Glow (8 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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“What's so funny?” a male voice said from the archway to the living room.


I looked up to see Ben leaning against the archway's frame. He was smiling,
a glimmer in his blue eyes.

I continued to laugh aloud. “My picture,” I looked at the picture again, this
time to laugh hysterically. I leaned back into the couch, one hand on my
stomach and the other cradling my glass of wine trying not to pill it. “It's so
hideous!” I laughed.

“Let me see it,” he walked over to the couch and sat down next to me
grabbing the photo album from the coffee table setting it in his lap. He
looked down at the picture then smirked. He doesn't laugh though.

“Isn't it ridiculous? I was so awful!” I laughed.


“Not awful, cute,” he said thoughtfully, then smiled.

“Shut up,” I grabbed the album from his lap and sat it on the coffee table. I
laughed again as I looked at it. “You can say that now because I am nothing
like that anymore,”
I poured some more wine into my glass and took a drink. Ben picked up the
bottle to see that there was barely one more glass worth in it.

“Vanessa, did you drink this entire bottle to yourself as though you haven't
drank enough already?” he asked shocked. “Where are your parents?” He
sounded like he were talking to a child.

“Yes I did,” I said proudly patting his chest with my hand. “I guess they went
to bed, they were gone when I came in here an hour ago,” I shrugged.


“Here,” he stood up and set the bottle on one of the entertainment center
shelves. “That glass is it. You're turning into a lush,”

“Party pooper,” I pouted. He laughed and I smiled. “I am not a lush, I've had
a very bad day,” I leaned forward and continued to turn the pages of the
album, Ben's eyes on me the entire time. I could feel his stare burning a hole
through me.

“I had so much fun on that trip,” I point my manicured fingernail at a photo
of myself in front of the San Diego Zoo sign in my favorite lavender sundress
with white daisies all over it.

“Yeah, it was fun,” he smiled. Ben had come with us too.

My eyes roamed the pages and to my surprise, I had seen a little blonde
haired boy in the background of nearly all of the pictures smiling at me as I
struck poses for my parents. I crease my brows and notice that it was Ben in
each and every one of them. Mostly, you could tell he had no idea he was
even in the photos.

I flipped the page. In the next photo, I was in front of the tiger exhibit holding
a stuffed tiger with a huge grin from ear to ear. I looked next to the sign that
said 'Bengal Tiger Exhibit' at the edge of the photo. Ben was standing next to
it, eyes towards me, smiling.
What in the world?
I laughed and pointed at the little blonde Benjamin in
swimming trunks, flip-flops, and a tank top. “Peek-A-Boo, Benny!” I laughed

Ben quickly closed the photo album and placed it back on the shelf. He
turned towards me with a smirk on his face. His cheeks were pink.
Is he

“Are you blushing, Mr. McGurthy?” I smiled.


“What?” he laughed. “No, why would I be blushing?” he asked.


“No reason, just messing with you,” I shrugged, letting it go. He knows what
I saw.


“I flush when I drink too much,” he walked his confident strut then stopped
directly in front of me. He held his right hand out. “Dance with me?”


“Come on now,” I leaned back. “I'm drunk but not that drunk,”


“You have to be completely inebriated to dance with me? Am I that bad?” he


“I didn't mean it like that,” I said taking another sip of wine.

He grabbed the glass from my hands and set it on the table. “Just for fun,
everyone is asleep. No one will see, promise,” his hand is back in front of

“Fine,” Staring at him wearily, I placed my hand in his to feel my stomach
going crazy with anxiousness and the familiar sensation of sparks from his
touch travel up my arm and through my body like a live wire. Could he feel
it, too?

He quickly pulled me up off of the couch, my body crashed into his. It made
my breath hitch into my throat. I relaxed, taking a deep breath in. He smelled
so good. Gently, I placed my arms around his neck letting him pull me closer.
His arms wrapped around my waist, his hands gripped the loopholes of my

“I'm not so bad,” he smiled at me.


