Georgia On My Mind (21 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Georgia On My Mind
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Teddy was spellbound as the petite bombshell stood poised waiting to satisfy him. The golden glow of the candlelight danced off her skin and created a halo affect around her body. Her body was perfection down to her bare, completely shaved mound. Her long mane was swept high on her head and random strands of curls cascaded down her neck to her back and shoulder. Her big brown eyes twinkled as they scanned his soul for a sweet spot of desire for her. Zoey looked like an angel standing there. Teddy would soon discover that Zoey was actually a little devil in disguise.

Walking seductively to him Zoey pulled back the bed covers exposing Teddy’s nakedness. Crawling between his legs and up to his torso like a sly alley cat she locked eyes with him. Capturing the object of her desire she grabbed his dick and quickly swallowed it down her throat to his balls without gagging.

“Oh hell yeah girl! Handle that damn dick!” Teddy groaned loudly.

Zoey smiled as her doe like eyes watched pleasure distort Teddy’s gorgeous face. Popping his dick out of her warm mouth she licked the stalk down to its base before swallowing Teddy’s hard cock whole again. Hollowing her mouth she sucked his dick with the perfect vacuum that her mouth created.

This was not an easy feat. Don’t get it twisted by no means was Teddy a little thimble dick brother. Teddy Bear Davine boasted an impressive ten and a half inch galvanized steel hard rod and oh hell yeah he knew exactly how to wield it. So for Zoey to swallow this man’s cock to the balls she had to be a freak of nature and one bad ass bitch!

Enjoying every damn second of it Teddy wrestles from his back to rest on his knees before her so he could get a better look at her mastery of dick sucking. Zoey smiled as she sucked his dick down her throat in one gulp as he watched in amazement. Grabbing her by the back of her head Teddy tested the limits of her gag reflex as he faced fucked her shoving his hardness another two inches down her throat.

“F-U-C-K!” He growled loudly as he realized that the woman before him had no damn gag reflex what so ever.

Zoey smiled around his dick loving how much he enjoyed her mouth. She knew her mouth and her throat were both lethal weapons to any man, especially big men like Teddy. They yearned for a woman who could take even half of their length at one swallow without spitting,  gagging, whining and complaining. So when a well-endowed brother found a woman like her who knows how to handle a big dick like a professional they go absolutely bananas. And that was exactly what Teddy was doing.

Uncontrollably shouting obscenities and growling like a crazed animal he enjoyed every second of burying his dick balls deep down Zoey’s throat. “Fuck yeah! Take that Fuckin dick he snorted as he continued to hump Zoey’s mouth like it was her pussy.

Born with a G-spot in her throat Zoey was enjoying the hell out of it. Feverishly fingering her snatch she swallowed Teddy’s dick even deeper until her nose touched his belly. Opening her mouth briefly she licked the base of his dick while its stalk was still buried deep in her throat.

“What the fuck? Oh fucking handle that shit Zoey! Fuck yeah!” He grunted as he rotated his hips causing his dick to swirl around in her throat.

“You like the way I make you feel?” She asked after briefly popping his dick out of her mouth.

“Oh hell yeah… daddy love how your mouth feels!” He assured her as he bent down to sample her lips before presenting his dick to be sucked again. “Finish that shit baby! Finish it!”

Zoey deviously smiled as she realized that she had him exactly where she wanted him. Sucking him down her throat she went back to work. Teddy’s dick did not resurface again until it was finished shooting hot come down Zoey’s throat. After swallowing every damn drop of his sticky goodness she collapsed back on the bed.

Wrapping his head around what just happened and quickly recovering from the roaring orgasm that threatened his consciousness Teddy spotted the beautiful young woman who gave him so much pleasure. Stroking his manhood until it stiffened to full mask again he fell between her legs. Planting hot wet kisses down her body he took the scenic route downtown to her palace of love.

Zoey arched her back and quivered as his breath blew on her engorged clit. He licked it, hooking his moist hot tongue around it repeatedly until it stiffened and doubled in size.  Savoring its sweetness for a moment he hesitated before sucking it into his hot mouth. Loving the sensation, the already excited Zoey grind her pelvis against his hungry mouth.

