Glasruhen Gate (11 page)

Read Glasruhen Gate Online

Authors: Catherine Cooper

Tags: #Ages 8 and up

BOOK: Glasruhen Gate
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Jack felt a lot happier once they’d flown over the small hill above the village. He’d looked back a couple of times. There was no sign of Charkle, but more importantly, no one had followed them. There was only a short distance left before they reached
Glasruhen Gate.

‘It’ll be different next time we come, we’ll be with Nora and Elan, they won’t throw charcoal at you then, we’ll be guests.’

‘It was worth it, those sausages really were the best I’ve ever tasted. You’ll have to have some at Samhain. It’s a shame we didn’t get a chance to sample the pies.’

Jack laughed. He wondered if Charkle was already waiting for them on the other side of the portal. The open doors of Glasruhen Gate were just ahead. He could see the green light coming from the archway.

‘Ready?’ Camelin called as they approached the Sentinel Oaks.

Jack didn’t get a chance to reply. He saw Camelin stop in mid flight, his wings continued to flap but he wasn’t moving. Seconds later Jack stopped too. He struggled to free himself from the invisible barrier they’d both flown into. Two men leapt out from behind the doors.

‘We’ve got ’em Jed, nabbed ’em good and proper.’

‘Sure ’ave, Teg, let’s get ’em back to the Citadel.
His Lordship
’s not going to be too pleased the Western Gate’s been opened.’

Struggling was pointless, they were tangled in a fine silver net, which had been strung between the Sentinel Oaks. Camelin shook his head and made a low ssshh’ing sound, which Jack presumed meant he wasn’t to speak. Neither of them struggled as the two men unhooked the net, they were too entangled to escape. The men tied the ends together and made a loop, pushed a large pole through the hole, then hoisted it onto their shoulders and set off towards the Citadel.

‘You wouldn’t think a couple of birds could weigh so much would ya?’ said Jed as they struggled up the hillside.

‘Heaviest ones we’ve ever caught.
His Lordship
isn’t going to be pleased they got in,’ replied Teg.

There was a lot of puffing and blowing as Jed and Teg struggled to the top of the hill. They put the pole down whilst they got their breath back.

Jack wondered if Camelin had a plan. They might get a chance to escape once the net was removed. He’d already tried pecking it to see if he could make a hole, but the silver thread wouldn’t break. He didn’t think it was a good idea to talk. Maybe if
His Lordship
, whoever he was, thought they were just a couple of stray birds who’d flown in through the portal they might not be in so much trouble. It was then Jack really started to worry. What if they found out he’d opened Glasruhen Gate? It was obviously something
His Lordship
wasn’t going to be pleased about.

Teg and Jed once more hoisted the pole onto their shoulders. Jack felt sick as the net they were suspended in swung from side to side. He could hear voices now as they neared the circle of oak trees by the water’s edge. As they passed a group of people the chattering and laughing stopped. First there was silence then whispering began.

‘Stop!’ shrieked one of the women as Jed and Teg passed by. ‘That’s the thief what took my fudge.’

‘And there’s the one who stole my sausages,’ the man from the barbecue shouted.

Jed stopped and removed a slate from his pocket. Teg handed him a pencil.

‘If you two would like to make a statement I’ll pass it on to the Captain of the Guard. We’ll be reporting to him as soon as we get across to the Citadel.’

The woman from the sweet stall didn’t waste any time telling Jed all about the incident. Then the man from the barbecue stepped forward.

‘Make sure you put down that it was a whole string of my best sausages he stole.’

‘Best sausages, whole string,’ Jed said as he wrote.

Jack was wondering how the people knew they were the same birds they’d seen earlier. Then Camelin burped and everyone looked round. Now they really were in trouble. Was it a serious crime if a bird took food? Birds on Earth took any food they could find, all the time. Jack wondered what they did with ravens in Annwn.

Jed and Teg continued to the edge of the lake where a small boat was tethered. Teg clambered in.

‘Pass ’em over.’

Jed didn’t seem to care if Jack and Camelin got bumped against the seats as he passed them in.

It was uncomfortable in the boat. They’d been tossed into the bottom where a puddle of water washed over them each time the boat rocked from side to side. Jack was glad when they reached the other side and the swaying stopped. Once more the men hoisted the pole onto their shoulders. But instead of going up to the Citadel they began to descend a flight of steps which had been carved into the rock face. The steps led from the quay to a large door. Jed rapped on the door with the end of the pole and shouted loudly: ‘Prisoners for the dungeon.’

Jack gulped. They really were in a lot of trouble.


‘In here,’ ordered the guard who’d opened the outer door.

