Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8 (94 page)

Read Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8 Online

Authors: Robert Zimmerman

Tags: #History, #United States, #20th Century, #test

BOOK: Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8
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L.O.I. (Lunar Orbit Insertion), 128-29, 130, 132-33, 134-41, 278
Lovell, Barbara, 48, 82, 93, 225
Lovell, Blanch, 3, 30, 32, 64-65
Lovell, James, Sr., 3, 30
Lovell, Jay, 48, 82, 93, 98, 219, 225, 249-50
Lovell, Jeffrey, 94, 130, 219
Lovell, Jim
after Apollo 8 mission, 233-36, 237-38
Apollo 13 mission, 184, 244, 250-51
assignment to Apollo 8, 16
awards, 235
becoming an astronaut, 77-78
book, 250-51
childhood, 3, 30

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