“I know you aren't,” I smiled. “Under the cockiness, immaturity, and lack of
respect for woman lies a completely normal man...somewhere,”

He pulled my jean loops tighter, then pulled me closer as he swayed his hips.
His leg between mine as he leaned me back into a dip, I laughed aloud. He
brought me back up, our noses nearly touching. I stared into his blue eyes to
see them full of lust as he clenched his jaw tightly. His eyes searched every
square inch of my face as though he was trying to memorize it. It made my
body tingle with delight and my stomach ache with nervousness. He leaned
me back again, only this time I let my head go back giving him permission to
kiss where he pleased, but he didn't. All he did was trace the heated skin of
my exposed chest, collarbone, and neck with his lips. His warm breath upon
my skin caused me to exhale slowly, my breath came out as a soft moan. Ben
brought me back up, my arms squeezed tighter around his neck. My fingers
with a mind of their own entwined in his messy-blonde hair, I buried my face
in his neck inhaling deeply releasing a slow breath onto his golden skin. He
squeezed me tighter, holding me against his chest as we swayed back and
forth as if he didn't want to let me go.
didn't want him to let me go...

He let a low growl escape his lips as he kissed the heated skin of my neck
softly. His hands then cupped my face gently, looking into my eyes for a
moment as he caressed my flushed cheeks with his thumbs. I parted my lips
and he kissed me- a soft gentle kiss that ignited my senses. My legs
threatened to give out from under me, I just held onto him tighter. I traced his
lower lip with my tongue before sucking his bottom lip into my mouth. I
want this. I have been alone for so long, I have missed this. I missed being
held and touched. Even though his player ways disgust me, he is truly the
sexiest man alive. I can't help myself as I am only human, I have needs and
I pulled away for a moment, and completely silent, I smiled at him. He
smiled back. I walked over to the stereo and turned it off. Full of
enthrallment, I took his hand in mine then lead him towards the staircase
which lead to my old bedroom. Halfway up the stairs he stopped. I turned
around and looked at him.

“What?” I asked quietly.


“Shh,” he whispered against my lips.

He cradled my face in his hands once again, taking a moment to stare into my
eyes. Ben kissed me with so much passion behind it, I melted. My legs went
weak and he caught me, lifting me up bridal style, kissing me the entire way
up the stairs.

And I thought that tonight was going to be the worst night of my life.
Chapter Three: Pimp Hand

I slowly opened my eyes as the sun was shining through my window, my
head was pounding.
I can't believe what happened last night...
I touched my
lips softly.
Wait, did anything happen last night?

I smiled groggily. If it happened or if it didn't happen-how can you hate
someone so much one second, and want them so badly the next? I can now
see why woman flock after him. Not only is he gorgeous but he can also be
sweet, funny, charming, and most of all he was an astounding kisser, or was
, I sighed.
Why can't I remember anything?

“Good morning, princess,” Ben said from next to me.

“Ah!” I screamed, pulling the covers closer to me. He was lying next to me
with no shirt on. I relaxed a little as I stared at his defined muscles aching to
be touched. I clenched my fist as my hand was wanting so badly to touch his
washboard abs, possibly trace my tongue along the perfectly formed 'V' that
let to a
happy place.

“Why are you in my bed, Ben...” I wriggled uncomfortably. “again, and with
no shirt on?!” I was beginning to freak out inside. Why is this sexy player of
a being in my bed with no shirt on?!

“Firstly, I am not wearing a shirt because you, Vanessa, are wearing it,” he
smiled slyly. “Second-”

“I'm what?!” I interrupted him, then looked down to see I am in his blue
button down dress shirt. I lifted the covers to my bare legs. “Oh my God, Ben
what happened?! W-we didn't... you and I-I, we didn't-” I stuttered.
please say we didn't have sex.
I would have to scrub down with antiseptic in
the shower while waiting for the army to come and detain me because of my
subjection to diseases!
Ben rolled over, his face was smashed into my pillow while laughing.

“Is this funny to you?” I asked completely appalled. “I am not finding this as
a joke! I'm going to die of some horrible disease, like... like syphilis, or, or
contract something like scabies,”

“You are not,” he rolled onto his back. “I get checked.” he said nonchalantly.


“You get checked?!” my eyes went wide. “Do you understand how sick that
sounds, Ben? Like-like you're a stray animal,” I huffed.