Jed and Teg slid the silver net off the pole onto the floor of the dungeon. Jack and Camelin landed in a heap on the stone flags. The light dimmed as the guards withdrew and the door slammed shut. A tiny grill in the door let in a glimmer of light from the burning torch on the corridor wall. The sound of footsteps walking back down the passage was followed by silence.

‘Is everyone OK?’ asked Jack.

‘Squashed, battered, bruised and soggy,’ grumbled Camelin.

‘I’m fine, just a bit tangled,’ piped Timmery.

‘What do we do now?’ continued Jack.

‘If I wriggle out I can go and have a look around,’ suggested Timmery. ‘I can find out where everything is and see if we can work out how to escape.’

‘I thought you couldn’t see anything?’ grumbled Camelin.

‘That was outside. I’m fine in here in the dark.’

Jack and Camelin lay still until Timmery managed to untangle himself and squeeze through one of the holes in the net.

‘Back soon,’ he said cheerfully before flitting through the grill in the door.

‘Let’s try to get out of the net,’ suggested Camelin. ‘I’ve been trying to peck a hole in it since they caught us but I’ve not had any luck.’

‘I’ve had a go too. It must be made of something really strong. Do you think there’s enough room for me to transform in the net? I might be able to untie the loops then.’

Camelin had a shuffle around as best he could.

‘Great idea Jack, I’m sure there’s enough room.’

As they touched foreheads the whole dungeon lit up. By the time Jack was able to see again the light had gone. He’d expected to feel squashed by the netting but he wasn’t. He reached out to find the loop but nothing happened. He didn’t have hands as he’d expected, he still had feathers and wings.

‘Something’s wrong, I’ve not changed.’

‘Something’s very wrong. I’m naked!’

‘How can that be? You mean you’re a boy!’

‘I’m a boy! After all these years I’ve got arms and legs again. I’m a boy!’


‘I don’t know, it must be something to do with us being in Annwn. On Earth you’re a boy and I’m a raven, here it’s the other way round. Nora said I could be a boy again in Annwn but I thought she meant there was some kind of magic that could transform me. I never thought it would happen like this.’

‘Can you untie the loop?’

‘I’ll try.’

Camelin fumbled with the net for a long time. Eventually he managed to undo the knot. He wriggled out and held the net open for Jack to get free. Once Jack had shaken his feathers Camelin began hopping around the cell.

‘I’m a real boy! Look I can walk!’

‘Do you think we’d better transform back again in case someone comes?’

‘Naw, not yet, I’ve waited a long time to have legs again, just a bit longer won’t hurt. It feels so good.’

Jack sighed. He couldn’t help feeling worried.

‘Let’s hope Timmery comes back with some good news. If we can get out of here we’ll fly as fast as we can to Glasruhen Gate.’

‘What if they’ve got another net waiting?’

‘When we got caught you could see the net didn’t reach up to the top of the arch, that’s where we’ll aim for. It’ll be like flying through the window in time again. We know we can get through a small space with our wings tucked in.’

Jack was impressed that Camelin had already worked out a plan of escape.

‘I’m not looking forward to hearing what Nora’s going to say.’

‘D’you think we could get back without her finding out?’

‘I doubt it, do you?’

‘Naw, you’re right, we’re going to be in big trouble. I’m sorry I got you into all this. I promise I’ll never take any food again, even if it’s supposed to be free. Nora won’t be mad with you. I’ll tell her it was all my fault. You know she’ll believe me.’

‘It’s not all your fault. I didn’t have to come into Annwn. The truth is, I wanted to but I was afraid and didn’t want to get into trouble.’

‘At least they don’t know who we are. Did you hear the guards? They just think two birds have got into Annwn.’

‘Who do you think
His Lordship

‘No idea.’

‘Didn’t Gwillam or Nora ever mention him?’

‘Naw, they told me about the Blessed Council but not about any Lords. I told you, Annwn’s got a Queen.’

‘What’s she like?’

‘I don’t know, but Gwillam told me she had three heads.’

‘Three heads!’

‘Yeh, kind of scary don’t you think? I’ve never seen anything with three heads before.’

Jack wasn’t sure he needed to meet the Queen of Annwn.

‘I thought she was called Queen of the Fair Folk?’

‘She is.’

‘Does that mean all the Fair Folk have three heads?’

Before Jack got his answer Timmery flew back through the grill.

‘Who’re you?’ he squeaked.

‘It’s me, Camelin.’

‘But you’re a boy!’

‘I know isn’t it great? Look!’

Camelin did a human version of his shuffle dance in the cell. Jack could only make out the shape of the dance but he had a good idea what Camelin was doing.

‘You’re naked,’ said Timmery.

Camelin stopped dancing and promptly sat down.

‘I know but nobody can see.’

‘I can, I see really well in the dark.’

‘I think it’s time we transformed back again Jack, hide your eyes Timmery.’

