Genus: Unknown Adaptation (13 page)

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Authors: Kaitlyn O'Connor

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Genus: Unknown Adaptation
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She wondered, briefly, how he could possibly grasp the human kiss, let alone execute it with such devastating effect, but the euphoria scouring her blasted rational thought, leaving her at the mercy of her own basic instincts-those assuring her that he was perfect mating material.

She was dimly aware of the tug and pull at her clothing while she drowned in Ronan's kiss, but that merely prompted her to help rid herself of the impediments to experiencing his touch. A flicker of surprise went through her when her bare skin coasted along his and she discovered that Ronan had somehow rid himself of his own clothing without any difficulties whatsoever. Alarm flared briefly when the tug at her clothing reached a point of discomfort to distract her and then produced a tearing sound when her position astride Ronan's lap prevented simply removing it, but it never moved to the next level. He pulled her tightly against his chest so that they were plastered together breast to breast and divine sensations moved along her nerve endings to soothe the beginnings of alarm with heated desire.

She was as eager as Ronan was when she felt him glide a shaking hand along her cleft to find her opening, or perhaps to test her readiness. She was ready, almost embarrassingly so. The moisture her body had produced to ready itself for him was abundant enough to make a wet, sucking noise as he sawed one thick digit in and out of her passage a couple of times and then replaced it with the far thicker member she'd begun to crave. A conflicting mixture of emotions rattled her when she felt the first probing of the head of his cock, felt his flesh stretch the mouth of her sex. Her heart fluttered madly in her chest in response to the mixture of anticipation and anxiety that swept through her, forcing the breath from her lungs in harsh pants. She couldn't contain the mewling, animalistic sound that scraped from her throat as her body struggled to accommodate his girth.

"Is an assault in progress?" a mechanical voice asked abruptly.

The question was asked in English and then translated into several other languages before Kate's mind could make any sense of it. "Oh god!"

"Is that an affirmative? Shall I summon the police?"

The word 'police' cooled Kate's blood sufficiently to jog her mind into operation. "No!" she grunted as Ronan finally achieved full penetration. "I'm alright. I don't need assistance."

Not that kind of assistance, god forbid! The intrusion of the robotic driver's voice briefly dried up all moisture, however, and when Ronan lifted her it felt for several moments as if his cock had welded to the flesh of her channel. Thankfully, the stimuli was enough to prompt her body to produce more, though, and he glided more smoothly into her the second time because he didn't seem to notice the brief lack of lubricant.

Her mind switched tracks from alarm at the possibility of being caught by the authorities screwing in the backseat of the taxi to an awareness that Ronan hadn't been distracted as she was and that he was going to achieve climax before she could. For a few moments she wavered between a reluctance to pursue what began to seem like an impossible to achieve goal at this point and the determination to reach it before he could leave her behind. Jarek or Dax decided to participate at that moment, however, and shoved a hand between them, teasing her clit with a fingertip. The touch on her clit slingshot her over the hump, erasing her doubts that she could reach the finish line before Ronan's cock deflated and left her with nothing to get her there.

She groaned as the first tremor quaked through her, promising Armageddon, teetered for a moment between sliding back down the hill and pitching over the mountain top and then soared over it when she felt Ronan's cock jerk with imminent release. His driving thrusts and grunts of pleasure as he achieved release thrust her into intense rapture. Waves of such powerful euphoria quaked through her that it made her skin pebble all over. She shuddered, gasped for breath, and then leaned weakly against him as all of the tension left her at once.

She wanted nothing more than to bask in the aftermath of a stupendous climax, to lay plastered against Ronan, enjoying the heat radiating from him and the musky scent of their love play. She felt like a ragdoll when someone-Dax she decided-hauled her off Ronan's lap and planted her firmly on his own. She was so hypersensitive that every touch was almost as much agony as ecstasy as he fondled her keenly sensitive breasts briefly and then began struggling to mount her on his hood ornament. The moisture that lingered wasn't sufficient to overcome the clenched muscles along her channel from her recent climax. She discovered he wasn't the least bit discouraged by the lack of a warm, wet welcome, however. He persevered and she thought, briefly, that she was going to get a full lower body skin lift from his efforts.

Fortunately, her skin yielded to his determined efforts to connect with her on the deepest level. Moisture abruptly flooded her channel and he sheathed himself inside her, the intimate abrasion of his skin along her inner flesh sending out shockwaves of intense, completely unexpected sensation.

She'd mentally yielded to the inevitable, braced herself to endure the semi-torture of having her hypersensitive flesh stimulated when it had already experienced a surfeit of pleasure. She was surprised and not terribly pleased when she felt a rise in her body toward a second release. She had little choice but to ride it out, however. Dax, or as he was calling himself at the moment, Davi, was feverish with the anticipation of his own release. The steady, pounding thrusts forced her over the edge once more. Any thoughts she might have had that a second climax couldn't possibly compare to the first were shattered. She was shattered with the force of it.

Her hoarse screams of release prompted alarms in the robotic driver again. "Is this an emergency?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Ronan growled.

"I'm … I'm … oh god! I'm coming!" Kate gasped insensibly.

"Coming where?" the computer inquired.

"With … uh … Never mind! I'm fine! No danger here!" Kate managed to get out in a drunken, slurred voice. Unless one counted the possibility of passing out!

"You are intoxicated, yes?"

She was, but not from alcohol! She roused sufficiently, however, when Ronan shot forward on the seat, clearly with the intention of permanently silencing the robot guiding their vehicle, to grab his arm. Not that it would've worked as a restraint if he hadn't stopped himself! "We'll be stranded here if you disable the robot-then the cops will come. Destruction of property," she gasped warningly.

Ronan subsided, but anger radiated from him.

