Georgia On My Mind (5 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Georgia On My Mind
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Rashawn eyed the delicious looking slice of cake. It had been years and years since he had a slice of Chocolate - Chocolate Chip, Chocolate cake. He could not resist. “Okay! I’m in. Cut me just a little slither of a piece.”

Peaches cut a giant slab of cake and gave it to Rashawn. “Don't be such a damn girl!  You sound like one of those skinny bitches who're afraid to eat anything except ice chips and ice cubes.” She laughed.

“Challenge! Do I hear a challenge? Okay. Bring it on! I'll run this off in the morning.” Rashawn chuckled before shoving a big fork of cake in his mouth. “Ummm! Man! This is good!”

“See that's what I'm talking about!  You can eat half a cake and not gain an ounce.  But I can eat a crumb and gain five pounds by morning. Hell, I gained a pound just watching you eat that fork full!” Peaches laughed. “It’s not fair!”

“That's because you feel guilty about it and stress out over eating it. Stress causes your hormones to secret extra cortisone, which has been linked to unwanted fact. So, relax and eat the damn cake Anna Mae!” He chuckled as he continued to devour his cake.

“Who can relax with every man-less bitch on the planet trying to take your man?  Peanut, I dedicated my life to that orangutan and look at the monkey shit he pulled on me!”

“Peaches, any man who'd let you get away is a moron.”

“Yeah, that's my Charles.” She snickered. “A complete moron when it comes to all things Peaches.”

“Okay, I just want to go on record and say that I never liked his ass! He didn't deserve you.”

“I forgot you had a little crush on me.”

“I don’t know how? I had a huge crush on you!”

“That's natural.  Boys always have a crush on their baby sitter.”

“Not into their senior year of high school.  I was completely sprung on you and you never once noticed.”

“Oh, I noticed!  Peanut, you know that you were too young for me.  What were you thinking asking me to your prom?”

“I don't know.  Hey I had a fifty percent chance that you'd say yes.” He chuckled.

“You had absolutely no damn chance that I'd say yes! Who are you kidding!”

They both laugh as they devoured the Chocolate - Chocolate Chip, Chocolate cake.

“You do realize that you're only six years older than me.”

“So!  When you're sixteen that gap is as wide as the Grand Canyon.  Besides I was in love with Charles. He was the finest guy in school.”

“I know!  That's why I hated his smug ass!”

“You two never did get along. You were always starting some shit with him.” She giggled. “He would get as mad as hell, because I would always take your side.”

“Why should we get along?  He was a Grade A Certified Dick.  And he had his hands and lips all over my girl!” Rashawn chuckled. “Arrogant ass prick!”

“What did you see? You were supposed to be asleep!”

“And you weren't supposed to have boys over!”

Peaches grabbed a throw pillow and swatted Rashawn upside the head. “What did you see you little pervert?” Rashawn looks off into space, trying not to laugh. “Tell me!  What did you see?”

Rashawn burst into laughter. “Apparently, I saw enough to know that I'm not the only sexual deviant in this room.”

Peaches countered with three more pillow blows to the head. “You are so damn nasty. I should tell your mother!”

Rashawn laughed as he attempted to block the pillows with his elbow. “Oh, I'm the nasty one? Really, Peaches? I’m the nasty one? I should call your mother and tell her about you! I know she taught you not to put stuff in your mouth.”

“You know what? I don’t even want to hear anymore. You’re just tasty! Nasty- ass- pervert! Anyway… That was then and look at me now.”

“What you mean?” Rashawn asked puzzled.

“Look at me Peanut!”

“I'm looking at you.  What?”

“Don't pretend that you don't notice the weight gain. I’m fat, I’m not an idiot! I’ve gained at least forty pounds since then.”

“Okay, so what?”

“What do you mean, so what?  Peanut, I'm not stupid.  I know my weight had everything to do with Charles cheating on me.”

“Peaches, people who really love you don't just stop loving you because you've gain a few pounds.  When you love somebody none of that bullshit really matters.”

