Gangsta Twist 3 (10 page)

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Authors: Clifford "Spud" Johnson

BOOK: Gangsta Twist 3
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After Taz and his supporters, along with the crew, exited from the cabana, Chill Will furiously screamed, “What the fuck was that shit, Saint Tramon? You're actually siding with that fucking young prick?”
Saint Tramon smiled as she pulled some lipstick from her purse and started applying some to her pouty lips. When she was finished she smiled at her fellow council member and said, “You really need to become less emotional about these types of things, darling. Taz has made it so we all can make a lot of money for this year. By the year's end when it's time for us to make this switch within the Network's way of business, there will be a new leader at this table. The only question that needs to be answered is who will it be? I for one don't care to take that top spot, but I will make sure whoever does, they will do things the way they should be done.”
“Can you tell us how in the hell you know there will be a new leader at the table? 'Cause I know Taz isn't stepping down without a fight,” said Piper Dixon.
Saint Tramon stared at the only other female on the council with her and said, “Dead men can't fight, love.”
“So, like our colleague here so eloquently put it, our arrogant fuck of a leader Taz has to die?”
“Exactly. Now, let's go finish enjoying our expensive rooms and finish these discussions over drinks.” The council members who were all against Taz stood and left the cabana with the same thought in their heads: Taz had to die.
Chapter Fifteen
Mama-Mama was smiling as she sat and watched her granddaughter load the last of her stuff inside of her BMW SUV. Tazneema came back inside of the house and stared at her grandmother for a few seconds and asked her, “Why are you sitting there with that funny smile on your face, Mama-Mama?”
“Funny smile, humph. This is a happy day for me, child. I thought after you graduated from college you would only stay here for a few months tops; was I ever wrong about that one. Its way past time for you to leave the nest, Neema, and I for one can't wait to have some peace and quiet inside my home.”
With a frown on her pretty features Neema said, “You know you need to quit it, Mama-Mama. You know you're going to miss me and expect for me to be here every Sunday for dinner. I miss one Sunday and you'll throw a fit.”
Laughing, Mama-Mama replied, “This is true. I will miss you dearly. And your tail better not miss one Sunday meal, I mean that. It's bad enough your daddy done left us for the West Coast. Sunday is our family time and you might as well let that fast little white girl Lyla know she had better be here too. Seriously, Neema, I want you to start living your life and enjoying yourself more. Ever since that incident with Cliff you haven't seemed to bounce back to your normal upbeat self. You act like an old woman instead of a young twenty-four-year-old woman with plenty of life to live. You moving out shows me that you realize that, too. That and the fact that I have been purposely getting on your nerves here lately.”
“Ooooh you are so wrong for that, Mama-Mama!”
“Neema, you act like I don't know you, girl. I knew the minute I started fussing about every little thing you would get tired of me and be ready to move out of here with the quickness. You needed that from me or your tail would sit here with me and be miserable trying to act like everything was fine and stay engrossed in your work. I love you too much to let you waste your life like that. Now that you and Lyla are living together in Keno's place I expect for her to help you get back to enjoying your life. That doesn't mean to turn into no damn fool, girl. Live and enjoy these days the Lord has blessed you to see. I mean that, Tazneema Good.”
With tears in her eyes Neema stepped to her grandmother and gave her a kiss and a tight hug. “I love you so much, old woman, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know. Just like you know I's loves me some you! Now g'on, girl, Mama-Mama has a dinner date with the reverend this evening and I'm trying to get me some rest before I pamper him with one of my special meals.”
“So that's the real reason you wanted me out your house, so you could get nasty with the preacher man! I'm telling Taz on you, Mama-Mama!”
They both started laughing.
“The last time I checked I'm Taz Good's mother. That boy don't run me! Now get, girl! And make sure you have your tail here by three p.m. come Sunday.”
“I will, Mama-Mama. Love you.”
“Love you too, Neema. Remember what I said, girl: live your life and enjoy it.”
