra before you go out again. Looks like it’s broken.”

Steam rose up around her, turning Angela’s world into a foggy haze. The scarlet hickey on her right shoulder ached, reminding her how good Hunter could be with his mouth. With his tongue.

Angela leaned against the tiled wall, gripping the wet soapy washcloth in one hand. She was exhausted mentally but not physically; her body was still crying out for release. Hunter had done an excellent job of priming the pump, but she couldn’t go to bed like this.

Where there’s a will—

Angela ran the cloth over her nipples, shuddering as the fabric brushed the sensitive skin. It wasn’t hard to imagine a naked and dripping-wet Hunter in there with her.

The hot water pelted her back as he kissed her hard, his hands running all over her body. The washcloth dipped lower, circling her belly on the way south.


Her fingers slid between her damp folds, bringing the cloth along to provide extra friction. Angela gasped as she felt the familiar trembling, the sensations spiraling out to swallow the rest of her up.


Suddenly she gasped again, her imagination flashing into overdrive.


Jake was behind her, nuzzling the back of her neck as Hunter kissed her, pinning her between the two men. He moved his hand between her legs as Jake reached around to cup her breasts.

Hunter’s fingers unerringly found their target, dipping inside her with a single finger.

Then two, pumping in and out with a growing eagerness as Jake brushed his thumbs against her nipples. His erection nudged against her ass, the gentle thrusts growing in intensity and demand as he mimicked Hunter’s movements.

“Come on, Angie,” Hunter whispered. “Give it to us.”

Jake pulled away. “Now.”

Angela choked, holding back a scream as the orgasm overtook her. She reached out and clawed at the tiles in an effort to stay upright, resting her forehead against the wall.

Oh. My. God.

The water sprayed on her as she struggled to take in a deep breath.

That was—


She couldn’t find another word for it. Her fantasy had taken her to new heights of pleasure, and the whole thing left her mind spinning.

Angela tilted her head up and took in a mouthful of water, trying to understand what she had done. It was crazy, it was insane—

Logic told her it was the best possible option.

Why pick one man when she could have two?

They both claimed to love her. But if she had to choose one, it might be the end of her friendship with the other.

But this isn’t—


She spat out the water, trying to force some logic into her arguments.

What’s normal, anyway?

Angela shook her head.

You’re tired and emotionally compromised right now. Go to bed.


Tomorrow is another day.

Then I can think about this with a clear mind.

Hunter didn’t look through his front window to see if Jake had left after their brief discussion.

He knew the police chief all too well. Jake had another hour on duty, and he wasn’t going to leave Glen Barrow unprotected for longer than he needed to.

The gentleman’s agreement had held for three months without either of them breaking it.

Now Angela had smashed it to bits and put them at each other’s throats. He’d suspected it’d come to this, but hadn’t reckoned on her being the one to fire the starting gun.

In his perfect scenario, she wouldn’t ever have found out about the two of them agreeing to give her space. It was supposed to be a gentle immersion back into the dating pool, the two of them taking turns to seduce her and an eventual commitment to one man, the other accepting gracious defeat and fading back into the woodwork.

Hunter would be the winner, of course.

Instead, she’d barged into his office and called him out, called them both out and forced his hand.

He found it delightful, harking back to the rebellious young girl he’d loved many years ago. The wild spirit scrambling out of the house late at night for a secret rendezvous while he pushed his old man almost to the breaking point.

It was good to see that side of her again.

When he’d first seen his sweet Angie three months ago, Hunter feared that between the demanding career and the idiot ex-fiancé cutting her deep and inflicting permanent emotional wounds, all her fighting spirit was gone.

But now the flash was back in her eyes, flaming bright.

Angela had changed in the years they’d been apart—small, subtle differences in the way she held herself, the way she spoke. He’d seen it in action during her time in the courtroom.

The hometown girl had become a force to be reckoned with. During Angela’s first few cases at the Glen Barrow courthouse, the prosecutor was taken aback, expecting a soft, gentle approach from the new lawyer in town.

Angela would have none of it.

She’d gone in there, guns blazing, and earned the respect of everyone in the courtroom and, by proxy, the entire town.

Now she was calling both Hunter and Jake out, demanding only the best from both men.

This was going to be interesting.

The highway was quiet and empty, wisps of fog creeping up onto the road from the nearby river.

