Glow (5 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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“Where did Maria go?” I thought out loud as he pulled into my driveway.


He put my car in park and looked at his watch. “She probably gave up on
you, it's after two in the morning,”


I groaned. “See, this is why I don't do these things anymore,”


“Do what things?” he asked with his head back on the headrest.

“Go out...I have this thing I have to go to tomorrow, and I am going to be so
tired.” I laughed still feeling the slight buzz from my wine. “Something tells
me that I am not going to feel that well at dinner tomorrow,”

“Just take some asprin with a glass of water before you go to bed,” he turned
the engine off and handed me my keys.


“Ben?” I asked. He looked over at me. “Shake my hand,”


He chuckled. “What? Why?” he hesitantly held his hand out to me.


I gently placed my hand in his. Just like I had thought, it was a soft shake. I


I got out of my car and walked to my door. As I heard his door shut I reached
behind me and pushed the lock button to my car on my remote.


“I'll be in touch, Vanessa. Goodnight,”

I didn't turn around, or say a word. I just nodded and waved as I reached my
porch. I let myself inside dropping my clutch on the counter and then took
my wedges off. I could see Maria had left me a note.

I waited until after midnight to leave. You must be having a great time with
Mr. Hotty Pants.
See you later! Maria

I laughed aloud to myself. Oh, if she only knew how much I dislike 'Mr.
Hotty Pants'. He is a rude, obnoxious, player and I cannot wait until this little
article is written so I can get rid of him. I walked to my bathroom in my
master bedroom and stood in front of the vanity mirror debating on whether
or not to take his advice and take the damn asprin with some water. I opened
the vanity to my medicines taking out the bottle. I popped two in my mouth
and washed them down with some water from the faucet.

“You should really lock your doors, Vanessa. Someone could sneak in and do
bad things to you,” a male voice says sexily from behind me
making the warmth inside of me return.

“Oh, my God!” I jumped and spun around. Ben was leaning against my
bathrooms door frame with his arms crossed.


He unfolded his arms and has Maria's note in his hand. He reads, “Mr. Hotty
Pants,” then laughed aloud.

“What the hell are you doing in my house, Ben?” I ripped the letter from his
hands. “You scared the shit out of me!” I smacked him in the chest with the
letter making a crunching sound.

“I was going to leave but I have to make sure that you don't call either of
your new boy toys,” he winked still leaning against the door frame.

“Remind me how that is any of your business who I call?” I said as I walked
past him into my bedroom. I grabbed my robe off of my bed and threw it
over my shoulder.

“Ellen McGurthy,” he smiled widely.


I groaned out of frustration as I stomped into my closet and shut the door.
“You know, you can't stay here,” I said loudly from the closet.

“Oh, yes I can. Aunt said to do whatever was necessary,” he was right at the
other side of the door now.
“It doesn't mean breaking and entering into my house, Ben,” I opened the
closet door to see him standing there, jaw flexed. I swallowed hard staring
into his blue eyes. I quickly looked away as it felt as thought I was being
sucked in by a force.

“The door was unlocked,” he shrugged. “I just walked in,” I pushed him out
of the way.


“Look, I'm not going to call either one of them tonight,” I plopped down onto
my bed. “I'm seriously tired.”


“You have better not, and late night booty calls don't start for at least a few
weeks, got it?” he pointed a finger at me.


I angrily poke his chest with my finger. “Ben, I am not-”


“It was a joke,” he took my finger in his hand. “Take it easy there, killer,”

“Whatever, I have got to go to sleep. I'm already feeling the bags form,” I
whined yanking my finger from his grasp. “Good-bye, Ben.” Frustrated, I
ripped my covers back and got in bed, throwing my covers over my head so I
didn't have to see him any longer.

“You are such a party pooper, Vanessa,” he paused waiting for some kind of
response from me. “Alright fine, I'll see you tomorrow for your next lesson,”

“Nope, sorry... no can do,” I said from under the blankets. The sheet puffed
up with every breath of my sentence. “I have plans tomorrow evening,” I
smiled slyly.

“I do too, no big deal,” he says casually.

