GhostlyPersuasion (12 page)

Read GhostlyPersuasion Online

Authors: Dena Garson

BOOK: GhostlyPersuasion
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It really was too bad he was a spirit.

“Why are you looking at me that way?” Seamus asked.

“What way?”

“I’m not sure. It’s an odd expression on your face.”

Katie glanced at the people walking around them. “We better
move along.” She was glad to have an excuse to not delve into what she had been

The next room they came to appeared to be what she was
looking for. However, instead of an open door there was a window covered by
slated blinds. The blinds were still open but Katie suspected they could be
closed easily. In the center of the room a blindfolded man was seated in an
armless chair with his arms drawn behind his back. The woman in the room with
him was wearing a short black chemise but no shoes.

She was standing behind the man, running her hands over his
shoulders and down his arms. Every so often she would lean close and whisper in
his ear. Then she moved around to the front of the man and sat across his lap.

The woman’s lips were moving as she unbuttoned his blue
dress shirt. When the man didn’t embrace the woman or even run his hands up her
bare legs, Katie realized his hands must be bound behind him.

What a delicious thought. Not only could the woman touch him
wherever and however she wanted but she didn’t have to worry about how she
looked to her partner. If she had pimple on her butt he wouldn’t see it. She
could concentrate on him and his pleasure.

How liberating!

As she watched the couple Katie realized their interaction
was more of a turn-on than what she had seen in any of the previous rooms. Her
skin was rather sensitive and every time Seamus floated close, the tingles
where they touched were more intense and quickly spread to other parts of her

The desire to throw Seamus on the floor and lick him all
over threatened to override her good sense. Again. She really needed to control

“Something about this one attracts you,” Seamus said.

“Why do you say that?” Katie tried to sound casual but
wasn’t sure she achieved it.

“You’re pink again. And you haven’t moved since you looked
into the room.”

She glanced at Seamus with a sheepish grin. “Yeah, so?”

“Not so much an accusation as it is an observation. But I
would like to know what it is that you like so well in this room.”

Katie tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I think
it’s the couple’s interaction with each other more than anything. It’s a
gentler scene. Not so much about pleasure or pain, but rather about caring for
the partner and the partner’s wants or needs.” She shrugged. “That probably
sounds cheesy but that’s how it looks to me.”

Seamus examined the couple in the room then nodded. “I
agree. That does seem to be the way they are interacting.” He studied Katie for
a moment. “And I could see the appeal of it for you.”

“You don’t think it’s appealing?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Oh, so is it because the man is the one tied up?” Katie

“No, I didn’t say that either.”

“So you
like the idea of the guy getting tied up,”
she pressed.

“I suppose that’s fine.”

“What if it were
who was tied up?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Seamus looked away, obviously uncomfortable
with the conversation.

“Maybe? You wouldn’t want to have someone trying their
damnedest to please you and you didn’t have to do anything except sit there and
take it?”

“If you’re offering to be the one to do it, God yes!”

Katie’s jaw fell open. She was stunned by the ferocity of
the desire in his eye. The images that rolled through her head of what she
could do to Seamus if she had him all to herself, in the flesh, turned her
insides to liquid heat.

She wanted this man more than any other. Something told her
they would be very good together. Why did he have to be spirit-bound instead of

Sometimes things happen for a reason.

Oh Lord. Now she was hearing her mother’s voice in her head.
While she was in a sex palace too! This really couldn’t get any weirder.

“Are you okay, Katie?” Seamus’ brows were drawn into a
frown. Concern was written across his face.

“Yes. I’m fine.” She shook off her thoughts of both Seamus
and her mother. “Really,” she added when Seamus didn’t look as if he believed
her. “But I think I’ve about had enough of the Dungeon for one night.”

“As you wish. But there is one more thing I’m interested in
getting your reaction to.”

“My reaction to what?” she asked hesitantly.

“Come. I’ll show you.”

Seamus led the way to the end of the hallway then turned a
corner into a different area. Katie couldn’t put her finger on what made this
area different. The paint scheme might have been lighter or perhaps the
furnishings a bit more ornate. But unlike the previous hallways, all the doors were
open here.

Katie glanced into each of the doorways they passed. There
were certainly more people in this area. More people circulating from doorway
to doorway and more milling about inside the rooms.

Finally she came to a door where the couple inside was
engrossed in each other. Despite their physical differences, they were an
attractive couple together. She was a petite Asian woman with short dark hair.
He was a tall, lanky man with fair skin and bright-red hair.

Once the man had divested the woman of her dress, she pushed
him back until his knees met the edge of the bed then she leaped into his arms,
making them both tumble onto the mattress. Their laughter touched a place
inside Katie.

