| 10. The Letters of Herman Melville, ed. Merrill R. Davis and William H. Gilman (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960), pp. 227-28.
| 11. All the responses to Stoddard's poems are quoted in CRP.
| 12. The reviews and Stoddard's own afterthoughts are quoted from CRP. Perhaps the most positive "Eastern" reviewer was Bret I arte, writing under his initials on 12 October 1867 in the Springfield Republican, who rhapsodized upon Stoddard's untainted lyricism: "I low he has kept alive this sacred vestal flame, how he has remained faithful to this one shrine where there are so many altars, how he has kept his wings unsoiled, and his singing robes clean in contact with the dust and dirt of this fast community, and how he has preserved the serene repose of the true poet amid all this twitter, whirl and excitement, are secrets that even the frank confession of his verse leaves untold." Bret Harte's California: Letters to the Springfield Republican and Christian Register, 1 86667, ed. Gary Scharnhorst (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1990), p. 142.
| 13. Clara Barrus, Whitman and Burroughs, Comrades (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951), p. 48.
| 14. Kevin Starr, Americans and the California Dream, 1850-1915 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), p. 377.
| 15. Walker, San Francisco's Literary Frontier, pp. 232-33.
| 16. Stoddard to James Whitcomb Riley, 8 April 1891 (Lilly Library, Indiana University).
| 17. Walker, San Francisco's Literary Frontier, p. 233.
| 18. The review, published on 14 March 1868, is quoted in Stroven, "A Life," p. 111.
| 19. Richard O'Connor, Ambrose Bierce: A Biography (Boston: Little, Brown, 1967), p 75.
| 20. Ibid.
| 21. Joaquin Miller's letters of 30 August 1869 and 2 February 1870 (The Huntington Library, San Marino, California) are quoted in Stroven, "A Life," pp. 133, 135