George W. S. Trow

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Authors: Meet Robert E Lee

Tags: #Juvenile Nonfiction, #General, #United States, #Biography & Autobiography, #Military, #History, #Civil War Period (1850-1877)

BOOK: George W. S. Trow
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• And the subject matter has been carefully chosen to appeal to young readers who want to find out about the world for themselves. These informative and lively books are just the answer.


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is the story of a great American leader forced to make a terrible decision. Robert E. Lee the Virginian, son of a Revolutionary hero, served in the U.S. Army as America moved towards Civil War. Loving his country, he hated to see the Union split, but he could not fight against the South. His agonizing decision, his brilliant military leadership, and the fine example he set when the battle was done, are all recounted in this thoroughly researched and richly illustrated book.

was born in Greenwich, Connecticut, and went to Harvard University where he was president of
The Harvard Lampoon
. He has lived in New York City for most of his life, and now writes for
The New Yorker

Mr. Trow became interested in Robert E. Lee during a stay in Tidewater Virginia, and pursued the Lee legend in many parts of the state.
Meet Robert E. Lee
is Mr. Trow’s first children’s book.

was born in Buffalo, New York. He studied art at Pratt Institute, supporting himself there by wrestling professionally.

Illustrations by Mr. Lewin have appeared in many magazines and books, including the Random House
Look-It-Up Book of Presidents

Mr. Lewin is married and lives in Brooklyn, New York. He likes to scuba dive, and keeps a collection of exotic tropical fish.



Copyright © 1969, by Random House, Inc.
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
Published in the United States by Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 69-18097


eISBN: 978-0-307-80023-7




To my mother, Anne Carter Trow


Meet Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee was a great general. He was one of the greatest generals in American history. But for four terrible years, General Lee fought against the United States.

Robert E. Lee came from Virginia. His family had lived in Virginia for over 150 years. The first Lees in America had come from England. Virginia was called a colony then. It belonged to England. There were 13 English colonies in America.

But after many years people in the colonies felt they were no longer English. They felt they were Americans. They did not want to be ruled by the English King.

On July 4, 1776, leaders of the colonies met. They agreed to sign the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration said the colonies did not belong to England any more.

Two Lees signed the Declaration.

The colonies asked a Virginia soldier to lead their armies. His name was George Washington.

England did not want the 13 colonies to break away. An English army was sent to America.

Robert E. Lee’s father was a great general in the war with England. “Light Horse Harry” Lee became a hero of the American Revolution.


Harry Lee Attacks: August, 1777


200 English soldiers rode out of the woods into an open field. They shouted and laughed as they rode. Suddenly shots rang out. Englishmen fell from their horses.

Out of the woods came Light Horse Harry Lee and 60 Virginia horsemen. They attacked! More English soldiers fell.


Harry Lee won a great battle. He took many prisoners. He brought them to General George Washington. Washington said Light Horse Harry was one of America’s best soldiers.

The war lasted four more years. At last the Americans won. The 13 colonies became a new country, the United States of America. George Washington of Virginia was the first President. And Harry Lee was the first governor of Virginia.

Boyhood in Virginia

It was a fine summer day 28 years after the Revolution. A battered old coach rolled down a long driveway. Inside was Harry Lee’s wife, Ann Carter Lee. With her were the children, Charles, Smith and Annie.
And on her lap sat her little boy, Robert. He was three years old.

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