Gena Showalter - Intertwined 02 (31 page)

Read Gena Showalter - Intertwined 02 Online

Authors: Unraveled (Gr 9 up)

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #General, #Fiction, #Kings and Rulers, #Young Adult Fiction, #Vampires, #Werewolves, #Fantasy Fiction, #Kings; Queens; Rulers; Etc., #Social Issues, #Fantasy & Magic, #United States, #Paranormal Romance Stories, #Fantasy, #Supernatural, #Kings; Queens; Rulers; Etc, #People & Places, #Friendship, #Oklahoma, #Love & Romance

BOOK: Gena Showalter - Intertwined 02
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And the idea is made of awesome, but whatever

She leaned into the touch. “Well, I'm not willing to risk your life. I'll let her capture me, too, and that way—”

He shook his head before she could finish. “Witches and vampires are a bad mix, as you know. I'm sorry to say this, but they're more likely to take me if you're not there. And we need to do this before Riley returns.” As protective as the wolf was of his king, he, too, would insist on going with Aden. If he “allowed” Aden to go at all, that is.

But most of all, Aden recalled the conversation that had just taken place. The witches and the fairies wanted to destroy the vamps
the weres. He wasn't going to let Victoria and Riley become their first victims.

“You're king,” Victoria said, fisting his shirt, “so I can't stop you if you insist on doing this, but you have to—”

“I'm not your king,” he said. “I'm your boyfriend.”

Her gaze pleaded with him to understand. “And I want my boyfriend to stay alive.”

He softened, inside and out. “I'm going to die soon. We both know that.” He pried her fingers from his shirt and slid her palms underneath, above the scabs on the right side of his ribs. He'd possessed scars in the vision Elijah had shown him. Soon, these scabs would become scars. Soon after that, he would die.

No fear, though. He wouldn't let her see his fear at the thought of being stabbed in the heart again. Only his willingness to do what was necessary to protect his friends.

“There's a difference between knowing you might soon die and courting danger,” she cried.

“Listen. These are scabs, not scars. Not yet. I've still got a little time. Which means the witches won't kill me.” A lie. They could keep him for weeks, months, enough time to turn the scabs to scars, and then kill him. But he didn't want Victoria to worry the entire time he was gone.

A sigh left her as she absorbed his words, and he knew the exact second she accepted his claim; hope brightened her irises, making them glow like twin sunrises over the ocean. “If you do this, you need more wards,” she said, scooting closer. “That is nonnegotiable.”

“If by nonnegotiable, you mean we should negotiate, then yes. I agree. There isn't time for more wards, sweetheart.”

She scowled. “So I'm just supposed to let you leave with the witch and hope everything turns out okay?”

Yes, but he didn't say it aloud. “Will you make sure no one misses me at the ranch?”

Her scowl deepened, but she nodded.

“Thank you. And just in case you've forgotten, I love you.” He kissed her then, tasting her, deep and thorough, as if this was the last time they'd ever be able to do this.

Maybe it was.

Her hands tangled in his hair, and she angled his head for even deeper contact. At some point, he thought he tasted blood—perhaps he'd accidentally swiped his tongue on her fangs—but even that didn't slow him. In fact, they stayed like that, locked together, kissing, the souls quiet, until the front door creaked open and footsteps pounded.

They sprang apart, and Aden noticed Riley's brothers standing a few feet away, grinning.

“Okay, well,” Aden said, and popped to his feet. He wavered, still weak, but didn't fall.

Victoria stood beside him and smoothed her pink shirt. “Hello, boys.”

“I never thought I'd see the day Victoria got her tonsils cleaned, did you?” Maxwell asked Nathan.

Nathan barked out a laugh. “That wasn't a cleaning. That was a full-on surgery.”

Aden's cheeks heated. “Enough.” He turned to Victoria, pulling her close for a final hug. “Distract them,” he whispered in her ear, “and I'll take off with Jennifer.”

She kissed the side of his face before drawing away, her hand remaining on his arm as long as possible. When she was positioned in front of the wolves, who were still grinning like loons, she looked at Maxwell. “Take my hand.”

