Game On (Entwined Hearts) (12 page)

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Authors: Sheryl Nantus

BOOK: Game On (Entwined Hearts)
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She remembered, and deep warmth surged through her body, the mental fog lifting with a vivid recollection of what had happened in the past few hours. The highlights ran through her mind, bringing a smile to her face even as she stretched out and winced, underused muscles protesting the recent exercise.

She looked at Jake’s sleeping face and drew her hand over it, over the strong chiseled jaw. The day-old stubble gave him a rugged look, and it was easy to imagine him in the wilderness, building a life out of whatever he found and claiming it for his own. There was a feral sense about him, the beast barely kept at bay.

Her protector. Her honor guard. Her man.

Hunter stirred, his head lying on her breasts. She drew her fingers through the black hair.

Here was her past, her first love returned to her whole. It was as if the years apart didn’t exist, their time away from each other only a faint memory.

She stroked the back of his neck, reveling in the softness of the skin. It was a sharp contrast to the rest of his body, the toned muscles of an athlete stretched out on the king-size bed.

Hunter mumbled something before kissing his way to her left nipple and drawing it into his mouth.

Angela rose off the bed with a cry as he continued to suckle, murmuring incoherently as his grip on her waist tightened. She grabbed his hair but didn’t pull him away, caught between pleasure and pain as his teeth scraped against her sensitive skin.

Jake shifted and pressed against her. “Keep it down, you two.” He opened his eyes and smiled. “Or not.” He wriggled his nose. “Time for our morning shower.”

Hunter pulled free with a wet pop. “I agree.”

The two men looked at Angela, waiting for her input.

She couldn’t help grinning. “That would be lovely.”

The shower stall was indeed big enough for all three of them.

Jake stood behind her, hands on her waist, as Hunter worked on the water temperature and settled for hot but not scalding.

“So.” Hunter smiled and tilted his head to one side. “Ready for your wake-up call?”

Angela chewed on her bottom lip, taken aback. She hadn’t expected anything other than a shower at this point.

Jake nipped her earlobe, hard. “Your decision.”

She looked down, seeing Hunter’s cock standing at attention. Without a word, she took hold, running her hand from root to tip with a slow, steady stroke. He let out a low rolling growl from between clenched teeth, his eyes half-closed as she increased her grip, feeling him grow under her touch.

“I haven’t been keeping score, but I think it’s your turn,” she whispered, her mind spinning.

Jake laughed and pulled her back against him as he rested against the tiled wall. “Let’s see your moves, Coach.”

Hunter moved in to kiss her, hard and hungry, his tongue battling with hers for dominance. His hand moved to land atop hers, riding along as she continued to touch him, then entwined with her fingers to move her hand away.

Hunter turned away for a second as Jake’s hands landed on her breasts again, thumbs rubbing over the sensitized skin.

He reached outside the stall and grabbed one of the condoms placed within reach by one of the two men. It took only a few seconds for him to rip the packet open and slide the condom down over his length, grunting impatiently.

Angela gasped and arched back against Jake, her senses already sliding into overdrive. The simple stimulation was almost painful after the night’s events, but it still drew her toward the peak again with unerring accuracy.

“Don’t you dare come yet,” Hunter gripped her hips hard before lifting her up off her feet, Jake helping to steady her. “Not until I say so.”

Hunter lowered her onto his cock, sliding her down at a slow, agonizing pace. Finally he was inside her; Angela’s legs automatically came up to lock around his waist.

“Hold on, Angie.” Hunter kissed her hard, one hand reaching out to steady himself. “This is going to be one fast ride.”

The first thrust shot her almost over the top, the double sensory input of Hunter in front of her, inside her, while Jake stood behind her, caressing her breasts; his teeth grazing her shoulder where he’d already re-marked her.

“Hold . . .” Hunter growled as he increased the pace, the hard, fast strokes signaling an end to his patience. “Hold . . .”

She couldn’t take any more, her senses overloading yet again.