“Relax, Vanessa. We didn't do anything,” he placed his arm across his
forehead then sighed.


“I can't believe this-” I stopped.
What did he just say?
“We didn't?” I asked


“No, we didn't,” Ben sat up on his elbows and looked up at me as I let out a
sigh of relief.


“Why am I in your shirt?” I brought the blankets down from my chest.


“You looked uncomfortable in your clothes... and you're welcome,” he
smiled. “Do you remember anything about last night? At all?” he eyed me.

I thought back for a moment.
Drinking my wine, oh my goodness lots of
I suddenly felt a little sick to my stomach, I swallowed hard and
continued to think.
Um... the photo albums, him in all of the pictures smiling
at me.
I smirked.
And... what happened next? Did we dance? Kiss?

“Did we dance?” I asked, turning toward him.


“Yup. Anything else?” he asked.
“Uh, no...” I said uncertain if I should bring the kiss up or not.

“Good, because nothing else did,” he stretched before removing the covers
baring himself in his plaid blue and white boxers. I quickly turned my head
and looked at the door. “You literally passed out in my arms in the living
room while we were dancing. You went limp- like a wet noodle,”

“We didn't kiss?” I quickly turned my head to look at him. I was so sure that
we had, it felt so real. I touched my lips again.


He stopped buttoning up his jeans to look at me. “Did you have a dream
about me, princess?” he smiled widely.

I shook my head out of the daze and removed my fingers from my lips.
“What?” I said sitting up straight. “No, dreaming about you of all people?
Please,” I rolled my eyes.

He slowly and sexily walked over to my bed with the smirk that does crazy
things to my insides. “You're blushing, Vanessa,”


“I am not,” I argued. “I am just embarrassed as it's bad enough you undressed
me and stuck me in this shirt,” I kept my face straight.


He reached me and I squirmed, scooting back against the headboard. “What
are you doing?” I asked him as he was now hovering above me.


“Was the kiss as I would like to imagine it was?” he whispered right against
my lips.

I felt weak as I stared into his eyes.
Don't fall for it Vanessa, not like you did
in the diner. Don't do it...
without realizing it, I parted my lips. I moved them
closer to his, I could feel their heat.

“I take that as a yes,” he stood up and buttoned his jeans with an
accomplished smile.
“You are such an ass, McGurthy!” I threw the covers off of me angrily. He
had gotten me now twice!

“You are so easy, Vanessa!” he joked.


“Says who? You?” I picked up my jeans then threw them on as quickly as I
could. “The one person who can't keep it in his pants!”


“That hurts,” he frowned just standing there staring at me.


I ripped his shirt off of me and threw it in his face. “Go away,” I said calmly.


“I'm your ride,” he put his shirt on.


I groaned out of frustration making him smile. I forgot about that.


“Let me know when you're ready, princess,” he closed the door behind him.


I was so irritated that I picked up my heel and threw it at the door.


“Player-code number twenty... 'throwers' are never a good thing!” he trailed
off from the stairway.

I quickly turned around and pounced onto my bed ready to lose it. I grabbed
my feather-down pillow, squeezed it into my face as I belted out a scream of
pure annoyance, frustration, and anger.
That Bastard!

As I keep the pillow there, breathing hard, an idea comes to mind.

I will give Ellen the story she wants!
I tossed the pillow aside, baring a smile.
Screw Ben and his 'player codes',
I huffed.
I will play his game, I will be sexy
and irresistible... I will make Ben McGurthy want me, the same way I will
make every other guy in Manhattan want me. Watch out New York, my name
is Vanessa Montello and I. Am. A player. Ha!


I hurried and finished getting dressed. I fixed my bed head the best I could
and ran down the stairs. I could smell breakfast cooking but to be honest I
just wanted to get home, call Maria for some assistance, and I had some
research to do. I am thrilled inside at becoming this new person, even if it is
only temporary. I can't
to mess with Ben.

I smiled as I entered the kitchen- just like the old days, mom was at the stove
flipping bacon. I inhaled deeply.


“Good morning, sweetheart,” My mother said as she planted a kiss on my
cheek. “Are you hungry? I made eggs, bacon, and toast,”

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