Gangsta Twist 3 (6 page)

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Authors: Clifford "Spud" Johnson

BOOK: Gangsta Twist 3
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Chapter Seven
For over four decades Jorge Santa Cruz ran the Buenaventura cartel with an iron fist. His enemies hated him but respected him as the ruthless leader he was known to be. Yet they still tried to attack him at least three times a year. What frustrated them most was he always seemed to find a way to escape death. It has been rumored throughout Colombia that he had protection from the spirits. Whatever it was, Jorge Santa Cruz took such full advantage of its existence that it amazed the public that anyone would still continue to try to murder such a dangerous man. Buenaventure was Jorge Santa Cruz's to control and he would never relinquish his position without a fight. The number one port in South America's drug trade belonged solely to him. Tons and tons of coca was shipped to Europe as well as the United States through this port. His position remained important to most cartels in South America because if he didn't approve or have a piece of what was being shipped through his port, wars erupted immediately and most times he came out unscathed and victorious.
When Taz and the crew stepped off the private jet Jorge Santa Cruz had two Range Rover stretch limousines waiting for them. They were quickly led inside of Palmaseca Airport so they could be cleared through customs. They then were escorted to the stretch limos so they could be transported to Jorge Santa Cruz's vast estate. Tired from their four-and-a-half-hour flight from Oklahoma City, Tari sat back and relaxed as the SUV limousine rolled smoothly through the city of Cali, Colombia. As they rode through some extremely poor-looking neighborhoods Tari felt saddened as she stared at dirty children playing in the fields kicking soccer balls around. She once again realized how good they had it in America.
A little over an hour the areas slowly transformed from poverty stricken to some very expensive-looking homes. Tari was amazed at how quickly they went from such a grimy looking area to some of the most beautiful landscapes she had ever seen in her life. When she asked the driver of the SUV about this he told her that the neighborhoods they passed first were called
La phallia
and was considered a ghetto and low-income neighborhoods. Whereas now they were entering the neighborhoods called
La primera.
This neighborhood housed the wealthy and the blessed. Tari shook her head from side to side and Taz started laughing.
“Come on, Tee, you act like this is new to you. It's just like back home, you got Nichols Hills and you got the east side, the only difference is we're now in South America instead of the good old U.S.A.”
“Still is some sad stuff to be looking at.”
“It is what it is though.”
Twenty minutes later the driver pulled the limo into what looked like a castle to Taz. A huge wrought-iron gate opened and they entered a large compound-like area. When the limo came to a stop in front of the castle Taz saw Jorge Santa Cruz standing in the doorway with a huge smile on his face.
Wonder if he'll still be smiling after I drop this bomb on his ass,
Taz thought as he got out of the limo and stepped toward Jorge Santa Cruz with his hand outstretched for a handshake with the cartel leader. They shook hands firmly and smiled at one another. “You look good, Mr. Santa Cruz.”
“You know better than that, Taz; call me Jorge. Come, you and your associates must be tired from your flight here. Come and we shall eat a nice lunch before we get to the business,

” Taz said as he followed Jorge inside of his home followed closely by Tari, Bob, and Wild Bill.
One hour later they were all full from a hearty lunch of fish, rice with yucca, a potato-like vegetable that Columbians like to eat with their seafood dishes. Crabs, whole lobsters, several different types of shrimps and
basically a green banana mixed with their food for added flavor. They all wore content smiles as Jorge Santa Cruz led them out of the dining area to a huge sitting room. He told one of his security detail that they were not to be disturbed and had him close the door. He then turned and went to the bar to pour them all something to drink.
Jorge Santa Cruz was a relatively small man. He stood close to five foot nine, was slim and in very good shape for a man in his mid-fifties. He had brown eyes and a salt-and-pepper mustache that reminded Taz of Won. After pouring everyone a glass of wine he raised his glass in the air and said, “A toast. To good business and long-lasting relationships in a business where friends shouldn't become enemies. Cheers.”
As Taz sipped his drink he couldn't help but wonder if Jorge knew something about what he'd come to discuss with him. He watched as Jorge made himself comfortable on a soft leather sofa then wasted no time in getting straight to the point. “Jorge, we're here because I have some very important things to discuss with you.”
“But of course, Taz. I knew once you requested my permission to come to my lovely country that it was of serious importance. So please do not mince your words; speak to me, my friend.”
Taz gave a slight nod and said, “This will be the last year that the Network will be doing business with you for the coca. At the end of the year the Network will no longer be purchasing any forms of drugs. I am about to end all ties with drugs and move in a totally different direction. A direction that I feel will not only be beneficial for the Network long term but also for you if you wish to continue to do business with me.”
Jorge frowned and asked, “And what business is that, Taz?”