Angela shook and shuddered around him, tossing her head back against Jake’s shoulder as Hunter let out a shout, his thrusts becoming erratic and shaky.

A long minute later, Hunter took hold of her legs and gently lowered her to the floor, pulling out with a grunt.

“You got her?” He looked over her shoulder at Jake.

Jake kissed the side of her neck, one arm around her torso to help her stay standing. “Yep. We’re good here.”

We’re exhausted,
she said silently.

Hunter stepped out of the stall for a minute before returning. The hot spray ran over his bare shoulders and chest as he reached out and caressed her cheek.

“Time to get cleaned up.” He held up a washcloth and a bar of soap. “Don’t worry. Now we’re going to be gentle.”

She was in heaven.

After the shower, she’d stepped out into a warm towel held by Jake, who proceeded to dry her off from head to toe, refusing to let her do anything other than raise her arms and turn. Hunter worked on her hair, using the hotel room’s hair dryer to brush out the long blond curls and tame them into a ponytail.

Finally they’d placed the bathrobe back on her and escorted her to the bed, where she lay between the two men, both now wearing jeans but no shirts.

Angela steeled herself to look over at the digital clock flashing quietly on the far table.

“Almost time to check out.” A surge of emotion nearly brought her to tears.

“Of this room. But not of this.” Jake pressed her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Not if you don’t want it to be.”

“You—?” She swallowed hard, forcing herself to think straight. “You’re okay with this?”

Jake looked over at Hunter, who had raised himself up on one elbow. “I won’t say when you approached us with this idea I didn’t wish it was just me. But you’ve never looked happier.” A sheepish grin appeared. “Not even at our best times together.”

“I hate to agree with him, but, yeah.” A reddish tinge colored Hunter’s face. “And I have to admit it was all sorts of hot.”

Jake released her hand and rubbed his chin, scraping over the stubble. “So, if this is what works for us, how do we make this work?”

Angela sighed and pushed herself up to rest her back against the headboard. A shiver ran through her spine at the contact with the cold metal behind her. “I don’t know. I hadn’t planned that far ahead.” She put her hands to her cheeks, feeling the warmth. “I wasn’t working past last night.”

“Well”—Hunter moved to sit beside her—“my house would be the best for us to get together in the future. I live alone, now that Dad’s out, and I’ve got plenty of room.”

Jake nodded his approval before laying his head in Angela’s lap. “I live above a bakery. Those damned machines set off at three in the morning. Hardly the best environment.”

“Okay.” Angela’s head spun with the topic under discussion. She’d gone from imagining a threesome to having her ménage to now talking about how to make it a semipermanent arrangement. “But”—she held up a finger—“total honesty with each other. We’ll have to keep it quiet from everyone else; we can’t afford to lie to ourselves.”

Hunter smiled. “You got it.” He bounced off the bed. “Now, let’s get dressed, check out, and get us some breakfast. I don’t know about you two, but I’m starving.” He ran his hand over his bare stomach, and Angela felt a surge of desire, despite her exhaustion. “How about we hit the Midnight Diner for pancakes?”

Jake laughed. “And afterwards, we can go back to your place and have a second breakfast.” He licked his lips and looked at Angela.

She swallowed hard.

I’ve unleashed a monster.

Three of them.

She couldn’t stop smiling.

The sunlight crept across the floor, signaling the morning’s retreat.

Angela made a rough guess at the time and looked at the wall clock for confirmation.

She scowled, as it was two hours later than she’d guessed. “Right.” Angela tugged on the sheet, pulling it out from under the two men. “I’ve got to get going.”

Hunter rolled onto his side and smiled. “Are you sure?” He put his hand over his mouth to cover a yawn.

“I’m sure.” Angela sat up, covering her breasts. “My mother’s going to expect me home at some point.” She reached over and poked Jake’s bare ass. “And, if I recall correctly, you have a shift tonight.”

Jake opened one eye, the rest of his face crushed into a pillow. “I do. Thanks for reminding me.”

