Read Gemini Online

Authors: Chris Owen

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

Gemini (14 page)

BOOK: Gemini
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"Like that?" I whisper into his ear, and he nods his head. I squeeze his balls gently, feel him start to get hard. I keep playing with his balls, lick and kiss his back and neck until he's hard for me. When I move my hand to stroke him he moans a little.

I'm rubbing up against him, my cock hard on him, lined up with crack in his ass. My other hand is slick with the cream too, and I slide it easily around to his chest, play with the chain connecting his nipple rings, tugging carefully.

His cock is heavy and full in my hand, so hard and hot. My boys have gorgeous cocks, long and thick. Paul's hips are moving, pushing his prick into my hand, brushing his ass against me.



by Chris Owen

I groan and grind my cock into him, give his chain one last tug before I slide my hand down and back, pushing his sweatpants down.

"Gonna be in you, Paul."

The answering moan comes from beside me. Jamie's leaning against the stove, legs spread, hand on his cock over his pants. His eyes are hot on me and my breath catches in my chest. Love it when he watches us.

Jamie looks me in the eye and swears, then he's on his knees, pulling Paul's gym pants all the way down and off, then mine. I step out of the sweats and Jamie's got his mouth on me, just the briefest flash of heat and suction, then he's standing again, thumbs hooked in his waistband. He holds my eyes with his as he strips.

Paul's watching him and his hips are working faster, his cock leaking over my fist. "Kiss me," he says to Jamie, and they're locked together, mouths wide and wet and I can see their tongues lapping and twisting.

Jamie pulls away and pretty much lunges for the drawer on the end where we keep our kitchen stash of condoms and on the way back to me he grabs the lotion. He moves behind me and gets me ready, slick as anything; I swear we've got this whole "condom on, lube up" thing down to about four seconds. He doesn't waste his time, probably scared I'll blow before I do Paul. Just as fast he shifts and has two slick fingers in Paul's ass. We all groan, and I feel so fucking alive.

"C'mon, Gent," Jamie says. He's trying to suck my ear off, I think. "Make him feel so good."



by Chris Owen

He pulls his fingers out of Paul's ass and strokes me a bit, then he guides the head of my cock right to Paul's asshole and I slide right in.

"Oh yeah, so good, Paul."

He's tight and hot and soft and hard and fuck, he's so sweet. Nothing on earth as good as being with my boy.

Nothing better than feeling him around me.

I start to fuck him nice and slow, just pushing in and feeling him shudder around me before pulling almost all the way out. His cock is so hard, his balls heavy and full. His skin is salty with sweat. Love this. Fucking amazing.

"So good, Gent. Yeah, so good." He's holding onto the edge of the counter, hips rolling back to ride me. Fuck, he's so tight, so beautiful. He turns his head and I kiss him, one hand on his hip, pulling him onto me, the other on his cock, stroking him as I fuck him.

Jamie's hand glides down my back and he presses into our kiss. I get lost in the taste of them, the way Paul feels around me, the heat of their bodies holding me close. Jamie nudges my feet further apart and the hand on my back moves lower, strokes my balls.

"Jamie." I can't say anything else, I'm too wired, need something and don't know what to ask for. He slides his fingers into my ass and I freeze, try so fucking hard not to come. Grip Paul's hip tight, don't let him thrust back onto me.

Then the feeling fades and Jamie fingers me while I move with Paul.

Jamie moves my legs even further apart, kisses my neck.

Then the fingers are gone and he's pushing his cock into me.



by Chris Owen

"Oh fuck! No, too soon, oh shit! Don't want to come yet!"

I'm practically crying.

He holds my hips and says, "Don't move. Hold on, Paul.

Try real hard for me." Paul freezes, whimpering.

Oh Christ. Jamie moves into me so fucking slowly, filling me, stretching me. When he's deep in my ass we all just sort of breathe for a moment, then he puts a hand on Paul's hip and pulls him back onto my cock.

"Oh God." I feel like I'm going to fly apart. Jamie pulls out a bit and stops. We're all holding our breath and then I move, thrust into Paul, back onto Jamie, fucking myself on my boys.

It's too much. Tight heat around my cock, Paul's ass clamped on me like a fucking vise, hearing him whimper and moan. He's got a hand tangled with mine on his cock, trying to slow me down. Jamie in my ass, balls deep, filling me so perfectly, the head of his cock gliding over my prostate.

