GhostlyPersuasion (5 page)

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Authors: Dena Garson

BOOK: GhostlyPersuasion
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Remembering the embarrassing scene with the woman in the
hallway, Katie moved closer to the chair Seamus occupied and lowered her voice.
“Can you see the couple directly across from us?”

“I only see a dark-haired woman in a purple dress with
something shimmering around her. I’m guessing that watery figure is a ghost?”

“Yes, I believe so.”

“Is he doing something to her right breast?”

Katie took another quick glance. “Yes, he is.”

“She seems to like whatever he’s doing,” Seamus observed.

“Um, yeah, I think so,” Katie said as her cheeks turned
warm. “My question is, how is he able to do that where she can feel it?”

Seamus took more interest. “I’m not sure,” he said slowly.
“Describe him to me.”

“Well… He has brown hair. It’s kind of long and wavy. No
shirt, just black pants. Based on how much he’s bent over and how large his
hand looks on her, I’d guess he’s quite tall.”

“Thin or fat?”

“Definitely not fat. Just a lot of muscle.”

Something about her answer made Seamus grumble. He got up
and walked over to the couple. Katie could tell he was looking closer at what
the man was doing but held far enough back so as not to interrupt. Thankfully
Seamus’ presence didn’t disturb either the man or the woman.

“Interesting,” Seamus said when he returned to where Katie
was standing.

“What is?”

“He is definitely touching her and she definitely feels

“But how is that possible?” She glanced back at the couple.
“I’ve run into hundreds of ghosts and I don’t feel much more than cold air. My
contact with you is the exception,” she amended. “Most people don’t even know
ghosts are there.”

“I don’t know,” Seamus said with a thoughtful look on his
face. “But I will be finding out.”

When their eyes met a flare of heat erupted low in her
belly. She swallowed hard and tried to ignore the images that popped into her
head of the two of them together.

“So!” she said a little brighter and louder than intended.
“What say we find those brochures?”

Chapter Six


The tour of the castle had been enlightening. Seamus made
even the mundane details interesting. And, in truth, Katie enjoyed his company.
Before even getting on the airplane she had worried how she’d spend three weeks
in a foreign country all alone.

At least she wasn’t completely alone.

Seamus seemed to enjoy having someone to talk with also.
Katie couldn’t imagine spending hundreds of years with nothing to do and few
people to interact with.

Now that she’d had a nap she was anxious to see the gardens
that lay outside her suite windows. She pulled a sweater from the armoire and
headed to the lobby. Katie was sure she had passed some French doors in one of
the hallways off the lobby that looked as if they led to the gardens.

On the stone patio just outside the French doors, Katie was
able to take in just how extensive the gardens were. As she passed through the
archway marking the entrance to the gardens, Seamus materialized next to her.
Thankfully his sudden appearance no longer startled her.

“Good evening. Were you able to rest?” Seamus asked.

“Indeed. What about you?”

“In my own way, yes.”

Katie stopped walking and looked at Seamus. “I wondered
about that. Do you sleep?”

He frowned. “I don’t sleep the way I did before the curse.
But I do rest, if you will. A couple hundred years ago I learned how to
conserve my energy so I wouldn’t just fade out without warning.”

“What do you mean without warning?”

“When the curse first took hold of me, I would black out for
periods of time.” He shrugged. “Sort of like falling asleep suddenly.”

“Seriously?” Katie became angry again for what Etain did to

“After a while I figured out it was similar to falling
asleep after working in the fields or over an intricate carving for too long.
Your body just stops when it’s had enough.”

Katie resumed her stroll in the direction of the gardens. “I
suppose it takes energy to exist no matter what form the body is in. If you
can’t eat to create energy, then I suppose you’d have to recharge your batteries

“That’s the conclusion I came to as well.”

They shared a smile.

“I also noticed,” Seamus continued, “that whenever I made
myself visible to someone, I required more, what did you call it? Recharging?”

“So you can choose to make yourself visible to people?”

“Somewhat. I’ve been told it’s not a solid form. I’m
guessing it’s the kind of thing that creates many of the current ghost


They came to a wall of shrubbery.

Katie looked to her left and then to her right but didn’t see
an opening through the thick hedges. She tilted her head in Seamus’ direction.
“So how do I get in?”

“To the maze?”

“They have a garden maze? I didn’t notice that from my
window. I just thought it was a well-manicured garden.”

“There are a lot of things at Tullamore that are not as they

Katie studied Seamus’ expression but couldn’t detect
anything out of the ordinary. But she was sure he was hiding something from
her. “Like what?”