Hunter got to his feet, flinching as he put his hand at the small of his back. “Note for future: Hardwood floor not the best for wild sex. Or any sex.”

“Note for future: Get bigger bed,” Jake shot back as he rolled onto his back and yawned.

After a giggling, erratic breakfast at the Midnight Diner, where they’d been the focus of more than one curious look and hushed conversation, they’d adjourned to Hunter’s house and Hunter’s bedroom. They found a double-size mattress was a poor fit for the three of them, legs hanging off the edge of the bed and grunted curses as laughter turned back to lust and improvisation became the primary focus.

She couldn’t remember who had suggested the floor or if they’d ended up there by accident in a tangle of pillows and sheets, giggling and laughing.

She did remember the fun that had followed.

Her cheeks burned as she reached for her jeans, which were hanging haphazardly off Hunter’s bedpost.


Angela turned back to see Hunter staring at her.

“Are you okay?” He walked over to the nearby dresser and got himself a pair of track pants. “You look a little—”

“Unsettled.” Jake finished the sentence as he slowly got to his feet. He swung his arms around, stretching out.

“I’m okay.” She couldn’t stop smiling. “I had a great time.” Angela hesitated, not sure how to phrase the obvious question.

She gave up and straight-out asked. “How are you two? I mean . . .” She abandoned searching for her underwear and settled for pulling her blouse out from under the bed. “Last night at the hotel was one thing, but now we’re here. In the light of day, blemishes and all.” It was hard to focus her thoughts with both naked men walking nearby, close enough to touch and fondle and drag back to the floor.

Hunter sat on the bed, pulling his pants on. “I understand what you’re saying.” He shook his head. “I can tell you I wish you had chosen me.” He jerked a thumb at Jake, who stood nearby. “And I would have been upset if you’d chosen him.” A smile spread across his face. “But I have to confess, I sort of like this.”

Jake crossed the room to Angela and helped her button up her blouse. “What he said.” He leaned forward and kissed her. “It’ll take a bit of getting used to, but I can do this. Because I love you and want you to be happy.”

The confession brought tears to her eyes. She sniffled, unable to find words.

“Oh man.” Jake looked over at Hunter. “Now I’ve done it.”

Hunter rose from the bed and came over as Jake pulled Angela into a hug. He put his arms around the pair, kissing the back of her neck as she wept.

A few minutes later, she pulled free, wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what—”

“Hey.” Hunter cupped her cheek in one hand. “It’s a hell of an emotional kick to the gut to find something like this. Can’t blame you at all.” He looked at Jake as if for confirmation.

“Yeah.” Jake rubbed the back of his head. “If you had told me a year ago, even a month ago, I’d be in something like this, I’d have thought you were mad. But if it works . . .” He gave her a sheepish grin. “ . . . Ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

“Okay.” She cleared her throat. “I’ve got a pretty busy schedule this week, most of it in Judge Tisker’s courtroom. I won’t be able to do much until next weekend.”

“Works for me.” Hunter rose from the bed. “Road trip for me with the team.” He glanced at Jake. “You?”

He stepped back from Angela. “Night shift. I’m going to be hooting like an owl for two weeks.”

“Okay. Let’s plan to be together in two weeks,” she said. “Not much else we can do.”

“You got it.” Jake looked at Hunter and laughed. “Dang. Bad enough I have to schedule my officers, now I got to schedule my off time as well.”

Angela walked over and kissed him on the cheek. “You did say it was all about me.”

“True.” His hand shot out and grabbed the back of her throat, drawing her in for a heated kiss that left her breathless. “And don’t you ever forget it.” He released her with a laugh. “Hunter, you’ve got to work on getting a bigger bed for next time.” Jake winced as he stretched out his right arm. “I think I dislocated something.”

“Okay.” Angela smiled. “I’ve got to get going before my mother calls the National Guard out.” She kissed each man in turn. “Have a good day.”

Hunter laughed. “Already did.”

Chapter Seven

It was Friday afternoon when Angela slipped the key into the lock of her office, desperate to cool off. She’d dressed as casual as she dared, a white blouse with a long skirt and matching beige jacket.

