Glory (7 page)

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Authors: Ana Jolene

Tags: #Glory MC Series, Book One

BOOK: Glory
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“These perfect tits,” he growled against me, causing a reacting flutter low in my belly. “The moment you walked out of Neptune’s, I could see these pebbled nipples right through your tight shirt. Been thinking about doing this.” As if to demonstrate
, Hastie latched on and sucked hard.

I cried out.

“Pull your shirt down,” he ordered. “Hold those tits up for my mouth.”

Oh God.
I bet Hanna never intended this use for her dive bar’s shirts!

“Won’t ask twice, babe.” Hastie’s eyes were molten, and in that moment, I was willing to give him anything.

One of my hands reached up to hook a finger at the rounded collar of my shirt. I lifted my gaze to his and saw anticipation and desire there. Repeating the gesture with my other hand, I tugged down roughly, baring myself as I’d never done before. “Fuck yeah.” Hastie licked his lips as if I had just revealed dessert.

I wasn’t a particularly busty girl, but I had ample size. The hunger gleaming in Hastie’s eyes made me feel desirable and so fucking sexy that there was no way this could be wrong.

Hastie dropped his head and a second later, I felt the hot trail of his tongue dipping between my breasts and licking upwards, leaving incredible sensation in its wake. He didn’t stop until he traced a path all the way up my neck and reached my jaw.
Oh God
. This was torture of the sweetest kind. Usually with other men, we jumped straight into the sex, the foreplay a last thought even after protection. As if sensing my distracted thoughts, Hastie bit down hard on my neck. I squeaked. His dark chuckle against my skin enlivened all my senses. And so did his next words. “You taste so fucking sweet, Indy. Like sun and strawberries.”

He continued to taste me as I held myself up, displayed for his personal enjoyment. Every sweep of his tongue set me on fire and caused an answering wetness low in my core. He nipped and bit, mixing pain and pleasure as he soothed each nibble with his tongue.

I was beyond turned on at this point and desperately needed to touch more of him. I ran my fingernails down Hastie’s chest and abs and didn’t stop until I reached the bottom of his shirt. I wanted skin.

The first touch was explorative. The second was possessive. As my fingertips explored the dips and ridges of Hastie’s body, my hand hit something soft and small in the pocket of his leather jacket. “What’s this?”

I could feel more than see Hastie’s answering smile. “Something to make me forget.”

Curious, I pulled it out and realized what it was. A bag of weed.

His dark eyes roamed my face for a reaction, but I didn’t think it was what he expected because he looked genuinely surprised when I asked, “Can we smoke a joint?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” It wouldn’t be my first time. But it was always a little sketchy to get high with someone you didn’t know well. But something about Hastie told me that I could trust him.

I leaned back slightly after rearranging my top back to its rightful place and observed. In the dim light of the moon, Hastie started to roll a joint. Looking at his hands, I thought they were beautiful. Strong and graceful, with the letters R.I.D.E tattooed on the knuckles of his right hand.

As he tore off a paper and folded it in half lengthwise, he gave me a look that was sexy and mischievous all at the same time. It made me grin. He spread the green evenly across and then moved on to make the roach next. After tucking it in and folding the joint the rest of the way, he bent his head. His tongue darted out to lick the seam. My eyes zeroed in on it and I felt a burst of lust shoot through me, reminding me of how that same wicked tongue pleasured me just moments ago. My fingers may have been small compared to his, but as the joint transferred hands, I grew less nervous already.

The bright light from the lighter flared between us as I put the joint to my lips. Dipping my head towards to the flame, I inhaled. To anyone but us, this was just the simple act of lighting a joint. But as I watched as the very tip of the flame hit the other end and start to burn, I was aware of the pulsing energy between us. On a deep inhale, I held the smoke in my chest until I couldn’t anymore and blew out.

“You’ve done this before, right?” Hastie’s eyes were inquiring, gentle, and serene. This close I could see how long his eyelashes were. Everything around me came into sharp focus. His scent. The intensity in his eyes. The heat of his body beneath me. Instead of responding, I simply blew out the smoke through parted lips. The scent of weed wafted all around us.

Hastie’s dark grin made me smile. He looked so damn irresistible. I was tempted to kiss him again.

