Gavin (A Redemption Romance #3) (11 page)

BOOK: Gavin (A Redemption Romance #3)
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“I made cake.” I whispered, my eyes still closed and enjoying the sweetly gentle embrace.

The rumble of Gavin’s laughter moved up through his chest, shaking me, as he wrapped his arms tighter, and he buried his face in my hair. I was a little confused by his behavior, but I’d never complain about being held by him like that.


“How did you know?”

“You’ve made all my favorites, so I guessed.”

Nodding into his shoulder, I confirmed his suspicion, and before I could even take another breath, he’d lifted me from his lap and started to move toward the kitchen.

“Hey!” I shouted, but he didn’t even slow his stride as he grabbed the cake from the counter.

The boyishly sweet smile that covered his face melted my heart. Any resistance, I’d convinced myself was still between us, was instantly gone. That smile was the same one I’d seen since we were kids. It was joyful, untroubled and almost innocent but with just enough mischief thrown to keep things interesting.

Gavin sat the cake on the table, turned his chair so it was angled to the side and pulled me back into his lap. This time, however, he pulled me down facing him, my legs on either side of his. He picked up a fork from the table and cut a huge bite for himself.

Somehow, he stuffed the entire thing into his mouth, as soon as the flavor hit his tongue, he closed his eyes, let his head fall back and he groaned. Licking his lips, probably looking for any remnants of chocolate, he opened his eyes and kissed me again, though closed mouthed this time. It was quick and fun, I loved seeing this youthful behavior in him again, it was almost like we were who we used to be, only much naughtier.

He took three more huge bites, then offered me one. There was no way I’d get that big forkful into my mouth without making a mess, so I took a small taste off the tines and backed away. I had to admit, it was good. I’d done a lot of baking over the years, I enjoyed cooking and Tyler had been a big eater, so I’d been able to experiment with food and had a willing victim.

“You’re the perfect package, you know?” Gavin asked, gazing into my eyes, a strange dreamy quality in his.

Tilting my head to one side, I looked at him in question, but didn’t ask. I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know.

“You’re beautiful, you’re kind, sweet, sexy as fuck, have a killer rack and legs that go on for fucking ever. Don’t get me started on those shoes you wear, Jesus, they’re so fucking hot, all I can do is imagine looking at them, as I hold your ankles and pound into you.”

Eyes wide, in total shock, I could feel the heat of my embarrassment covering my face. I looked away, trying to process all he’d just said. Did he really think all that about me?

“I’m just lucky you haven’t been snatched up already, I’d have probably just killed the asshole so I could have you to myself, just like you were always meant to be.” Gavin’s whispered words were such a surprise, I didn’t have a chance to respond before his mouth was on mine again.

The taste of chocolate and lingering hint of Gavin’s own unique flavor was all I needed to get completely lost in him once more. We sat there, on my kitchen chair, groping, kissing and falling further into each other for a long time, before the world began to move. Gavin stood, still holding me tightly, and I wrapped my legs tight around his waist.

I felt each step he took, as he moved us back to my bedroom. One hand firmly cradled my ass, supporting and arousing me all at once, the other was tangled in my long mess of blonde hair. Using my hair, he angled my head so he had better access to my mouth, my lips, and my neck.

My grip tightened as he sat on the edge of my bed and I felt the zipper of my dress go down. His fingers moved over the now exposed skin of my back, rapidly spreading the fire burning deep in my core. Pressing myself tightly into his obvious erection, he groaned and spun me, my naked back hit the bed before I could even blink.

Gavin loomed over me, pulling his tee off, he tossed it behind him and knelt on the floor, spreading my knees. His rough tongue met the sensitive skin of my inner thigh and licked up to my center. With his teeth, he gripped the elastic of my hot pink satin and lace thong and moved it to the side, burying his face in my heat, he inhaled sharply. I couldn’t see him, his entire head was hidden under my skirt and somehow, only being able to feel the dirty things he was doing to me, made it all the more erotic.

