Giving Chase (17 page)

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Authors: Lauren Dane

BOOK: Giving Chase
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Dee and Maggie had a great time shopping despite the horrible crowds at the mall just two weeks before Christmas. Maggie bought a beautiful watch for Kyle and the engraving was finished so she picked that up first. Dee bought some sexy silk boxers for Arthur and Maggie got the last item on her list for Kyle, the new golf club he’d been drooling over. She had everything wrapped and drove over to the Chase’s for dinner.

“Hello all!” she called out as she let herself in with the packages she’d purchased that day. She put them under the gigantic tree in the formal living room and saw that the mound of presents had mutated and wondered what it would look like by Christmas day when everyone in the family had added theirs. She smiled when she saw that Polly had knitted her a stocking and it was hanging next to Kyle’s over the fireplace. A rush of warmth stole over her, she felt like she truly belonged. She had a place for the first time in her life.

“Hi, baby,” Kyle said as he came into the room.

“Mmmm. What did I do to deserve that?” she asked dreamily after he’d kissed her thoroughly.

“You simply exist, Red. There’s plenty more where that came from after we get home.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Did you buy me lots and


Lauren Dane

lots of presents?” He grinned, looking around her at the boxes she’d just put under the tree.

“You’re bad, Kyle Chase. Spoiled rotten bad.” She laughed. “By the way, speaking of always getting what you want—I must have bumped into a dozen women who all pretended to care about me in order to ask about you. Checking on your availability.” She snorted.

“I’m taken. Too bad for them. They’ll have to deal with it.” She sure did. Kyle knew it’d been a hard thing to deal with how women looked at him every time they were out but she’d done it. He showed her every day how much he loved her and wanted her and her only. She was finally in a place where she felt secure. That made him proud. And glad she knew she could always trust his commitment to her.

“Maggie, honey? Did I hear you come in?” Polly called out as she came around the corner.

“Hey, Mom, what’s happening?” Maggie asked, getting up to hug her.

Polly shot her son a huge grin. Kyle knew it tickled her to no end that Maggie had started calling her mom. She was also over the moon about Kyle’s plans to ask Maggie to marry him. Edward had asked Polly to marry him on Christmas Day. In fact, several Chase and Landry marriages started with a Christmas Day proposal.

Polly told them of the complicated chess game of organization of who slept where on Christmas Eve and Maggie volunteered her air mattress and trundle bed to help. She also offered to sleep in separate rooms from Kyle but he vetoed it and Polly refused, saying she was just fine with them in together. Polly wanted them both there together to celebrate her first Christmas with them.

It would be a stretch, but everyone would fit somehow and it would be lovely to share the morning together.


Giving Chase

On Christmas Eve morning, Maggie woke up and stretched. Taking her time, she looked at the long naked lines of Kyle’s body with a lazy smile. He was all hers. She got up quietly to run down and turn on the coffee maker before coming back up to shower.

“Hey, I think you missed a spot,” Kyle said, stepping into the shower stall behind her. He took the sponge from her and soaped her back and down over the curves of her ass. He licked the cinnamon freckles of her shoulders and up her neck to her ear. He brought the sponge around and abraded her nipples with it, while tonguing her ear. Her eyes closed and she leaned back into him.

In her life she’d never felt so cherished and loved. His hands on her, his words in her ear wrapped around her heart. To belong to someone like Kyle had just never entered her imagination. Being loved like that was the finest gift life had ever granted her.

Rinsing herself off, she moved him around into the spray so she could do a bit of pampering herself. Stepping on the edge of the tub so she could reach him well, she washed his hair, gently massaging his scalp as she did. He held an arm wrapped around her waist to keep her steady. Afterwards she scrubbed his back and legs and everything in between. And the in between seemed quite pleased with the attention.

Her soap slicked hands wrapped around his cock. Gaze locked with his, she watched his lips part and his pupils dilate as he thrust, unashamedly into her grip. His free and easy acceptance of his sexuality turned her on immensely. He never hesitated to voice what he wanted or take what he needed.

