Georgia On My Mind (6 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Georgia On My Mind
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“You're going to run with me, starting tomorrow.”

“You must have lost your damn mind... Peanut, does it look like I can run? You’re crazy as hell!” Peaches laughed as she grabbed her overnight bag and packed some clothes.

“I’m going to run alright! This Chinese food is going to have me running to the bathroom in about an hour.  And that's the most running you're going to get out of me, Rashawn Martin aka Peanut Head. She laughed.

“Alright… We’ll see!” Rashawn chuckled as he eyed his schoolboy crush.

Chapter 10

At 6am sharp, the tall, incredibly good looking Rashawn stood stretching his hamstrings in preparation for his daily run. Rashawn’s was in tip top shape. In fact his magnificent body was ridiculous! Shawn stood around six feet tall and was the envy of most fitness models. Hell! Rashawn’s muscles even had muscles of their own. He was as fine as the peach fuzz on a baby ant’s ass! And it did not go unnoticed by Peaches.

Peaches sat on the grass with a dazed and confused look on her face. She pretended to be stretching, but she actually was checking out Rashawn’s ass, which was as tone and tight as a Zulu drum. Rashawn’s eyebrow arched with curiosity as he caught her looking at him and she innocently pretended to be admiring the birds as she attempted to touch her toes.

“I can't believe you have me out here at six in the morning stretching and shit! I told you I can’t run!  You do realize that the last time I ran was...”

“Yeah, see you can complain but I'm going to have to insist that we run while you do it.” Rashawn abruptly cut her off mid- sentence.

“Don't get smart big head! It’s not cute!” She retorted as she rolled her eyes at him.

“I'm not trying to be smart or cute. I’m just pointing out the fact that the sooner we start the quicker we can get breakfast.”

“Look Peanut, if something happens to me I have my insurance card, my advance directives and my last will and testament in my purse in the car. Call my momma and tell her I love her. Don’t forget to call Charles and tell him I said to kiss my fat black ass! Oh and one more thing. Just so you know… I'm going to haunt your sadistic, cruel ass until the day you die! And then, I’m going to follow you into the afterlife and haunt your heartless ass some more!” She joked as she struggled to get up.

“Yeah! Got it! Now let’s go!” Rashawn responded, unmoved by her threats. “Nothing is going to happen to you.  We're going to start off slow and gradually work our way up.”

“So, by slow do you mean a brisk walk, right?” Peaches asked as Rashawn extended a hand to help her get up from the ground.

“No, by slow I mean a two mile jog verses a five mile run.” He corrected her as they slowly started to jog.

“This is some crazy ass shit! You’re kidding right? Please tell me you’re kidding.” She whined.

“I could tell you that, but I’d be lying. Before I’m done with you, you will be able to run five miles before breakfast with ease.” He declared.

“Peanut are you serious?  I'll be lucky to jog two blocks.” 

“Oh really?  Because we've already jogged at least a block and a half. You look fine to me.  Peaches, don't quit before you start.  This isn't going to be easy, but it doesn't have to be hard.”

“Alright, alright, alright!  Look, I want this so I'm willing to die trying cause I can't live without love.”

“Nobody's going to die.  I'm right here.  Concentrate on the goal not the process.  Here I got this for you.  It'll help take your mind off of things.” Rashawn said as he reached in his pocket and produced a pink iPod Touch.

“Oh my God! You got me an iPod?”

“Yes! It'll help you to relax.  I slipped out last night while you were working on your sketches.  Here, I loaded it with some music that I think you'll like.” 

“Ahh… Thank you so much Peanut. You didn’t have to do it but thank you.” Peaches quickly placed the ear buds in her ear and cued the first song.  It was,
It's Rocky - Eye of the Tiger
.  She started to laugh.

“I knew you’d like that.” Rashawn pulled out his iPod and they continue to run in silence at a slow, comfortable pace.