“If we come across it I’ll tell you. How about that?”

“Harrumph.” She waved to the shrubbery wall. “So tell me
about these gardens.”

“They are the finest example of Irish horticulture you’ll
find in this county.”

“Really? So how do I get in?” Katie tried to keep the
exasperation out of her voice.

Seamus looked up at the sky, specifically in the direction
the sun was setting. “Are you sure you wish to see this so late this evening?
The sun will be set in less than an hour.”

“That’s okay. I wasn’t planning to stay long. Just wanted to
stretch my legs a bit.”

“If I show you the way to the entrance, will you promise to
stay close to the front entrance and leave if I tell you to?”

“What? Why?”

“Because it’s going to be dark very soon.”


“I would feel better if you were not out here after the sun

“Is there something out there I should worry about?”

“Let’s just say there will probably be some things in the
garden you won’t want to see.”

“Like what? Pagan rituals? Werewolves hunting prey?”

“The weres tend to stick to the woods at night, so no.”

“Okaaaaay,” she said hesitantly. “Unless there’s something
out here that is an immediate threat to my life, how about if you let me be the
judge of whether or not I want to see it? And if I do see something I don’t
want to see, I’ll chalk it up to, ‘you were right’, and I’ll turn around and

“As you say.”

“Now. Which way should I go to get into the garden?”

“There is an entrance about fifty meters that way.”

Katie walked in the direction Seamus indicated. “Well, what
do you know?” she mumbled when she found the gate.

If someone were standing directly across from the entrance
they would see it. But because the wood gate was set into the middle of the
shrubbery thickness, it was not noticeable.

Inside the garden there were pathways made with rock
stepping-stones. Patches of grass grew between the blocks, making it appear as
a level walkway. Shrubbery lined the outside perimeter and was also scattered
around the extensive gardens.

Nothing was blooming but even without a multitude of spring
colors the gardens were beautiful. Whoever designed the area had been quite
imaginative. They created cozy nooks where visitors could relax in the sun, nap
in the shade or simply escape from the world.

Sculptures were scattered throughout in various shapes and
sizes. The tiny ones added a touch of whimsy. The life-sized reminded Katie of
the ancient Greek statues she’d seen in museums.

One statue Katie hoped was not lifelike. Any man with the
equipment she saw on that one would either make some woman very happy or rather

After wandering through the garden with Seamus, Katie found
a secluded spot that appealed to her. She curled up on one of the cushioned
lounge chairs she found tucked into a corner. As she settled herself she
noticed the chair was unusually large. Two people could fit side by side on the
lounge but without much elbow room.

Seamus perched at the end and watched the last few rays of
the sun dip below the horizon.

“Do you watch many sunsets, Seamus?”

“No.” He hesitated then added, “There was a time when I

“What changed?”

The look he shot her said she was being a simpleton. “Your
curse?” She frowned. “Why would being cursed take away your enjoyment of
something like the beauty of nature?”

He looked in the direction of the setting sun but Katie
could still see the expression on his face. The pain there made her heart ache.
“I’ve seen hundreds—probably thousands—of sunsets. Somewhere along the way I
realized I’d probably see a thousand more. None of them bringing any peace or
relief from this dreary existence. None of them any different than the last.
Finally I quit watching them.”

She ached to comfort him but didn’t know how. There were no
words she could say to make it right so she sat with him and let the quiet of
the garden envelop them.

As Katie and Seamus sat in silence, enjoying the peace of
the evening, Katie noticed noises coming from the other side of the surrounding
trellis. She thought she heard two voices, male and female. What caught her
attention was the male voice ordering the person with him to strip.

Startled and unsure she had heard correctly, she looked at
Seamus. Instead of being shocked or embarrassed, Seamus was watching her,
seemingly waiting to see what she would do.

Katie pointed in the direction of the voice and mouthed,
“Did he really say that?”

Seamus stood and glided to the part of the trellis that
separated them from the voice on the other side.

“Come and see for yourself.”

Katie’s jaw hinged open. There was no way she was going to
peek through the shrubbery. Especially if the couple on the other side had
taken their clothes off. She shook her head.

“Lovely,” the unknown male voice said. “I love looking at
your breasts. If I had my way, you would never cover them.”

Seamus shamelessly peered through the greenery.

“Yes, my Lord,” the female said demurely.

“Do you know what I love better than looking at your
breasts?” the male voice asked.

“No, my Lord.”