Taking it as a personal challenge Teddy intensified his efforts and enthusiastically sucked her small koochie in his mouth. Collapsing his cheeks to create a perfect vacuum he continued to suck the juices that oozed from her wet pussy. Eager to please he slipped two fingers into its slit and vigorous moved them in and out with determination as Zoey squirmed wildly against the efforts of his mouth.

Realizing that Zoey was close to her first release Teddy isolated her clit and increased his suction pressure as his fingers stormed her wet walls in search of her G- spot. Finding it he quickly gave it holy hell. Within mere seconds Zoey’s breath quickened and stopped. Mouth open, but struggling to emit a single sound she wrapped her toned thighs around his head and grind hard on his face. Struggling to breathe she somehow managed a coarse high pitched screech as her climax overtook her like a category five hurricane.

“F-U-C-K M-E!” She streamed as Teddy’s skilled mouth continued to pleasure her beyond belief.

Zoey’s body quaked in the aftermath of her release. Vibrating and jerking violently she thrashed and crashed hard against Teddy’s eager mouth. Crumpling back on the bed in exhaustion she struggled to recover. Teddy gathered her limp body in his arms and held her tight.

Kissing her on the forehead he asked, “Are you okay?”

“Yes…: She sighed as she relaxed into his strong pecs and savored her moment. “Everything is perfect.”    

“Good.” He smiled as he hugged her tight and rubbed the small of her back. “What are you doing next weekend?”

The corners of Zoey’s lips slowly curled into a perfect smile. “Not much… Why?

“Do you want to go to Miami Beach?” He asked as he nibbled on her neck.

“Sure. That sounds like fun.”  She said as she squeezed Teddy’s waist tighter.

“Okay, that’s what’s up. So, are you ready for this?” he asked as he sampled her lips.

“For what?” She asked as she stared into his seductive eyes.

Teddy never broke eye contact as he reached for one of the three Trojan magnum condoms which he had strategically placed on Zoey’s nightstand.

Zoey’s face quickly brightened into a devious grin as she watched Teddy strap up. “I was born ready for that.” She murmured as she marveled at his nature.

Shifting to his lap and straddling his dick in one fluid motion she unleashed his monstrous eel into her slippery grotto. Uninhibited they bumped and grind their way to another nuclear meltdown.

Chapter 2

Love is Patient

Atlanta Georgia was hotter than hell this time of year. It was late summer and the smelting Georgia heat covered Atlanta like a thick wool blanket. Still that did not convince the Frederick Douglas College (FDC) football coach to cancel practice.  Hot, bothered and distracted, FDC's Quarterback, Paul Crown could hardly wait for football practice to conclude.  It was Friday night, his hormones were raging and he was in desperate need of some sticky icky aka some pussy. 

Tall, muscular and breathtakingly handsome, by any standard, it really wasn’t going to be a problem for Paul to get some. The question was from whom?  It had been a long time since he had what could remotely be considered a steady girlfriend.  Yes, there had been a steady flow of girls in and out of his bed.  Unfortunately, to date he hadn’t been able to connect with any of them beyond a physical connection. Naturally, that was not a fact that Paul was very proud of.  He yearned to be more like his best friend Teddy Davine, aka Bear, FDC's starting Wide Receiver, but that just wasn't Paul's nature. 

Although they grew up together and were as close as conjoined twins the two men were as different as night and day.  Bear's cavalier, fuck them well and leave them begging for more attitude towards women worked amazingly well for him.  He promised the women who came home with him absolutely nothing.  Nothing but a good old fashioned no holds barred Ninja fuck that is.  Surprisingly, not one woman he propositioned turned him down even though he let them know up front that he dated very frequently and one night was all he could commit to at the time. 

A connoisseur of beautiful women Teddy's palate for a Pretty Kitty and a Tasty Treat knew absolutely no bounds and ran from the homeliest turd to the absolute most bizarre beauty.  One by one they came home with this
self-professed male Giggahoe and one by one he dismissed their properly fucked asses in the morning.  Believe it or not, not one single one of them ever once complained.  Instead, they waited patiently for his call and their next ride on the Teddy Bear Express as it fondly was called across the campus.