“A few pounds?  Peanut this is a hell of a lot more than that!  What? You don't think I have a mirror? I know I’m big, I’ll own that, but don’t act like it don’t matter.” Peaches vented.

“Did the weight change who you are?  No!  You're still Peaches.  I haven't seen you in years and I can see that.  Charles is just a shitty ass wipe!”

Peaches voice began to crack as she became emotional in light of the day’s event. “I know, but he was my ass wipe.”

Rashawn’s heart broke for her. He hated to see her in so much pain. “Peaches, please don't cry.”

“I waited all my life for him to ask me to marry him.  I've dreamed about this day since I was sixteen…  And he pulls this shit!  Now what?”

“You move on, that’s what.” He said as he gently wiped away a tear that cruised down her beautiful face with his thumb.

“Move on where, with who?  Nobody is going to want me.”

“That's not true. Don’t even think that!”

“It is true.  I'm going to die fat and alone with a house full of funky ass cats, shitting everywhere.” She sobbed as she took a napkin to wipe away her tears that now poured like rain.

“Stop! Don't say that again. You’ll find someone else. Besides you're allergic to cats.” Rashawn wrapped his muscular arms around Peaches and gave her a much needed hug. Continuing to sob she hugged him back. “Look if you don't like the way you look then do something about it.  I mean, personally I think you're perfect.  But, I'm just saying if you don't like something about yourself...” He hesitates as he assesses the gravity of his word. “You just put in the work to change it.”

“Diets never work for me.”

“Then don't diet.”

“How am I supposed to lose weight if I don't diet?” Peaches asked as she blew her nose.

“Just leave that to me. I promise, you’ll lose the weight.”

Peaches looked stunned. “You, of all people are going to help me lose weight?”

“Yes!  Why'd you say it like that? What? You think I can’t?”

“What do you know about weight management?  And what's your girlfriend going to say about all of this?”

“First all, she’s my friend, thank you very much. And second, I don't know what she's going to say.  All I know is that you have a problem and I have the solution.  Trust me, with my help you will lose weight.”

“I hope you’re right. I'm going to make Charles wish he'd kept his monkey ass at home where he belonged.”

“Leave him out of it! This has nothing to do with Charles. Do this for you! This is strictly for Peaches!”

“Oh, I'm going to do this for Peaches…  But Charles needs to know that you can't replace a Peach with a shriveled up prune.  When I finish with Charles Preston he'll wish he died a floater in his daddy's nut sack.  Starting tonight!”

“Tonight?  What do you mean when you say tonight?” Rashawn asked confused as he watched Peaches get up and prepare to leave. “Where are you going?”

“Come with me, you'll see exactly what I am talking about!”

Chapter 9

“Look Peaches, I'm not sure we should be here. What if Charles comes home or worse the police show up. We should go.”

“Why?  This is my damn house! I bought it! My name is on the deed and I pay the damn mortgage, not Charles.!”

“Okay… Maybe so...  But we should keep a low profile until we talk to Jacob.”

“Who the hell is Jacob?” Peaches asked as she quickly sorted through her mail.

“Jacob's a friend of mine.  He's an attorney.  I called him earlier while we waited for our food. He’s going to handle everything for you.”

“I wish Charles would have the balls to press charges against me. Punk ass Bitch!” She fumed.

“Even if he doesn't the restaurant might. I just don’t want you to get locked up.”

“For what?”

“Oh, I don't know... maybe destruction of property or disturbing the peace. Not to mention, beating a Bitches Ass in an upscale restaurant.” Rashawn chuckled. “Cruelty to roses, threatening a Fugly Skank… You can stop me anytime you want. I can go on all damn day with this one.” They both laughed.

“Look, I can't even think about that right now.  Charles will be here to get his things tomorrow, so I don’t have a lot of time.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Rashawn asked confused.

“I just told you! I don't have a lot of time, Peanut.  I got one shot to do this. Weren’t you listening?” She eyed him with the try to keep up look.

“To do what?” Rashawn asked bucking his eyes for emphasis.

