G'baena's Pirates (22 page)

Read G'baena's Pirates Online

Authors: Rachel Clark

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour

BOOK: G'baena's Pirates
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His vision blurred as blood trickled into his eyes, giving everything a green haze, but he kept hitting G’tarvey as they went down. The man screeched, the sound deafening, and then attacked from below, clawing and scratching and trying to hit Kam with the strange weapon. Kam scrambled to keep up, the man’s madness giving him unnatural strength.

Kam finally managed to pin both of G’tarvey’s hands to the deck plate, but the man continued to kick out, bucking wildly. Kam had no choice but to press down harder, letting his full weight press against G’tarvey’s chest, restricting the man’s ability to breath.

Eventually, G’tarvey’s movements slowed and finally stilled. Kam lifted slightly, letting the man breathe shallowly, unwilling to kill someone who was so obviously ill. Kam had heard of a degenerative genetic disorder that caused severe mental breakdown and eventual madness. He’d never seen someone in the advanced stages, but he suspected that was what he was dealing with here.

The door between the hall and the cargo bay exploded open with a loud boom, and Devlin and several of their shipmates entered with their weapons drawn. Devlin took one look at the man on the ground before stepping over him and pulling Kam roughly into his embrace.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” Kam said, wiping blood out of his eyes with the back of his hand.

“Bae should be inside the transport pod,” Devlin said with a smile. Kam was embarrassed to say that he’d lost sight of her while he’d been fighting G’tarvey, so he was very relieved to hear that she’d done what he’d hoped—called for help and stayed hidden.

Devlin hugged him close as he pulled him toward the small transport pod. G’baena opened the door and flew into Kam’s arms.

“You’re hurt,” she said immediately. “I’ll tell Tee-ani we’re on our way.”

“No need,” he said, shaking his head. “I mean, yes, contact Tee-ani and tell her that I think G’tarvey may be suffering the later stages of Pjardlee Syndrome.” Her eyes widened at his words, but she nodded, turned to the console, and spoke briefly to Tee-ani. Then she moved back to him, medic kit in hand. He held up his own hands to forestall her. “It’s nothing. Really, just a scratch.” She didn’t look convinced, and Devlin’s arm tightened around his waist. “Really, it’s stopped bleeding already.”

“At least let me clean it up,” she said in exasperation, as she stepped back into the pod. Devlin propelled him into the small craft, pushed him into the pilot’s seat, and left the pod briefly to speak to the others as they dealt with G’tarvey. He was back before G’baena had finished cleaning Kam up. Thankfully, Kam’s injury really had stopped bleeding.

“Damn,” Devlin growled, as he looked at the damaged skin. “He used a projectile weapon. A couple inches lower and this would’ve killed you.” Devlin turned and hit the door mechanism.

“Home now,” he growled, “both of you.” He leaned over the pilot’s seat and punched the communications button. “
, G’tarvey used a projectile weapon. I’m grounding all transport ships until I can find the damn bullet.”

“Do you want me to send some of the men back to help you look?”

“No,” Devlin snarled. “I’ll find it, but I have something I need to do first.”

sounded suspiciously jovial when he told Devlin to take as long as he needed. Devlin turned back to Kam and G’baena with a scowl on his face, but the look softened when he saw their expressions. G’baena seemed as startled by Devlin’s behavior as Kam felt.

“God, I could’ve lost you both,” Devlin said, almost as if he was talking to himself. G’baena moved into his arms, Kam right behind her. Devlin wrapped his arms around them both.

They stayed that way, just holding each other for a long time. Kam could feel the fine tremors rippling through Devlin’s strong frame and felt truly humbled that he was so important to this man.

“I love you,” Kam said as he lifted his face to kiss Devlin softly. After a breathless moment, Devlin’s lips crushed against his, his tongue demanding entry, his mouth laying claim.

“I need you,” Devlin whispered breathlessly against his mouth. “Both of you,” he said as he grabbed G’baena’s hand and hustled them out of the cargo bay.

* * * *

The trip back to their quarters took far longer than it should have, the passion and need explosive as they kissed and hugged and damn near made love in the corridor. Heat flooded G’baena as both of her men held her tight, her feet barely touching the ground as they rushed the final few meters to their rooms.

When the door finally slid closed behind them, Devlin lifted her into his embrace, pressed her against the wall, and feasted on her mouth like a starving man. Over and over, his tongue plunged into her mouth, taking, claiming, demanding.

She whimpered her need as his denim-clad cock pressed against the juncture of her thighs, the sensation sharp, almost unbearable. He tore his mouth from hers, breathing hard, twisting his upper body to Kam, his groin still pressed tight against her. She watched her men kiss frantically, the awkward position pushing her harder against the wall, the small pain overwhelmed by her arousal.

“I could’ve lost both of you,” Devlin said again, his anguish, his fear filling the room. He dropped his head to G’baena’s shoulder, his lips kissing the mark he’d left there when he’d claimed her. She shivered as his agony swept through her, too.

G’baena felt Kam’s hand touch her face, realizing that the ragged emotions weren’t only from Devlin. Kam’s terror rippled through him as the reality of what could have happened sunk into his mind.

Devlin held her steady as he stepped away. Kam quickly filled the space, his mouth seeking hers, his touch rough, his hands shaking. “I love you, little one,” he whispered as he ground his cock against her, the motion magnified by Devlin pressed against his back.

Goddess, she was practically on the verge of orgasm and they were all still fully clothed.

“Clothes,” she whimpered, uncertain that they’d heard her. A moment later, Kam pulled her toward him, encouraging her to wrap her legs around his hips. He took the half dozen steps to the bed and then lowered her carefully to the mattress.