Chapter 11

A little more than an hour later Rashawn and a very sweaty and out of breath Peaches order breakfast at Rashawn’s favorite diner. Peaches was extremely thirsty and was drinking water like the world’s water supply had been contaminated by Swine Flu. Rashawn pretended not to notice that she was a hot sweaty ass mess. He snickered to himself, while casually looking over the menu, as Peaches sucks down water and fights for breath.

“Oh my God! I can't believe that I'm still alive.  When you said that we were going to run for two miles I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. And trust me, it was boring as hell! I have to get out more.” She joked.

“I told you that I wasn't going to let anything happen to you.”

“I can't believe I did it.  I actually ran two miles and I’m still alive to talk about it.” She said amazed as she took a big gulp of ice water.

Rashawn laughed. “I can't believe it either! You shocked me. I thought you were going to quit on me.”

“You have no idea how many times I thought about turning around and heading for the car.”

“Yeah, I do! I saw it in your face at least a half of a dozen times. Matter of fact, I’m pretty sure the only thing that stopped you was the fact that I drove.” He laughed.

“Te- he- he! It’s not funny! Peanut, I haven’t as much as attempted a jumping jack since I graduated from high school, let alone run two miles. But somehow I did it. I must admit that the company and the iPod helped tremendously.” She said as she slowly became less winded.

“I knew the iPod would keep you going. I was just glad that I could be there for you.” Rashawn responded after folding his menu and returning it to the table.

“So, how is this going to work?  I mean today was great but I can't expect you to be there for me every day.”

“Why not?  For the next six weeks if you let me I'm going to be there.  I can't let you die alone, itching, scratching and sleeping with a vibrator and lying in a bed covered with cat shit.” He laughed.

“Alright, I see big head people got jokes too!” Peaches laughed before becoming serious. But what about you?”

“What about me?”

“I mean what about your job? Hell, what about your woman?”

“Actually, I'm between contracts and she's not really my woman.  She's my friend.  We just hooked up a couple of months ago.  So, we're still feeling each other out.”

“Peanut, woman or not, she’s not going to be happy about you spending so much time with me.”

“Look Peaches, I've already explained to her that at the end of the day all I really have is my family and my friends.  She'll be okay with it.”

“I don't know about this. I think you’re asking for a whole lot of trouble. I’d hate to ruin your relationship.”

“Don't worry about it.  Let me do this for you.”

“Well, at least let me pay you for your time.” Peaches offered.

“Pay me for my what?  No! I can’t let you do that.”

“Peanut, you're not working. Don’t be proud, take the money! I just got a big contract and I can afford it. I’d have to pay a personal trainer anyway, so I might as well pay you.” Peaches argued as she reached in her purse for her checkbook.  

“Look, put your checkbook away. Just because I'm between positions, doesn't mean I'm broke. I got some money saved up. Peaches, I’m fine.” 

“Okay but you know that you can come to me if you need something, right.”

“Peaches, Trust me I have more than I need.” Rashawn assured her as the waitress arrived.

“Hi I'm Cindy.  Can I get you some coffee or juice?”

“Honey, I'm starving and I know exactly what I want.”

“Great, what can I get you?” Cindy asked as she retrieved the menu from Peaches’ outstretched hand.

“Okay, I’m going to have the deluxe, Lumberjack breakfast, with sausage, bacon and ham. I want pancakes instead of waffles and I want an extra order of bacon on the side.”

“How would you like your eggs?” Cindy asked as she wrote everything down.

“Scrambled, with lots of cheddar cheese and butter.”

“Anything else?”

“Yeah, I’ll take a large orange juice and a bottomless cup of caramel, mocha coffee with extra whip cream. Oh yeah, I forgot! Add chocolate chips to my pancakes and bring me a bottle of chocolate syrup. Thanks! I’m starving, so put a rush on that Cindy.”

“Got it! Now, what can I get for you sir?”

Now, Rashawn sat quietly as Peaches ordered an entire buffet of greasy, fried food and did not flinch a muscle. “I’ll just have the Healthy Choice omelet and a cup of black coffee. Thanks.”