I wish he could see me sticking my tongue out at him right now. “Fine, just
go away,”
“Goodnight, princess...” he hollered from down the hallway. I removed the
blankets as I was feeling utterly smothered.

I grabbed a pillow as all I could do was scream into it. I was still embarrassed
about what happened at that run down diner Ben took me to, and am so angry
that I feel the urge to do everything I am asked to by Ellen. I should have
stood my ground and told her absolutely not, but I didn't and this is the
consequence I have to pay to make Mrs. McGurthy happy. What is the
consequence you ask? Ben of course... I groaned into my pillow. I sit up
quickly, grabbing my cell phone. Screw this, screw Ben... I am texting
Jordan. I smile.


I awaken to the sun shining through my gray-sheer curtains, gracing my tan
skin with warmth. I moaned as I stretched my arms and legs out of total
comfort in my feather-down bed.

“What time is it?” I groaned aloud as I rolled over toward my glass
nightstand. I had no clue how long Jordan and I had text for last night, but I
do know that the sun was starting to rise and that I now have a date for my
parents dinner. Ben doesn't need to know that I invited him, it will be mine
and Jordan's secret.

“Two-thirty in the afternoon,” I heard Ben say from next to me.


“Ah!” I rolled over to see a cheery, handsome face... Ben's face. I freaked
out, ripping my covers off of me and jumping out of my bed.


“Good morning, Princess.” he laughed. “Ooh, yeah, you are right about the
bags... yikes,”

I reached my hand up to my face then rubbed underneath my eyes. “Shut the
hell up, Ben, and why are you still here?” I yelled at him. “This is

“I'm just doing my job,” he places his hands behind his head, his ankles
crossed making himself comfortable. “I should have snuck in here after you
started snoring around six this morning. Your couch is seriously
uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep,” he frowned.

“Your job is to teach me how to play men,” I huffed. “Not to sleep in my
house, oh my God!” I ranted as I grabbed my robe then made my way into
the bathroom. I could hear him laughing in the distance which pissed me off
even more so I slammed the bathroom door then locked it quickly hopping
into the shower.

I washed, dried, did my hair, and then make-up as I was hoping to see an
empty bed when I walked out of this bathroom. I tapped the slight bags under
my eyes gently. Who am I kidding? I look like hell! This is why I was never
into the whole partying/staying up all night thing when I was a teenager.

“This is going to cause wrinkles, I just know it,” I groaned as I stared at my
tired reflection.


“No it's not,” Ben said from the other side of the door.

“What the hell do you know about beauty?” I put my robe back on. “And I do
not snore,” I unlocked the door then flung it open. I walked into my bedroom
to see he was messing with his phone while still lying on my bed.

“You honestly snore,” he stared at his phone.

“No I don't, and at least take your shoes off when you are on my bed,” I
smacked his feet with my hands as I took a quick look at my phone. I had a
text from my mom sent earlier this morning telling me not to forget to pick
up cupcakes from Eye Candy Bakery.

“Shit,” I muttered.


“What?” Ben stood up. He let out a groan as he stretched.


“I forgot that I have an errand to run before I go to my parents dinner,” I bit
my lip and had quickly text my mother back while scurrying to my closet.

I threw on a dress like I had on last night-black and strapless hugging my
petite frame. Except for this one is to my knees. I swept my blonde hair up,
letting my bangs lay sideways across my forehead. I finished up with half
carat diamond earrings from Tiffany's that I had treated myself to last
Valentine's Day, and slipped my french manicured toes into black stiletto's
ready to conquer the day with my family and Jordan...without Ben.

Buzz... buzz.
I quickly picked my phone up to see my mother had text back
letting me know that my brother Ethan's friend had picked them up already.


I relaxed knowing I had some more time as I was worried that I wouldn't
have enough time to pick up Jordan and stop to get the cupcakes.


“Never mind,” I said as I came out of the closet dressed. Ben just stared at me
with his mouth open.


“Huh?” was all he could say.

“Huh?” I mocked. “I said, never mind about the cupcakes,” I waved as I
wondered into the kitchen. I stuck my cup under the single cup coffee
machine and let it fill with the freshest cup of coffee. I closed my eyes for a
moment as I still felt incredibly drained.