“What? You want to perform another surgery? Sure, I'm game.” He clasped her outstretched fingers.

They disappeared a second later. Nathan spun, frowning. Then Victoria reappeared, alone, and grabbed his arm before he could stop her. They, too, disappeared, this time leaving Aden alone.

Caleb commanded.
You have to act now

Elijah began.
Think about this.

“Thinking time's over. I'm doing it, and that's that.” Chin high, he stalked back down the hall to the witch's door, drew in a breath and turned the knob.


her bottom lip as she peered up at Riley. A fuming, steam-coming-out-of-his-nostrils Riley. She was once again in his bedroom at the vampire mansion, perched at the edge of his very soft bed, the door closed, footsteps echoing beyond it. She doubted anyone would barge in—even if she screamed, which she wouldn't, he wouldn't hurt her, but company would have been nice just then. Riley paced in front of her, an intimidating sight.

“Let me get this straight,” he said, each word measured. “Tucker was in the woods. Outside the cabin. You saw him. He waved you over. And you. Actually. Went.” The last was uttered with disbelief.


“You talked to him.”


“You were within striking distance of him.”

“He wouldn't hurt me. Not that way,” she added
before Riley could remind her of the mental anguish Tucker had caused and the tears she had shed.

“You don't know what he's capable of, Mary Ann. He's a demon.”

“Part demon.” And the father of her best friend's baby. If he decided to help Penny and be a part of the baby's life, then he was going to be a part of Mary Ann's life, as well, because she planned to be there for her friend. Riley needed to learn that now. “And he's calm around me. You know that.”

Riley continued as if she hadn't spoken, “you waited a few hours to tell me what had happened.”

“Yes, again.” She'd given Tucker time to get away. Riley was a wolf, an expert tracker, and easily could have found him. They would have fought. There wasn't time for a fight. So, once she was sure enough time had elapsed, she'd made an excuse to Victoria about being hungry and dragged Riley out of the cabin to fill him in. He should have thanked her for telling him anything at all. Instead, he'd brought her here to yell at her.

Riley scrubbed a hand down his face. “Why do I bother protecting you, if you're just going to throw yourself into dangerous situations?”

“Because you like me.” Until this mess with the witches was over. Then they had some major issues to work out. Or not. She still planned to leave him. A knot formed in her throat.

He stopped, sighed, the anger seeping from him. “You're right. I do like you. Even though at times likes these, I'm not sure I like that I like you. So tell me again what Tucker said about Vlad.”

That, she could do. “He mentioned the former vampire king is alive and well and living in an underground crypt behind this house. That said former vampire king ordered him to watch us and report his findings. And that said former vampire king is mad as hell that someone else is commanding his people.”

“Yes, Vlad would be, but he couldn't have survived total body
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poisoning. No one could have.”

“How do you know?”

“I've seen others die that way.”

Was that…guilt darkening his green eyes? Had he killed others that way? The fact that she wasn't disturbed by the possibility proved just how immersed she was becoming in this otherworld. “Maybe he healed. You once told me Vlad was the strongest among you, and that his people hoped he would somehow recover. I mean, seriously. That's why Aden hasn't been crowned officially.”

“First, if Vlad was alive, he would have come to us.” Riley's head tilted to the side. “Unless he was too weak, but then…no. No. He wouldn't have sent a kid to spy. Second, Vlad was also staked. Maybe he could have healed from one injury, but not both. Not in such a
weakened condition.” A heartbeat later, he added, “God, I can't believe I'm talking about this with a human. Vlad killed for less.”

“Well, there's a new guy in charge and I have a very good feeling he'd tell you to tell me what I want to know. So, backtracking. I thought vampire skin couldn't be penetrated.
was Vlad staked?”

Riley frowned, hesitated, but eventually said, “Did you hear me tell Aden that when we tattoo wards on the vampires, we have to prep the needle with a little
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first? That's what allows the ink to penetrate. It's the same principle with a staking. You cover a blade in
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and stab the heart. The poison melts the skin and infects the organ.”

“Maybe he heals faster and from more severe injuries than anyone else.”