“Okay. Bye, Mama-Mama,” she said as she turned and left the house. Once she was inside of her truck and headed toward her new home she thought about what her grandmother told her and realized that she was right. Ever since her relationship with Cliff went straight to hell she left men alone and got all caught up in her schoolwork. After college she had been grateful that Taz started the company so she could use her job there as another outlet to keep herself busy. It wasn't that she didn't like men. She realized she doubted her decision making when it came to them, so she thought going the celibate route would make things easier. So many lonely nights with her vibrator and all because she was afraid of meeting the wrong man again. All because of that bastard Cliff.
I hope he's burning in hell for what he did to me. I'm glad I killed his ass,
she thought as she drove on. Her grandmother's words kept ringing in her ears.
It's time to live. I got money, I'm young, I look damn fine, yeah, it's way past time for me to get back in the dating game. I'm done letting what that man did to me ruin my life with all of his lies. He got what he deserved and now I'm going to give myself what I deserve and that's some good dick!
She started laughing at that thought as she grabbed her cell from her purse and called Lyla. When her best friend answered the phone she told her to pick a cute outfit; they were going clubbing tonight!
Taz was pissed, but he didn't show it as he played with his sons. He loved spending as much time as he could with Li'l Keno and Li'l Bo-Pete. His sons were his world and every minute he was with them gave him a pleasure that words couldn't begin to describe how he felt. Even as he was playing with the twins he couldn't shake the infuriating thoughts going round and round inside of his head.
I know that bitch Saint Tramon don't think she is rocking me to sleep so she can try to get me to slip up. If she even thinks she can make a move against me or my people I'll chop that voodoo bitch's head off of her fucking shoulders,
he thought as he playfully roughed up the twins.
“Okay, you two, y'all done wore your daddy out. Go get your mother for me and tell her I said I need some help with something real quick.”
“Is it time for some business, Daddy?” asked Li'l Keno.
“Yep. It's time for Daddy to take care of some business.”
“Can I help you? I like taking care of business with you, Daddy.”
“Not me. I wanna play some more,” said Li'l Bo-Pete.
Taz smiled at his sons and said, “Go on and get your mother for me and after I'm finished handling this important business you and I will take care of some other business I need to take care of, Li'l Keno. Then when we're finished we can get our play back on; is that cool Li'l Bo-Pete?”
“Yep, it's cool, Daddy. Come on, Li'l Keno, let's go!” The boys then raced away to go get their mother for their father.
Taz sat back on the sofa and thought about Saint Tramon, Chill Will, Piper Dixon, and that scum fuck Malcolm Brown. He wondered if he should go on and give the order to have them all slaughtered and get it the fuck over with.
Why wait and let them try some weak shit? Take the offense with this shit and move on them first and let everything be everything.
He shook his head at those thoughts because he knew that wasn't the way to move with this. He had to remain calm and not let his emotions make him make a hasty decision.
Be calm and cool like Won would be and continue to outthink they ass.
Thinking about Won put a smile on his face as he sat back on the sofa.
Standing in the doorway of their media room with one hand on her right hip Sacha asked, “What you got that smile on your face for, Mr. Taz? Please don't tell me you sent the boys to get me because you're sitting in here horny. I was working on something important.”
Taz turned and faced his lovely wife and said, “You know damn well I'm always horny for you, li'l mama. The reason I sent for you is because we need to talk. I need to run some shit by you to see how you feel about it.”
She came all the way inside of the room and sat next to him and asked, “What's up, baby?”
“Been thinking about Saint Tramon and those other wannabe slick-ass council members. They're up to something and that bothers me, li'l mama. You and I both know they want me gone and I'm starting to feel like I may need to go on and smash they ass before they try to make a move on me first.”
“For any of them to make an aggressive move like that against you they would have to have a majority vote within the council without you knowing. That's basically impossible, baby. You know your supporters on the council would tip you off to something like that before anyone world be able to make a move against you.”
“True. What if they're on some other shit though?”
“Come on, li'l mama, you know what I'm saying here. Won didn't seek council approval when he made his move. He did what he did with one long detailed plan of action.”
“That's true, but he also made sure that he had the support of several key members on the council so in case of his demise you would be able to be put in play as the leader of the Network, which has given you your supporters now. What do you want to do, Taz, murder half of the council because you're somewhat paranoid?”
