Game On (Entwined Hearts) (7 page)

Read Game On (Entwined Hearts) Online

Authors: Sheryl Nantus

BOOK: Game On (Entwined Hearts)
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“Dessert?” Hunter asked.

“No.” Angela shook her head. “Going to have to work hard enough to keep this from going straight to my thighs.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Your thighs look pretty good to me. Along with the rest of you.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “But a closer look will be necessary for me to make a final decision.” His tongue flickered out to wet his lips.

She coughed and reached for the soda.

Hunter laughed. “Still easy to get you to blush. Always loved that about you.”

Angela felt her cheeks burn. She couldn’t figure out what to say, so she pushed the remains of the potato around on her plate.

He gestured at the waitress for the bill.

Hunter left a nice tip and escorted Angela back to his car, opening the door for her and going around to get in on the other side. The other vehicles that had parked nearby were gone now, leaving them alone at the back of the darkened lot.

She held back a laugh at the classic setup. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought he’d arranged for them to be isolated and in the shadows.

Hunter got in, closed the driver’s door, and looked at her. “What do you want to do now?”


“Don’t have to.” His arms went around her and pulled her tight against him. “I already know.”

His lips moved along her jawline and onto her bare neck, teeth scraping along her sensitive skin.

Angela barely had time to register that he’d undone the top few buttons of her blouse before he nipped her shoulder—not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to send a bolt of desire through her, the tickle of pain a reminder of what they’d shared in the past.

“Angie,” he murmured as he pulled her under him.

Hunter hadn’t been celibate after they split up.

Over the years, he’d had relationships. Short, sweet ones that usually ended on good terms when both he and the woman realized there was smoke but no fire—or not enough of it. There hadn’t been anyone long-term, no one he felt like he wanted to stay with, build a life with.

Except for Angela.

Now, with her in his arms, all he could think about was taking her back to his house and up to his bedroom, to make love to her all night until they were both too tired to speak or cry or scream.

Except then he’d have to let her go. And right now, that was the last thing on his mind.

He slid his hands up under her blouse and unclipped her bra with a flick of his fingers, enjoying the flashback to the many times he’d done this exact thing.

Hunter pressed his teeth to her skin again, nibbling the softness under his lips. He moved his hands to her front, wallowing in a fusion of memories and reality.

Just as I remembered.

But better.

We’ve both matured with age, like a fine wine now ready to be sampled and enjoyed.

Angela gasped as he cupped both breasts in his hands and squeezed gently, flicking his thumbs over her nipples.

With a jolt, Hunter realized she wasn’t holding back either.

He groaned as her hands found the edge of his shirt and pulled it out of his jeans. Angela yanked it open, and he heard buttons pop free to bounce off the dashboard. Her fingers scraped over his bare chest, nails digging into his skin as she let out a needy moan that pushed him to the edge in record time.

It was as if she’d never left Glen Barrow, never left him.

Hunter caught himself, panting.

She was willing and ready—he could smell her arousal and hear the need in her voice, the wildcat waiting to be unleashed.

Whether it was here in his car or in his bedroom, Angela Kenzie was ready to be with him.

Angela hadn’t felt this way in months. Maybe years.

Even during her best times with Eric, she’d never felt this connection, this merging of needs and desires threatening to rip all coherent thought from her mind.

She tugged the dress shirt off his shoulders with an annoyed grunt, eager to get her hands on the rest of Hunter’s body. It’d been too long since she felt so hot, so alive, so—

“Hey.” The gruff voice shot ice through her veins.

It wasn’t Hunter’s voice.

She froze in place, confused.

“Fuck!” Hunter scrabbled for the window control button to the right of her head.

The clear glass on the passenger’s side lowered to reveal a solemn-faced Jake clutching a flashlight in one hand. “You folks okay?” he deadpanned, staring directly at Angela.

Angela glared at him as the cool outside air hit her exposed skin. She didn’t move to adjust her blouse, all her focus on the policeman standing beside the car.

