Gavin (A Redemption Romance #3) (24 page)

BOOK: Gavin (A Redemption Romance #3)
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“I got it baby, go grab us some food and I’ll have this done by the time you get back.” I told Dawn, as she fussed with sofa cushions. It was Sunday, the final day of moving. The entire gang had been with us, as their schedules allowed, over the course of the last three days.

Furniture was placed, most of the boxes were emptied and we would share this first night in our house, hopefully the first of many, many years to come.

As she closed the front door behind her, I ran to the front window and watched as she pulled out of the driveway. Racing to the kitchen, I hurried around like a madman, trying to get everything set up.

We’d bought a table for the back deck, so I pulled it to the middle, placed everything I’d bought and hidden in the garage all around, sprinted back to the kitchen, to the deck, the garage and back again.

“Shit,” I shouted, realizing what I’d forgotten, I ran out to my truck, unlocked the glove box, got out what I needed then ran back inside. Just in time, I heard Dawn’s car pull up in front. I plopped down on the couch in the family room, put my feet up on the table and turned on ESPN, trying to look casual.

I heard the rustling of bags as she came into the kitchen.

“Oh, you’re back,” I called over my shoulder. I got up and went to help her. “Let’s eat out back.” I suggested, praying she wouldn’t protest.

She nodded, pulled plates down and started to fill hers. I grabbed beers from the fridge, freaking out on the inside, but trying so hard to act normally.

I dropped one of the bottles on the counter as I fumbled with the drawer to find the opener. Dawn looked at me with a raised brow and a question in her eyes.

After I dropped the opener for the third time, without getting the bottles open, she took it from my hand, popped the tops and picked up both bottles along with her plate.

“Are you okay to get your plate?” She asked, a wry smile on her cheeky face.

“Yep, I’m good. Just hungry I think.” I saw her pause and consider that, I’d said too much, but she shook it off, I grabbed my plate, forks and napkins and followed her out. She was watching me over her shoulder when she got to the sliding glass door to the back, so she didn’t notice anything as she opened it.

Preparing to step out, she turned her head and stopped dead.



Gavin was acting strangely. Was he nervous about something? He was being spastic, which he could be from time to time, but this was ridiculous.

I eyed him, worried he was going to drop his plate, bar-b-cue ribs, mashed potatoes and corn would be a mess all over the floor. Thankfully, he seemed to have calmed himself, but he kept touching his jeans pocket. Was he developing some tic?

Turning my head so I could watch my step as I walked outside, and paused at what I saw. Rose petals were strewn haphazardly all over the wood decking. The patio table had been centered and a huge vase of roses sat atop it. Candles were everywhere, lit, flickering wicks gave the area a beautiful glow. It was the most beautiful, most romantic thing I’d ever seen.

Gavin somehow moved me, in my stupor, sat down the things he carried, then removed the items from my hands, then turned me to face him.

Taking both of my hands in his, he looked down at me, his face soft and open, completely loving, then, to my shock, he got down on one knee.

“Dawn Elizabeth Adams, you are my one. You’ve been the one for me since we were just kids and though it took a long time for us to find our way back to each other, that tells us that we’re meant to be. Please, complete me, be my best-friend, my partner, and my love for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”

Tears streamed down my face, as I gazed down at this beautiful man, the only man I’ve ever loved. As I dropped to my knees in front of him, he caught me at the waist to ease my fall. Throwing my arms around him, I kissed him with everything I had. It was years of love, passion, promises and hope. That kiss was everything. When it was over, I pressed into him and held on, pressing my damp cheek to his neck and breathed him in.

With a hand on each shoulder, he moved me back far enough so he could look into my eyes and asked, “is that a yes?”

A wide grin covered my face, I nodded and whispered, “yes.”





This book is over, but the series continues. Please keep reading for an excerpt from
, book four in the Redemption Romance Series.


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Free Preview: Trent



“Amber, no, come on baby, please don’t do this.” I plead through the closed door to Amber’s house. Rain drops beat down over me, drenching me, but I don’t feel them. All I feel is the grief of loss.

“I can’t, please, just go.” Her sobbed words, muffled by the solid wood and the pelting water almost drown out the wrenching tears I hear. Her muffled gasps and sniffs are clear to me though; I focus on only the sound of her. Her deep, saddened breaths, and the sound of her hand slapping down against the barrier, keeping me from her.

My hand lifts of its own accord, and I imagine I am touching hers. My fingers splayed out over the cold, wet wood, and somehow I know that her hand is in the same place on the other side. Our foreheads are against it too, the only thing holding us up, is keeping us apart.

Standing there for what feels like hours, I listen as she whispers, “I won’t be the one to hold you back.”

My throat is clogged, my eyes wet, and my chest aches more than I ever thought possible.

“I love you,” I whisper back into the desolate void. There is no response in the darkness. “I’ll never give up on us.” The first tear I’ve shed since I was sixteen years old, falls down my cheek.

I stand there for an hour, at least, her cries silenced after a while, then there was nothing else.

She was too far gone, so lost in her own grief that she couldn’t see past it, she wouldn’t allow me in to help her anymore. I needed to bide my time, to wait, but I’d be ready the moment I thought she was.