Clearly, he didn't appreciate the robot trying to interfere with the mating process!

He grabbed her and passed her to Jarek.

"Oh god! Not yet! Give me a few minutes to catch my breath!" Kate gasped as she felt Jarek envelop her in a passionate embrace. He tensed but eased his hold on her.

"You are not ready?"

"I'm ready to pass out," Kate muttered, ignoring the twinge of guilt she felt at the disappointment and doubt in his voice.

"You have broken her!" Jarek snarled, shifting around, she suspected, to glare at either Dax or Ronan or both.

Despite her weariness, Kate felt amusement drift through her. "I'm not broken. I'm just … not up to screwing again right now."

"You will tell me when you are?"

"You'll be the first to know!" Kate assured him wryly. To her relief, that seemed to pacify him. He relaxed and spent the remainder of the trip to her place driving her insane by focusing on fondling her and sucking passionate welts on the tender skin of her throat and breasts. She ground her teeth and endured the best she could, struggling to ignore the stimulus to her oversensitive flesh.

She was relieved when the shuttle halted in front of her place-briefly. The Sirians piled out, fought a short round over who was going to carry her inside, and then Jarek slung her across his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and raced the others to her door. It was unfortunate-for her door-that she was in no state of mind to verbalize the pass code. Jarek plowed in to it when it didn't open, took a step back and then kicked it in with his foot. She didn't hear the door hit the floor inside. The security alarm blared, deafening her and sending the Sirians into a brief, panicked search for the source.

"Disable alarm!" she yelled above the din, hoping to save at least some of the property from Sirian destruction since she could see they were quite willing to take the place apart until they found the source of the noise and silenced it. The moment silence reigned, Jarek dismissed the distraction and headed toward her bedroom. She caught a glimpse of Ronan as he lifted the door from the floor, examined it, and then carefully propped it against the broken frame.

Any doubts that might have lingered that she'd found the Sirians vanished in those few moments-and there hadn't been a lot of doubt to begin with. Jarek knew precisely where her bedroom was and headed toward it unerringly. He wouldn't have known if he hadn't already been in her place.

"You are ready to fuck now?" he asked as he tossed her onto her mattress and followed her down.

Their English was improving by leaps and bounds!

She was tempted to tell him she might be ready by the next day-or maybe the next week-but the

'foreplay' he'd treated her to while he was waiting for her to be ready was enough to convince her she was probably as ready as she would ever be.

It was just as well. He caught her ankles, played 'make a wish' with her legs and tested her readiness with his dipstick before she could catch her breath and say anything at all. She uttered an inelegant grunt when he plowed inside, aided by the copious moisture she'd gathered inside her channel, with enough force to push the air from her lungs. It was all uphill from there. After two mind-blowing climaxes, her body responded with some sluggishness to the possibility of a third, but it did respond. Her lack of interest as to whether he made it to the finish line before her and thus left her choking on his dust, vanished fairly quickly. She experienced several tingling jolts that she decided was all her body could muster in response and then hit orbit when the big one erupted.

Thankfully, that seemed to pacify them. When she'd finally stopped screaming hoarsely and Jarek had stopped shuttering with his own release, she fell back toward earth like a comet burning up in the atmosphere, hovered briefly in a semi-comatose state, and then dropped into a deep pit of darkness.

She woke to daylight and a heavy mound of man flesh, feeling as if she was going to burn up or suffocate or both. When she finally managed to lift her head to try to figure out why she was so damned hot, she discovered all three men were piled around and on top of her. It was the heavy weight of muscular arms and legs that made her feel as if she was being crushed to death and the heat their bodies were giving off that inspired the sense of lying in a campfire.

Grunting with the effort, she tried wiggling out from under the pile and then began shoving weakly at the weights when that didn't work. Ronan roused first and shifted toward her rather than away, staring into her eyes. She couldn't quite decide what might be going through his mind or what he was looking for, but she felt a strange sensation inside her head.

He shifted away from her abruptly, shoving at Dax.

Feeling distinctly unsettled, even a little dizzy, Kate struggled off the bed, looked around with a strange sense of disorientation and finally located the door to the bathroom.

"Way too much glory," she muttered as she braced herself against the lavatory and examined her reflection in the mirror above it.

Ronan frowned, trying to decide what she meant by that comment, but his uneasiness at her reaction to his attempt to probe her mind quickly redirected his thoughts. As instinctive as it was for him to try to communicate mind-to-mind, it dawned on him abruptly that he had never actually probed Kate's mind-any of the humans-in an attempt to communicate.

Except the woman at the mating place and that had not gone well at all, he recalled. Her mind had almost seemed to shut down completely at his attempt to probe.

He could, and had, captured random thoughts that they had seemed to project when they were reasoning things out in their minds, but the fact that the humans verbalized their communications had made it immediately clear that mind-to-mind exchanges were alien to them and useless as a possibility of communicating.

That was why they had worked hard to learn the human way of communicating.

He had not actually considered that it would be impossible to communicate with them mind-to-mind, though, and he certainly had not considered that it might cause damage to try.

In a sense, being around her was no different than being around his own kind. Unless they were trying to communicate, they guarded their minds from intrusion by others. Occasionally, one might catch an unguarded thought, but by-and-large they only shared when they wanted to.

He felt a need to know Kate's thoughts, however. Their survival might depend upon the turn of her thoughts, for it was extremely doubtful that she would inform them of any suspicions that arose in her mind.

Beyond that, and as little as he liked to admit it even to himself, Jarek's remark in the mating place bothered him.

In the scheme of things, it did not matter whether Kate knew and acknowledged them as her mates.

Regardless, it was their seed that she would carry to fruition and their off-spring and their clan that would benefit from the union.

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