Gillian McKeith's Food Bible (357 page)

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Authors: Gillian McKeith

BOOK: Gillian McKeith's Food Bible
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Calendula cream or witch hazel can be applied topically to relieve anal itching.

Put a clove of garlic inside your socks or shoes. The garlic will get absorbed into the skin and into the bloodstream. You may end up smelling of garlic, but it will be worth it for a few days!

Take probiotic capsules such as acidophilus to restore normal gut bacteria.

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abscesses 168–69

acid/alkaline balance 169–71

acne 96, 171–73

ADHD 195–96

adrenal glands 130

adrenalin 21

adult-onset diabetes 122, 246–7

ageing 69, 118, 146–64

agnus castus 74

AIDS 173–75

alcohol 102, 110, 161

hangover 279–81

alcoholism 175–77

alkalinity 169–71

allergic contact dermatitis 256

allergies 18, 178–81

alopecia 181–83

alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) 152

Alzheimer’s disease 183–84

amino acids 15, 36, 101

homocysteine 297–99

anemia 185–86

animal protein 36, 61

anorexia nervosa 187–88

antibiotics 188–89

antioxidants 25, 56

phytonutrients 150–51

vitamins, minerals, and enzymes 149–50

anxiety disorder 189–90

PMS 347

see also
mood swings; stress

aphthous ulcers 221–22

arthritis 163

see also
osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis

asthma 191–92

atherosclerosis 193–94

athlete’s foot 194–95

atopic eczema 256

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 195–96

autism 197–98

B vitamins 47, 105

see also
folate; vitamin B

babies 69, 70–81

backache 199–200

bad breath 279

baking vegetables 158

benign prostatic hyperplasia 351–52

beta-carotene 150

see also
vitamin A

blepharitis 264–65


cataracts 266–67

macular degeneration 268


cold sores 233

genital herpes 290–92

bloating 201–2

blood clotting 286–87

blood lipid levels 34

blood pressure 162–63, 292–95

blood sugar 16, 18, 32, 34

see also

bloodshot eyes 265

boils 168–69


fractures 274

osteoporosis 337–40

bowel cancer 203–5

boys 89, 93–94

brain food 21, 156–57

breakfast 59, 62, 90, 137

breast cancer 206–8

breast disease, fibrocystic 269–70

breastfeeding 70–79

brittle bone disease 337–40

brittle nails 185

bronchitis 209–10

bruising 210–11

bulimia nervosa 211–12

bunions 214

burns 213

bursitis 214

caffeine 111, 161

calcium 51, 92, 94, 101, 112–13

callouses 237–38

cancer 122, 214–18

see also
bowel cancer; breast cancer; lung cancer; prostate cancer

candidiasis 79, 219–21

canker sores 221–22

carbohydrates 32–33

see also

cardiovascular disease 122, 162–63, 281–84

cardiovascular system 19, 164

carotenoids 46, 150–51

carpal tunnel syndrome 223–24

cataracts 266

celiac disease 224–25

cellulite 225–27

chasteberry 74

chewing food 16

children 69, 82–87

ADHD 195–96

ages 6 to 11 88

growing pains 239

through puberty 89–96

chlamydia 227–228

cholecystectomy 275

cholesterol 34, 43, 162–63, 294–97

chronic fatigue syndrome 228–31

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 258–60

circulation 19, 164

see also
Raynaud’s disease

cirrhosis of the liver 231–32

coenzyme Q10 101, 152

coffee substitutes 64

cold sores 233

colitis 379–81

colon cancer 203–5

common cold 234–36

complex carbohydrates 16, 32, 33

conjunctivitis 266–67

constipation 162, 236–37

corns 237–38

cramps 238–39

cravings 124, 127

during pregnancy 115

hypoglycemia 300–302

PMS 347

Crohn’s disease 239–40

cruciferous vegetables 21

cystitis 241–42

dairy products 39

see also