Jack and Camelin touched foreheads. There was no bright light.

‘Can I look now?’

‘Naw, we’ve got to try again.’

Once more they held their foreheads together, a little longer this time but still nothing happened.

‘What’s wrong?’ asked Timmery.

‘We’ve got a big problem. I’m stuck, I can’t transform back. Even if we could escape I’m not going to be able to fly through the arch at the top of Glasruhen Gate now.’

‘Don’t worry we’ll find a way to get out. When it’s dark Timmery can go and look for Nora, she’ll get us out of here.’

‘That’s if Timmery can get out.’

‘Oh I think I can. I’ve had a look around. The only door to the outside is the one we came through and that’s solid but they have to change the guard sometime. I can hide in the back of his hood when he goes through the door. We just have to wait.’

Camelin began gathering the net together.

‘Have you got a plan too?’ asked Timmery.

‘Naw, I thought I’d try and use the net. I don’t want anyone to see me naked.’

‘But it’s got holes in it. Why don’t you use the sacks at the back of the room? They’d be better.’

‘I can’t see any sacks.’

‘I can. Start walking away from the door towards the other wall… a bit to the left… a bit more, now stop, bend down.’

Camelin followed Timmery’s instructions and found the sacks.

‘There are some candles here too but they’re going to be about as much use as a hot ice cube.’

Camelin ripped a hole in the top of one of the sacks and made two more at the sides then slipped it over his head.

‘It’s itchy!’

‘Better than being naked,’ said Jack and Timmery together.

‘Sssh!’ said Jack. ‘Listen!’

There were footsteps coming back down the corridor. A face appeared at the grill then the key turned and the door opened a crack. Two dishes appeared before the door slammed shut and was locked again.

‘Aw great, they’ve fed us. I didn’t think we’d get anything to eat.’

‘What we got?’

‘A dish of water and… you’re not going to believe it… birdseed!’

Jack laughed.

‘It’s not funny, stale bread would have been better.’

‘How long do you think Nora and Elan will be in Annwn?’


‘Well what if Nora goes back through the gate and can’t find us?’

‘That wouldn’t be good. We need another plan and quick.’

‘Charkle could help, he can see in the light,’ suggested Timmery.

‘But we don’t know where he is and he has no idea where we are,’ said Camelin.

‘Not unless we send him some kind of a signal. He’s got to fly back over the Citadel soon. How about the call of the raven-owl? He’ll know we’re in trouble if he hears it.’

Camelin groaned.

‘Is that your best idea? He’ll never hear it though all this rock.’

‘Oh he will, he will,’ said Timmery excitedly. ‘Dragonettes have amazing hearing and since he’s been transformed into a bat it’s even better than it was before.’

‘We could try,’ said Jack.

‘Well it won’t do any harm to give it a go I suppose,’ agreed Camelin.

Jack threw his head back and started to hoot, Camelin joined in but it wasn’t as good as his usual call. Timmery added his own version which was more of a high-pitched squeak. Again and again they called until a banging on the door made them stop.

‘Keep the noise down,’ the guard shouted as he unlocked the door.

Timmery flitted up to the roof, Camelin tried to hide in the corner and Jack stood still in the centre of the room.

‘Out of your net are you? Not eaten your dinner?’

The guard thrust the lighted torch he was carrying into the room then froze. He struggled to speak: ‘What… what are you doing in here? Where’s the other bird gone? This is going to have to be reported. Looks like we’ve caught ourselves a shape-shifting spy as well as a thieving raven. His Lordship will be pleased.’

The door slammed once more and darkness returned.

‘Now’s your chance Timmery, if the guards are going to the Citadel you’ll be able to get out,’ whispered Jack.

There was no answer from the little bat.

‘Timmery?’ called Camelin.

‘I think he must have gone. Let’s hope we get some help soon.’

They sat in a silence broken only by the sound of bird food being stirred around the bowl by Camelin.

Jack woke with a start. The loud snoring coming from the dark shape by his side told him Camelin was asleep. He’d no idea what time it was or how long they’d been in the cell. He wondered where Timmery was and if help was on its way. There wasn’t any point in waking Camelin; probably the best thing he could do was to try and sleep again. He shut his eyes then thought he heard someone calling his name. He listened hard and there it was again.

‘Jack, Jack.’

This time it was closer.

‘Camelin, where are you?’

‘Charkle!’ cried Jack, ‘in here.’

A tiny bat with a long tail flitted in through the bars.

‘I’ve been looking everywhere for you.’

‘How did you get in?’

‘Let’s have some light in here first,’ said Charkle as he breathed a small flame, which promptly went out when he saw Camelin.

‘Who’s that? Where’s Camelin?’

‘I am Camelin.’


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