Ghost Hunting

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Authors: Grant Wilson Jason Hawes

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Pocket Books
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Copyright © 2007 by Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson, and Michael Jan Friedman Photographs copyright © Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson

GHOST HUNTERS is a registered trademark and service mark of Pilgrim Films and Television, Inc. in the United States and other foreign countries.

THE ATLANTIC PARANORMAL SOCIETY and T.A.P.S. are trademarks and service marks of Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson in the United States and other foreign countries.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hawes, Jason.
Ghost hunting: true stories of unexplained phenomena from The Atlantic Paranormal Society/by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson with Michael Jan Friedman.
         p. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-7151-3
ISBN-10: 1-4165-7151-5
1. Ghosts. 2. Parapsychology. I. Wilson, Grant. II. Friedman, Michael Jan.  III. Atlantic Paranormal Society.  IV. Title.
BF1461.H377   2007
133.1—dc22     2007016062

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To Kristen Hawes, my wife, for helping me make T.A.P.S., which was a dream of mine, a reality. And to Samantha, Haily, Satori, Austin, and Logan, my children, for showing me how enjoyable life’s little moments can truly be.

—Jason Hawes

To my amazing wife Reanna Wilson, for her eternal love and support, and to Connor, Noah, and Jonah, my boys, for giving every action I take purpose.

—Grant Wilson

Author’s Note

Because paranormal activity is not supported by conventional scientists or by specialized equipment manufacturers, it cannot be re-created in a controlled setting. Therefore the field of paranormal investigation is populated by theory, speculation, and opinion. Due to these limitations, what is shared within these pages is what T.A.P.S. as an organization feels is closest to the truth. T.A.P.S. is not claiming these beliefs to be fact; rather, they are presented as educated theories and observations based on years of experience and research.



t The Atlantic Paranormal Society (T.A.P.S. for short), we typically start our investigations with a question: Does this case merit our attention? The answer is usually dependent on a second question: Does the person who believes he or she has paranormal activity truly need our help? That’s our primary goal—to help.

If people think they’ve seen a ghost, heard an unexplained noise, or found things moved out of place and they’re concerned about it, we’ll pack up our vehicles, bring in our equipment to document the activity, and, if necessary, even bless the place. We do believe there are supernatural entities, both benign and destructive, but before we accept that a house or building is haunted we check out every possible angle.

I’m inclined to be especially sensitive to those clients who see paranormal phenomena and believe they’re losing their minds, as I’ll explain in a moment. But the decision to go on a job is not mine alone. It involves my partner, Grant Wilson, as well. Grant and I developed T.A.P.S. together, so we rely on each other’s perspectives. He’s like a brother to me and has been almost from the day we met.

At the time, I was twenty-two, a couple of years removed from my first paranormal experience. At the age of twenty, I had gotten involved with a lady who practiced Reiki, a Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and healing that depends on the manipulation of a person’s life-force energy.

At first, I was skeptical about the idea of life-force energy. Then, after six months or so of exposure to the technique, I started seeing things. Usually it started with a mist, out of which emanated a dim light, and then out of the light came other things—including see-through animals and full-body human apparitions.

I would point them out to whoever was with me, but no one else seemed to see them. They looked at me like I was crazy, and frankly, that was how I looked at myself. I felt like I was honestly and truly losing my mind.

It was scary as all get-out. I didn’t know where to turn. Then a friend introduced me to a guy named John Zaffis, who was known as a paranormal researcher in Connecticut. Zaffis ran some tests and determined that I was becoming sensitive to paranormal phenomena.

That was a whole lot better than going crazy, but it was far from comforting. I was still seeing things I didn’t want to see. And Zaffis, who lived three hours away, couldn’t work with me as often as I would have liked. At his suggestion, I started the Rhode Island Paranormal Society, which came to be known as RIPS.

It wasn’t a ghost-hunting organization like T.A.P.S., at least not at first. It was more of a support group. I was trying to connect with people who had gone through experiences similar to mine, hoping they could help me deal with my sensitivity and shut it off. I ended up meeting people all right, many more than I would have imagined.

But none of them knew how to help me.

Then, one day in the aquarium at Mystic, Connecticut, a woman in her fifties came up to me out of nowhere and asked in a tender, almost intimate way, “How are you doing?”