lactose intolerance

dandruff 243

dark circles under the eyes 266

depression 243–46

PMS 347

SAD 366–67

see also
mood swings

dermatitis 256–58

seborrheic 257, 368–69

detoxification 22

diabetes 122, 246–50

diarrhea 250–51

digestion 16, 34

and overweight 122, 129

digestive enzymes 16, 38

discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) 325

diverticulitis 252–53

dopamine 21

dry skin 254–55

duodenal ulcers 342

eczema 256–58

edema 132, 258–59

ellagic acid 152

emphysema 259–61

endometriosis 261–63

energy 8, 10–11, 135

enzymes 38, 150

epilepsy 263–64

erectile dysfunction 306–7

essential amino acids 36

essential fatty acids (EFAs) 15, 40, 41

men 100

older people 154

women 105, 112

exercise 89

older people 164

and weight 118, 120, 123, 127, 137

eye floaters 267–68

eye problems 164, 264–68, 290


chronic fatigue syndrome 228–31

fibromyalgia 271–73

fats 40–41, 43–45

children 84

fermented dairy products 39

fertility 98

men 99–103

women 104–11

fiber 15, 16, 32, 34–35

fibrocystic breast disease 269–70

fibroids 270–71

fibromyalgia 271–73

fish 39, 43, 84, 160–61

fits 263–64

flavanoids 151–52

flax seeds 35

floaters 267–68

flu 311–12

fluid retention 132, 333–34

folate 49, 105, 113

food allergies 178

food intolerances 18–19, 127, 129, 178–79

see also
celiac disease

food pyramid 58

fractures 274

free radicals 148–49

fruit 33, 35, 159

gallbladder disease 122

gallbladder removal 275

gastric ulcers 342

genital herpes 290–92

Georgians 148

ghee 44

girls 89, 92–93

glandular fever 276

glucose 32

gluten 231–2

gout 277–78

grains 83

see also
refined grains; sprouted grains; whole grains

Greece 148

growing pains 239

gums, peridontal disease 344–45


dandruff 243

thinning 143, 145

hair loss 181–83

halitosis 279

hangover 279–81

headaches, migraine 329–30

health factors 14–15

blood sugar 16, 18

detoxification 22

digestion 16

food sensitivity 18–19

heart and circulation 19

hormones 20

immunity 25

mind and mood 21

stress 23

thyroid 20–21

heart 19, 164

heart disease 122, 162–63, 281–84

heartburn 285

hemophilia 286–87

hemorrhoids 287–88

hepatitis 288–90

herpes 290–92

herpes keratitis 290

herpes simplex virus type-1 233, 290

herpes zoster virus 290, 369–70

high blood pressure 162–63, 292–95

high cholesterol 162–63, 295–97

high density lipoproteins (HDL) 43, 295

high homocysteine 297–99

HIV 173, 174

hives 299

homocysteine 297–99

hormones 20

and acne 96

boys 94

fats 41

menopause 138, 140–42

and overweight 122

PMS 347

hot flashes 143

Hunza 148

hydrogenated fats 41, 45

hyperactivity 195–96

hyperhydration 347

hypertension 162–63, 292–95

hyperthyroidism 300

hypoglycemia 300–302

hypothyroidism 130–31, 142, 302–3

hysterectomy-related disorders 304–5

immune system 25

weakened 387–90

impotence 306–7

incontinence 122, 308

indigestion 309–10

inflammation 310–311

influenza 311–12

insomnia 163, 312–14

insulin-dependent diabetes 246–47

insulin imbalances 125–27

insulin resistance 125, 327–29

intestinal function 34

iron 51

girls 92–93

women 105, 113

iron-deficiency anemia 185–86

irritability 126, 246

irritable bowel syndrome 315–16

irritant contact dermatitis 256–57

Japan 147

jet lag 317–18

juices 85, 159

juvenile-onset diabetes 246–47

kidney stones 319–20

lactose intolerance 321–22

liver 130

cirrhosis 231–32

hepatitis 288–90

long-lived populations 147–48

low blood-sugar levels 300–302

low density lipoproteins (LDL) 43, 295

low thyroid function 130–31, 142, 302–3

lunch 62

lung cancer 322–24

lupus 325–26

lutein 150, 151

