Georgia On My Mind

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

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Georgia On My Mind

A Novel by Brenda Stokes Lee


Georgia On My Mind

By Brenda Stokes Lee

Published by Daddy’s Girl Publishing House

Charlotte, NC 28269

Copyright © Daddy’s Girl Publishing House and Author 2009, 2012

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Publisher’s Note

This is completely a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, personalities, scenarios, situations and incidents that occur within this work are products of the author’s vivid imagination, or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance, similarity, or likeness to actual persons, living or dead, groups, business establishments, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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To those of you who are aware of the difficulties of writing, proofing and editing a novel, the author deems it unnecessary to make any excuse or apology for the imperfections which may occasionally be found in this work of fiction.  Her objective has been to be entertaining; if that has been accomplished in any form or in any degree, she will be amply rewarded for her labor. She relies upon the generous liberality of her readers to forgive and overlook the errors which may have been overlooked in her endeavors to please and entertain them. Daddy’s Girl Publishing House

Chapter 1

“Hey baby, it’s me! What time are you coming home? Dinners ready. I know it’s not Sunday, but I made you a sweet potato pie.”

“Hey! Umm! As you can tell I’m still at the office. I have a brief staring at me that I have to tackle and then I’ll be home. Fix my plate and put it in the microwave. I’ll warm it up when I get home.”

“Seriously? You promised you’d be home on time. Charles you work too hard. I thought we could snuggle and watch a movie tonight. How late are you going to be?”

“Peaches… The longer I stay on the phone with you the longer it’s going to take me to get home. I got to go. I already told you that I have a brief that needs my attention.”

“Okay, but wake me up when you get here. Maybe we can…”

“Bye Peaches!” Charles abruptly cut her off. Unloosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt he eyed his beautiful law clerk, Mercedes who was spread eagle on his desk, wearing absolute nothing except her stiletto heels and a devious smile. “Now where were we?” His deep, sultry voice inquired.

“I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I think you were about to lick my pussy. Weren’t you counselor?” She seductively asked as she spread the lips of her pussy wide and slipped two of her fingers in. Getting a sample of her cream for Charles to taste, she stuck her fingers in his mouth. 

Licking her sticky goo from her fingers as if it was honey, Charles’ amazing, gray eyes quickly darkened with lust. “Now, that’s some good pussy.” He declared.

“Thank you counselor. I knew you’d like it.” Mercedes coyly responded as she continued to finger fuck herself as Charles watched. Mesmerized by the slow, methodic rhythm of her precise hand Charles watched as Mercedes rubbed her clit and fingered her wet pussy, preparing it for him. She knew Charles loved to watch her masturbate and she was more than happy to give the handsome, up and coming attorney a show.

“God this feels so good.” She groaned as her pale fingers slid effortlessly in and out of her pink, hairless kitty.

Charles licked his lips as he unzipped his pants, pulled out his manhood and began to tug feverishly on his now hard dick. Mercedes knew that it would be only a matter of minutes before he shot his hot sticky load. She loved the way Charles’ cream tasted. He was addicted to pineapple juice and for some odd reason; pineapple juice gave semen a sweet milky taste.

Carefully maneuvering herself to the edge of the desk she placed one of her long thin legs over Charles shoulder and then the other. Straddling his face she smothered him with her pussy. Charles was like a ravenous wolf who hadn’t hunted in weeks. Grabbing Mercedes by her apple shaped ass he quickly devoured her pussy. Sucking and licking and chewing her pussy like it was a soft cookie, he soon had her singing first Soprano in the All Boys Choir and she was definitely an alto.

“You like my pussy? Huh, counselor? You like how I taste? Yeah! Look at you! I can tell you do! Eat that pussy! Get all of that cream!” She taunted as Charles continued to attack her pussy and wage war in Pussyville. “That’s it! That’s it! Right there! Oh Yes! Don’t stop Charles! Please don’t stop!” She screamed as she creamed all over Charles’ gorgeous, chocolate face.

“Suck me!” He hissed as he felt his orgasm swell in his loins like a raging tsunami wave.

Clamping her thighs tightly around Charles face Mercedes twisted and contorted her body so she could suck Charles off as he came. Grabbing her by her thin waist Charles held her upside down as she sucked his hot sticky sweet goo down her throat. It came out in thick squirts and Mercedes sucked and swallowed it all, without spilling a single drop.

“Woman, you are absolutely incredible. I’m going to marry you some day. You just wait and see.” He promised as he gathered her in his arms and kissed her gently.

“Oh yeah? What’s your wife Pumpkin going to say about that.”

Charles chuckled. “Peaches, her name is Peaches and she’s not my wife. Pumpkin! I can’t believe you called her Pumpkin! Get dressed! I have to get home. Pumpkin cooked a sweet potato pie for me. It’s my favorite.”