“Okay! I’ll be right back with your drinks.” Cindy said as she shot Rashawn a flirtatious, you can get it smile. He pretended not to notice, so Cindy gathered the menus and left. 

“Wow, I can't believe that you didn't have anything to say.” Peaches remarked as she crunched on a piece of ice from her glass.

“About what?” Rashawn nonchalantly asked as he stared at the obviously beautiful Peaches.

“My order.”

“What about it?”

“Peanut, even I know that there was nothing healthy about what I just ordered.  I eat the same crap every morning and look at me.”

“Maybe, but you weren't running two miles a day.  Besides, the more fat you eat- the more fat you'll have to work off.”

“So, why didn't you just say that before I ordered all of that junk?”

“My mother taught me that the best lessons learned are usually learned the hard way.  With that said we're going to need to add an extra workout to your routine for at least three nights a week?”

“What?  Oh hells no!”

“Don't worry.  I'll make it painless.  And I want you to eat more.”

“Eat more? Seriously? Peanut, I'll be as big as a damn circus tent.  No! This will hold me until six or seven o'clock tonight. I already eat more than enough, that’s why I am so damn big!” Peaches complained.

“Look, it's a simple formula.  Eat, exercise and drink lots of water.  Do that and you'll love who you see in the mirror.”

“Peanut, I love who I see in the mirror now.  I just don't like the way she looks.”

Before Rashawn could respond the waitress returned with their coffee. Peaches rolled her eyes as she watched her shamelessly flirt with Rashawn.

“Thanks, Cindy.”

“Oh, you’re welcome. Let me know if I can get you anything else.” She winked.

Peaches watched as she walked away still holding Rashawn’s attention. “I see why this is your favorite restaurant.” She huffed.

“What? That girl has absolutely nothing to do with why I come here.” He chuckled.

“Sure, she doesn’t. You men are all alike.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it! I’m faithful to my woman. I don’t play around and I don’t lie to her.” He insisted.

“Yeah, maybe you are. There’s just one problem.”

“Oh yeah? What’s that?”

“According you, she’s not your woman, she’s your friend.” Peaches challenged. “So, that would make your seemingly harmless flirtation with Cindy Lou Who, the waitress perfectly fine.”

“Wow, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were turning green... With envy.” He chuckled.

“Whatever, Big Head! I got enough problems.” Peaches deflected. “Where’s the food? I’m starving?” 

“Just so you know… She was flirting with me. I’ve never flirted with her. She’s cute, but like you… I have enough problems, right now.” He offered.

“Just so you know… I don’t care! You think you have problems now, wait until your friend finds out that you’re going to be hanging out with me every day for the next six weeks.” Peaches laughed.

Rashawn sighed deeply. “Yeah, you may have a point there.” Rashawn slowly nodded in agreement as he pondered just how pissed his lady was going to be. “Damn!” He breathed beneath his breath.

Chapter 12

Miracle’s face was as tight as a snare drum as she suspiciously eyed her extraordinarily sexy boyfriend of two months, five days and four hours. He was obviously up to something and she was determined to get to the bottom of it. 

“How's your salad?”

“It's okay.” She responded as she continued to play in her Caesar salad.

“I don't even know why I asked.  How bad can it be, it's basically just lettuce and crotons?  I'm just curious, do you ever eat?  When's the last time you had a giant cheeseburger, a milkshake and some fries?” He chuckled.

“Of course I eat.  I just hate junk food.  Besides, I have a big video shoot next month and the camera has absolutely no mercy.”

“Yeah, but you're beautiful, Miracle...  That's all the camera can see.  Just once I'd love to see you just let loose and be you.”

“This is me!  I work hard to look like this.  I love how I look and how I feel.  In fact if I didn't look like this can you honestly say that we'd be together?”

“Of course I can.  I was more attracted to your confidence and your strong spirit then your body. Hell I love curves on a woman.  I just want you to be happy.”

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