“Are you serious?” Hunter sat up. He flung the driver’s door open, ignoring his disheveled appearance. He half fell, half jumped out of the car and walked around the front, advancing on Jake. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Jake stood there, one hand resting on his gun belt while waving the flashlight around. “Just doing a safety check. Saw the two of you out here all alone in the back of the parking lot and decided to make sure you were okay.” He lowered his voice. “Not setting a good example for your students, Hunter.”

Hunter bunched his hands into fists. “You want an example?”

Angela scrambled out of the car to stand beside Hunter. “I can’t believe you did this.”

“Did what?” Jake turned to look at her. “I’m doing my job, keeping the public peace.”

“Jake,” Hunter growled.

Angela felt Jake’s gaze on her, on her exposed skin. She resisted the urge to pull her blouse up, letting him see what she’d been doing with Hunter.

“I figured you’d try something, but this”—Hunter sputtered as he advanced on Jake—“this is beyond anything I could imagine.” He brought up his fist. “I ought to—”

Jake took a step forward. “You want to assault a police officer?” He tapped his chin. “Right here. I’ll give you the first shot.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Give you a chance to look like a hero in front of everyone,” Hunter snapped. “Put me in jail and take me out of circulation.”

Angela stepped between the two men, spreading her hands. “Stop it. Right now.”

Both men glared at each other, ignoring her.

“You want to go?” Jake snarled. “You want to go?” He tossed the flashlight on the asphalt. It rolled around in a circle, sending a strobing light over the scene. “Bring it.”

Hunter spat on the ground. “If I start, I won’t stop. Warning you.”

“Seriously?” She grabbed at Jake’s uniform shirt with one hand while pressing her palm against Hunter’s bare chest. “I said, stop it.”

Jake didn’t break his laser stare with Hunter. “I’m doing my job. Nothing else.”

“Bullshit.” Angela curled her fingers in the dark fabric, bringing his attention around to her. “You’re being an asshole.”

After a second or two, his sneer turned into a sheepish grin.

“And as for you”—Angela turned to Hunter—“you should know better. You knew this was going to happen.”

“Me?” Hunter pointed at himself, his eyebrows rising in disbelief. “How is this my fault?”

“Because the two of you decided to treat me like some sort of damned trophy to fight over, and I was stupid enough to go along with it. That’s how we got here, ready to brawl in the middle of Annie’s parking lot.” Angela shook her head. “But I’m not a teenager and I’m not a college student. I’m a grown woman—a woman who knows what she likes and what she wants.”

She yanked Jake close and gave him a searing kiss, startling the policeman. It lasted only a few seconds before she pulled her mouth away, leaving him wide-eyed and dazed.

“But—” Hunter’s complaint was swallowed up as Angela delivered a follow-up to the intense kisses they’d shared only a few minutes ago. Her hand tangled in his sparse chest hair, keeping him still as she kissed him hard and without mercy.

Hunter was gasping when she finished.

Jake stood there, frozen in place with her hand still tight on his shirt.

“I decide who I want to be with and when. Not you”—this she directed to Jake—“and not you.” Now she stared at Hunter. “When I said I liked the idea of a competition, I didn’t mean this sort of juvenile crap.”

“But he started it.” Hunter pointed at Jake. “Don’t blame me because he’s an asshole.”

“I’m not.” She glanced at Hunter. “Thank you for dinner. I’m ready to go home now.”

Jake let out something akin to a snicker, earning an angry snarl from Hunter.

Angela tightened her grip on both men. “This is what I’m talking about.” Angry and flushed, she didn’t bother trying to censor her words. “You said you wanted this to be all about me. But how is it all about me if you’re both trying to score points doing crap like this?” She released them, dropping her hands to her sides.

Jake bent over and retrieved his flashlight. He turned it off and slipped it back onto his belt.

“Lady’s got a point,” Hunter said.

“Don’t pat yourself on the back,” she warned him. “If he had asked me out first, would you have pulled a stunt like this?”

His silence said volumes.

Angela let out a sigh. “Exactly. So maybe the two of you should pull your heads out of your asses and figure out how you’re going to play nice.”

Jake hitched his thumbs into his gun belt. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got the rest of my shift to finish.” He eyed Angela. “Don’t forget our date on Sunday. Let me know if you want to change it or not.”