“I love those machines,” Ben said from behind me.


“Yeah,” I finished filling my cup and slowly turned around as I took a sip. I
glanced at the large pink and blue striped boxes on my counter top. I know
these boxes, they are one of a kind.
“Ben?” I eyed him.


“Yes,” he said casually as I stared at a wall of newspaper. He turned a page.


“A-are t-those-” I stuttered then pointed at the boxes with white silk bows
atop of them.


He folded the newspaper and set it down on the counter with a sigh. “Eye
Candy cupcakes?” he smiled.


“Ben?” my heart skipped a beat.

“Yes, they are Eye Candy cupcakes, Princess,” he took a drink from his
coffee. Apparently he has made himself quite at home. I am beginning to feel
extremely angry.

“What?!” I say sternly. “I am seriously confused,”


“Oh, did I forget to mention that your brother Ethan and I are childhood
friends and that your dinner plans are my dinner plans?” he said quickly.

My eyes went wide as I stood there in shock. My cup dropped from my
hands, shattering on my wood floors as I feel my body go numb. Hot coffee

“You have got to be joking,” I mumbled.

I quickly, and furiously changed my clothes as I had ordered for Ben to clean
up the coffee mess. I settled for casual as I threw on my rhinestone-studded
jeans and a pink dressy top. I am stressed as I know indefinitely that I am
officially screwed... Jordan is coming to dinner.

“The dress was better,” Ben said from the closet doorway.

“Ben, I seriously don't think we should talk right at the moment,” I said
breathlessly. I strutted past him then grabbed my purse and threw everything
in it from my clutch.

“Vanessa, look...” he grabbed my arm then spun me around to face him. I
pulled my arm away as I slung my purse over my shoulder. “I am sorry, I
should have told you,”

“You think so?” I looked at him in disbelief that he could stand here and say
that. “That was probably a serious detail that could have been mentioned

“I know, I just-” he ran his fingers through his perfectly messy blonde hair.


“You just what? Thought it would be a funny joke?” I threw my arms up.
“Well, ha-ha, not funny,” I turned to walk away.


“Ethan and I used to give you such a hard time when we were younger,” he
says sincerely.


I kept walking out the front door and to my car. “You are not riding with me,
Ben,” My headlights blink as I push the unlock button on the keypad.


“That's fine, would you just let me finish, please?” he pleaded behind me.

“I'll see you at my parents house,” I got into my car and before I could shut
the door, “Oh, and don't forget the cupcakes,” I reminded him, then shut my
door and started the car.
As I backed out of my driveway I watched Ben's frame just standing there as
he stared at me with a smug look upon his face. He looked like a little lost
puppy dog. It kind of broke my heart to see his facial expression that way.
Right now I am seeing an entirely different side of Ben apart from his cocky,
player attitude.

I stopped at the end of my driveway and sat there staring at him for a
moment. I sighed putting the car back into first gear. I let it slowly inch it's
way back up my drive.
Why is he doing this to me? Why am I being so nice
to this extremely sexy jerk?

When I reached him, I rolled my window down. His face was expressionless.
“You have two seconds, Ben,”


A smile spread across his face. “I knew you would come back,”


On second thought. “Okay, that's it,” I put the car in reverse.


“Wait, wait... I'm sorry,” he said quickly.


I put the car back into park and looked at him warningly. “One, two-”


“Alright just stop counting,” he tried not to laugh. “I honestly should have
told you about my being your brothers friend, it was seriously wrong not to,”


“It was,” I stared out the front window of my car at his white BMW in front
of me.


“I know it was,” he knelt down to my window. “No more keeping things
from you,”


“Seriously, that was rude,” I stated as I stared at him.

“I know... never again,” his voice was soft and low. I looked back towards
his car. “Vanessa, I am so sorry,”
“Don't forget the cupcakes,” I remind him again. “I forgive you,” I say in

“Thank you,” he said sincerely. “I won't,”


I smiled and started slowly rolling down the driveway again. Ben started
towards the house to grab the cupcakes when he quickly turned around.


“Hey, Vanessa!” he yelled halfway up the walkway.

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