Hot water rushed over them both, over her hands and arms and his cock until suddenly he picked her up and plunged inside of her. She cried out at the slice of sensation as he filled her up. He placed a foot on the edge of the tub to support her ass. Needing more of him, Maggie wrapped her thighs around his waist, opening herself up for him.


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He slid in and out of her and she lost words for long moments. Her body arched, hands clutched his shoulders.

“I. Love. You.” He spoke each word succinctly with his thrusts.

“Ohmigod. Iloveyoutoo,” she rushed out in a gust of breath.

She looked into the sea green depths of his eyes and he felt like he was falling into her whiskey colored ones. She opened herself to him, made herself vulnerable. It was raw then, tender and ferocious and what she was to him clutched his insides. He snaked a hand between them to find her clit, pressing a thumb over it in the way he knew she liked so much.

“Oh yes,” she moaned out, her hips arching, moving on him. While he watched her face, he saw her eyes glass over. Her pussy rippled then, clutched him in that slick-hot embrace and climax hit, quicksilver from the base of his spine. He thrust and thrust and thrust as he poured into her, his forehead resting against her collarbone.

He stood there, muscles twitching, breathing hard and not noticing the passage of time until he felt the water run cold. Reluctantly, he pulled out and put her down.

“Oh god.” He realized why she’d felt so good, so hot and tight.

“What?” she asked, turning off the water and grabbing a towel and drying his skin.

“I didn’t put a condom on. I forgot. I brought one in here. It’s on the counter. It’s just when you ran your slick, soapy hands over me, I just lost it. I’m so sorry.” He searched her face expecting her to be upset.

She sighed and smiled at him, slapping his ass. “It’s all right. I wanted to make it a Christmas present but I went on the pill three weeks ago. It takes two weeks to work so I didn’t want to say anything until the time was up. We both got tested for STDs, it’s okay.” He exhaled in relief. “Oh god, you feel so good without a condom. I’m so glad we won’t have to use them anymore. I wasn’t sure how I could


Giving Chase

bear to go back to being covered while inside of you once I’d been there bare.”

She kissed his chest and quickly dried herself off. “You do say the most unique but wonderful stuff, baby.” Laughing, he took the lotion bottle from her hands and applied it to her skin himself. “I won’t be able to share a shower with you until we come back home so let me do this to tide myself over.”

“It’s just one night, Kyle. Sheesh.”

He backed her into their bedroom. “But not being able to hear you scream out my name is going to be hard to live without. Even for just one night.” His eyebrow went up and a frisson of lust twisted through her.

They ended up back in their bed for another forty-five minutes before stumbling up to get dressed.

The crowd at Polly and Edward’s was insane. Kyle took their bag upstairs to their room while she headed into the family room where people covered every possible surface. They were all going to a Christmas Eve service at church and then coming back for dinner.

Nan and Pop were gushing over their new great grandbaby and looking at Maggie and Kyle with sly smiles of expectation. Nan and Pop were Edward’s parents. Pop was something of a local legend. A war hero in the Pacific who lost an eye, there were no less than three buildings and a street named after him. They took to Maggie right away. Pop was a terrible flirt and Nan just grinned at her and made unsubtle hints about great grandchildren until Kyle just burst out laughing.

After the service, they laid out a huge buffet dinner of cold cuts and salads and then got down to the very serious business of game playing.

They cleared the dining room and set up some card tables in the family room. Two fast and furious games of canasta started. Kyle and Maggie were partners and their unspoken communication enabled them to kick butt. She saw that the Chase boys were as competitive at cards as they were in billiards.


Lauren Dane

In the end, after Kyle and Maggie won every round, Shane and Matt made a rule that they weren’t ever to be on the same team at cards again.

Christmas morning was total chaos. Despite the fact that everyone there was in their mid-twenties or older, the rush to the tree was reminiscent of a bunch of seven year olds. Maggie’s dad came over and settled in on the couch while Pop played Santa and handed out presents.

The process took well over three hours as they waited while each person opened their present until the next one got distributed.

“This one is for Maggie, from Kyle.” He bought a large box and sat it before her.

She ripped it open only to find another, slightly smaller box inside.

Unwrapping that one, she saw yet another smaller box inside that one.