It was a strange question to ask someone she had never met. Before I could answer her, she continued. “Hon,” she said, “you’re seeing things, I know. But you can make it stop. Try green olives. I’ll see you again soon.” Then she walked away. I was too dumbfounded to stop her and ask her how she knew about my problem.

Stranger still, the green olive approach worked. I ate those suckers all day long, a bottle a day, and the visions I’d been having went away. I wasn’t cured for life, because whenever I stopped eating olives the visions came back. But at least I had found a way to alleviate the symptoms.

In the meantime, my RIPS group had taken on a life of its own, blustering its way into graveyards and abandoned buildings with a couple of cameras, a tape recorder, and a whole lot of optimism. We caught a few EVPs now and then, but I can’t say they were anything of merit.

EVPs, by the way, are electronic voice phenomena. When a ghost hunter enters a room, he always asks any paranormal entity for a sign of its presence. Even if an entity is there, listening, and inclined to answer, its response isn’t always audible to the human ear. Sometimes it can only be picked up on a sound recording device and discovered later on, when you’re going over your tapes or digital impressions.

EVPs have been part of the paranormal investigator’s repertoire since their inadvertent discovery in the 1950s by a man recording birdsongs. To his surprise, he got human voices instead.

The other thing RIPS seemed to capture a lot was orb activity. An orb is a round, translucent, mobile packet of energy thought to signal supernatural activity in some way. However, people often mistake naturally occurring phenomena like dust, bugs, light reflections, and condensation for orbs. It wasn’t at all uncommon for someone in RIPS to “prove” a haunting because he had caught some “orbs” with his camera, when in fact they’d been floating particles of dust and there hadn’t been a ghost within fifty miles of the place.

RIPS also visited some homes, responding to residents who wanted to know if they were living with supernatural entities. I remember one Connecticut case in particular—not because of any significant paranormal activity but because while I was there I ran into the woman I had met in the Mystic aquarium. Like us, she was checking out the house for signs of haunting.

It was a strange moment. But then, she had said we would meet again. I made sure to thank her for the olive idea.

About that same time, I got a call from a guy who had seen our rinky-dink RIPS website and said he could improve on it, make it nicer-looking and more functional. In fact, he was willing to redesign it for free. He just wanted to add it to his portfolio so he could get other work in the future.

It was a hard deal to beat. I met with him at a local place called Bess Eaton Doughnuts. I remember him bringing his good friend Chris. I also remember wondering if it was really the website he wanted to talk about, because the conversation kept drifting off in the direction of personal experiences with the paranormal.

It was outside the doughnut place, as we were talking alongside my Subaru, that the guy finally came clean. He had had an experience of his own—a recurring one, from the time he was fifteen until he turned seventeen and went to college. An intense experience in the heavily wooded part of Rhode Island where he had been raised. And every once in a while, the experience still popped up.

The guy was Grant Wilson.

His friend Chris verified everything he said, mentioning tests he and Grant’s other friends had put him through to determine if his experience had been real. I’d be more specific, but Grant doesn’t like to say much about what happened. It’s kind of a touchy subject with him.

Anyway, our conversation left the parking lot and continued in my living room. We sat there for hours discussing our philosophies about the paranormal, and we found a lot of common ground. This went on for days, then weeks. Finally I said, “Screw the rest of what’s out there,” referring to other ghost hunters and their methods. “Let’s do it our way.”

You see, most groups then—like now—were running around saying everything is haunted. They didn’t worry about collecting evidence. They just walked into people’s houses, got in touch with their feelings, and decided there were ghostly presences afoot. In fact, they never found a place that

Grant and I insisted on a more rational approach. Before we would ever say a place was home to a supernatural entity, we needed to have proof. It was a significant departure. And it was on that basis that we founded T.A.P.S.—both of us, because the idea was as much Grant’s as mine.

Grant said it best: “If you set out to prove a haunting, anything will seem like evidence. If you set out to disprove it, you’ll end up with only those things you can’t explain away.”

Right from the beginning, we found people with similar philosophies. Our T.A.P.S. website (designed by Grant, of course) got two hundred hits a day, at a time when that was a pretty impressive number. And the total kept climbing. Two years later, we were up to two
hits a day.