“Arms. Everything from guns such as automatic assault rifles, missiles, RPGs, hand, everything. It is well known throughout our peers that you are always in need of some serious artillery. Though I'm quite sure you're already well equipped, I'm positive that with the moves I'm about to make you will have the very best prices on whatever you need as far as weapons are concerned.”
“Is this generosity because I'm going to lose you as a client for my coca or because of our friendship?”
“Both. My decision to stop all drugs trafficking within the Network is something that has been in the works for some time now. I feel that in the long run things will become wicked in America with the narcotics and I think now is the time to make the exit and move into something that can be just as profitable for the organization. This decision, I know, affects the men I deal with and by that I want to make sure that I do right by each.”
“So I won't be the only man receiving these benefits?”
“No, you won't. I will offer the same to Danny Orumutto in California and Señor Suarez in Miami. I respect each of you for the good business we have been able to conduct over the years and I hope that we will still be able to conduct even more good business with this new venture.”
Bob, Tari, and Wild Bill watched the small Colombian, trying to gauge whether he was feeling what Taz just told him. Taz sat there silently wondering if their lives were in any danger.
Damn, I hope I haven't gotten us all murdered way the fuck out here in Colombia,
he thought as he continued to wait for Jorge to speak.
Finally, after a few minutes of contemplating, the Colombian drug lord smiled and said, “Well, I think we should have another drink and toast.” He stood and went back to his bar and grabbed another bottle of red wine then stepped back and refilled everyone's glass. He raised his glass in the air and said, “To the future. To new business and to more good business.” He downed his drink in one gulp and sighed. “Yes, I think we will be able to do some good business with the arms dealing, Taz. I respect you and I think your visions are admirable. I do have some reservations, but that's only because of the major deductions I will have taken by losing your business with the coca. I appreciate you giving me a year in advance; that helps me tremendously. You are a fair man indeed, Taz.”
“Thank you, Jorge.”
“Also, I love the fact that I can do business for weapons with someone I can trust. My current situation concerning weapons is, as you say in America, dicey. So this will be an added benefit to me.”
Taz sighed with relief and wanted to smile but instead kept his face neutral. “I will make sure that you have the first action at the best that I have to offer as well as the best prices, Jorge.”
“Good, very good. If I may ask you, has this decision been approved within your organization? I ask this because I know some of your colleagues within your council very well and I don't think they would be too excited about ending their careers as distributors of the coca.”
“As you well know I am in charge of the Network and all decisions are made through the council with my vote being the determining factor. I haven't brought this to the table yet because I wanted to make sure that I would not be offending any of our business associates with the decision to end all ties with drugs.”
“Smart. Do you think each man will understand this as I have?”
“I'm not sure. I can only hope that each one respects me enough to understand my position and my decision and accept what I have to offer them.”
“And what if they don't?”
Taz stared at Jorge, smiled that faintly mocking smile of his and answered him honestly. “Then things will get dicey.”
Jorge started laughing loudly and slapped his legs. “You are a gangster, Taz! I love it! Now, let's go and enjoy some of my country's entertainment. I want to take you and your team out to dance the night away. Let me have my men show you to your rooms so you can have time to get some rest. Then this evening we are going to go out and do some heavy partying, Colombian style. You do know how to salsa don't you, Taz?”
Laughing, Taz said, “I don't, but I have a feeling before we leave your country me and my crew will.”
Laughing, Jorge said, “That is a fact!”
Chapter Eight
Every last member of the crew had a hangover and a monster headache as they boarded the private jet for their flight to Los Angeles. Once they were settled on the plane they all fell into a deep sleep. After a couple of hours into the flight Taz woke to use the restroom. After he was finished he sat back down and thought about how smoothly things went with Jorge Santa Cruz and wondered if things would go as smooth with Danny Orumutto.
He was more than relieved that the drug lord had chosen to accept his offer because out of the three associates the Network conducted their business with, drug-wise Jorge was by far the most ruthless. Even though each man was ruthless in their own right, Taz felt he could deal with the others easier than he could if he had to take Jorge to war. Even with the Russians backing him it would have been an ugly war. War wasn't profitable and if it could be avoided that was the way he would go. If it couldn't then he would do what he had to do in order to make sure that the war didn't last too long. That meant going all out, fast and hard until his adversaries were no more. That was the only way he knew how to war: hit them hard and hit them fast. If he even thought for a second he was going to be challenged aggressively by anyone for the decisions he made for the Network then he wasn't going to waste any time removing whoever chose to go against them.
He sighed and tried to get comfortable so he could get some more rest. Two days in Colombia partying with Jorge took a lot out of him. Jorge partied just as hard as the Russians; instead of vodka his drink of choice was expensive vintage wines, and they had a powerful kick when a lot was consumed.
Damn, my head is killing me,
he said to himself as he closed his eyes.