“To take care of his things. You always were slow!” She giggled.

“Let him pack his own shit!”

“Trust me.  He'll wish he had.” Peaches snickered as she headed for her bedroom.

Rashawn followed Peaches into the master bedroom.  He watched intently as she poured a liquid into Charles’ shampoo bottle and shook it up.  His brow wrinkled in curiosity as she methodically unfolded every pair of Charles' underwear and sprinkle them with a small brown bottle of powder before replacing them in his draw.  Then she began to pull Charles' clothes out of the closet one garment at a time.

“So this is where it goes down?” He asked as he surveyed Peaches’ bedroom.

“Nobody's gone down in here for a long time.” Peaches huffed.

“Damn! You ain’t getting none?  Sorry to hear that!  I guess Charles peaked at sixteen.” Rashawn chuckled.

“Tee- hee- hee.  That's real funny!  What about you, Peanut?” Peaches retaliated as she continued to manipulate Charles’ clothes, one piece at a time.

“What? What about me?”

“I mean, you're all in my Kool-Aid, mixing when you should be measuring.  You said you were meeting a friend at the restaurant.  Yet, you've been with me all night, and she hasn't called or texted you once.  What's that about?”

“You know what's up.  She's pissed! I called her, but she hasn’t responded.”

“I guess she is.  You should be there with her, not here with me.  Go to her before it gets too late.  I'll be okay. I won’t sleep here. I’ll spend the night at a hotel, if it makes you feel better.”

“Let me worry about her.  You need me more tonight than she probably ever will.  Besides I'm here for a friend.  If she can't get that then I've probably got the wrong girl.”

Peaches continued to pull Charles' dress shirts, ties and suits out of the closet one at a time.  She methodically runs her hands along the seams and then puts them back in place like she found them. “Okay, it’s your funeral. Don't cry to me when she leaves your ass.”

“Whatever...  Exactly what are you doing?  I thought you were packing Charles things.” Rashawn asked thoroughly confused.

“What? Do I look like- Boo- Boo Kitty, the dumbass fool? Is Stupid Ass tattooed on my forehead somewhere?  Why the hell would I pack that nigga's shit?  I'm taking a razor to the seams of his clothes.  I also put itching powder in his underwear and socks, and hair removal cream in his shampoo and body wash.  I'll teach that cheating ass bitch to play with me!”

“Okay… So, what's the razor going to do?” Rashawn chuckled as he recalled how devious Peaches could be.

“Charles Preston wants to show his black ass, so I'm going to make sure everybody he knows sees it!”

“I’m afraid you're just wasting your time.  He'll see that you've tampered with his stuff the moment he sees them. The seams will be ripped when he puts them on.”

“Not if I do it right.  Just remember less is more.  Besides, you're giving him way too much credit.  His head is so far up Miss Mercedes' skinny ass he won't notice a damn thing! Well at least not until it’s too late!”

“So, you're going to spend the night with me right?” Rashawn’s sexy baritone voice asked as he sat on the bed beside Peaches. 

“What?  Don't even think about it! It’s not going to happen. I’m horny, but I’m not a hoe!”

“Oh… No!  I didn't mean it that way. It just came out wrong.” Rashawn quickly jumped off of the bed.  “I have an extra bedroom with a private bathroom.  I'd just feel better if I knew that you were safe. That’s all I meant… I wasn’t trying to proposition you or anything!”

“Sure you weren’t and the next Pope will be a black man.” Peaches sarcastically teased. 

“Peaches, you know me better than that. I wasn’t making a play on you. You misinterpreted what I meant.”

“I know what you meant.  I was just playing.  Yeah, let me finish this and I'll get my things.”

“Make sure you bring something you can run in.” Rashawn said as he took a seat on the oversized bench at the foot of Peaches’ king size bed.

“Run?  I know you didn't say run?” Peaches rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, I said run! I run every morning at 6am.”

“Good for you!  Now what does that have to do with me? Only running I plan to do is running for the bathroom!” Peaches giggled as she finished up Charles’ things.

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