That was what sex was supposed to be. Two people, enjoying
each other, forming a bond. And it should always be fun. Even at its most
climatic or highest intensity, both partners should want the connection and
should feel good in the end.

Katie looked over at Seamus. He was watching the couple also
but must have sensed her regard. When he looked in Katie’s direction, a smiled
hovered about his lips.

Her heart fluttered. It was nice being able to share an
experience like this. They might not have known each other long but she was
unusually comfortable with Seamus. She returned his smile then went back to
watching the couple in the room.

As the couple got more into their play, Katie realized she
was waiting for something big to happen. All the other rooms had an element
that made the interaction unusual. The swing, a little bondage, some
that added to the sex. She wondered what it would be here.

Her question was soon answered. Just as she began to relax
and enjoy the scene, another couple entered the room. They stopped just inside
the doorway.

“May we join you?” the new man asked the couple who were
already in the room.

Katie’s face probably registered her surprise. Although why
she was surprised by anything she was seeing in the Dungeon she didn’t know.

The Asian woman looked over her shoulder at the new pair
then back at her partner. They exchanged a look or some silent communication
then she smiled and answered, “Certainly.”

The new couple entered the room and sat on the bed.

Katie was so stunned she didn’t pay attention to what they
were saying to each other. Her gaze shot to Seamus. He was watching her

From the corner of her mouth she whispered, “Are they really
going to…” She made a slight gesture with her hand to show she was talking
about all four of the people in the room.

“It would appear they are.”

Katie snapped her mouth shut and turned her attention to the
group. Her cheeks burned and she was decidedly uncomfortable. She had trouble
imagining herself with others while being intimate with her lover or partner.

Both couples adapted quickly to their introduction. Katie
was more surprised to see the original couple’s obvious affection for each
other didn’t diminish just because there were two more bodies.

Instead of just pairing up with a new partner, the couples
merged. Everyone was touching everyone and arms and legs were tangled and
intertwined in what Katie thought resembled an adult game of Twister.

“What are you thinking, Little Katie?” Seamus asked.

“Honestly? I think my brain has seized,” Katie whispered.

Seamus chuckled. “Come on. I think you’ve had enough for one

She nodded mutely and let him lead her away.

Chapter Thirteen


Instead of going back the way they came in, Seamus led Katie
around a different path. After a couple more turns she recognized the hallway
as the first one they viewed.

Katie slowed her pace so she could take another look at the
room with the swing. This time it was vacant. “That swing is really…um,
interesting.” She chewed on her fingernail as she imagined its different uses.
But where could I buy one?

If she ever got seriously involved with someone who was into
that kind of thing, that is.

“Are you using the room?”

Katie found a young couple behind her. The girl looked

“Oh, no, I’m not.” She stepped out of the doorway. “Go right

“The swing is really cool, isn’t it?” the girl asked
enthusiastically. “I just love it. I told David we need to get one for our
place.” She squeezed her partner’s arm and grinned at him.

He, presumably David, turned pink and shuffled his feet.

“Well, you two enjoy yourselves,” Katie said.

“Thanks. You too!” the girl said.

Katie smiled at Seamus as they left the young couple to
their play.

“Guess you’re not the only one who has an appreciation for
the swing,” he said.

“Guess not,” Katie mumbled. If she wasn’t careful her cheeks
were going to be permanently stained pink.

As they continued down the hallway, Katie’s eyes were drawn
to the first room. She stopped as they neared the doorway. It was only
partially open now, so she felt a little strange peeking in, but she just
couldn’t help it.

“What’s the matter?” Seamus asked.

“I… I thought I saw something,” she said as she peeked
through the narrow gap.

“You probably did see something. But I thought you didn’t
care for the rooms that involved spanking.”

“Yeah, I don’t.”

“So what are you doing?”

“Oh my God.” Katie couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“What?” Seamus crowded in next to Katie, making all her
nerve endings leap to life where they merged into each other.

“That’s… That’s Shanna!”


“Shanna.” Katie turned to Seamus. “The lady with the ghost
boyfriend. Remember, we saw them earlier in the lounge?”

Seamus stuck his ghostly head through the door. Katie wasn’t
sure if she should be jealous or glad she couldn’t see as much as he.

“It is her,” Seamus said. “And I think she likes that

“God. Don’t tell me.” Katie backed away from the door.

“You don’t want to know what they’re doing?”

“I have an idea,” she mumbled. “And I don’t really want to
keep it in my head. Especially if it’s someone I kind of know.”

Seamus stuck his head through the door again. “Hey…”

Katie groaned. “Now what?”

He pulled out of the door and looked at Katie. “Take a
look,” he said with a jerk of his head.