Although rolling along like the Teddy Bear Express had proved to be extremely satisfying, it had practically wore Paul's ass completely out. The constant stream of sexy, beautiful women had him mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted.  Paul was more conservative and actually savored the company and love of a good woman. He yearned for a monogamous relationship, but sad to say it just didn’t appear to be in the cards.

You see, Paul was actually in love with an extraordinarily beautiful young woman. In fact she argumentatively could be the love of his life. Sadly the woman of his dreams was forbidden fruit and for all practical purposes off limits. Crazy as it may seem, Paul had no one to blame for this bullshit but him.

Her name was EJ, short for Escape Jones and Paul was certifiably head over ass in love with her.  Yet few people outside of his inner circle of trust knew this. Now, EJ suspected as much but had never once received a hint of confirmation. Actually, EJ was head over ass in love with him as well, but unlike Paul she refused to hide it. It wasn’t fair that they couldn’t be together and she despised Paul for rejecting her love and affection.

The problem was that EJ was Paul’s twin sister, Parisa’s best friend. Sure Parisa and Paul where born no more than thirty minutes apart, but that still made her his baby sister.  Unfortunately in Paul’s mind that made her lifelong companion EJ his little sister as well, although she was the exact same age as Paul and Parisa.

Naturally, that fuzzy logic was fine when they were toddlers playing in the sandbox and swimming naked in the backyard pool. Now an incoming FDC senior, EJ had grown into an extraordinarily gorgeous woman. Tall with coco brown skin, thick long dark strawberry hair and steel blue eyes that would drown you at first glance, Escape Jones was stunning and Paul could not escape her charm.

Yes EJ was in fact a woman now. A woman who was as confident as she was beautiful and a woman bold enough to fight for what she wanted, which happened to be Paul Crown. She had loved him before she even knew what love was. Paul was her man and she’d be dammed if she’d give up until she made him hers.  

Quite frankly EJ didn’t care that they’d known each other since nursery school. The only thing that EJ knew was that she was in love with Paul and she was pretty sure that he was secretly in love with her. When they came of age she let Paul know that she was his for the taking, although he continued to appear aloof and totally disinterested.

It hurt that Paul rejected her and all but flaunted one bad relationship after another in her face. Still, she was smart enough to recognize that this was just another piss poor attempt to mask his true feelings for her. EJ was in it for the long haul and she was not about to give up so easily.

Little did EJ know just how much Paul loved her. He was absolutely monkey balls crazy over her. He had to wrestle his feelings for her into submission every damn time he saw her. She haunted his every thought and starred in his most private, intimate fantasies and dreams.

He had been in love with her since they were sixteen years old. She offered him her virginity on Prom night, and he almost took it. Changing his mind at the very last minute he hurt her once again when he couldn’t go through with it. Paul didn’t want to ruin their friendship by starting a physical relationship that he knew he wasn’t ready for. Though it seems like an eternity has passed since that time, EJ is still a virgin and still holding out for Paul’s love.

Now, barely twenty two years old Paul knew that he made the right decision. He realized that it hurt EJ, but they were too young to do anything except screw. Sooner or later he knew that he would find himself on the wrong side of another woman’s bed and he knew that would devastate EJ. He wanted her, but he couldn’t chance losing her. He knew he could get pussy from anyone, but EJ was special. He wanted more than that from her, so much more, sadly he could not convince her to see things his way.

Besides, all of that was a moot point. Parisa or Miss Priss as she was called had forbidden him to see EJ when Paul stopped Teddy from pursuing her. Unlike Paul and EJ, Teddy and Miss Priss fell hard for each other and did not care who knew it. Young and in love, they didn’t hesitate to take their friendship to a physical level when they were both fifteen.

Paul was absolutely furious with Teddy when he found out. They fought, well Paul punched Teddy in the face, and Teddy refused to fight back. Paul made Teddy swear on their friendship that he would never be with Miss Priss again. Teddy reluctantly went along with it in spite of his intense feelings for her. Paul was his best friend in the world and he’d say or do almost anything to salvage their strained friendship.

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