8 Months Later




“Hey, you ready?” Jake Thompson asks, as he stands on my front porch.

“You bet, let me grab my case of condoms, my clutch and my wrap.” Jake’s chuckle follows me as I move to the couch to grab my things, then head out behind him, without the condoms, obviously.

It was good to see the formerly brooding jerk, turned into a regular softy with my friend Hope’s help. They’d become quite the sweet little couple.

“I assume that since you came up to get my, Hope couldn’t get out of the car?”

“Shut up, I swear to god, if you make her cry, I’m going to duct tape your mouth shut.” Jake rushed, worriedly, as we made our way to their new family friendly SUV.

“I won’t, come on, I’m not an idiot.” I defend, almost affronted that he thought I’d say that to her.

Jake let out a deep breath, and for the first time, I noticed the underlying worry on his face.

Pausing on the walkway, I turned to look at him. “Are

He gave me a questioning look, then nodded slowly. “Yeah, I’m fine, you know, it’s getting close, that’s all.”

A sharp pain tore through my chest with the thought of holding their sweet baby soon. Would I be able to let it go? Maybe they’d let me come over and hold it everyday. I wondered for a moment if they’d think that was strange.

I nodded my own understanding, then climbed into the backseat when Jake held the door open for me.

“Hey, little mama, how are you feeling?” I asked Hope, as I settled into my spot.

“I’m fine, but Jake is driving me nuts. He - shit, I’ll tell you later.” She said, just as Jake opened his own door and climbed inside.

“You feeling okay, baby?” Jake asked, looking over at Hope. All the love in the world was gleaming right there in his eyes.

“I’m good, thanks, let’s go!” I chimed in from the backseat, breaking into their moment. Jake rolled his eyes at my familiar antics and Hope burst out laughing.

Placing a hand on Hope’s enormous belly, Jake instructed, “Baby, don’t laugh that hard, it might hurt the baby.”

Was he kidding? I couldn’t help but wonder if he was like that all the time. It made me think back and wonder; nope, no fucking way, was not going there. Nope, not today, not not, not fucking ever again.

Hope raised her eyes to the heavens, and shook her head slightly as if she were talking silently. She looked exasperated, but exceedingly happy at the same time.

The drive to the church only took about fifteen minutes, so I pulled out my phone and played Candy Crush, trying to make myself look busy, so I could momentarily fall into my own pit, without the happy facade. Sometimes, it was tiring. I’d found in recent months, that it was easier to act busy, so no one delved too deep. It was even better when I actually was that busy.

Carefully, I held the rose colored chiffon skirt close, as I climbed out of the back of the car. The last thing I wanted was for my dress to get dirty on Aurora’s big day.

Hope, Dawn, Aurora’s cousin, Trinity and I were all bridesmaids and had dresses styled to suit our own personalities, in the same beautiful shade. Our shoes were an amazing metallic platinum, but again, all different styles. Mine were hot, of course, I had a major shoe obsession. A slim five-inch stiletto heel, with rhinestone encrusted straps that wrapped up over my ankles, the shoes were awesome and made my legs look long and slim.

The sun shone bright and clear in the early summer sky, giving the perfect, if warm, weather for Luke and Aurora’s wedding. The church was one of the original buildings in the area, it was white, smaller and had a tall steeple with a bell. It was the perfect place to get married.

I’d dreamed of my own wedding since I was a little girl. I remembered talking to my mom about her and Dad’s wedding, looking at the beautiful pictures and imagining the day I’d find my own prince. Sadly, now, I didn’t think that would ever happen for me. The dream I’d held so close to my heart all those years, had changed. I’d been pretty sure that Trent could be my prince, but now, I wouldn’t saddle him with my issues. He deserved so much more than this broken woman. I knew that he wouldn’t agree with me, that he would never admit to wanting more, but I never wanted to see the sad regret in his eyes that I was sure would eventually come. Somehow, I would find another way to be happy.

The church was full of friends and family. Reed walked Aurora down the aisle, bringing a tear to many an eye. We felt Nolan’s loss so strong, knowing it would have been her brother escorting her, if he’d been able to find help. Ironically, it had been Nolan’s despair that had brought me out of my own hopeless depression.


“I need another!” I shouted after downing my fifth Jack and diet of the evening. The reception venue was lovely, a large white tent with open sides looked out over vast green fields generously dotted with wild flowers. The wood floor had been laid for the party, enabling us silly girls to walk in crazy shoes without sinking into the grass.

The bartender, a young, cute dark haired boy-man chuckled and handed me another cocktail. “Looks like you are enjoying yourself.” He said flirtatiously, a sexy grin on his face.

“Looks like it,” I said, grinning back at him. Spinning around to face the room once more, I caught Trent’s eye, he was standing on the other side of the tent with Gavin and Dawn.

Dawn was tucked tight to Gavin’s side, smiling dreamily up at him. I was happy to see them together, and settled. They’d been in their new house now for a few weeks and the gorgeous ring on her finger was surly the cause of her perma-grin. I almost wanted to hate her for her obvious happiness.