Before she could answer, he strode back to his car and got in. The police car spun out of the parking lot in a spray of gravel, leaving her and Hunter alone.

Angela got back in the car and tugged her blouse up over her shoulders, trembling from a mixture of rage and need.

Hunter got in and turned the engine on. He pulled out onto the street in silence.

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” Hunter said.

It was the only thing that came to him as he drove toward Angela’s home.

She stayed silent.

“I mean, I wanted some of this to happen.” He forced a smile. “Not the part about Jake being a bastard.”

“True,” Angela said. “That’s all on him. But I can’t say I’m surprised.” She looked in her side mirror. “He pulled me over after I left your office.”

Hunter ground his teeth together. “Guess it wasn’t for a broken taillight.”

“Don’t be too mad at him. This is new territory for all of us. Usually I don’t have men falling at my feet to get me into bed.”

He slowed the car as they turned the corner. “Angie, I’m not playing to get you between the sheets for a fast tumble.” He scratched his thigh, acutely aware of his arousal.

The fight with Jake hadn’t dampened his desire. If anything, it’d driven it up a notch.

“I know. I just—” She sighed and looked down. “I’m not sure how we’re going to make this work without someone getting hurt.”

He stopped in front of her house. “Slow and steady. Neither of us is going to pressure you to decide until you’re sure of what you want to do. Who you want.”

“Good.” She opened the car door and got out. “I’ve got to figure this out. Thanks again for dinner.”

“Sure.” He waved at her as she shut the door. “I’ll call you later.”

Hunter pulled away from the curb, flipping the air conditioner to full blast. The icy air pouring out of the vents helped curb his desire, but not by much.

He’d forgotten how intoxicating Angela could be. Her taste, her smell, her soft, silky skin—

He shivered all the way onto his street, where he saw the Glen Barrow police car sitting in front of his house.

Hunter smiled as he turned into his driveway and turned off the ignition.

He was in the mood for something.

If it turned out to be a fight, so much the better.

He had energy to burn.

Hunter adjusted his shirt and threw open the door. He stood up and leaned back against the car, waiting.

The night-light from the porch illuminated Jake as he got out of the police car and strolled up to Hunter. “I figured you’d want to talk without Angie around,” he said. “Get things sorted out.”

“What the fuck was that?” Hunter clenched his fists. “You going to screw around with us every date? Because I won’t stand for it.”

Jake tilted his head to one side. “You won’t stand for it?”

“It’s not fair,” Hunter said. “First you grab her ass on the highway, and now you jump us in the parking lot—” He fell silent, anger choking his words.

“She told you.” Jake crossed his arms.

“Yes. So are you going to jerk us around or what?”

The cool green eyes held him in place. “I’ve been holding my ground for three months. What did you think was going to happen when our deal was over?”

“I figured you’d at least be a gentleman,” Hunter said.

Jake chuckled. “I am. I didn’t write you up for making out in the parking lot.” His expression grew serious. “You take her to a nice place like Annie’s and try to screw her in your car? You’re better than that.” He kept his voice low. “She deserves better. She deserves the best.”

“And you’re going to give it to her?” Hunter snarled, his patience almost at an end. “By chaperoning our dates?”

“No. Tonight was a fluke.” Jake drew a deep breath. “I got jealous and angry and took advantage of the situation. I’m sorry. Won’t happen again.”

Hunter felt his rage ebb a fraction. “Understood. And yes, I should have done better than trying to roll her in my car like we were kids again.” He jabbed a finger toward Jake. “Let’s keep this civilized. I’d hate to lose my job because I beat the shit out of the police chief.”

Jake grinned. “Not going to happen in this reality. But I like your optimism. Good night.”

He headed for the police car, leaving Hunter behind.

Angela sat on the couch, praying her mother hadn’t noticed her unhooked bra.

Mary-Ann had been waiting up and now peppered her with questions about how the date went.

It was obvious her mother was rooting for Team Hunter.

“Have a good time?” Mary-Ann asked. “Figured Hunter would take you to some nice place for your first date.”

“It’s not our first date,” Angela said. “Far from it.”

“Technically,” her mother conceded. “But it might as well have been. Been years since you dated him. You’ve both changed, you’re not the same people you once were.”

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