“Whatever…” Mercedes rolled her eyes and grumbled beneath her breath as she gathered her clothes. “Are you still taking me shopping tomorrow?”

“Of course! Now get dressed! I got to go!” 

Chapter 2

“Come on baby.  Now is not the time to give up on me.  We've been through too much for you to let me down now.  We got to get to this house, make this money and mama promises she'll get you a new engine and some new brake shoes.  We've been together since high school, so don't die on me now Boss Hog, because we're finally about to get paid. Mama's about to get this big contract and Daddy's Bar Exam results should be coming any day now.  Just hold out and Mama swears that she will pimp you out.”

Georgia Porter, aka Peaches was on her way to her new celebrity client’s mansion for the first time when the unthinkable happened. Her car was ten seconds from pumping its last quart of oil. Luckily, prayer works! The rusted out, beat up car continued to sputter, smoke and backfire, but it kept going as Peaches maneuvered her way through the isolated, swank, gated Atlanta community. Just as she neared the mansions driveway, her phone rang.

“Georgia Peach Design Studio, Georgia speaking, may I help you?”

“Peaches, I passed!  I passed the bar!  I'm officially a lawyer! Oh my God! Can you believe it?” Charles, her live in boyfriend screamed with excitement. “Oh my God!  Hallelujah!  Thank you Jesus!  Thank you Jesus!” Peaches yelled in celebration. “We did it baby!”

“Yes, I did!  I can't believe I did it, Peaches!  I'm finally an attorney.  You know what this means right?” Charles exclaimed.

“I sure do!  Look baby, I’m happy for you, but I just arrived at my client's mansion and I want to make a good impression by being on time.  So, I'm afraid I’ll have to call you back after the consultation. You can tell me all about it then.”

“Alright, it’s cool. I have to call my mama and tell her the good news.”

“Okay, tell her I'll call her later.” As Peaches' noisy car spit and sputtered down the tree lined driveway she suddenly had reservations about driving her vintage, dented up, rag top 1957 Cadillac. “Charles, you should see this house.  It's at least four city blocks long and three blocks wide.  This mansion is going to be my calling card and open every door in Atlanta for me.  I just wish I had taken the Lexus.”

“What Lexus? My Lexus? Peaches, I told you before, I can't be seen in that bucket of rusted nuts and bolts you call Boss Hog.  I have a professional image to uphold.  How am I supposed to be taken seriously by the Senior Partners driving that piece of shit?”

“I know baby, but I could have dropped you off at work and picked you up later. Besides, it’s our Lexus, remember? Charles, I'm embarrassed to park in front of this house.”

“Well pull around back! You know you can’t drop me off at work. I have to go back and forth to court all day.”

“I know, I know! I’m just so embarrassed. Boss Hog is leaking oil and smoking… Hell, he almost died on the way. I have to get him fixed.”

“Look Peaches, you are a brilliant Interior Designer, the best I’ve ever seen.  I'm sure your client is not going to care what you drive just as long as you trick that mansion like only you can. Okay?”

“Yeah, I guess you're right.  Look I’d better go, before I'm late.”

“Alright, I'll talk to you tonight. Good luck!”

“Thanks baby. I’ll see you tonight." Apprehensive, Peaches pulled in front of the enormous contemporary mansion.  Embarrassed and ashamed, she attempted to park out of view, but no matter where she parked Boss Hog was a blatant eye sore. Giving up, she parked in front. Quickly refreshing her makeup and hair in the rear view mirror, she paused to say a quick prayer. “Please God go before me and be with me as I go and get this contract. Amen!” Gathering her samples, drawings and her briefcase, she hurried along the long walkway to the front door and rang the bell.

Moments later an attractive young woman answered the door and greeted her with a firm handshake and a warm smile. “Hi, you must be Georgia Porter.”

“Yes, I am.  I have an eleven o'clock appointment with Miracle.”

“Hi Georgia.  Please come right in. Miracle is running a little late.  She should be here soon.  I'm her assistant, Chase.”

“Nice to meet you Chase. The traffic was a little heavy coming from the city. She’s probably stuck on the highway.  I don’t mind waiting.”

“You’re probably right.
Well, she’s in a limo, so she should be fine. Follow me, Georgia.  I'll show you around.”

“Please call me Peaches.”

Chase led Peaches through the enormous foyer of the newly built mansion. The multi-million dollar mansion was stunningly elegant, but virtually void of furniture. Peaches smiled brightly as the many possibilities of a signature Georgia Porter design danced vibrantly in her mind. This place was a dream come true and Peaches instinctively knew that this was the big break she had been praying and waiting for.

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