“I’d rather not, thank you.”

“Really. You do.” Seamus’ serious tone caught her attention.

“Why?” she asked, drawing out the sound.

“I want to make sure I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing.”

“Aaaww. What?” She moved closer to the door again, took a
deep breath and looked. The image of Shanna locked on to the bench with her
bare ass in the air was more than Katie needed to see. Seeing Shanna’s
boyfriend taking the paddle to her was
more than Katie wanted to

Katie looked harder at Shanna’s boyfriend. Not that it was
hard to do. He was rather nice to look at. He was hard in all the right places.
. Apparently he was enjoying their activities in the
room. Katie felt her face flame at seeing him in
his glory.

“I didn’t mean for you to ogle him.” Seamus sounded a little
annoyed. “I just wanted you to see what he looked like
. And what he
was able to do.”

It sounded as if he were jealous she was looking at another
man. That was good, wasn’t it?

“Look at what he’s
” Seamus hinted.

Katie switched her focus to Shanna’s boyfriend’s hand. He
was holding a paddle.

“Wait a minute. How is he able to…” Not only was he holding
the paddle, he was using it on Shanna. How was that possible? Ghosts passed
right through material items.

She turned to Seamus. His face was set in a stony mask. If
he was half as shocked as she was that Shanna’s boyfriend no longer appeared to
be a ghost, his world had to be off-kilter.

“We need to go,” Seamus told Katie.



Without another word, Katie followed Seamus out of the
Dungeon and back to her room.

When they were safely inside, away from anyone who might be
listening, Katie finally asked, “How is it possible that Shanna’s boyfriend used
to be a ghost but now he’s not? It’s not as if he can be suddenly undead.” She
hesitated then asked quietly, “Is it?”

Seamus was pacing near the windows, obviously agitated by
what they’d seen. “No, it’s not possible to suddenly be undead. But how is he
suddenly not a ghost?” He sat on the bed next to Katie. “He died in the hotel.
I remember the accident. And I remember how upset the Chichesters were.” He
looked at Katie. “But what did he do to regain his mortal body?”

“How about if I ask Riona? Maybe she’ll have an
explanation,” Katie offered.

He nodded. “That’s a good idea. I think I’ll talk to a
couple of the ghosts I do know. See if they know anything.” He shrugged. “Who
knows? Maybe he found a way to regain his body for a short time.”

“Maybe.” Katie’s mind whirled with things she’d like to do
if Seamus could regain his body. Even if it were only for a little while. “But
I really don’t want you to run off tonight.”

“Why not? I’d like to find out if there is a way.”

Katie reached for Seamus’ arm but, as expected, her hand
passed through. “After everything I saw in the Dungeon tonight, I really don’t
want you to leave me alone, Seamus. Please stay. At least until I fall asleep.”

The heat and desire flickered to life in his eyes. It
mirrored what was probably reflected in hers.

“I’m sorry. I’m so used to watching that I don’t get as
excited by it as I used to. I forgot it was all new for you.” He leaned closer
and slid his gaze down her neck to her breasts then up to her face again. “Did
what you see excite you, Little Katie? Did it make you burn to be touched?”

Her lips parted and her eyes dilated. She nodded. “Yes. I
want you to touch me, Seamus.”

He got up and moved to stand in front of her at the end of
the bed. He put his hands on her knees. The coolness of his spiritual body
contrasted with the heat radiating from Katie’s core. “Take your shirt off for
me, love.”

Katie toed her shoes off then reached for the hem of her
sweater. She pulled it up over her head and let it drop on the bed beside her.

Seamus’ eyes devoured her.

“That too.” Seamus pointed to her bra.

Katie reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She held
his gaze as she pulled her arms out of the straps then dropped the garment on
the bed with her sweater. Part of her wished she’d invested in sexier undies,
but really, she doubted Seamus would notice them for long. He seemed far more
interested in her being naked.

She watched as he reached forward and ran a hand over her
breast. The nipple perked in response to the cold and the tingles from their
merging. He cupped his hand around her whole breast, or tried to anyway. Then
he brought his other hand up to cup her other breast.

Katie’s mouth fell open and her breath sped up.

He flicked both thumbs over her nipples, making her tremble
in response. Then he ran his hands down the sides of her chest, down her belly
to the waistband of her jeans.

“Will you take those off as well?” Seamus pointed to the
closure of her jeans.

Katie noticed his accent was thicker. It did that whenever
he became aroused.

She reached for the button and popped it loose then slowly
eased the zipper down. Since he was standing in front of her she couldn’t get
up to slide her jeans off, so she lay back on the bed. His eyes darkened and a
muscle jumped in his cheek. She eased her jeans over her hips, pulled her knees
up so she could slide the jeans the rest of the way off then dropped the jeans
onto the floor beside the bed.