My tongue darted out to taste his lip ring. I loved the way Hastie’s eyes tracked my every movement, as if he was familiar with every feeling in my body.

Sitting in my car, smoking weed while straddling a hot guy shouldn’t have felt so good, but it did in that moment. It hadn’t been my most reckless moment I’d had, but it was definitely the most intimate.

I brought the joint to Hastie’s lips, urging him to open for me. As he took that first drag, I watched the beautiful sight of the tip burn a bright red. The following exhale of smoke was just as intoxicating as the swirls made unique designs, adding a twisted sense of beauty to this intimate moment.

Hastie’s eyes found mine in the darkness. “What are you thinking about?”

I was thinking that this feels perfect.
But I didn’t tell him that. Instead I took another deep drag from the joint and smiled widely. “I was thinking that that mouth of yours just may be my favorite thing about you.”

A dark laughed fanned over my skin. Then Hastie leaned forward and dropped that sinfully sexy mouth to mine in a scorching kiss.

, I thought.
Definitely perfect.






y next shift at Neptune’s was long and grueling. The flares felt more extreme as if the earth had been shoved into a burning furnace to roast. Even with the a/c on high, warm air swarmed in, causing patrons to dish out the credits in order to get some much needed refreshment.

As I wiped away the ring of sweat that accumulated on my forehead, Seven walked into Neptune’s. I grinned at her as she dropped into one of the vacant barstools, knowing exactly why she was here. “What?” she said, tossing her empty canteen onto the bar. “You knew it was only a matter of time before I’d show up.”

This was true. I was surprised she made it this long. “Want a drink?”

Seven nodded, leaning forward to rest her arms on the edge of the bar top. She swiveled her head around, taking in her surroundings. As I poured her a draft and placed it in front of her, she leaned in. “So . . . are they here?”

I leaned in, too. “No.”

She scrunched up her nose and took a sip of her beer. “How long ’til you’re off?”

I checked the clock on the wall behind me. “Still two hours left.”

Seven rolled her gorgeous eyes at me and slid off the barstool, readjusting her short skirt before she made her way to the pool table. I heard her introduce herself to the people playing and a second later, she was grabbing her own pool cue from the rack and joining in.

It was so easy for her to make friends and integrate herself into any situation. That was always one of the things I admired about her. In this, I wished I were more like Seven, able to fit in wherever instead of feeling like an outsider.

Another customer settled at the bar. I started to serve them when the familiar rumblings of engines made me smile. As the roaring grew louder I quickly served up the latest order and tried not to wait like a panting dog for Hastie’s arrival.

The other night had been simply amazing and the most fun I’d had in a while. Not once did I feel out of place or self-conscious. I felt absolutely carefree and wicked.

The rumbling escalated until everyone in the dive could hear the blaring sounds from outside. Even Seven shot a questioning glance at me. It was difficult to ignore the ticking of my pulse as it kicked up in excitement.

The sounds suddenly cut off one by one and Glory MC walked in through the doors. Most of them I didn’t know by name yet. The ones I did remember had crazy nicknames that didn’t quite suit their appearances. Like for instance, the vice-prez was Newt, yet he was the biggest of them all!

I kept my eyes downcast, trying not to show my eager interest, but as soon as I saw the familiar breadth of Hastie’s shoulders, my gaze shot up and met his. Those intense green eyes found mine as if connected by some invisible line. I smiled as he strode towards me, that lopsided grin of his making my insides curl in excitement.

Hastie settled onto the stool beside Seven’s vacant one and tipped his chin towards me. “I like what you’ve done with your hair, babe.”

My hand immediately went to my high ponytail. I smiled, surprised that he even noticed.

Another member of Glory MC joined Hastie, settling in Seven’s seat. I opened my mouth to say the seat was taken, but thought better of it. Seven would be playing pool for a while and I didn’t want to get on Glory’s bad side.

Figuring they both needed a refreshment to stave off the heat, I dropped a beer before the both of them. Hastie nodded his thanks before taking a long sip. “Indy, baby, this is Lucky. I don’t think you’ve been introduced.”

My gaze shot to the other Glory member. He was big like Hastie except he had blond hair to Hastie’s dark. Cornflower blue eyes stared back at me kindly. A heavy dusting of facial hair covered his strong jaw, but the most prominent aspect of his face was his wide smile. I had no doubt that that smile was the cause of many wild nights.