Jake glanced at his watch and maneuvered the police car back toward Glen Barrow. He’d arrived right on time to sign off and hand the reins over to Phil. The rest of the ride back was silent, giving him way too much time to think.

He parked the car in his usual parking spot and shut off the engine before resting his forehead on the steering wheel.


He’d been an asshole.

Angela was right to call him on it.

He hadn’t planned to interfere. All he’d wanted to do was see where Hunter was taking her, do a little reconnaissance before his own date on Sunday.

But when he saw her in the car with Hunter, the windows steamed up and their silhouettes rocking back and forth—

No way he was going to let him get away with treating her like that. Angela deserved better than a quick roll in the backseat for her first time with either of them.

Unfortunately, his intervention had placed a bull’s-eye on him for a good ass-chewing by Angela. He’d deserved it; of that, there was no doubt.

But now he had to get his game on because if he screwed up again, he might lose her.

Brunch on Sunday.

Don’t fuck this up, Jake.

Chapter Five

It was a bright Sunday morning when Angela opened the screen door to see Jake standing there with a wide smile, clutching a huge bouquet of roses.

“Oh my.” Angela stared at the flowers.

Jake separated the bundle into two equal parts—one of pink roses and one of all red.

He handed the red ones to Angela and the other bouquet to her shocked mother, who had followed her to the front door.

Mary-Ann took the flowers, studying them as if he’d given her a live grenade.

“Let me put these in water before we go.” Angela spun and headed for the kitchen, hiding her smile at seeing her mother’s expression.

“I’ll be in the car,” Jake called after her. “Pleased to see you, Mary-Ann.”

Angela settled the roses in a vase, noting her mother’s mumblings of approval as she dealt with her own flowers.

Angela left her and went out to where a smiling Jake stood.

He swept a hand toward the red pickup truck. “Your chariot awaits.”

He wore jeans and a black T-shirt Angela could have sworn was at least one size too small.

The jeans were pretty darned tight as well.

Jake opened the passenger door and smirked. “Bet your mom never saw that coming.”

“Smooth move.” Angela slid in. “Where are we going?”

“Brunch at the Treetop Café. Sounds good?”

“Okay.” She settled herself in the seat. “Let’s go.”

Jake had gotten the lowdown from Grace on which places had the best Sunday buffet. He wasn’t disappointed. From custom-made omelets to beautiful fresh-fruit displays, it was a good way to launch the day.

Judging from the delighted look on Angie’s face, he’d made the right choice.

“So,” she said as she plucked a piece of crispy bacon from her plate, “tell me how you got here.”

Jake grinned. “Well, when the mama bee loves the papa bee—”

“Don’t be a smart-ass.” She picked up her glass of orange juice. “Last time we spoke was right after graduation when I was getting ready for law school. You packed up the car and was headed for Quantico to try out for the FBI. What happened?”

“Wiped out two weeks in. Couldn’t pass the physical.”

“No way.” She gasped. “After all those hours at the gym? How could you not pass?”

Jake tapped his knee. “Twisted it on the obstacle course, pulled the muscles all to shit. By the time it healed up, it was too late for me to continue with my group. I could have waited for another spot to open up, but I’d made up my mind to move on, put my résumé in with State. They were keen enough to pick me up. Went to the academy, and as they say, the rest is history.” He shrugged. “All worked out for the best, I figure.”

“And the wife?” She eyed him over the glass.

He grimaced inside. He knew she’d ask but had hoped it’d be a lot further down the road.

“I met Maggie at Quantico. She worked at the restaurant where we all ate.”

The disapproving snort made him smile in spite of the bad memory.

“She was a waitress?”

“She was a chef.” Jake gently corrected her. “It wasn’t a crappy diner. It was a good family restaurant, one that had been there for decades. She ran the kitchen with an iron hand.”

“She met you, fell in love, and married.”

“Basically, yes. I won’t bore you with the details. She kept me company in the hospital when I flunked out.”

“You twisted your knee,” Angela said. “Not exactly the same.”

“Same result. We lived together for a few months and came back to Pennsylvania when I joined the state troopers. She got part-time work at a local restaurant, said she didn’t like sitting around the house, waiting for me to come home. We moved here and she left me.” He spread his hands. “All done.”

“Not quite.” Angela finished off her juice. “She must have known the dangers of marrying someone in law enforcement. What happened?”