She’d have given anything to be in her jeans shorts and T-shirt, but the judge would have had a coronary if she’d shown up for court dressed like that.

Of course, he worked all day in an air-conditioned office.

The recent heat wave had taken its toll, and walking out of the cool courtroom into the furnace blast of the parking lot made her long for the winter.

Yeah, right,
she thought as she walked over to turn on the air conditioner.
Remember that when you’re waist-deep in snow and having to shovel out the driveway because you won’t let your mother do it.

Call your men over,
the evil voice at the back of her mind joked.
Pit them against each other and see who finishes first.

Then everybody strips, and you get the winner.

And the loser.

Angela ducked and put her face right in front of the initial blast of warm air, trying to banish the images from her mind.

The attempt didn’t go far.

Now all she could think about was being with them again, a hot surge racing through her body at the sensual memories.

Sunday night had been odd, lying in bed alone. It felt strange to be without their heated bodies around her, caressing her with sleepy, tired hands.

She’d woken early on Monday, grumpier than usual and already hungry for their next rendezvous. It had taken repeated efforts to get out of bed and head downstairs for breakfast before going to her office.

The rest of the week had been a lonely one without interacting with either man. The Glen Barrow Badgers had a successful road trip with Hunter’s excellent coaching, her social media news feed updating almost daily with their wins. Every time someone posted a picture, Angela searched it for Hunter, hungry to see his tight, athletic body in action. It was obvious by his body language he was mentally out on the court with his players, pushing them to win.

Jake had been easier to track.

Wednesday morning there’d been a knock on the door, surprising both Angela and her mother. Mary-Ann had found Jake on the porch, offering to take Angela out for breakfast before she had to go to work.

The strained look on his face shocked her, and she’d pulled him into a hug, not daring to ask why. Mary-Ann hadn’t hesitated to bring him inside, noting she’d heard about a three-car fatal accident nearby on the morning news and guessing Jake had been there to deal with the carnage.

In the end, the police chief sat down to a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast whipped up by the two women, his soft-spoken answers tugging at Angela’s heartstrings. She’d been shocked at the sadness in his eyes as his words hinted at what he’d seen and dealt with. Angela hadn’t forgotten the talks they’d shared in college about the stress of being in law enforcement, and here it was, right in front of her.

Jake thanked Mary-Ann for her kindness and gave Angela a light kiss before heading back to his apartment with a smile and a weak joke, his mood obviously lighter from the interaction.

The exchange earned her a curious look from her mother and a short speech. “I don’t mind you dating both men,” she’d said as they cleared the table. “But be honest with each of them. It’s flattering to have two men fighting over you in theory but ugly in reality.”

Angela knew there was no use in trying to explain.

Not yet, anyway.

The front door opened and the tiny bell rang, bringing her out of her reverie.

She winced before putting on her game face.

Can I at least get cool before—?

Angela looked up and froze.

Hunter stood there with a pair of ice cream cones in his hands. He wore his team T-shirt, the gold and black colors with the cartoon animal on the front. The two waffle cones were loaded up to a dangerous height, the swirled mountains demanding immediate attention.

He cocked his head to one side. “Please tell me you still like butter pecan.”

“What—?” She walked around the desk and took one of the cones. “You were supposed to be out of town until tomorrow.”

Hunter pulled a handful of paper napkins from his pocket and handed one to her before tossing the rest onto her desk. “Last game was canceled. Bad storm ripped up the campus and damaged the gym. No one was hurt, but we had to reschedule the game.” He drew his tongue up over the top of the creamy treat. “So I grabbed a rental car and zipped back here ahead of the team. Said I had paperwork to do and I’d meet them here.” He locked eyes with her and pushed a single page across her desk. “Paperwork done.”

She reached out and flipped the
sign in the window.

They ate at her desk, paper napkins sprawled over her file folders and laptop in case of accidents. Angela stayed in her chair while Hunter perched himself on the edge of her desk, swinging his jeans-clad legs.