"Can't..." I manage to say. "Can't do it. Gonna go off too soon."

Jamie bites down on my shoulder. "Stand still, pretty. Let me." He moves back and pulls Paul onto me at the same time, then reverses it so when he slides in, fills me and hits my sweet spot, Paul's ass is pulling on my cock. There is such a careful rhythm to it, it's like dancing, except I'm standing still, just getting fucked and loved and held and treated.

Still too much and I speed up my hand on Paul's dick.

"Yeah, so good. Fuck me, Jamie." Jamie speeds up too, pulling and pushing and there is lightning traveling up and down my spine and my balls are tight and full and fucking throbbing.



by Chris Owen

"Fuck, yes!" I scream, then I'm coming hard, pumping into Paul's ass and pulling at his cock. "Fuck, yes. Oh God. Come for me, baby, please, Paul!"

With a grunt and a long deep moan he does, spilling over our hands and then he's shaking and twitching and pushing back on my cock, his arms braced to take my weight.

I lean on his back and fucking near cry, I feel so good.

Jamie's slamming into my ass, chasing his own orgasm, and I want him to fill me so bad. He's groaning and holding us, his hand meeting ours and getting slick with Paul's come. He smears it on Paul's chest, then pulls his hand away and licks it while he's fucking me and that sends him off.

He comes for ages, throbbing in me, pulsing and shooting.

We're all gasping for air and I shift a little, ease out of Paul. Jamie's still buried in my ass, and I want him there. Paul manages to turn in my arms and we're kissing, easy and wet and sloppy, all three of us.

"Better, Paul?" Jamie says.

Paul just smiles. "Yeah."

"Love you."

"Love you."

"Love you."



by Chris Owen

Chapter Fifteen

"What's your schedule like next week?" Jamie asks me.

We're sitting at the table in the kitchen having supper on a Sunday night, just finishing up.

"Same as always," I say, wondering why he's asking.

Paul's looking pretty curious too.

"No, I mean appointments. You got any late afternoon times open?" Jamie's looking kind of eager, and it's pretty obvious he's being waiting a while before saying anything.

He's sorta vibrating a bit. It's actually kind of cute.

Paul looks at him. I look at him. Then they both look at me.

"Uh, yeah, I think so. Can always go in on my own time though, if I don't. You wanting something done?"

Jamie nods and Paul stares at him. "Know what I want for our birthday."

"Our birthday isn't until next month," Paul says, biting at his lip. Uh oh. My boy isn't sure about his brother getting marked up.

"Want it healed by then," Jamie says, looking at his plate.

I nod. "Makes sense. You got something picked out?"

"Yeah, but I need your help. Can't draw for shit."

I smile and Paul sort of snickers. It's true, Jamie can't draw a straight line, let alone a circle. "Sure, love. I'll see what I can do."

We finish up supper and Jamie does the dishes, fast and easy. No water fights on his dish nights. We all go into the 131


by Chris Owen

living room and Paul flicks through TV channels, not settling on one for more than three seconds.

Jamie goes over to him and takes the remote away from him, kneels down in front of him. "What's up?" he says softly.

"Just never knew that you were even thinking about it. It's weird not knowing something about you." Paul's looking at the floor.

"Hey, look at me, baby." Paul looks up and I try to be real quiet, wish I wasn't here. This is one of those twin things, I think, and I always feel like I'm intruding when they talk to each other like this.

Jamie slips a hand inside Paul's T-shirt and tugs at one of his nipple rings. Hell, even I feel that. Start to get hard, and feel guilty. This is their moment, I tell myself.

"You did this for me, right? Surprise for me?"

"Yeah." Paul's trying to sound serious, but I can see his hips start to rock as Jamie plays. Watch him get hard.

"Same deal, baby. Well, almost, seeing as how now you know."

Paul gasps a little and arches his back, moves into Jamie's touch as fingers move over his chest, playing with his nipples.

"What are you getting?"

Jamie grins at him and winks at me. "Now, now. Tell you that after we decide where to put it, yeah?" He lets go of Paul and stands up, grinning at us. Then he runs, heading for the bedroom.

Paul and I are right behind him, and by the time we tackle him and get him on the bed, we're all hard and horny and ready to play for a bit.



by Chris Owen

Jamie's laughing as we get him spread out on the bed.