Saint Tramon was sitting on her bed stroking her latest boy toy's broad shoulders, smiling lovingly at him when her cell phone rang. She sighed annoyingly as she reached and grabbed her phone. “What is it, Damon?”
Her personal assistant hated disturbing her, especially whenever she was entertaining one of her many boy toys. Saint Tramon was not to be messed with whenever she was in one of her horny moods, but he knew she needed to know about the call he had just received. He inhaled deeply and said, “Forgive me, Saint Tramon, but I have received a call from some associates of yours and they have informed me that Taz and a few of his people spent the last two days in Colombia with Jorge Santa Cruz and are now on their way back to L.A. I thought that you would want to know about this as soon as possible, ma'am.”
“Colombia? What is that little boy up to flying out to see Jorge?”
“I have no clue, ma'am. Is there anything you would like for me to do about this matter?”
“No. Keep your eyes and ears out in L.A. on alert and let them know I want to know all that our little young leader is up to out that way.”
“Yes, ma'am,” Damon said as he hung up the phone grateful that Saint Tramon didn't give him one of her fits she was well known for throwing when disturbed.
After she hung up the phone she smiled at her boy toy and said, “Okay, darling, I've just became slightly stressed. I need to relive some pressure. Are you ready for round four?” Her boy toy gave her an enthusiastic nod and smiled as he rolled over and put his head between her legs. She sighed loudly and said, “That's exactly what I had in mind, darling. Mmmmm, you are so good with that wicked tongue of yours!”
It was a bright and sunny day in California when Taz made it to the Winners Circle. Tari, Red, Wild Bill, and Bob were all relaxing in the media room watching television when he entered the room. “Damn, y'all look like some lazy, rich fuckers.”
“Yep. We're having him over for lunch. He'll be here at one. I've told the chef to make your fave, Red.”
“You're kidding. Taz, man, you be tripping. Ain't no way in hell I'm in the mood to be eating none of that nasty-ass Italian food,” complained Wild Bill.
Red shook his head from side to side and laughed. “You are one lame and classless-ass li'l nigga. All you want to eat is fried chicken and hamburgers. That's why your growth has been stunted.”
Laughing, Bob said, “Damn that was a good one, Red.”
“Fuck both you niggas! And I told your yellow ass about that li'l nigga shit, you big soft-ass super sprung nigga. Keep on and I'll tell Taz about you being so stressed because Paquita doesn't want to move out here to L.A.”
Taz stared at Red and could tell that Wild Bill hit a nerve and decided to dead this playing before they really got into it. “All right, G, cool it. We need to get this business out the way with Danny Orumutto and then maybe we can all go ride around and check out some buildings for Heaven On Earth. I mean this you guys' project and y'all acting like y'all ain't ready to make it happen for real.”
“Damn, nigga, we just got back from Colombia! It ain't like we lollygagging, dog. We've been making calls trying to get some plugs on the type of sound systems we want to use,” said Wild Bill.
“That's cool. What up with you, Tari, you good or are you ready to head back to the city?”
“I'm good. I think I'll chill out here a few more days before heading back home. It's been too cold out there. I like all of this damn sunshine. I might have to come out here and move in here at the Winners Circle with Red and Wild Bill.”
“For real, they need you out here to keep they ass from killing each other when me and Bob ain't around.”
“I may just do that, but right now Neema needs me to help her with the chicken and waffles restaurant. After we get that off the ground I'll think about it some more. Speaking of Neema she asked me to ask you how would you feel if she moved into Keno's place? No one has been there since you know, and she says she has to get out of Mama-Mama's home because she is finally starting to feel claustrophobic with all of Mama-Mama's love.”
Taz started laughing and said, “Finally, huh? I thought she would have wanted to get out of there sooner. It's cool with me. What about y'all? Do y'all have a problem with Neema moving into Keno's place?”
“I'm with it too. Just don't think I'll be visiting too often. That shit would get me all choked up. Damn I miss that nigga,” said Wild Bill filled with emotion.
The room fell silent as each member of the crew was thinking about their fallen homeboy. The silence was broken by Taz's cell phone ringing. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Snuffy from Texas. “What it do, country boy?”
“Country boy? Nigga, I'm from Texas! Your ass is from Oklahoma City; who the hell you calling country?” Snuffy started laughing.
“Whatever. What's up with you, my nigga?”
“Same old shit. Just got the text from your wife informing me about the Miami trip. Loving that choice, dog. I see Sacha is still on top of her game 'cause no way in hell would you have chosen such a fly-ass spot like the St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort. That shit is top flight all the way, dog.”
“What makes you think Sacha chose that spot, fool? You think I don't have the taste to make some move like that?”
“Nope, I sure don't!”
“What you know about the St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort anyway?”
“I'm sitting here reading up on all of the shit they got now on my phone, nigga, so I know everything they got popping out that way.”