Jake rolled his head back, hearing the snapping and popping of his neck. “Mags was in love with the idea, not the reality. She figured I’d end up back with the FBI after a bit of time with State, give her a chance to go someplace exotic, big cities out on the coast. This didn’t exactly qualify.” He eyed her. “She’s a good woman, Angela. Just not meant to be with me. Nothing wrong, and we’ve both moved on. And not exactly what I was hoping to be talking ’bout right now.”

“I know. But you can’t blame me for asking for the details. Much rather get them from the source than ask my mother.”

“Point taken.” He put his hand atop hers. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Very much.” Suddenly a frown replaced her gentle smile.

“What?” Jake turned around, seeking out what had changed her mood so quickly.

Hunter was in line at the buffet, chatting with a young woman. The redhead laughed as he heaped bacon on her plate and followed him to a table off to one side, away from the main floor, where Jake and Angela were sitting. It was obvious Hunter hadn’t seen them.

“Who is she?” Angela asked.

“No idea.” He squeezed her hand. “Do you want to leave?”

“No. I’m okay.”

The emotion in her words told him the exact opposite was true.

Jake glanced over to where the pair sat. At the back of his mind, he wondered what Hunter was playing at.

He’s already given up on me. On us.

The thought burned through her heart, the pain almost physical.

Angela got to her feet and picked up her glass. “I’m going to get some more juice. Can I get you anything?”

Jake eyed her. “A referee.” He shook his head. “Now’s not the time or place, Angie. I get you want to—”

She didn’t hear the rest of his sentence, because she was striding across the room toward the pair.

The redhead was in her midtwenties, busy munching on a slice of melon when Hunter noticed Angela’s approach.

He stood up. “Angela.” Hunter wore a white dress shirt and jeans, casual wear. His gaze flickered around the room behind her, landing on where Jake sat. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“I guess not.” Angela looked at the woman. “Hello.”

“Hi.” She extended her hand. “I’m Megan.”

“Megan.” Angela took hold, noting the firm grip. “And what brings you out here today with Hunter?”

“Angie,” Hunter said in a low tone, interrupting the conversation. “Can we talk for a minute?”

“Sure.” She beamed at Megan. “Pleased to meet you.”

Hunter led her over to the side, near a table filled with clean, stacked plates. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Me?” She fought to keep her voice down. “You’re the one flaunting this bimbo in my face.” She accentuated each word with an angry poke in the chest. “You say you’re interested in dating me, seeing me, and now you’re screwing around behind my back? Is this because I didn’t go home with you last night?”

Hunter caught her hand with the last poke and held it in place. “First, I am still truly and deeply in love with you. Megan’s the new physical therapist for the team, started this week. So I decided to take her out for brunch before we tour the campus. You can ask her outright or you can do an Internet search. She was hired a month ago, and I’ve got no interest in her other than to make sure my players hit the boards healthy and happy.” His grip on her hand tightened. “I told you I was interested in you. No one else.”

“I—” She paused as the jealous fog dispersed, clearing her vision. “God, I’m an idiot.” The pain in her chest lessened, now replaced with a slow heartburn.

“No.” Hunter smiled. “You’re just human.”

Angela shook her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m sorry.” She turned to see Jake approaching them.


“Everything okay here?” Jake nodded to Megan before turning his attention back to Hunter and Angela.

“Yes.” She took Jake’s hand, noting the downturn in Hunter’s lips. “We’re going now.” She waved her empty glass in the air. “I need a refill.” She smiled at Megan. “Have a good day.”

“Thanks.” The redhead glanced at Hunter, frowning as she tried to decipher recent events.

“What the hell—?” Jake whispered as she led him back to their table.

“She works at the college.” Angela sat.

“Ah.” Jake shook his head. “A natural mistake. Just bad luck they happened to come here.”

“Yeah.” Angela closed her eyes, trying to tamp down the embarrassment rushing up to choke her.

“Let’s get out of here,” Jake said. “How about we go for a nice walk?”

“That sounds lovely.” Angela looked at him and smiled. “Sorry for the interruption.”

“Understandable.” He glanced over to where Hunter and Megan sat. “I’m torn between being jealous you’re so possessive of him and thanking my lucky stars I’m being faithful to you. Don’t need my balls handed to me.”

Touchstone Park was only a half-hour drive from Glen Barrow, close enough for those looking for a day trip and far enough from town to immerse yourself in nature.

Jake pulled off and followed the wooden placards pointing toward the parking lot and hiking trails. He knew the winding road well and enjoyed the twists and turns as it led them farther into one of the many deep forests covering Pennsylvania.

