Georgia On My Mind (7 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Georgia On My Mind
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“I am happy.  Why wouldn't I be happy?  My career is taking off and I'm dating one of the richest bachelors in the country.”

Rashawn laughed. “Oh yeah? I knew you were cheating on me! I just knew it!”

“Stop playing around. You know I’d never cheat on you!” She giggled.

“Who's playing?  Until I sign with a ball club I'm just another unemployed baseball player. So, you may want to rethink your choice of men.”

“Perhaps, but from where I sit you look like the most sought after free agent in the history of baseball.” She flirted. “And you’re definitely the finest!” 

“Well, even if that were true... The fact is that I'm a simple, country boy who enjoys his family and friends and a good old fashioned bacon cheeseburger.” Rashawn declared.

“So, is that where you were last night, Rashawn?  Sharing a big old greasy country cheeseburger with a side of pig’s ass, with your...” Miracle throws up the air quotation sign. “Good old friend.  Is that where you were all night?” She sarcastically snapped.

“Miracle, we've been over this three times.  You either believe that it was all innocent or you don't. My story is not going to change no matter how many times you ask me.”

“Sorry Rashawn, but I find it difficult to believe your story, because very few innocent things transpire been a man and a woman who are not related!  …Especially when it involves my man!”

“Miracle, please don't make this an issue.”

“I won't Rashawn, just don't make it a habit. Okay?  You're not Captain Save A Hoe and I'm really not that fond of bullshit!”

“Look, can we just leave it alone, at least for now?”

“No, Rashawn we can't!”

“I don't want to argue about this.  All I did was help a friend, nothing else.  It really doesn’t matter what you think happened, because that's all that happened.”

“You know... there's three sides to every story- yours, hers and the truth.”

“So, what are you saying?  You, don't believe me?”

“You want to know what I'm saying?  What I'm saying is ... don't bullshit me Rashawn!  If you want to see other people then just be a man and let me know.  Okay?”

“Look, Miracle I'm not that kind of guy.  I'm not into playing games.”

Miracle rolled her eyes and mumbled beneath her breath as she stabbed a piece of lettuce. “Right… Said the professional baseball player.”

“What did you just say?  Look, if there was somebody else I'm man enough to let you know.” 

“So, there's absolutely nothing going on between you and this woman?”

“For the last time, no!  She's just an old friend.”

“Okay. I’m going to drop it. I guess I can trust you, this time.”

“You guess?” Rashawn responded offended.

“Rashawn, it's not easy for me to trust men.  I've been humiliated and made to look like a fool enough that trust is simply a luxury that I can no longer afford.”

“I understand, but don't assume I'm with somebody else when I'm not with you.”

“I can't help it. I feel sorry for her. I can imagine how humiliated she must have been.  I just don't want her to use you as her rebound guy.”

“Look, I thought we were having a good time.  Let's not ruin it. Okay?” Rashawn softly spoke as he attempted to diffuse the situation and comfort Miracle.

Realizing that she wasn’t getting anywhere by pouting, Miracle changed her approach and softens as well. “I thought so too until she showed up.  Is she pretty?”

“What?” Rashawn asked as he choked on a sip of water. Coughing he covered his mouth with a linen napkin and prayed Miracle would move on.

“Are you okay?” She asked concerned.

“Yeah, the water went down the wrong way, but I’m okay.” He said as he recovered.

“So, is she?” Miracle pursued.

“Is who what?” Rashawn deflected, trying to play stupid.

“You heard me.  Is she pretty? You can tell me. So, is she pretty or not.” Miracle insisted.

Rashawn hesitated and then just decided to come clean. Sure he could have flat out lied or even brought Peaches’ weight into play, but he didn’t. Peaches was gorgeous, with or without the weight and he knew it would only make things worse if he lied about it. “Yeah, she's pretty.” He admitted.

“See, I knew it!” Miracle snapped as she shook her head as if she had caught Rashawn red handed with his hands in Peaches’ cookie jar.