Trent was scowling my way, his angry blue glare bouncing between me and the flirty bartender. As I’d been doing for the past several months, I smiled and ignored him. If he thought I was happy, he wouldn’t feel guilty about what had happened, he’d be able to move on and live the life he deserved. I knew he hadn’t dated anyone in the months, not since the night I’d kicked him out. He needed to believe that I was fine, but I knew, if anyone could see the truth beneath the facade, it would be him.

With my body facing the dance floor, I snuck glances at Trent out of the corner of my eye. He was still staring, but the anger had faded. That was his way, he was slow to anger and quick to move past it. Luke and Aurora were dancing - again - lost in one another, just as it should be. He spun her on the floor, their movements completely in tune with each other. It was almost ridiculous how perfect they were for each other.

Setting the empty glass down on the bar, I moved around behind it and escaped to the nearby bathroom. Luckily, when I got there, it was empty. I just needed a minute, to pull myself together. Keeping up this charade of easy going happiness all the time was exhausting.

A padded chair was positioned in front of a beautiful vanity, so I sat down to relax for a moment. Thinking back, I remembered my time with Trent.

It had been a Tuesday night, just over a year ago, when I’d been walking out of Indulgence, alone. Aurora was already gone for the night, so I’d assumed he’d been looking for her.

“Hey there,” he’d said as he moved in next to me.

“Hey, um, Aurora didn’t work tonight. She might be at home.” I’d offered, trying to be helpful.

“Yeah, I know. You want to grab a late dinner?”

I’d been surprised, of course I’d noticed Trent and his amazing good looks when I’d met him the first time, a couple of years ago. Once Aurora had officially opened the store, I'd come on full time within a few months and had been fully enveloped into her group. Aurora was a lot like me, she didn't have a lot of real friends, and since her brother's injury in the war, she'd become especially close to his.

I still had some friends from high school and college, but many had moved away as they began to get married and have families. I kept in touch with a couple of them, and had become close with Gillian, who owned the coffee shop down from the store, but aside from that, I had the group and a bunch of pen pals.

Aurora and I had been friends in high school and through college, though we hadn’t been overly close. She’d invited me out for her brother’s birthday party one night and I’d gone. The number of sexy-attractive men she was friends with had blown my mind. Trent, though, had caught my attention and he’d stared in every dirty fantasy I’d had since.

We’d gone to dinner that night, a little bistro nearby had been perfect. It had been so easy to talk to him; we’d closed the place down. After kissing me, back at my car, he asked me out again. I’d been so flattered, but was wary, too.

“I’d like that, but Trent, I don’t want to make a big thing with everyone, you know?”

The puzzled look on his face had almost made me laugh, he just looked at me with a furrowed brow and shook his head.

“I mean, if we go out again, let’s just keep it between us, okay? I don’t want to make things awkward, since we share friends. Does that make sense?”

He hadn’t been happy about it, but he’d agreed. It didn’t take long before we were going out almost every night, then the sleepovers began. Having Trent in my bed, or being in his every night certainly wasn’t a hardship. He was amazing, thoughtful and his stamina; well, he was the perfect package - just about.

“Here you are,” Hope said, as she walked into the room, bringing me back to reality.

Fumbling with my clutch, I retrieve my lip gloss and begin to apply it in the mirror, avoiding Hope’s inquisitive stare. Thankfully, in her advanced stage of pregnancy, she actually needs the ladies’ room, so I was able to busy myself until she moved on.

Walking back into the tent with Hope, I joined her at her table to visit for a few minutes. Her yawn caught my attention, I smiled at her and she explained that their little one was very active at night, so her sleep was compromised. Also, she found herself needing a lot more rest these days. We’d been up and active now for hours, it must be seriously weighing on her.

Dawn joined us at the table, as she crossed her legs, I was able to admire her beautiful pointed toe, Mary Jane strapped shoes. Instead of a buckle, there was a small cluster of crystals shaped into a flower. They were fabulous.

“I didn’t see those,” I told her, staring admiring down at her foot.

“They were last season’s; remember you wouldn’t look at those?” She teased, knowing I’d now be irritated with myself. With our employee discounts, we’d been able to get amazing pieces for the wedding, without breaking our banks. My employee discount equated almost as much as my salary at this point, I really did have an issue.

“Why can’t we be the same size?” I grumbled at her, reaching down and softly caressing the pointed toe.

Shaking her head, she smiled and lightly kicked the palm of my hand.

“Ouch,” I exclaimed, feigning injury. “Oh, I bet Gavin likes it when you’re rough like that. If those were in black, they could almost be dominatrix shoes.”

“Mmm, good idea,” Gavin moaned as he bent down and whispered into her ear. I had no idea what he was saying, but whatever it was made her cheeks turn pink and she glanced down toward the floor.

Forcing the fucking smile to stay plastered on my face, I jumped up and rushed back to the bar. If there was one thing I knew for sure, if Gavin was near, Trent wasn’t far behind.

During our thing, they’d not spent as much time together, and now that Gavin and Dawn were together, but they worked together every day and still did the proverbial guy stuff. They had a special bro-mance I thought. It was good to see such totally similar, yet different men maintain such a close relationship.

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