She lay on the bed watching as both of her men slowly stripped each other of clothing. She tried to wriggle out of her own clothes, but a stern look from Devlin stopped her, so she lay there panting, her arousal ratcheting ever higher as Devlin and Kam touched and caressed each other.

She moaned at the beautiful sight. Both of their cocks stood proud, pre-cum glistening at the tips. She wanted desperately to sit up and take them into her mouth, but she’d barely moved when they broke apart and Kam glared at her. He still wore a slight smile, but she suspected she might be about to get that lecture she’d been half expecting.

“We need to speak about what you said in the cargo bay.”

Devlin looked surprised, and he turned to Kam, an eyebrow raised in question.

“Seems our girl has quite a temper,” Kam said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Instead of staying behind me when G’tarvey threatened her, she managed to yell abuse over my shoulder.”

“Really?” Devlin asked. He didn’t look as upset as she thought he would. His strongest emotion still seemed to be a mixture of fear and relief, but she could sense something else in him, as well. “What did you yell, baby girl?”

She swallowed hard, wondering what to say. Kam already knew what she’d said, so even if she didn’t tell Devlin, Kam surely would.

“I…” She had to swallow before she could continue. “I told him to go fuck himself.” She dropped her gaze downward, uncertain what she wanted them to say. She’d yelled at G’tarvey in a moment of pure temper, and it seemed now she would need to explain her actions to her mates.

Devlin laughed. Her eyes flew to his face, surprised to find a broad smile. He seemed almost proud of her. Kam, however, was a different story. He looked even more displeased now that Devlin was laughing.

Devlin hugged Kam to him. “Sorry, Kam,” Devlin said, still smiling, “but that is the price we pay for giving them choices. It would be so much easier if women just knew when to shut up and let their men protect them.”

“Hey.” G’baena frowned, scrambling off the bed to confront Devlin’s attitude. She’d never heard him speak in such chauvinistic tones. “You are the one who told me I was free to make my own choices.” She poked him in the chest to punctuate her anger. “You are the one who told me I could learn from the women on this ship.” She could feel her temper rising as he smiled and laughed just a little harder. “And you are the one who taught me how to defend myself.”

They caged her between them, her fury growing as they held her still. She growled low in her throat, struggling to remember what she wanted to say when they both began kissing her shoulders, her neck, her mating marks.

“Bae, we both love you, just the way you are, temper and all.”

She stilled at Devlin’s quiet words and tried to look over her shoulder to see if Kam agreed. They released her just enough to let her turn in their arms. Kam looked annoyed, but he dipped his head to kiss her sweetly.

“Temper and all,” he said, nodding, “but it would be much easier to protect you if you didn’t antagonize our attacker.” She nodded also, tears filming her eyes as she sensed his deep need to keep her and Devlin safe.

“All right,” she said slowly, mentally trying to mesh new and old ideals. “I will try my best to let you protect me, but I need you to know how much I feel the need to protect both of you as well.”

Kam looked stunned, as if the concept that a woman might also feel the need to protect her mates had never occurred to him. Devlin reached over her and placed a hand against Kam’s face.

“You’ll get used to it,” Devlin said.

Kam looked undecided a moment but nodded his agreement. The three of them stood there simply holding each other, caressing and kissing softly.

“I think one of us is overdressed,” Kam said in a rough voice as he dragged G’baena’s shirt up her torso and over her head. Devlin’s large hands skimmed her pants down her legs and then caressed their way back up to her thighs. He pushed her legs slightly apart, his thick fingers rubbing her inner thighs, not quite touching the part of her that ached for him.

Kam did the same, caressing and kissing her breasts without taking her beaded nipples into his mouth. She growled her frustration, and both her mates chuckled and continued their slow torture. She tried to close her legs, tried to rub them together, but Devlin held her thighs apart even as Kam held her hands trapped.

Barely able to breathe from the ridiculously light sensations, G’baena gasped brokenly as Devlin finally plunged two fingers into her pussy at the same time that Kam sucked her nipple into his mouth and bit down hard.

Sensation whirled through her as they increased their efforts. Devlin wrapped his other hand around her hip, pinching her clit as he moved his fingers from her dripping pussy and pushed them straight into her ass. Kam caught her moan in his mouth, his tongue plundering her depths as he plucked at her tightly crinkled nipples.

Heat burst through her, every muscle shaking, every breath a gasp, every sound torn from her as she exploded with her climax. Even as they held her still, she writhed against their hold, her body reacting instinctively, her control completely gone.

They held her, gentled her with soft kisses and light caresses as she slowly came back into herself. Liquid warmth seeped through her bones, a feeling of contentment filling her mind as well as her soul. She’d never felt more loved, more cherished, more valued than she did right now.

“I love you,” she managed to say between gasps.

It took a moment longer to realize that her feet weren’t actually on the ground. Her men held her suspended between them, and she smiled as their vows to keep her safe played in her mind. Yes, they would do everything to keep her safe. Just as she would do everything she could to protect them in return. She understood now that being free to make her own choices also came with responsibility. She vowed to never again let her temper put her in danger, but she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would protect her men as they protected her, no matter what the circumstances.

* * * *

Kam looked down at the gorgeous woman in his arms. Her skin was flushed from her orgasm, her eyes sleepy, her hair mussed, and her lips swollen, and she’d never looked more beautiful. She owned his heart, just as Devlin did.

“Make love to our girl,” Devlin said as he helped G’baena onto the bed. Devlin arranged her on her hands and knees and parted her thighs, holding her legs open as he reached back to caress Kam’s cock. Excitement surged through him, the warmth of Devlin’s hand and the sight of G’baena’s dripping pussy combining to make his cock feel rock hard.

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