“I love looking at your pussy.”

Seamus looked at Katie.

She was thankful for the shadows so Seamus couldn’t see how
red she was probably turning. Katie gestured for Seamus to come closer, away
from the trellis, then pointed in the direction of the alcove exit. There were
private things happening on the other side of the trellis that shouldn’t be

Seamus held out his hand. “You asked what I did to amuse
myself over the years.”

Katie looked at the trellis then at Seamus, then back at the

“You amused yourself by watching people have sex?” she


“Seriously?” she asked quietly.

Seamus lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug then turned back
to the couple on the other side.

What was the fascination with watching other people? She
knew guys were easy to stimulate visually but watching another couple seemed
like an invasion of privacy.

At the same time, she was intrigued.

Seamus looked at her once again. Katie wondered if he had
read her mind when he held out his hand and beckoned her to his side.

She took a deep breath then crossed the short distance to
where Seamus stood. Her body tingled where it brushed against his energy.
Seamus must have felt it too because he backed up to give her room.

“All right. What’s the big deal?” she asked softly.

“Take a quick look.” He pointed at a spot in the trellis
where the leaves were thin. “Just a brief look, then tell me what you saw.”

After a fortifying breath, Katie centered her eye over the
opening. She was surprised how much of the seating area on the other side she
could see through the small space.

“Okay, look at me.”

Katie turned her gaze away from the couple on the other side
and focused on Seamus.

“What did you see?”

“I, uh…” Keeping her voice low, she said, “I saw a man,
sitting on the stone bench, and a woman kneeling on the ground in front of

“How were they dressed?”

Katie’s cheeks grew warm. “She wasn’t dressed at all. Or at
least not that I saw.” She frowned as she tried to remember. “It looked as if
the man was still dressed, but I couldn’t tell you what he was wearing. He was
sitting in the shadows.”

“What were they doing?” Seamus asked.

“I’m not sure. It kind of looked like he was petting her,”
she answered quietly.

“And how did you feel as you watched them?”

Katie shifted her stance. “Uncomfortable.”

“Is that all?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, keeping her voice low.

“Were you repulsed by what you saw?”


“Did it excite you?”

Katie had to stop and think about it.

“Be honest, Little Katie. There is no reason you shouldn’t
tell me.”

She ducked her head. “Maybe a little bit,” she reluctantly
admitted. When she looked up at Seamus she added quietly, “I wouldn’t say I was
turned on in the same way a passionate kiss can do. Intrigued would be a better
word for it.”

Seamus nodded. “Are you intrigued enough to see more?”

Katie looked at the trellis, imagining what was happening on
the other side. She shrugged. “Maybe.” She turned back to Seamus. “I guess you
don’t see this as an invasion of privacy, huh?”

“Not when the couple has chosen a public place for their
tryst. Couples who engage in these kinds of displays are often excited by the
possibility of being caught or of someone seeing them.”

“So you’re just obliging them then?” she asked, wishing she
didn’t have to remember to keep her voice down while Seamus didn’t.


“I suppose that’s one way to look at it,” she mumbled as she
turned to look through the vines again.

Seamus chuckled.

The couple on the other side must not have noticed Katie’s
whispered conversation. Either that or they didn’t care that someone might be
watching. They continued their interlude with no interruption.

The woman was now bound with her hands behind her back. She
was standing before the man with her legs spread wide enough for him to have
complete access to all of her. He said something and the girl nodded in
response. The man slowly circled the woman. His hands skimmed across her naked
body in various places, evoking a quiver or a gasp in response.

When he pinched the woman’s nipples Katie’s own breasts
perked up and tingled. She wondered what it would be like to be in the woman’s
place. To desire someone enough that she would be willing to stand in a garden,
completely naked, and allow him to do these things to her. To let herself be
bound so touching was almost one-sided.

A shiver of awareness ran through Katie’s entire body.

“I think she likes it,” Seamus said softly.

“Wha—” Katie pulled her eyes away from the couple. “What
makes you think that?”

“The way her breath catches. The somewhat dazed expression
on her face. The movement in her pelvis whenever he touches a sensitive spot.”

Seamus’ gaze danced over Katie’s face, making her hyperaware
of his notice.

“If it were lighter out, we would be able to see how flushed
she is,” he added. “And if we were closer we would probably even be able to
smell her arousal.”

Katie’s heartbeat stepped up its tempo.

“Do you really think so?” she asked, barely remembering to
keep her voice down.

“I can float over there and find out for sure,” he offered.

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