Gluten-Free Gamma (3 page)

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Authors: Angelique Voisen

BOOK: Gluten-Free Gamma
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“Now its time I take care of you.”

Without warning, Terrence jerked Al
to his feet. Gravity was swept under him. Yelping, Al suddenly found himself
being carried in Terrence’s arms.

“Shit, man, how
you able to carry me?” Al heard himself asking.

“If you make one more lame-assed
remark about your weight, I’m going to gag you,” Terrence said dryly, dumping
him unceremoniously on the edge of a very comfy bed.

“Gag me?” Al asked in a faint
voice. The idea of his voice being stolen and his mouth reduced to animal
sounds while Terrence fucked him senseless had its appeal.

Seeing his expression, Terrence
smirked. “So, my baker likes a little kink as well?”

“No,” Al said weakly. He knew his
resistance wouldn’t last long.

A large hand closed over his
sensitive cock, making him whimper. “Don’t lie to me, Al.” Terrence pumped his
cock, making him groan, aware of how his body was reacting so strongly to the
man he’d wanted for a long time.

A hint of
leaked out of his cockhead. Terrence gathered the moisture with his fingers
and, without warning, licked them off. “Tasty.” Terrence watched his reaction
all that while.

Al nearly came on the spot again, but Terrence closed his fingers around
his length again.

“Not yet, my
little baker.
You’ll come only after I tell you to. Wait here while I
fetch a few things.”

Terrence left him, miserable and
hornier than ever, in his bed. Moments later, he returned with lube, leather
cuffs, and ball gag in hand. Al swallowed but didn’t protest when those strong
arms placed both Al’s arms above his head and locked the cuffs. Next
the ball gag, rendering him mute.

All six feet plus of sexy muscles
leaned over him, Terrence’s tongue licking his upper lip, down the curve of the
rubber ball, and finally lingering on his bottom lip. “Remember, Al. Don’t come
yet. I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed you,” Terrence chided, running his wide hand
across the length of his chest.

Al groaned out his protest. The
contact of Terrence’s warm palm against his skin was enough to make Al whimper
with need. His nipples immediately hardened at Terrence’s touch. Terrence paid
them his outmost attention too, flicking his tongue over the sensitive buds,
teasing Al to his limits.

Faint pain surged through him when
Terrence’s teeth closed over one bud, sending his body arching. Before pleasure
could follow, Terrence set his teeth on the other. Twin sensations flooded his
body by the time Terrence kissed his way downward. He left a trail of lazy wet
circles down his chest, abdomen, and stomach.

“You’re so fucking delicious, Al.”

Al answered with a series of moans.

“I agree. You’re fucking mine,
every inch of you. That talented little cocksucking mouth of yours, that horny
as hell cock of yours, and even the tight little ass I’m about to make mine.”

shit, he’s so possessive. Oh gods, it is so wrong that I find it so damn hot?

A stab of desire pierced through Al
when Terrence began licking his shaft. Terrence pleasured his base with his
hand and his cockhead with his lips. He worked Al just enough to send him to
the edge, only to withdraw afterward, denying him his pleasure.

Flicking his tongue against his
prick one last time, the wonderful press of Terrence’s skin disappeared. His
moan of frustration turned into surprise when Terrence savagely pulled his legs
open and stretched him to his limits. Terrence’s demanding strength heightened
his need, making him writhe on the bed.

Terrence smiled down wolfishly, his
cock already ready and upright again. Just imagining all that glorious long
length moving inside him made Al hunger and want.

“About time I fuck you deep and
hard, baker.”

He felt something slick and cold
around the tight muscles of his ass. Groaning his impatience, Al was rewarded
with a snarl from Terrence. One finger, then two slid into his tight entrance,
preparing him for access. Feeling Terrence’s cockhead nudge its way into the
ring of muscles, he closed his eyes in relief.

Brief ache soon faded away to slow
building pleasure as Terrence worked his way into him until he was hilt deep.
Forcing his legs wide open, Terrence slowly withdrew, only slam into Al again.

Al cried out at the sudden
movement. The slight burn he’d felt melted away, giving way to a delicious
thrumming buildup of pleasure.