“God, what I wouldn’t give to be able to run my hands all
over your body,” Seamus groaned.

“I can do it for you,” she said quietly.

She wasn’t sure where this bout of daring was coming from
but decided not to question it.

“Do it,” he commanded from his place at the foot of the bed.

Katie watched his face as she bent her arm and brought one
hand up to her shoulder. He was riveted on what she was doing. She trailed her
fingertips along her collarbone, down her breastbone to her bellybutton. Then
reversed direction and moved back up to her breast. She stopped just as she
reached the bottom curve and waited.

His eyes flicked from her hand to her face then back again.

Finally he raised his eyes to meet hers. “Go on.”

She smiled. “Just making sure I have your attention.”

“Believe me. You have my complete attention,” he assured

A giggle slipped out before Katie could stop it. “Very

She moved to cup her breast then lightly stroked around and
over the nipple. Drawing her other hand in, she slid it over her hip and over
the top edge of her panties. Seamus’ eyes were drawn to the motion.

After seeing so many erotic images in the Dungeon, Katie was
primed and bolder than usual. She slipped her fingers into her panties and
teased the top of the narrow band of hair that covered her mound.

“Don’t torment me, love. Let me see you touch yourself.” He
pointed to her pink-and-white panties. “Take those off as well.”

Katie lifted her butt off the bed and pushed the narrow
piece of cotton over her hips and down to her knees. She pulled her knees up
and wiggled her legs until she had maneuvered her panties down to her ankles
then dropped them off the end of the bed at Seamus’ feet.

His eyes tracked the fabric’s fall to the floor then quickly
returned to Katie’s body.

A flash of embarrassment swept through Katie but she stamped
it down. After all, she had just witnessed a dungeon full of people doing all
sorts of kinky things. There was no reason she shouldn’t please both herself
and Seamus.

“You are so beautiful, Katie,” he whispered.

His admiration was enough to shatter the last of her
inhibitions. She ran her hands up her ribs to her breasts. She pushed them
together and pinched the tips lightly. Then she moved one hand down her belly
to her pussy.

Using one finger, she parted her folds and dipped it into
her pussy to wet the end. She drew the moisture up to her clit and circled the
nub, around and around. The combination of Seamus watching her closely and the
physical stimulation ratcheted her need higher, making her squirm.

“I really wish you were the one doing this,” Katie said

“So do I.” His voice sounded hoarse.

“Of course, it’d only be fair if I were taking care of you
too.” She drew more of her juices up to her clit and increased her tempo.
“Since I can’t do it for you, will you make yourself come, Seamus?”

Surprise flashed across his face but he quickly masked it.
Without further prompting, he unfastened his pants and let them slide down his
thighs. Katie angled her body so she could see him better.

His beefy hand closed around his cock, preventing her from
being able to see him in his full glory, but what she could see was just about
right. It was a shame she couldn’t see more of his delectable chest and body.
It was an even bigger shame that she couldn’t lick it all over.

“You better not take too long.” Seamus drew her out of her
reverie. “Seeing you spread out on that bed pushed me close to my limit before
I ever started.”

Katie let her eyes roam all over Seamus as she continued to
work her clit. She used her free hand to play with her breasts. Pinching,
pulling and stroking them. Adding more sensations to what she was already

Waves of pleasure built inside her. Her heels dug into the
mattress and she fought to keep her eyes open so she could watch Seamus.

“Almost…” she panted.

She bit her lip as she struggled to take that last step over
the cliff.

Without warning, Seamus leaned forward and touched her
pussy. The shock of the cold and the tingles from where their forms merged was
enough to send her over the edge. She cried out and her legs shook from her

Somewhere in the back of Katie’s mind it registered that she
had heard Seamus groan with his own release. The sound of their mutual heavy
breathing was the next thing Katie was aware of. Rational thought, however, was
beyond her for a bit.

Seamus lay down on the bed next to her. Surprisingly he’d
managed to fasten his pants. That was more than she was capable of at the

As she tried to catch her breath she asked, “So you really
are able to, um…” She turned her head to look at Seamus.

He smirked. “I should think that would have been obvious.”

She rolled onto her side to face him. “The most obvious sign
is a sticky mess. But there isn’t one so I was curious how that works for a

“I’m not sure, really.” He linked his fingers behind his
head and looked up at the ceiling. “When I come, I feel the same things I did
before the curse. But when it squirts, it just disappears.”

“Wow. That’s kind of…” She searched her brain for an
appropriate word. “Weird?”

Seamus chuckled. “Less messy though.”

She grinned in return. “That’s true.”


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