As he found just the right spot, my hand flew down and pressed his skirt-covered head harder into me. Arching my neck, my head pressed down into the soft comforter and my pussy pressed harder into his face. The entire bed rocked as he roughly grabbed hold of my thighs and pulled me closer. With only lips, tongue and very skilled teeth, Gavin had me cumming all over his face within minutes. I’d never, not once in my life, cum like that.

“Gavin, ah,”

“That’s it baby, give it to me.” He snarled, working his finger deeper and without hesitation it fucked me hard and fast. “Jesus, Dawn, you’re tight.” Crawling up over me, he moved like a predator, graceful, yet powerfully strong. Somewhere along the way, he’d lost his pants too.

Years ago, I’d seen him in swim trunks, but he’d gotten even bigger. Lifting my hands, I ran my greedy fingers over the hard, rippling muscles, his biceps and to his thick, broad shoulders. I loved it, how he loomed over me, peering down at me as if I were a meal he was about to feast on. I wanted to be devoured by him. I wanted to be Gavin McNeil’s prey, I wanted to be everything to him, to be all he ever desired, because I knew, in that moment that he would be all that for me.

An image of him and that other woman flashed through my mind, but I forced it away. I wouldn’t allow anyone to come between us again. I’d wanted him since I found out what sex was; I’d always wanted Gavin to be mine. I’d find a way to make that my reality, no matter what, I’d find a way.

My hands flexed on his shoulders, his eyes were totally fixed on mine, and he wasn’t moving, but I was pretty sure he’d read my expression when the doubt had crept in. His expression changed for just a moment, but I smiled up at him, seductively, hopefully. His grin was instant and lascivious. I knew from that moment on that I was absolutely under his spell. There was no part of me that was off limits to him. I’d do whatever he wanted, I’d be his puppet.

He fisted my barely there panties and ripped the tiny strings. Acting like a conqueror, he tossed them over his shoulder and was pressing inside me before I even knew what was happening.

Nails biting into his skin, I held on tight, as he moved and I felt the burn, the stretch of his absolute possession. There was something different, something hard, metal maybe? Jesus, was he pierced? Fuck, that was amazing.

“Ah, fuck, Gavin, what is that?” I cried out, lost in total bliss. The ball pressing right there, in that spot, and the other on my clit, fuck, it hit me every time he moved.

I’d have never guessed that conservative, though admittedly playful Gavin was pierced. I’d caught sight of some ink, but hadn’t had a chance to inspect it yet, but those piercings were perfectly positioned.

“I’ll show you later, baby.” He huffed out, while obviously holding himself back.

“Fuck me, Gavin, don’t, oh shit,” I cried. He lost his reserve and snarled like a feral beast. Propping himself up with one hand, he grabbed both wrists with the other and slammed them over my head onto the bed. Moving his other hand to join in, he held each wrist firmly, moving his chest up higher, my hands were above my head, my legs were spread wide, and he fucked the absolute shit out of me. I’d never known anyone could move like that. He pounded harder and harder, totally out of control, he moved me, adjusted my position and did exactly what he wanted with every powerful thrust of his hips.

His chocolate eyes glowed in the low light, the gold shining, looking almost animalistic, unreal. His face has hard and sweet at the same time.

“We’re fucking done,” he grunted, as he took both wrists into one hand, and used the other to roughly cup my chin, spanning his fingers over one cheek, he peered meaningfully down into my eyes. “This shit is done, Dawn, you get me, no more cat and mouse.”

Totally confused, I couldn’t focus on what he was saying, or what he could possibly mean. I just looked up at him, my sex-haze almost gone, hoping he wasn’t breaking up with me, or whatever when we were in the middle of having sex.

Shaking his head, he seemed to realize that I was lost, he slowed his pace and lowered his chest so his face was only inches from mine, though no less possessive. “This is it, Dawn, you’ll never feel another man this way. I’m it for you.” He raised his eyebrows and almost glaring at me, and I just stared at him.

“What?” I asked, totally confused.

“You’re it for me, baby, and I’m it for you, yeah?”

“Are you asking me a question right now?”