He's a little ticklish. I quirk an eyebrow at Paul. "So, what do you think? Get the canvas ready for inspection?"

Paul nods happily and works at Jamie's pants while I pull the sweatshirt off over his head. We get him naked fast and stand back to admire the view. I wrap my arms around Paul, standing behind him. "Pretty, isn't he?"

Paul wiggles his ass and grins when I gasp. Fuck, I'm so hard. "Yeah, he's pretty. So's the artist." Then he turns and kisses me, fingers at my waistband. He gets my jeans open and strokes my cock, moaning into my mouth.

I thrust into his hand, wanting him so bad. Want his mouth on me, want to fuck him, want it all and now. But he lets go and pulls off his own shirt, and that's okay too. I lick at his nipples, arms around him, pulling him so close to me he has to arch his back and bend over so I can tug at his rings with my teeth.

"God, Gent. Feels so good." He grinds against me and I have to let go, have to get him naked. I strip off his jeans and see Jamie on the bed, hand wrapped around his cock as he watches us.

"Canvas is getting impatient," I say to Paul, and Paul turns to look, his eyes hot on his twin. I get undressed and move behind Paul again, arm around his waist. "Where should we start, baby?"

Paul licks his lips and looks Jamie up and down. "Obvious places first, I think." He moves to the bed and climbs on, kneeling on Jamie's right. I follow, stretch out on his left.



by Chris Owen

We move our hands over him, stroking one place first, then another. "Biceps are pretty easy," I say, licking said muscle.

"Not personal enough," Paul answers. "Maybe here." He licks Jamie's chest, just above his nipple.

"Heart is on this side." I bend my head, lick the other nipple and move over a bit, suck up a mark over Jamie's heart. Jamie moans and runs a hand over my back.

"Soft skin here." Paul's kissing his way down Jamie's side, hands stroking at his stomach.

I shift all the way down the bed, massage Jamie's leg hard. "Calf muscles are good too. Maybe higher, here on his thigh." Jamie's hips are moving, trying to move with us, but we don't have a rhythm, we're just exploring.

Paul moves between his legs and licks at the inside of his thigh. "Here?" he asks, then bites lightly. Jamie groans. Paul moves up a couple of inches. "Or here?" Bites again, and Jamie's got the sheets twisted in his hands. Paul moves again, and I spread Jamie's legs.

"Not here, though." He licks at Jamie's ass, moves up to tease the soft skin of his perineum and up to his balls. "No, not here."

Jamie gasps and tosses his head as Paul starts to suck on his balls. "No, not there. That's Gent's place. Not my neck either."

I look at him, not sure what he means. He's never said he didn't like my tattoos, and I want to believe that he's turning down the spot 'cause I already did it, 'cause it's special to me.

He meets my eyes and smiles at me, and I decide to go with 134


by Chris Owen

that. Plus, there's the fact that I won't ink him there. Too fucking painful, and I won't do it to him, not if I can do it somewhere else.

Paul's still sucking at his balls and I can see Jamie's eyes start to roll back in his head. I run a hand up Paul's back and get closer, kiss Paul on the shoulder before I lick Jamie's cock. When I take him in my mouth he bucks up and I moan at the taste of him, lap at the come leaking from the head and just suck him down.

"Oh fuck. Please, pretty. Christ!"

He's moving now, and Paul's moaning, one hand trailing paths under Jamie's ass, the other reaching for my cock.

Paul's hand wraps around me and I groan, then Jamie fucking screams as Paul pushes a finger in his ass. He comes hard, and I swallow around him, licking and pulling at his cock, wanting it all.

Paul's still stroking me off and as soon as I let Jamie go from my mouth he pushes me down, moves between my legs. I get about two seconds warning and then Paul's mouth is around me and I'm bucking up into his heat and oh fuck it's so good, so right. Jamie kisses me and I come hard, shooting deep into Paul's mouth, Jamie's tongue fucking my mouth.

Paul lets me slide from his mouth and then he's kissing us, one of those mind bending three way kisses that drive me insane. I can taste myself, taste Jamie. Then Paul's pulling us all apart, getting Jamie to roll over. He kisses him on the shoulder blade. "Here, Gent?"



by Chris Owen

I grin. Back to examining the canvas. I shake my head.

BOOK: Gemini
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