“Are you close, Al?” Terrence
grunted. At his nod Terrence worked harder and faster, driving himself deeper
and deeper until he’d reached Al’s core.

All of Al’s muscles slackened in
relief as he reached climax. He unloaded strings of cum all over Terrence’s
hard chest and belly. With his head emptied of everything else except the bliss
taking hold of him, Al drowned in wave after wave of dizzying sensations.

Growling his pleasure, Terrence
dove into him one last time before Al felt the flood of his warm cum. Still
drifting on the last aftershock of his own orgasm, Al watched Terrence ride his
with contentment.

Gathering himself, Terrence drifted
away and came back with a washcloth to clean up. He gently unlocked the cuffs,
took the gag off, and let Al lean his head against his chest. The tenderness he
showed and the fact that Terrence didn’t just throw him out after he was done
surprised Al.

Years of yearning and lusting after
Terrence made him hope, but Al chided himself for expecting and hoping for
more. Terrence had made it clear he wasn’t looking for a mate.

Al should know better, but the
press of his body and the strong arms around Al felt right, and it only made
the ache a hell of a lot worse. If Al didn’t get a handle on his emotions, he’d
knew he fall apart.

By contrast, his wolf felt
confident, certain they had finally found their missing half. No one in the
pack knew the exact science of how their wolves instantly identified their
mates, but they were almost always right. Al wished he shared his wolf’s


Chapter Three


Terrence had no idea what to do with
the bloody, injured werewolf in the garage. He’d been in a good mood—the best
he’d felt in ages—after claiming Alvin Heinz, but now his mood soured. He
mutely tossed the bag of cold meats to the lying piece of shit on the ground.

“Terrence, I knew you wouldn’t
leave me here to die.” Harlan Priest, the man who tore his heart and shattered
it to pieces years ago, gave him a hideous grin.

Terrence didn’t know what
only that Harlan had somehow found himself stuck
in-between forms. The best thing to do was to leave the bastard to die of his
wounds, but Terrence wasn’t sure if it was pity or memory that made him
Harlan’s half-dead body to Tires on the Go. Conflicting
emotions tore him up without mercy as he stared coldly at Harlan.

The man devoured the meat without a
single word of thanks. Terence wasn’t surprised. Even if he’d stuck his neck
out for Harlan, all the other man was concerned about was watching his own

“Once you’ve healed, you have to
go,” Terrence said finally.

Angry lines appeared on Harlan’s
face, and then those lines collapsed to misery and defeat. That expression felt
like a knife to Terrence’s gut.

“Terrence, you’re kidding. You’re
not this cold. You’re never this cold. We’ve had some good times, you and I,”
Harlan whispered, lunging with his half-shifted furry hands for Terrence’s leg.

Terrence shook him off his disgust.
“You fucked me up, Harlan. Stay or leave, that’s your decision, but if you
decide to stay, I won’t get in the way of my Alpha or the other pack enforcers
if they decide to rip you apart.”

Harlan’s released a cruel and
bitter laugh.

That laugh sounded just like the
one Harlan made when he flaunted his younger and newer mate in front of
Terrence all those years ago, announcing he was sick of him in front of their
entire pack. Harlan hadn’t just screwed with their mate bonds, he’d permanently
damaged Terrence. He’d fucked him up so bad, Terrence wasn’t sure he could
trust another wolf again.

Remembering Alvin Heinz beneath him
and sensing the devotion and want from the other man made him even angrier with
Harlan. It was obvious Al wanted and needed him, but Terrence was terrified of
hurting and disappointing him.

Because of this piece of shit, this
shackle from his past, he wasn’t able to move on. Al was better off without him
and Terrence certainly didn’t deserve him.

“No, you won’t. I know you,
Even now.
Act all tough on the outside all
you want, but you’re damn soft inside.” Harlan showed his inhuman teeth. “You
won’t stand aside. You’ll defend me to death.”

“Terrence? You forgot the keys to
your bike, so I brought them.”

Al’s hopeful voice made Terrence
freeze in his tracks, made him remember the passionate, stolen hours they had
. He’d never experienced
anything like that before with any other wolf, not even with Harlan.