Lucky offered his hand and I shook it. “Nice to meet you.” As his large hand engulfed mine, the leather gloves he wore

the kind that were fingerless

were hot to the touch.

“Likewise, baby.” Yeah. His grin was a definite panty-dropper material.

“How can you stand wearing all the leather?” I asked. “Especially in this kind of heat.” Outside the sun was a fireball in the sky.

Large shoulders lifted in a shrug. “You kind of get used to it after a while. It’s part of being in Glory MC.”

What would it feel like to love something so much that you’d sacrifice something a little each day just to be a part of it? For so long, I focused on trying to be happy that the idea of sacrificing anything, even for a little while seemed confusing to me.

Hastie whacked Lucky’s arm. “What the fuck, man?” Lucky rubbed his arm.

“Don’t call her baby. She’s mine.”

“Okay, okay,” the blond biker laughed, holding his arms up in surrender. “Possessive much?” Those last words were shot in my direction.

I grinned, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. Two nights ago, I’d never imagined that Hastie would be possessive of me with his brothers. But I found perverse pleasure in it.

“Come here.” Hastie unleashed his full panty-melting gaze on me. “Lay those lips on me.”

Still with that grin in place, I dropped the rag I was holding and jumped up over the bar, sliding straight into Hastie’s arms. He chuckled as he planted a chaste kiss on my lips. Even a slight brushing of his lips on mine sent sensation crawling up my spine. I turned to catch Lucky grinning at us like we were fools.

Behind him, I could see my best friend approaching. “Seven! Get over here. I want you to meet Hastie.”

Seven dropped her gaze to Hastie’s hand resting on my hip. “I see,” she muttered with a soft smile.

“See what?”

“I now see why you were out late the other night.” There was a flash of amusement in her eyes before she could disguise it. She extended her hand in greeting. “Hi. I’m Seven. Don’t be fooled by my appearance because if you ever hurt my best friend, I will kill you in your sleep.”

Hastie slipped his hand into hers, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Name’s Hastie. And I don’t ever plan to hurt her.”

“Good.” Seven released his hand, turning to her seat but finding it occupied.

“And this is Lucky,” I drawled. “Also a member of Glory MC.”

Seven didn’t even miss a beat. “Nice to meet you, Lucky, but you’re in my seat.”

Lucky turned and unleashed the full effect of his women-destroying smile on her. “I don’t recall names being assigned to seats, darling.”

But clearly Seven was immune to it. Her tone turned wintery. “A true gentleman would happily give his seat up for a woman.”

“Ain’t claiming to be a gentleman, sweetheart. But you can sit on my lap if you like.”

“No thanks, big boy.” She moved to his other side and gave him a look that would incinerate a lesser being. “And don’t ever call me sweetheart again.”

Lucky’s eyes lit up. “Ooh, you’re a little feisty. I like that. Can I buy you a drink?”

“I don’t think so.”

Lucky shrugged and reached for his beer. “Your loss.”

The next hour went by quick. As I worked, I chatted with Seven, Lucky, and Hastie. Lucky continued to make advancements towards Seven, but her mind was occupied with something else because none of the tricks that would have other women already naked and waiting worked on her. I could tell that it frustrated Lucky. His innuendos and come-ons were getting more direct as the night wore on, his tongue getting looser because of the booze. Still, Seven remained unfazed. By the time my shift ended, Lucky had fallen into a bad mood.

“All right, I’m heading out,” he finally said as he pushed off the bar and turned to face the crowd. Eager eyes from the dive bar sparkled with interest, hoping to be the lucky one that he brought home.

“Do all the women just flock towards you like that?” Seven asked with a look of disgust on her face.

Lucky grinned at her. “You act like you aren’t interested.”

“I’m not.”

With a shrug, Lucky disappeared into the crowd just as the electricity suddenly went out. For a moment, Neptune’s was engulfed in total darkness. Several startled noises came from the crowd. “Not again,” someone complained. A second later the generators click on. Sudden light poured down on us again. My eyes took a moment to adjust to the change in lighting. The backup lights weren’t as bright as the original ones, but at least we weren’t in total darkness anymore.

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