“Miracle, I’m begging you. Please just drop it. Please?”

“I would have dropped it Rashawn if you simply said no!  At least you could have lied.”

Rashawn becomes uncharacteristically annoyed and signals the waiter for the check.

“I’m done explaining! Why would I lie about that?  You want me to be honest with you, but then you want me to lie.  Look, the long and the short of it is that she's my friend.  Yes, she's attractive! So what? That doesn’t change the fact that she’s my friend and she needs my help! And like it or not Miracle, I'm going to see her through this.”

The waiter immediately brings the check.  Rashawn glances at the check briefly and gives him a Plum American Express card.

“Oh yeah? Good! I’m happy for you, because you won’t be seeing me.  I'm done too! In fact we’re done! I’m going back to LA tomorrow!” She snapped as she threw her napkin on her plate and stood up to leave.

“Miracle don't do this. Why can’t you just let this go?”

Miracle snatches her purse up and slams her chair against the table. Agitated and pissed to the infinite power, her voice and her temper quickly escalate.

“Do what Rashawn? Huh?”

“Use your insecurities to sabotage this relationship.  We're just getting started.  Don't end it like this, especially since I didn’t do anything.”

“My insecurities?  So, I'm the one with the problem?  This has nothing to do with you standing me up at a romantic restaurant for another woman?  A woman who you admit that you find attractive and spent the night with I may add! Yet, you want me to turn a blind eye to this bullshit! Is that what you want Rashawn? Is that what you want me to let go? Huh?” Before Rashawn could respond Miracle snaps and really gets loud. “Okay Rashawn, since I'm so jealous and insecure and you're such a Good Damn Samaritan... Saving the free world one hoe at a time... I'm going to go!  You know where to find me when you come to your senses and realize that I'm the hottest bitch on this planet and any other! Just remember, my plane to LA leaves tomorrow!”


“Don't Miracle me!  Call me when your little rescue mission is over, or don’t! Frankly, at this point I don’t even care which one you do!” Without another word she stormed out of the restaurant leaving him embarrassed and alone at the table. 

Rashawn nervously waits for the waiter to return with his card as he endures the whispers and stares of the other diners. Finally, the waiter returns.

“Here's your card Mr. Martin.  I'm sorry it took so long. We don’t see too many Plum cards. ”

“No, problem. Thanks.”

The Waiter noticed that Miracle had abruptly left and that all eyes were now on Rashawn. “Is everything okay sir?” He asked embarrassed for Him.

“Not really, but you know what?  I think it will be.” Rashawn said as he added a healthy tip to his bill and signed the merchant copy.

The Waiter cautiously looked around before discreetly placing a pen and a blank piece of paper on the table in front of Rashawn. “Mr. Martin, I know this is totally unprofessional, inappropriate and an invasion of your privacy, but do you think you can autograph this for my son.  We're both big fans.”

“Sure, just do me a favor and keep this between the two of us.  I'm trying not to bring a lot of attention to myself.”

“I understand, sir…  But if I may be as bold as to just give you a little advice.”

Rashawn chuckled as he autographed the paper. “Don't tell me.  I think I know what you're going to say.  The next time I may want to keep a low profile, I should bring a more discreet date.” The Waiter smiles and nods yes.  Rashawn nods in agreement as he hands the autograph to him. “How old is your son?”

“He's nine, sir.”

“Does he play ball?”

“Yeah, he plays Short Stop on his Little League team.”

“That's great. What’s your name?  I'll have some tickets sent over for the two of you.”  

“Thank you so much Mr. Martin. David, I’m David Thompson.  He'll love that.  Will you be playing for us this season, sir?”

“David, right now that's the million dollar question. Maybe… I hope so.” Rashawn chuckled.

The Waiter nods and smiles. “All due respect sir, it's more like the thirty million dollar question.”

Rashawn laughed. “We'll see.”