Other groups looked for publicity, seeking out the media on Halloween and so on. We never did that. But we still wound up building a substantial network of like-minded ghost hunters, people who were inclined to approach the supernatural with a certain amount of discrimination.

And soon we weren’t just getting calls from people in the New England area. People were reaching out to us from California and Michigan and Louisiana. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the money to travel out there and help them, and we also didn’t have reliable contacts in other parts of the country to whom we could refer them..

Grant and I decided that in order to extend our contact network, we first had to separate the people who saw things our way from those who didn’t, and the best way to do that was by being controversial. So we put up an article on our website that essentially said orbs were trash.

Now, orbs were really popular in those days. Hearing they were insignificant was, for some people, a slap in the face. They railed back at us, telling us we were crazy, and the battle was on. The paranormal field was polarized almost overnight.

But we found the people we were looking for.

The first one was Al Tyas at D.C. Metro Area Ghost Watchers (affectionately known as D.C. MAG). Al saw things the way we did and became a big part of the T.A.P.S. extended family. We got support from other places as well, across the country and even overseas. People from Europe, Asia, and Australia were contacting us to thank us for taking a stand.

As our network continued to expand and our organization grew, Grant and I cut a deal. He would take care of the creative and technical facets of our organization, areas where he’s the undisputed king. I would handle the management and business aspects. Among my responsibilities was making sure we brought the right people into our group on Rhode Island.

One was Brian Harnois. When he first showed up, he was like a big kid, full of that gee-whiz kind of passion, and he had already formed his own ghost-hunting group of three to four people. He believed in orbs, vampires, you name it, but he was also a clean-living guy who didn’t mind rolling up his sleeves and doing the dirty work.

The more he got to know T.A.P.S., the more he liked what we were doing. Before long, he convinced his group to join us. As it turned out, Brian was the only one of them who ended up sticking with us.

Anyone who has seen
Ghost Hunters
is familiar with Brian’s shortcomings. For one thing, he likes to spin yarns (also known as lies), and it drives us crazy. All he really wants to do is make people like him, but it backfires.

He used to be our case manager, a job we gave him because of his enthusiasm. As such, he was the one who fielded calls from people in distress. He brought to each case the organization you’d expect from a former member of the military police, but he also got on our nerves—mine in particular.

Brian is easily excitable, thinks everyone needs immediate help, and never considers the distance we’re going to have to travel before he commits us to an investigation. Also, he’s perpetually wide-eyed about ghosts. Just the sight of what looks like an orb on a videotape can make him declare a place is haunted.

On the other hand, Brian’s enthusiasm has a plus side: it drives his work ethic, and I can count on him to see to the equipment. Well…usually. There was the time he forgot the chairs for an all-nighter at a lighthouse, and at another site he somehow lost an expensive piece of technology.

But at heart, he’s okay. I know he’s dedicated to our mission. And we’re a family, so we forgive each other’s mistakes. Sometimes it’s my job to remind everyone of that.

Carl Johnson joined T.A.P.S. around the same time as Brian. Carl is a suave, well-mannered, articulate retail salesman who also happens to be a demonologist. By the time he came to us, he had already racked up years of experience investigating the paranormal. He had a habit of bringing a briefcase with him everywhere he went, which wouldn’t have been so weird if it hadn’t been empty half the time.

We were pleased to have Carl on hand, and even more pleased when his twin brother, Keith, came aboard. Keith is a born-again Christian and much more religious than his brother. He’s also a walking encyclopedia. We’ll be driving to an investigation with him and pass a college campus, and suddenly he’ll sing me the school song, or relate some obscure fact about the second cousin of the school’s founder.

“How did you know that?” I’ll ask. And he’ll tell me it was a
question back in March of 1983. On the other hand, he’s also prone to giving long explanations of things when short ones will do, and his voice is so soothing it can put you to sleep.

Then there’s Steve Gonsalves, a police officer from western Massachusetts. The first time we spoke to him on the phone, he asked to join T.A.P.S. We liked what he had to say and how he said it. The problem was he lived two hours away. We advised him to start his own group instead.

For a while, we lost track of the guy. Then we heard about this New England paranormal group that was doing great work in Springfield, Massachusetts—maybe even better work than we were. When we contacted them, thinking we could learn from each other, we found out their leader was Steve Gonsalves!

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