Head tilting to the side, Riley stood there for a long while, silent, pensive, grim. Finally, he sighed and held out his hand. “There's one way to verify this.”

She shook her head, already knowing what he planned. “Feel free to go alone.”

“No way. Let's go check the crypt.”

Her eyes widened. “A very much alive, very hungry, very angry dethroned vampire king might be down there. That's dangerous, and I'm not supposed to place myself in danger. Remember?”

“You're my very capable backup. Now, come on.”
He waved his fingers. “Afterward, we'll go back to the cabin, find out whether Aden has left the witch's body and whether he learned anything.”

And if he hadn't? she wanted to ask, but didn't. Time was ticking away, no solution in sight. She was trying not to let nerves overwhelm her, wasn't letting herself think about how significant tomorrow was. What better way to distract herself than to pay a visit to old Vlad? A man who'd once enjoyed removing human heads and displaying them on pikes.

Shaking now, she took Riley's hand and he pulled her upright. Why did he want her to go with him, anyway? The real reason, and not the “capable” crap he'd spouted. Riley was a protector first, and a flatterer second. Because he still didn't believe Vlad was alive? Because he wanted to prove to her that Tucker had lied to her?

Instead of leading her out the room, he dropped her hand. What, she was supposed to walk behind him now, like a good little inferior human? She was
disappointed—except that she was
disappointed. Only, he didn't leave. He strode to his closet and dug out a coat, then wrapped that coat around her, pulling her hair from underneath. Okay, she really wasn't disappointed anymore.

He reclaimed her hand. “Just…stay behind me and do what I tell you, when I tell you. Got it?”

“Got it. But I'm really not a dimwit when it comes to my safety.”

“Let's not get into a debate right now.”

Funny. They strode into the hall. Going from Riley's normal bedroom to the all-black hallway was a bit of a shock, but she soon grew used to the drab surroundings. The black walls, the black windows, the violent tapestries, the swirling circles—wards—etched on

“Do you think Tucker plans on ambushing us?” Even as she asked, she deduced the answer. If he thought that was a possibility, he wouldn't take her. Unless he wanted her to see Tucker's “evil” firsthand. She barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes. “Never mind. Don't answer. Just listen. I. Want. To. Survive. I won't do anything to place myself in unnecessary danger.”

“Good. Because your survival is my goal, too.”

See? A protector.

Two vampires, both female and pretty, suddenly snaked a corner. Both slowed their steps, giving Riley a long, lingering look, practically eating him up. That always happened at school, too, with the human girls. He was just too hot for his own good.

He waved to them with his free hand. Apparently, they interpreted that wave as an invitation to chat because they homed in like heat-seeking missiles, barely flicking Mary Ann a glance.

“Riley,” the brunette said, tone heavy with familiarity.

The redhead just smiled, her lashes dipping flirtatiously.

I'm not jealous or angry. Really
. Mary Ann's time with him was almost over, anyway. So why did she suddenly long for a giant bucket of vampire poison and a knife?

“We're kind of in a hurry, girls, so…” Riley tried to slide around them, tugging Mary Ann with him, but the brunette jumped in his path.

“Not so fast, wolf. I have business to discuss with you.”

“Draven,” he said on a sigh. “Not now. Please.”

Draven. A pretty yet dissolute name. It fit its owner. She was as delicate as an angel, yet there was something…depraved in her eyes. Something cold and calculating.

“I'll only take a second,” the vampire continued, “and you're the one wasting time right now.”

He nodded stiffly, and his grip tightened on Mary Ann. “Very well. What do you wish to discuss?”

She lifted her chin, all attitude and self-confidence. “As you know, I was one of the females chosen to tempt the new king.”

Riley nodded again, wary this time.

“As you probably do
know, I issued a challenge.”

“You wish to be king yourself?” Riley laughed,
suddenly relaxing. “Good luck with that. Now, if you'll—”

“Actually, no. I don't wish to be king.” She smiled, yet there was no humor in it. Only satisfaction. “I went before the council and challenged Victoria. For rights to Haden Stone.”