lycopene 150–51

macular degeneration 268

magnesium 53, 92, 94, 105

manganese 100, 105

mastitis 76–77

ME 228–31

meats 39, 84

memory problems 164

men, fertile years 99–103

menopause 138–45

metabolic syndrome 327–29

metabolism 130

migraine 329–30

mind and mood 21

minerals 15, 51–54, 149–50

monounsaturated fats 40, 44

mood swings 92, 145

see also
anxiety; depression

morning sickness 116–17

mouth abscesses 168, 169

multiple sclerosis 330–32

muscle cramps 238–39

musculo-skeletal problems 122

myalgic encephalomyelitis 227–9


brittle 185

white spots 98, 187, 364

nausea 333–34

neurotransmitters 21

nightshade family 162

noninsulin dependent diabetes 122, 246–47

noradrenalin 21

nut butters 61, 160

nuts 61

children 84, 85

fibre 35

older people 155

omega 3 fats 43

omega 6 fats 44

protein 39

oils 43, 44, 45, 61, 84

Okinawa 147

older people 146–64

omega-3 fats 40, 43, 154

omega-6 fats 40, 44, 154

osteoarthritis 335–37

osteoporosis 163, 337–40

overactive thyroid 300

overweight 118–37

and fertility 109

pancreatitis 341–42

peptic ulcer disorder 342–44

periodontal disease 344–45

pernicious anemia 185

pH (potential hydrogen) balance 169–70

phosphorus 54

phytonutrients 15, 56, 150–52

piles 279–80

pimples 172–73

pneumonia 346

polyunsaturated fats 40

polyphenols 151–52

poor circulation 164

potassium 53, 101

pregnancy 112–17

premenstrual syndrome 347–49

probiotic bacteria 105

processed foods 33

prostate cancer 349–51

prostate enlargement 351–52

prostate problems 163

protein 36, 38–39

women 106, 112

psoriasis 352–55

puberty 89–96

pulses 33, 35, 39, 61

purines 162

pycnogenol 152

quercetin 152


hives 299

lupus 325–26

scabies 362

shingles 369–70

raw foods 16, 61, 136

Raynaud’s disease 356

refined carbohydrates 16, 18, 32, 33

refined grains 33

reproductive health

respiratory problems 122

rheumatoid arthritis 357–60

roasting vegetables 159

rosacea 360–61

SAD 366–67

salt 161–62

saturated fats 40, 44

saw palmetto 101

scabies 362

scalds 213

schizophrenia 362–64

scoliosis 364–66

sea vegetables 35

seasonal affective disorder 366–67

seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis) 257, 368–69

seed butters 160

seeds 35, 39, 43, 44, 61

selenium 52, 100, 105

serotonin 21

shingles 369–70

sickle-cell anemia 185

simple carbohydrates 16, 18, 32, 33

sinusitis 370–72

skin, dry 254–55

skin brushing 22

sleep, insomnia 312–14

smoking 103, 110

smoothies 35, 159

snacks 64, 85, 113, 136

sodium 54, 56

sore throat 372–73


acne 171–73

rosacea 360–61

sprouted grains 35

sprouting pulses 35, 85, 160

steaming vegetables 158

stomach ulcers 342

stress 23, 111, 373–77

sugar 33

children 85

cravings 124, 127

sunlight 164

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 325

teenagers 69, 89–96

tennis elbow 214

thinning hair 143, 145

thyroid 20–21

hyperthyroidism 300

hypothyroidism 130–31, 142, 302–3

tiredness 228–31

tonsillitis 378

see also
sore throat

tooth decay 344–46

trans-fats 41, 45

travel sickness 333–34

type-1 diabetes 246–47

type-2 diabetes 122, 246–47

ulcerative colitis 379–81

see also
Crohn’s disease; irritable bowel syndrome; peptic ulcer disorder

canker sores; peptic ulcer disorder

underactive thyroid 130–31, 142, 302–3

underweight 381–83

urinary incontinence 122, 308

urticaria 299

vaginal dryness or thinning 143

valerian 142

varicose veins 384–86

vegetable protein 36

vegetables 33, 35, 61

children 84

during pregnancy 112

older people 158–59

vegetarians 96

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