She did it five more times until a small box remained. She looked down at it and saw the card tied to it. “
Open Me First.
” She read it to herself.

Maggie, my heart never truly beat until the first time I touched your lips
with my own. You are my everything. The air I breathe, the blood in my
veins. You are my heart and my soul and I love you.

With tears welling up in her eyes she unwrapped the final package and saw the black velvet ring box. Stilling for a moment, she cracked it open with trembling hands, exposing a pear cut solitaire diamond that was at least a carat. Her eyes widened and the room remained totally silent.

Kyle, who was already sitting at her feet came up on one knee and took her ring from the box and then her left hand. “Margaret Elizabeth Wright, my sweet Red, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Her hands shook as she looked into his face and saw everything she’d ever wanted and dreamed of, sitting right there.


Giving Chase

She nodded, tears running down her face. “Yes. Oh definitely,” she said and he slid the ring on her left ring finger and a whoop of joy sprang up from several people around the room. Kyle hugged her to him tight and she saw he was crying, too.

“I love you so much, Kyle,” she said into his ear.

“Ditto, sugar,” he answered with a grin.

“Hot damn!” Matt exclaimed, a goofy smile on his face. “I’ve got the loveliest sister-in-law to be in the entire state of Georgia.”

“Polly and I couldn’t ask for a better daughter-in-law. You make our boy the happiest we’ve ever seen him. Thank you, sugar.” Edward kissed her cheek and Polly, who stood at his side, weepy, nodded mutely.

She was on cloud nine for the rest of the day. Kyle loved the watch as well as his new golf club and the clothes and music she’d gotten him.

She couldn’t stop looking at how her ring sparkled on her hand as she sat outside on the porch after dinner watching the guys play a very rough game of football in the yard.

Shane came and sat beside her on the glider swing. The game had gentled a bit as they all had a few aches and pains. Many of the others had gone for an after dinner walk.

Shane reached out and squeezed her hand. “Hey, Maggie, congratulations. I hope you and Kyle will be very happy together. He’s a very lucky man to have a woman like you. I’m jealous.”

“I think she’s out there. The one for you. Waiting for you. When you find her, I hope you can open your heart enough to let her in.”

“You think?”

“I really do.”

He smiled and kissed her cheek and then yelped when the football Kyle had been throwing hit him in the head. “HEY!” He came up off the glider and headed down the steps.

“Hey yourself, loverboy. Keep your lips off my woman,” Kyle taunted and then got tackled.


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“Excuse me! What am I? A chew toy or something? Shane get up off of him. Kyle…oh nevermind!” she snapped and turned and stomped back into the house.

“You’re in trouble,” Marc taunted and got tackled in turn.

She was shoving her clothes into the overnight bag when he came upstairs. “Hey, are you really mad at me?”

“Last night you made that crack to Shane when we were playing cards. And I know you and your brothers joke a lot but the whole history between Shane and me is uncomfortable enough. When you make comments like, ‘you had your chance’ or you tell him to keep his lips off me—when, by the way, he was congratulating me on our engagement—it just makes me feel like a thing instead of a person. You guys are competitive enough. I don’t want to feel like I’m something to be fought over. And I don’t want you disregarding what I have to say because you feel like you need to get even. It’s not fair and it’s not respectful.” He was quiet for a few moments, thinking over what she’d said. “I’m sorry, Red, I hadn’t thought of it that way. I don’t mean it like that.

Although I do suppose I like to rub his nose in the fact that I could see you for the fabulous woman you are when he acted like a dick. I’ll try hard not to do it any more.”

She looked at him and let go of the smile she’s been holding back. It was nearly impossible to stay mad at him. “Fine. See that you don’t.

Now, I was thinking that I’d go and swing by my house. I haven’t been there in a week or so and I want to make sure everything is all right.

We’ve had such cold temperatures that I want to be sure the pipes are okay.”

“Maggie, you and I need to have a discussion about the house and our living situation. I’d like to set a date for the wedding, too.”

“Okay. But not here.” She held up her hands to quiet him. “No, it’s not negotiable. I love your family but this is something I want to talk with you about
. Why don’t we talk about it tonight at your place.”

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