Give Me You (19 page)

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Authors: Caisey Quinn

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Give Me You
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Fuck. The charity auction. I completely forgot. “Katie, listen to me. I screwed up. I’m with…a friend. In New York. But I’ll get on a plane as soon as possible. I’ll do my best, okay?”

“Do better than your best. I am not messing around, Skylar. I need you. Please get here soon.”

The call is disconnected just as it’s my turn to order. I rattle off mine and Corin’s orders and throw in some ham and cheese bagel sandwiches to go. The barista clearly wants to make my life hell by moving at a snail’s pace. I grab the coffees and bag of sandwiches and bust my ass out of the shop. There’s a stand with a guy selling flowers on the corner so I buy a huge bouquet of exotic flowers even though I know we probably can’t bring it with us. I owe Corin a genuine apology, one with groveling and a dinner that will empty my wallet, but due to my screw up, flowers will have to do for now.

The door is locked so I have to knock several times. While I wait, I shift the coffees to the arm holding the bag and bouquet and use my phone to check flights back to LAX. There is one in an hour if I can just get Corin moving without coming off like a complete dick.

I knock a few more times before I hear Corin muttering something unintelligible from behind the door.

“I thought you left,” she says standing in the doorway like a ginger-haired angel wrapped in a fluffy white towel. Her wet hair hangs down her exposed back and my dick registers that we still want to fuck her very much, even at six a.m. in the middle of a crisis.

“I went to get coffee. And breakfast.” I hand over the goods and her towel slips just enough to make my mouth water. “And these. For you.” I hand her the flowers and she looks pleased but maybe a little confused as she places them in a vase that looks like it’s never been used.

“Okay. Well, thanks. The flowers are lovely.” She sips her coffee and moans as she returns to her bedroom to get dressed. I sit at the kitchen table and focus on inhaling my bagel as quickly as possible without choking.

“Not to rush you, but I kind of have a thing back in LA…”

Corin appears around the corner, still in only the torturous towel, and begins picking at her own bagel.

“What kind of ‘thing’?”

“A charity auction sponsored by the law firm my sister works for. It’s at my house, actually. I completely forgot until she called me this morning.”

Corin eyes me carefully while slipping her coffee. “I see. So you probably need to head on back, then.”

I stand and throw away my cup and paper sandwich wrapper. “
need to head on back. You’re my date, obviously.”

Corin’s ass is propped against the table and my vision begins to swim.

We need to go.

I need to change our plane tickets.

We should be grabbing our shit and heading to the airport.

But she’s naked under that towel and in no hurry to get dressed. That has to mean something. Her gaze collides with mine and I see a matching hunger there that has nothing to do with food.

“No one’s ever gotten me flowers before. Why did you?”

Her question pulls me slightly out of my fog. “Um, to apologize? For making you come here when you didn’t want to. For being such a dick all the time and know.”

“I honestly don’t know.” She’s looking at me weird, like I’m a stranger instead of the guy she’s known since last fall.

I lower myself into the chair beside where she’s propped even though my dick is screaming DANGER ZONE at being this close to her bare skin.

“You came to SoCal to start over and I acted like every guy from your past. Just wanting to…fuck you. Which, yeah, I do. Badly. But that’s not all I want from you and if you decide to be a nun and never have sex again, I’m not going to bail on you. I mean…that would suck because I think we’d be pretty amazing in the sack. But I realized these past few months, with everything with O’Brien, and the team, and scouts, you’re the first person I want to tell stuff to. Somehow, strange as it may seem, you’re my best friend.”

Corin looks like I’ve drugged her with my words and apparently I can’t shut up.

“And I don’t want to mess that up. So I’m going to behave myself and—”

Corin’s mouth fastens to mine in a scorching kiss that I don’t see coming. Sweet Jesus, she does taste like strawberries. And mint. And coffee now. It’s erotic as hell and I can’t get enough. Her tongue lashes against mine and I stroke it slowly. My mind screams at me to slow down but my raging hard on tells it to shut up.

I won’t fuck her. Not like this. Not right now. But I am going to make her come with my mouth until she can’t walk. I’ll carry her to the cab and get her a wheelchair at the airport.

Grabbing her roughly around the waist, I remove the towel in one swift tug.

Somewhere angels are singing as Corin’s naked body is revealed to me. Taut, toned skin covers every inch from her delicate collarbones to her full, firm breasts, and down to her petite little toes. My mouth lowers to the pink peaks at the tips of her breasts and they pebble against my tongue. Corin’s answering cry is a mix of pleasure and pain as I suck them hard.

“Skylar,” she begins but cuts herself off with a loud moan.

“Tell me your mom isn’t here,” I command.

“She’s not,” she informs me and I do an internal fist pump while lowering her back onto the table. “What are you doing?”

I place my hand flat on her chest and press her gently backward. “I’m eating breakfast, Red. But if you want me to stop, at any time, just say the word.”

“I-I don’t want you to stop.”

Thank fuck.

I spread her knees slowly so she’s fully exposed to me and I’m rewarded with the sight of glistening pink folds. Her pussy is bare and I can’t help but wonder if she shaved recently and if it was for my benefit.

There are freckles on her inner thighs. “Later, when we’re not in such a hurry, I’m going to count each and every one of these,” I tell her while tracing them with my fingers.

“O-okay.” Her legs are trembling slightly so I place my hands firmly on her knees.