“No, I’m fucking you right now, baby, and I’m telling you, that we’re done playing this little game. No more fucking around, no more, it’s you and me from here on out. You get me?”

Nodding, a huge grin spread across my face. He wasn’t going to see anyone else anymore. I was so excited, so freaking happy, it was the best moment, the absolute best moment of my entire life. I had the man I’d always loved, inside my body, in my bed, telling me that I was it for him. That he was it for me, that moment was absolutely my dream come true. There couldn’t possibly be a better one, well, maybe someday, when I gave him his first child, but I’d think about that later.

Gavin kissed me again, possessing my mouth, possessing my body, my heart, my soul, it all belonged to him. I was his, completely, totally, I’d never been anything else. I was done for.

As our bodies slapped together, sounding loud in the room, the dampness from the sweat that coated us, making it even louder, I reveled in the sexy feel of him riding me hard. He held me captive, I couldn’t move, and I knew it. He controlled me.

I watched him, through sex-drunk eyes. His right arm was held out at an angle, so he could hold my wrists tightly, with his left, he reached around and pulled my ankle up higher on his waist, and he watched as he moved. His body had an amazing fluidity, the way his muscles flexed and relaxed with each press and retreat, then his eyes caught mine. The hard stare was gone, the left side of his lips tilted up and the cocky smirk on his face was it. I started to giggle.

“Mmm, you think something is funny?”

Shaking my head, I grinned, but controlled the laughter. He moved down, laying his big chest on mine, our damn skin, easing the movement, as he slid over me. Leaning in, he nipped my grinning lips with his teeth.

“You’re perfect, baby,” he whispered.

“No, it’s always been you.” When he released my wrists, I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him to me, loving the feel of him, on me, in me. His strong body covered mine, protected mine, controlled mine, in a way I knew without question, that I’d never get over. “You’re really arrogant though,” I teased into his ear just before licking the lobe.

Pressing up, like a pushup, he held himself over me, and stilled the movement of his hips and mock-glared at me.

“Hey!” I protested his sudden stillness. Using my heels, I tried to press him down, to get him to move, with no luck. Getting frustrated, I tried to move my hips up, to meet him, to pull back, “move, honey, please,” I begged, getting desperate. The walls of my pussy were beginning to quiver, I felt desperate, I needed him crazily. There was nothing like it, I’d never felt so much. Kicking his butt cheeks with my feet, I started to move from side to side and throw a mini-tantrum like a toddler. I was sure it looked ridiculous, but I didn’t care.

All of a sudden, he let his arms go and fell onto me, trying really hard to control his laughter. “Jesus, baby, you’re a fucking riot.” Kissing the side of my neck, he began to move again, but slowly, then he clutched me at the waist and rolled us so I was on top.

With Gavin flat on the bed, I laid my hands flat on his chest and began to rock my hips. He kept his hands on my hips and helped me find the perfect rhythm.

“You feel so good, baby,” he sighed, as he began to press up and meet me. It wasn’t long until I was cumming again, he held my hips firmly, supporting me, keeping me still through my climax as he pounded me, harder and harder, all of a sudden, rolling us, so fast, he had my wrists in his hand again and he held my neck in his hand. It wasn’t tight, but it was firm. I couldn’t do anything but look right into his eyes, that were glowing again, he was absolutely feral again. He stared into me, as he thrust harder until finally, his face relaxed and he groaned.

Leaning down, he kissed me sweetly, moving his fingers to caress the side of my face, as our bodies calmed.

“You are truly the perfect woman, Dawn, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamed about this, about you.” He confessed as he pulled me into his arms and we began to cuddle together. When he pulled out, I felt the wetness leave my body and I looked up at him in shock.

Somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I’d known it felt different, that it was better, I knew that there wasn’t any latex, but I hadn’t let it penetrate. “Um, Gavin, you want to talk to me about something?” I asked, feeling a little annoyed, if I were totally honest. It sucked too, just coming off that incredible high, back to reality so fast.

That fucking image was back in my head, that woman. My entire body stilled and I knew he’d felt it.

BOOK: Gavin (A Redemption Romance #3)
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