“Should have known. Anyway, did you call me to bust my chops on this weak shit or what?”
“Nah, me and Charlene have been wondering when you gon' get back at us with that business you was talking about. How did thangs go when y'all went to Russia?”
“My bad, dog. Shit has been hectic. We've been to Colombia and back since then and I haven't had time to get at you and break everything down to you.”
“Colombia as in Jorge Santa Cruz's Colombia?”
“Is the shit thick or is everything good?”
“So far so good. We're about to meet with Danny Orumutto in a couple of hours. If things go well then the last meeting will be the week after next when we're in Miami for the quarterly council meeting. I'm setting a meeting up with Mr. Suarez before the Network's council meeting. I'm hoping everything goes right; then when I bring it to the table there won't be that subject that can be used to try to change my mind.”
“I feel that, dog, but you do know you will meet a whole lot of resistance on this get down, right?”
“No doubt. As long as I have your vote along with the others on our side then my veto power will be intact.”
“You know damn well you got my vote, my nigga. I'm rolling with your ass until the wheels fall off.”
“Me too, Taz!” Charlene, Snuffy's wife and confidante, yelled in the background.
Taz smiled and said, “Tell your better half I said thanks. All right, my nigga, let me go. I'll give you a text after we're finished meeting with Danny Orumutto.”
“That's right. Tell the crew I send mines. Out!”
“Out!” Taz said and ended the call.
Tazneema was sitting inside of her office going over some of the floor plans she had drawn up for how she wanted the new restaurant to look. So far everything was going according to her plan. Even though she hadn't found the right building down in Bricktown she was confident everything was going to work out just fine. She had Lyla whose boutique was in Bricktown keeping her eyes and ears open for any news that she could use to help her acquire the building she wanted. She knew she was going to have to be patient with this. As if reading her mind Lyla called Neema just as she was reaching for her cell to give Lyla a call.
“What's good, crazy white girl?” Neema asked when she answered her phone.
“Nothing much. Slow at the shop right now so I wanted to check on you to see what you were up to.”
“Shoot, I was hoping you had some news for me on a building down there.”
“You're going to have to be patient, Neema. Something is going to come up. Businesses down here are opening and closing all the time.”
“I know, it's just I have to have the perfect location in order for this to work the way I want it to. Anyway, I was thinking, it's time for me to leave the nest. Mama-Mama and I have outgrown one another. Even though we love each other to death it's time for me to get my own place.”
Laughing, Lyla said, “Don't tell me you're ready to move back in with me, honey, because I don't have the room in my little place.”
“Ha. Ha. Seriously, I was thinking about us getting a place together, though definitely not your place. I have a tad too much money to be living in a one-bedroom condo don't ya think?
“Mm-hmm, yeah, you're really loaded, so what you want to do, big time, get a mini mansion like your dad's?”
Tazneema smiled into the receiver and said, “Actually, that's exactly what I had in mind. I had Tari ask my daddy would it be all right if I moved into my uncle Keno's mini mansion out north.”
“You are kidding me right? The same mini mansion he was murdered in? Don't you believe in haunted houses, Neema?”
“No, and neither does your ass, so don't even try to go there with me, crazy girl.”
“What did Taz say?”
“I don't know. Tari hasn't gotten back to me yet. Hold up, let me send her a text real quick to see if she has had the time to ask him.” Neema quickly tapped on her cell and sent Tari a text asking her if she had asked her father about her moving into Keno's home. “Okay, girl, I'm back. So, will you be with it?”
“With what, Neema?”
“Ugh! I hate when you act blond, girl. With moving in with me into my uncle Keno's place? There's plenty of room there for the both of us. Shoot, that place is just a little smaller than my daddy's. The indoor pool and indoor gymnasium are the only things that Taz has and we won't.”
“Trust, you don't have to do any convincing here, I'm in! I can save me a nice piece of money by selling my place or renting it out. Wait, what do the utilities cost for a place as big as that? Shit, we may be paying more than I can afford.”
“I'm sure it may be a tad high, but split between the both of us it should be all good. That's all we'll be paying other than insurance. Come on, Lyla, let's go for it. We can redecorate it and give it that woman's touch and be all the way live,” Neema said with excitement in her voice.
Laughing, Lyla said, “I'm in! Now all you have to do is get the yes from Taz.”
Just as Lyla was speaking Neema received a text from Tari telling her that Taz and her uncle said it would be fine for her to move into Keno's place. Tazneema smiled brightly and said, “Okay, crazy girl, you need to get to packing because Tari just hit me and told me we're good. We're about to have our very own mini mansion. Yay!”
“Yeah, yay! I knew having you for a besty would come with a lot of perks, but never would I have thought we'd be able to come up on our very own mini mansion! Damn, girl, we're big time now!” They both started laughing and then started discussing their plans to redecorate Keno's place.

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