“What?” The single word was a roar and a gasp blended together.

Why was Riley so furious and shocked? Aden was king, and he'd never allow another girl to have “rights” to him.

Draven raised her chin another notch. “Challenges can be issued to anyone at any time about anything. You know this well. If a challenge is not accepted, the challenger automatically receives the prize.”

“The princess is mine to protect,” Riley growled, “which means your challenge is directed at me. And I accept. You and I shall—”

“Oh, no.” Laughing now, Draven shook his head. “That is not how our law works, and you know that, too. If
accepts, she must fight me. And you, her guardian, are not allowed to interfere.”

A muscle ticked below his eye. They'd entered dangerous territory, though Draven didn't seem to care. “Aden will change the law,” Riley stated.

“He may do so, yes.
my challenge has been met. Otherwise, everyone will know of my challenge, and
of Victoria's refusal to meet it. Everyone will know that Aden belongs to me, and Victoria will then be condemned by our people.”

Condemned. What did that mean in vampire terms? She wanted to ask but held her tongue. She didn't exactly know the protocol for asking a vampire bitch to explain something. And if Mary Ann had thought Riley furious before, she'd had no idea how deeply he was capable of feeling the emotion. Rage rolled off him in great waves, palpable, stinging, even heating the air around them.

“I will tell her,” he said through gritted teeth. “She will accept. The match will be set for sometime next week.”

For the first time, Draven frowned. “I wish to get this done today.”

“No. You will wait until next week. If those terms are unacceptable, you will have to forfeit. The king can choose the time of the match, and will insist on watching. This I know, as well. He won't be available until next week.”

“Very well. Accepted.” Draven inclined her head, her smug satisfaction as strong as Riley's fury. She tossed a quick sneer at Mary Ann. “Until then.”

The vampire pair floated away, talking and laughing now, as if the bombshell they'd just dropped on Riley was insignificant, without consequence.

“Is Victoria a decent fighter?” Mary Ann asked quietly as Riley jerked her back into motion.

“Yes. I trained her myself.”

“Is Draven?”

“Yes. Regrettably, I trained her, too.”

“Who's better?”

His jaw clenched.

Mary Ann would take that to mean Draven was the better fighter. Her stomach clenched. “What will happen if Draven wins? To Aden? To Victoria?”

“They won't fight to the death, but until one of them admits defeat. The winner will own Aden.”

“Own. How? He's king!”

“Yes, but he is also human, and there's the loophole Draven is using. We've never had a human king before, and our laws regarding humans were designed with blood-slaves in mind. And blood-slaves may be passed around like baseball cards. Aden will have to change the law, but Draven was right. He cannot do so until this challenge has been met. Otherwise, Victoria would look weak.”

“And be condemned. But what does that mean, really?”

“It means that everyone will see her as easy pickings and challenge her for every single thing she owns. For the rest of her eternal life, until she has nothing left. No
guardian, no clothes. No room, no furniture. No food. Until she's forced to strike out on her own to survive.”

What a harsh reality these vampires and werewolves lived in. “And what happens if Draven loses? Seems unfair that if she wins, Victoria will lose everything she owns on top of losing Aden. Yet if Draven loses…”

“She will become Victoria's property. Which is why this kind of challenge isn't issued often. No one wants to chance such an outcome.”

Draven was utterly confident of her success, then. Great. Another worry. Would they never stop piling up?

“Come on, pick up the pace. We have a task to complete.” Down the winding stairs they finally pounded.

Several other vampires passed them along the way, grouped in twos and threes. Each group was discussing Aden and his taming of the beasts. They were clearly awed, shocked and a little frightened. Thankfully, though, no one else stopped Riley for a chat.

Outside, the air was colder than it had been that morning, and a dreary mist dampened her hair. She was immediately grateful for Riley's coat. There were no vampires out here, no wolves either. Too cold and wet for them? Riley didn't seem to mind the weather. He wasn't wearing a coat, just a thin T-shirt, but he wasn't shivering. Or were they too busy? If so, what were they
doing? For that matter, what did they usually do during these daylight hours?

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