Chapter 13

Peaches is in consultation with the upholster, selecting fabric for the custom drapes and furnishings for the mansion when her phone rings. Thinking it was Miracle, she looked at the phone's display and discovers that it is Charles.  She tried to ignore the call, but the ringing phone is a distraction.  Against her better judgment she excused herself and took the call in another room.

“What do you want Charles?” She snapped. “I’m not going to tell you again… Stop calling me!”

“Look Peaches, I just called to tell you that I stopped by the house to get some clothes.  I'll be back tonight to get the rest of my things.”

“Charles, I don't give a damn what you do. Just get your shit and get out of my house and my life!”

“Look Peaches, I just don't want to fight with you anymore.”

“Fight! What are you talking about?  That's the first time we've had so much as an argument in ten damn years!”

Yeah! And that's why I refused to press charges against you.  But the restaurant is a whole different story. You need to get a lawyer. I can recommend somebody if you need me to.”

“Don't worry about me.  My friend's attorney has already squared everything away with the restaurant.”

“What friend?  The waiter said you left with some guy. Who was he?”

“Oh him, that was Nunny.”


“Yeah as in none of your damn business!”

“Is that where you were last night? I called you half the night. You didn’t answer so I stopped by to make sure you were okay.”

“Look, Charles, thanks for your concern, but I don't have time to play twenty questions with the jealous ex.  Take your shit and get out of my house by tomorrow. Anything you leave after that will go in the trash where it belongs.”

“Alright, just be careful.  There are a lot of sick bastards out there just looking for an opportunity to turn a big girl like you into a skin suit.” Charles laughed.

“Fuck you Charles! Fuck you front ways, fuck you back ways, fuck you sideways, fuck you in your mouth and fuck you up your ass!  Fuck you and fuck that anorexic bitch that you're riding!” Peaches snorted.

“Speaking of Mercedes.  Do you have my ring?”

“What?  What damn ring?” She giggled as she admired the ring on her finger.

“The engagement ring I brought for my fiancé, Mercedes.”

“Oh, so that's her name?  Mercedes...  She looks more like a damn Moped, skinny ass, broke down bitch!” Peaches laughed.

“Whatever... Peaches, I need that ring it cost a lot of money.”

“Oh, I know exactly how much it cost.  Remember, I'm the one that showed it to you.  I've only had my eye on it forever.  And no... I don't have Moped’s ring.  Check with the restaurant.” Peaches smiled as she blew on the large diamond and polished it with the tail of her shirt.

“It's not there I've already checked.  I need that ring.  If I don't find it I'll have to buy her another one.” 

“Damn, that’s too bad. Well, that’s unfortunate, but it sounds like an FPP.” Peaches snickered as she held out her hand to admire the sparkle in the newly polished ring.

“A what?” Charles asked confused.

Peaches began to laugh so hard she could hardly respond. “A F-P-P! AKA a Fucking Personal Problem!  Look, I got to go. I’m in the middle of an important meeting.  By the way Charles, don't call me no more…  You pathetic, sorry sack of skunk shit!”

“Peaches! Peaches, I need that ring! I know you have it!”

“F - U- C- K You!” Peaches laughed, drawing her words about for emphasis.

Peaches hangs up the phone and rejoins the team of vendors she had assembled to bring her design to life.  As she goes over the design sketches Miracle's limo arrives. Excusing herself again she waited for them in the grand foyer.

Chase entered the mansion immediately and Miracle lingered in the limo on the phone. “I see you finished your sketches.” She remarked as she caught a glimpse of the design plan posted on the large display board.

“Yes.  I got your email.  Sista you made my life a hell of a lot easier.  Thanks so much for the photos.  They were perfect.”

“Oh great. I’m glad I could help. How did it go last night?  So, let me see the bling.” She asked as the natural light hit the diamond ring on Peaches’ finger.

“Girl, this isn’t mine. Well it is but… Look, that's another story for another time.  I'll have to tell you about it later.”

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