“I got you, baby. I promise. Just let go for now, okay?”

Her head falls back against the table as she’s does as she’s told and her knees fall slightly further apart. My dick is using my zipper as a punching bag, but he’s staying put.

Sorry, buddy.

This is for her. It should have always been for her. And I will not ever be another guy who just takes from her.

I slide my index finger directly down her clit and into her throbbing cunt. She’s wet and tight as hell but I slide in a second finger as my mouth descends on her sweet pink flesh. Her keening moan and the way her walls clench down on me tells me she’s still with me. Answering pain grips my balls tightly, because now I know just how good Corin would feel wrapped around my cock, but I do my best to ignore it.

The combination of her scent and taste knocks me punch drunk and I swirl my tongue in every crevice to gather her juices. I’m drunk on Corin and I suspect I’m going to become a raging alcoholic for her flavor.

When her pussy starts to grind against my face, I know she’s close. I fuck her harder with my fingers, curling just enough to hit her g-spot while sucking her clit.

“Skylar, Skylar, fuck. Wait. No. Fuck. Oh my God. God, don’t stop.” The rest of it is an endless string of incomprehensible sounds as Corin comes apart in my hands and on my tongue.

“That’s it, baby,” I murmur against her pulsating pussy. “Come for me. Come hard, baby.”

Two hard licks of her clit and her back bows completely off the table. A long, deep-throated mewling sound escapes her and I feel like the King of the Fucking Planet.

She’s literally dripping wet after coming so I lick her gently back down to Earth before sucking her slickness off my fingers. Her eyes are wide and glazed over as she watches me from below.

Corin sits up looking as dazed as I feel. Her smile is shy, shier than I’ve ever seen her look.

If I died right now, it would be okay. Because we all have a destiny and I’m pretty sure I just fulfilled mine.

“You are the best best friend, ever,” she declares quietly.

I let out a low laugh before kissing her on the mouth—chastely—so I don’t get carried away. “I could do that all day. And one day I will. But today we need to get on a plane very soon or my sister is going to remove all my fun parts before you get to experience them.”

And I need to go jack off in the bathroom. Quickly.

“Okay, okay,” she says, reaching for me to help her down off the table. “I’m going. I’m going.”

She pulls her towel back around herself, which seems silly but I don’t judge. “Hey, Red,” I ask on my way to the bathroom.


“We good? I mean, that was okay, right?”

She crosses the room and touches my face with a gentleness I don’t expect.

“Skylar, that was so much better than okay I don’t even know if I have words. It was hot fudge sundae in bed on a Saturday morning during a marathon of Gilmore Girls good. Which, in my book, is pretty fucking amazing.”

You’re pretty fucking amazing
, I want to say but don’t. I’m just glad it’s not going to be weird and that I didn’t cross any lines she wasn’t okay with.

Baby steps. I get that now. Corin’s experience with intimacy is not good and so trust matters. A lot. I can do this. I can be patient. Most days. So this morning was kind of a giant leap but I needed to show her that I didn’t feel differently after last night. In fact, I want her more. My dick has decided it’s his mission in life to erase all memories of any other piece of shit dude she’s been with.

Corin kisses me gently on the lips and I realize I’m going to need to kiss her every day, everywhere, probably for the rest of my life.

Not gonna lie, I did not see this coming.



After I finish myself off in the bathroom, we move into high year in order to get to the airport. Corin’s standing with her black and white striped overnight bag slung over one shoulder and her backpack on the other.


She glances at me as I shoulder my gym bag. “To leave New York? I was ready years ago.”

“Do you need to say goodbye to your mom or anything? Call her?”

Corin scoffs at me. “Didn’t say goodbye last time. No reason this time should be any different.”

Okay then. “Let’s roll.”

Corin opens the door and her face goes about five shades whiter. “Eddie.”

The enemy she’s been expecting around every corner has finally arrived.

And I am ready for this motherfucker.

“Hey, Ginger,” an Italian-sounding male voice responds. “Heard you were in town. Thought I’d pay you a visit. Lookin’ good, babe. Miss me?”

I’ve never seen Corin speechless but she’s just standing there gaping at him like he’s something out of a horror movie.

I step out from behind the door and in between them. He’s a big enough guy. I’m taller but he’s broad. Good thing I have an entire night’s worth of pissed off to unleash.

“I’m Skylar. And I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but since Corin has made it clear she’d like you to stay the hell away from her, it isn’t.”

Eddie whistles low. “Well, well, Corin. What have we here? Move to California and got yourself a pretty boy, huh?”

Corin looks as if a million ants are crawling beneath her skin. “Go to hell, Eddie. Or go anywhere. Just go.”

“Aw, don’t be like that, sweet—”

He doesn’t get to finish his sentence because we’re late and I’m over this shit. My fist connects solidly enough with his jaw to knock his head back. He rebounds quickly enough though and comes at me hard. He’s too slow and I’m too amped up at the memory of him hurting Corin in all the ways she detailed less than twelve hours ago. My fist connects a second time and he hits the ground.

“Jesus, Sky. You knock him out cold.” Corin’s mouth is open in a small o of surprise. “I mean…not that I didn’t know you were capable, but you’re so laid back usually and…wow.”

I shrug and take her bags, ignoring the throbbing bone-shattering pain in my hand. “Blame it on O’Brien. I think some of his crazy has rubbed off on me.”

With that, we close and lock the door and step over Eddie on our way out.

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