The gravel-covered parking lot had a few cars in it, most of them minivans. A handful of families wandered the picnic area, taking up the tables in clusters, especially those that had open barbecues available. A woman stood next to one, watching the man work with charcoal briquettes, jabbing at them with a candle lighter. A few seconds later, he threw up his hands in triumph and walked back toward the table as the woman nervously watched the fire.

Jake pulled into a spot at the far end of the lot and turned the engine off. He unlocked his seat belt and turned to smile at Angela. “Let’s go clear our heads. Nothing like a nice stroll in the forest.” Jake took her hand. “That work for you?”

“Sounds good to me.” She stretched out one leg and waggled her foot. “Good thing I wore runners.”

“Wasn’t planning on climbing any mountains.” Jake laughed. “Trust me.”

“Okay.” She leaned over and kissed him. “Show me what you got, mountain man.”

The day wasn’t exactly going as he’d planned, but he knew what would get it back on track.

Angela wasn’t sure what to make of this date.

Mostly because it was so unlike the ones she’d gone on with Jake before.

In the past, they’d grabbed quick, fast, delicious couplings between classes, between study sessions. There was romance there; there had to be. Sweet murmurings in her ear, furious physical interludes leaving her breathless. Erotic texts and e-mails sent during class would send her pulse racing and keep her blushing until she could get to him.

This, this was something different.

The well-worn trail led into the forest, the thick overhanging trees hiding the parking lot from sight within a few minutes.

Angela gripped Jake’s hand tighter as they moved farther into the forest.

The rich, fragrant aromas rushed up to envelop them, a welcome change from the manufactured smell of cooked food and gasoline at the picnic area.

“I love this.” Jake led her along the trail. “First time I came up here, I walked for hours, taking all the different routes. They all circle around back to the parking lot, which is good, because I got lost a lot.”

A bird chirped nearby, and she saw a red squirrel dash up a tree.

She inhaled the fresh air and sighed, stress easing out of her muscles.

Angela realized with a start that they were no longer on the main trail. She was walking now on a slender path, the tall grass surrounding them.

“I found this trail not too long ago,” Jake said. “I won’t make a joke about going off the beaten path.”

“Because you did,” she answered.

He squeezed her hand. “It’s amazing what you can find when you’re not focused on the ground beneath your feet.”

The trail led farther into the forest, the old-growth trees swallowing up the sky.

Angela was disoriented before too long, the twists and turns of the tiny path sending her mental compass spinning.

Jake stopped. “We’re here.”

She shook herself out of the haze. “What?”

A small creek spun out of the rocks, dribbling over the wet moss to land in a pond at their feet. Another smaller stream drained it away into the forest, maintaining the delicate balance.

Jake sat on a large flat rock at the edge. “Come here.” He tugged on her hand.

She went on her knees beside him, transfixed by the sight.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

“I found it on my wanderings.” He reached out and pulled her close. “Relax and listen.”

Angela leaned into his side, taking slow, steady breaths.

She heard the buzz of insects nearby, the chirp of crickets. A hummingbird flew by on the way to a new conquest. The brook bubbled as the water ran into the pond and ran back out, racing off to new adventures.

It wasn’t a total surprise when Jake kissed her.

Jake hadn’t planned all this out, strangely enough. The brunch, yes. The heading into the forest, yes. But the rest was all up to Angela.

He had to let her set the pace. Given the recent encounter with Hunter, he wasn’t sure if she’d be able to relax enough to enjoy the rest of their time together.

So when Angela let out a throaty sigh, he slid down on the cool stone, taking her along with him. She arched up into his touch, her hands pulling at his shirt for balance as she adjusted her position.

“I’ve waited a long time for this,” Jake whispered as he moved in. “I’ve been dying to taste you, feel you—” He stared into her eyes. “—have all of you.”

Her kiss was electric.

Jake growled as she tangled tongues with him, the kiss turning into a duel of wills.

She’d always liked to play rough.

He worked her blouse open and put his hand on her breast.

The whimper she let out shot straight to his cock, bringing him to attention in record time.

He slipped his fingers inside her bra and caressed her nipple. She arched into his grip, demanding more.

I can do that.

He didn’t stop kissing her as he undid the rest of the buttons and pulled her blouse fully open, a short tug pulling the bra up to expose her fully.

Jake pulled away with a wet pop, grinning as he saw her clouded gaze.

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