“So. Good.” Angela licked her lips. “I’d forgotten how delicious this could be on a hot day.”

“Don’t they have ice cream in Philly?” Hunter asked.

“Not this good.” She got to work on the waffle cone, biting off small pieces. “I don’t remember Glen Barrow ever being this hot.”

“Because we never stayed outside during these days.” He laughed. “Don’t you remember? We’d go up to my room with the ceiling fan.”

“That was fun.” She caught a dribble before it reached her fingers. “We’d get all sweaty again. Sort of defeated the purpose.”

“Don’t confuse the issue with facts.” He munched on the last of his cone. “I still have the ceiling fan, if you remember.”

Angela coughed as a sliver of ice burned her tongue. “Bain feeze.”

“Touch your tongue to the top of your mouth,” Hunter prompted. “It works. Promise.”

She did so, wincing as the daggers retreated from her mind.

He licked his fingers before reaching for one of the napkins. “Right. Lock up the office, and let’s go.”

“Hunter.” Angela scrambled for a reason even as she finished off her own ice cream. “I can’t take the rest of the day off.” She gestured at the file folders under the napkins. “I’ve got work to do.”

“Why not? It’s three o’clock already.” He gestured at the generic clock she’d put up on the wall. “Kids would be getting out of school about now, if we were still in school.”

She glared at him, annoyed at his cocky attitude. “We’re not kids anymore.”

“No. We’re not.” He stood up and walked around the desk. “We’re adults. And adults get to do fun stuff like this.”

Before she could react, Hunter’s hands went around her hips, gripping hard. He grunted as he lifted her up on the edge of the desk with her legs swinging free.

His lips met hers, cool from the ice cream and tasting of vanilla.

The chill quickly retreated under his onslaught, his hands slipping up under the blazer and pulling at her blouse.

Angela moaned. “It’s not—”

“I missed you.” The smug smile sent her pulse racing. “It’s been a long, hard couple of days. Emphasis on the ‘hard’ part.”

She put her hands on his forearms, undecided about whether she wanted to push him away or pull him closer. “What about Jake?” Angela said, her mind spinning.

Hunter moved back, frowning. “What about him?”

“I’m not sure . . .” She sucked in her lower lip, fighting through her feelings. “I’m not sure we should be doing this here, without him.”

Hunter eyed her. “We never talked about it.”

“Would you be okay if I saw him, alone? Without you?”

A flash of jealousy in his eyes spoke volumes. “I wouldn’t like it,” Hunter confessed, “but I’d respect your wishes.” His hands stilled. “Your call.”

She shook her head. “I think we’ll have to talk about it next time we all get together. You weren’t even supposed to be back in town before now.” Angela swallowed hard. “But I’m not into thinking much right now.”

“I’ll talk to Jake about it.” He smiled. “This one can be all on me if he gets upset.”

“Okay.” Her mind checked out as his hands began to move again, caressing her soft skin. “I saw you on the court,” Angela murmured. “You looked good.”

“Thank you.” He entwined his fingers in hers before placing her hands to each side, palm-down on the desk. “Keep them there.”

She couldn’t hold back a shiver as he ran his long, slender hands along her legs before sliding them under her skirt. His fingers danced along her bare thighs before skimming her underwear.

“No panty hose?” he whispered as he leaned in to nibble on her earlobe.

“Too. Hot.” Her mind spun as one hand nudged her legs apart.

“Good.” He pulled back and winked at her. His mischievous grin sent a flash of heat through her body, banishing the last of the ice-cream chill. “Makes this easier.”

Hunter dropped to his knees and buried his head between her legs, rolling his hands around her hips to bring her closer to the edge of the desk.

Angela threw her arms out to brace herself, clutching up napkins and pages in her hands as Hunter dropped kisses along her inner thigh, swinging back and forth to give each leg equal attention.

“This is my office. We can’t—” She rolled her head back as his fingers traced the inside of her thigh, soft gentle caresses tugging her underwear free.