Riding Al and letting him please
him brought out all the savage and protective bestial instincts in him. Never
before did he want to be with someone so badly, to know someone so intimately,
like he wanted to do with Al.

On some subconscious level, he’d
always known he’d been attracted to Al. It was why he was careful to keep his
distance from Al during pack meetings, and why’d he always make up so lame
excuse to come by the bakery, even though he didn’t really like bread.

Sensing the sudden change in the
atmosphere, Harlan glowered at Al. “Who the
fuck are

Al took a step back, stunned.
Terrence’s keys made a clattering sound when they hit the oil-stained floor of
the garage.

“What the hell, Terrence? This
fatty reeks of your scent. Is this how low you’ve sunk, fucking leftovers
because you can’t get anyone better?” Harlan growled.

Terrence barely heard him. All he
could see was the hurt rippling across Al’s shocked features as he turned to
“Al, wait!” Terrence
yelled, but the outline of Al’s human form blurred. Fur covered skin, bones
popped, and he was left staring at a sandy-coated wolf.

“Damn it.” His temper flaring,
Terrence easily grabbed hold of his former mate and snarled into his face. “If
I see you move from your spot, I’ll kill you myself.”

Harlan’s mouth hung open, but no
words came out. For once, something close to fear crept across his grotesque

“Say you understand.”

Only his human half kept him from
tearing Harlan Priest into bits. His wolf wanted to rid itself of Harlan’s
tainted scent, drag back Al, and teach him to never run from them again.

Shedding his clothes in seconds,
Terrence ran out of the garage and followed after Al’s scent.




is that half-stuck creature, and why is Terrence hiding him? Does Carlos know?
Sounds unlikely, since Terrence took pains to hide the intruder, and if there
was one thing the pack doesn’t tolerate, it was uninvited intruders.

Questions raced across Al’s
confused mind as he ran, ignoring the startled yelps of the mortals in his way.
While the pack had an unspoken agreement with the humans in New Haven, Carlos
wouldn’t exactly approve of his wolves running so openly on the sidewalks.

Al directed his paws toward the
woods. What he needed was the smell of the forest floor, pines, and fresh
mountain air to clear his head.

A furious howl came from behind
him, making his ears twitch with interest. His wolf half wanted to turn back,
acknowledge, and play with its mate. Play being a relative term for fucking.
His spurned human half wanted to place as much distance as he could from

All Terrence wanted was a quick
fuck. Al knew that, and Terrence’s business was his own. Why was he hoping for
something more?

Crashing into jeans and hard
muscle, Al yelped. He growled at the human he bumped into, except it wasn’t a
normal human. Carlos Medina, the New Haven Pack Alpha, looked down at him. Al
whimpered when Carlos gripped the scuff of fur on his neck and easily hulled
him up to eye level, leaving his paws dangling in the air.

Carlos sniffed at him, and his dark
eyes narrowed to slits. “Al Heinz, what do you think you’re doing?”

“Carlos, shouldn’t you put him
down? Why don’t we hear him out first,” said Don Mills, another pack enforcer
and one of the Alpha’s closest friends.

“Shut up, Don. I sure as hell don’t
want to hear advice from the last person who caused mayhem in town.”

Don wisely decided to remain

Al continued to squirm in Carlos’s
grip, but even in human form, the Alpha was absurdly strong.

A loud, ear-shattering howl of
challenge sounded.
thought in panic. Boy, did Terrence sound mad. Why was the idiot chasing after
him anyway? Al let out another yelp when Carlos simply dropped him, but he
didn’t hit the sidewalk. Something large, lethal, and heavy slammed into him.

Al raked his claws at the much
larger wolf, but Terrence’s teeth continued to snap with anger. With no other
choice, Al whimpered. Paws dangling, he offered his neck and belly in submission
to Terrence. Desire, not fear, made him submit, eager to be dominated by the
stronger beast. His wolf knew Terrence wouldn’t hurt him. He was their mate,
after all.

His beast may see me as a mate, but his human half only sees me as

“What the fuck?
If I didn’t put down Al, you could’ve chewed
off my hand, Terrence!” Carlos hollered.

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