“Paranoid? Is that what you think I am with this, li'l mama? Paranoid?”
She shrugged and said, “If it's not paranoia then what is it, baby?”
“It's called staying ready so I won't have to get ready. If I move first I won't have to worry about any weak shit later. If I let them move first and they move correct then I'm done. I don't think they would go after anyone but me but it ain't no telling with that slick bitch Saint Tramon.”
Sacha sat back next to her husband on the sofa and thought about what he told her for a moment. She then said, “Killing them I feel would do more harm than good within the council. The rest of the members would be your supporters, but how long do you think they will give you their support after seeing you murder the other half of the council? The respect would be lost.”
“Maybe. I know one thing though.”
“What's that?”
“They may lose some respect, but they will have a whole bunch of fear because they will learn for sure that I am not to be fucked with.”
“That's what you'd rather have, fear over respect?”
He thought about that question for a minute and answered honestly. “I don't know. I mean I would love for all of them to respect me; shit that is what I have been striving for since I took the top spot. To learn now that someone has basically crossed us all just for the sake of not liking me makes me feel like I need to instill some serious fear into they ass.”
“Even the people who have your back on the council? That makes no sense, Taz.”
He sighed heavily and asked, “Okay, what do you suggest, li'l mama?”
“To give you some peace of mind I think you should put some eyes on whoever you feel is your biggest threat.”
“That's easy, Saint Tramon's ass.”
“If you say so. But I think the obvious in this case is the wrong way to look at this. Who do you feel is the lesser threat to you out of the four council members who are against you?”
Taz thought about that for a few seconds and then said, “Most likely Malcolm Brown's punk ass.”
“Then that's the one I would have watched the most. Saint Tramon is on record as being the most vocal detractor of yours. You told me yourself that she said it's personal with her. She will keep to the business side of things because she sees the profits being huge in her favor. She also understands that you are no fool and will be watching her every move from a distance. Smoke and mirrors, baby, smoke and mirrors. She will try to have you thinking and looking one way while she will have another move coming at you from a totally different direction. A direction you won't see coming. I'd put someone on Malcolm Brown and see what you can learn from him and the moves he's making.”
“With him checking in with Mr. Suarez that angle is already covered for real.”
“Is it? Are you sure that he is telling Mr. Suarez everything? You can't be sure of that. Cover all your bases, baby. Take nothing for granted.”
“You know what, fuck it. I'm putting teams on all of they ass. That way I won't miss shit. I will have them watched as well as under the gun at the same time so if I even think they're about to make an aggressive move against me I'll move first.”
Sacha laughed and said, “That's rather barbaric, but at least you'll feel more secure.”
“You got that right.” Before Sacha could say something they were interrupted by Taz's cell phone ringing. He saw Tazneema's face on his iPhone 5 and answered. “What up, Neema, you good?”
Tazneema paused for a second to try to compose herself then said in a shaky tone, “You need to hurry up and catch a flight out here, Daddy. Mama-Mama has been rushed to the hospital.”
“What? What's wrong? What happened to her, Neema?”
“Reverend Collins just called me and told me they were sitting and chatting at the house when Mama-Mama clutched her chest and said she felt some sharp pains. He think she had a heart attack, Daddy,” Tazneema said and started crying. “I'm on my way to Spencer Hospital now.”
Taz checked his watch and saw that it was a little after five p.m. and said, “Okay. I'm catching a redeye out of here. I'll be there in the morning. Until then you call me just as soon as you know more. Calm down, Neema, I need you to remain in control of yourself right now. Don't panic on me, babygirl. Mama-Mama is going to be all right.”
“Okay, Daddy, I will. Just hurry up and get here.”
“I'm on my way,” he said as he hung up the phone with tears sliding down his face. Sacha saw the tears and tears of her own started falling from her eyes as Taz told her that his mother had had a heart attack. Without another word being said they both jumped up and started moving toward the bedroom to pack. Taz had his cell out and was calling Red, Tari, and Wild Bill while Sacha called Gwen and Bob. Everyone would be flying back to Oklahoma City tonight to be there for Mama-Mama.

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