“But I can.” A finger slipped over her and into her. “And I will.”

Angela moaned as his tongue followed suit.

Hunter had reached nirvana.

He’d never understood why or how men could dislike this, claim they did it only when forced to, or—worse—refuse to do it at all. Whenever he heard someone mutter a complaint or sigh about the wife or girlfriend being selfish, Hunter wanted to grab him or her by the lapels and give a good shake.

There was something about going down on a woman, something mystical.

Something addictive.

It was like Christmas and his birthday rolled into one.

He shifted his knees as her hand dug through his hair, tangling and gripping. Hunter held back a yelp of pain, grinning at the familiar demands.

Some things never change.

His attention returned to Angela and to the delicate triangular temple at which he was busy worshipping. It was dark under her skirt, but he didn’t need to see his target.

He could smell her arousal, hear the squeak she made as he ripped her panties in half and dropped the remnants on the floor.

Hunter laughed at her response. He trailed his hand along the inside of her thigh, thrilling to the muscle tremors rocking her leg.

If I recall correctly,
he said to himself,
if I touch her here—

He pressed his thumb against the tiny bud.

The answering gasp told him he was right.

Hunter smirked as he slid two fingers into her, one hand moving to hold her hip and steady him as he followed up the actions of his thumb with his tongue, dragging it over her with a slowness he knew she hated.

Her nails scratched his scalp and he grunted, his own arousal growing. It was a desirable side effect of this particular act, shooting him from zero to toward an eruption in minutes.

One time he’d strung her along for the better part of an hour, stopping to suck on some ice cubes before returning to his task.

This time, however—this time neither of them had the patience.

He loved the way she tasted, the tangy slickness on his tongue signaling she was close to coming.

“Hunter.” The wheezed name dug right through to his groin, increasing the pressure threefold. “Don’t.”

You better not be trying to tell me to stop.

Because I couldn’t even if I wanted to.

He pushed three fingers inside her and flicked his tongue over the delicate bud, increasing the speed and the pressure as she tugged even harder on his hair.

Come on, Angie.

Let it go.

We better have locked the door
was the last coherent thought Angela had before the waves overtook her, short-circuiting her mind.

She kept a tight grip on Hunter’s hair even as the rest of her went limp, her legs turning to rubber as she swallowed her screams, twisting them into painful choked grunts.

Angela leaned forward and put her hands on his shoulders as she slumped against him.

The bump under her beige skirt bobbled for a second before his head appeared. Hunter licked his lips. “Nice. Sorry about the panties.”

“No. You’re. Not,” Angela said, still hearing her pulse pounding in her ears. “Not.”

He shrugged. “Maybe not as much as I should be. But it was well worth it.” He cocked his head to one side. “Wasn’t it?”

She slid forward into his lap and tumbled them both to the floor. “Very much so.” Angela sighed into his neck. “You’ve got a good winning streak.” She made short work of his jeans, pulling them open. “To the victor goes the spoils, right?”

“Yeah. Ah. Wait. I’ve got a condom in my wallet.” He grunted as she slid her hands inside and freed him from his briefs, his hips rocking against her.

She plucked his wallet from his back pocket and got the condom out before tossing it to the side. “Remember when we used to get gold stars for a perfect test score?” Angela rolled it over him, laughing as he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting into the air.

“I never got—” Hunter threw his head back, moaning as she straddled him and sank down.

Angela smiled, thrilling to his reaction as she swayed back and forth, her hands on his shoulders to stay balanced. Hunter let out a whimper, signaling he was close to coming.

She put her lips to his ear. “Time to collect your stars.” She clenched herself around him with the last of her strength and held her breath.

“Damn.” Hunter threw his arms around her and let out a sharp cry, emptying himself into her.

They sat there for a few minutes, both of them breathless.

“Sorry.” Hunter croaked into her ear. “Didn’t mean to set a speed record.”

Angela kissed him and got to her feet. She reached behind her and took hold of the desk for support. “You’ve been faster. And slower. But always the best.”

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